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What Is Being Done For The

Homeless In Salt Lake City,

Mallory Clinger

On The Streets

Homeless men line up at a shelter in Salt Lake City, UT hoping to

be lucky enough to get a place to sleep for the night at the mens

Homeless individuals arent just victims of unemployment,

recession, racism or governmental indifference. 85% of homeless
individuals suffer from addiction and/or mental illness.

"Long-Term Solutions For Homelessness." Futurist

28.2 (1994)

Utahs homeless population was at a staggering high in 2003. Utah officials wanted to
see how other states were coping with the population of homeless within their
communities. One study done by the University of Pennsylvania showed that New York
City was spending a staggering $40,500 annually per homeless individual with mental
illness. This cost includes medical care in hospitals, counseling and jail time.
McCoy, Terrence

Finding A Solution
One social researcher, Sam
Tsemberis, presented, what
he anticipated to be a
surprisingly simple and cost
effective way to end chronic
Most of his research was
conducted in New York, and
he seemed to be correct.
When Utah businessman,
Lloyd Pendleton, heard of
Tsemberis plan he knew he
needed to ask him to come
to Utah to help.

In 2004, Salt Lake City did their first trial run. 17 people were moved into housing. The city also provided counseling to help with their
mental illness or issues. Studies have shown that it is nearly impossible for an individual to overcome homelessness as well as mental
illness and addiction all at the same time. So the state had to tackle one issue so that the others can be addressed individually.
McCoy, Terrance

When city officials checked on the 17 individuals they gave homes one year
later, 14 individuals were still living in housing, the other 3 had passed
away. The city counted that as an 80% success rate.
At this point the city stated that with this program, they save an average of
$8,000 per homeless individual.

AS of December 2015

Utah can report a 91% decrease in

chronic homelessness.
The overall homeless population
total is at about 14,000 homeless
Of that number, a subset are
chronically homeless, (those who
have a "disabling condition" that
might include serious mental illness,
an addiction or a physical disability
or illness.).
That number has dropped from
2,000 to less than 200.

Job A Day
Utah law enforcement has also set
up a Job A Day program.
One Salt Lake police Metro Support
Bureau Deputy Chief Fred Ross talks
with homeless individuals to help
them find a job.
They especially try to help those
who have past criminal records that
may keep them unemployed.

The efforts of the city have changed so many lives for the better. If they can continue
to get these individuals long term support: housing, jobs, and counseling, then the
city will be able to keep the homeless population lower than it has ever been.
This man, Brandon Kitchen, was so happy to be able to say he has a job because of
his city and is one step closer to beating homelessness for good.


Cortez, Marjorie. "Job A Day Program Gives Homeless People

Employment, Purpose (30 Photos)."Job A Day Program Gives
Homeless People Employment, Purpose (30 Photos). Deseret
News, 2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2016.

"Long-Term Solutions For Homelessness." Futurist 28.2 (1994):

56. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.

McCoy, Terrance. "The Surprisingly Simple Way Utah Solved

Chronic Homelessness and Saved Millions."The Surprisingly
Simple Way Utah Solved Chronic Homelessness and Saved
Millions. The Washington Post, 17 Apr. 2015. Web. 9 Mar. 2016.

McEvers, Kelly. "Utah Reduced Chronic Homelessness By 91

Percent; Here's How."Utah Reduced Chronic Homelessness By
91 Percent; Here's How. National Public Radio, 10 Dec. 2015.
Web. 31 Mar. 2016.

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