Anil Kumar Sharma-Text Book of Vector Calculus-Discovery Publishing House (2011)

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Premier12 ae Anil|/Kumar Sharma First Published-2006 ISBN 81-8356-094-6 © Author Published by DISCOVERY PUBLISHING HOUSE 4831/24, Ansari Road, Prahlad Street, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002 (India) Phone: 23279245 © Fax: 91-11-23253475 Printed at Arora Offset Press Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-92 Contents Preface Differentiation and Integration of Vectors Differentiation of a Vector with Respect to Time, Differentiation of Sums and Products, Scalar and Vector Fields, Integration of Vectors, Line Integral of a Vector Field Around an Infinitesimal Rectangle, The Laplacian Operator (Transform), The Flux Through a Surface for Surface Integral, The Classification of Vector Fields, Reciprocal Vectors. Multiple Vectors Triple Vector Products, Evaluation of the Vector Triple Products A x (B x C), Scalar Triple Preduct, Scalar Product, Important Points About Scalar Product, Some Illustrative Applications of Scalar Product, Vector Derivatives-Velocity —Acceleration, Radial and Transverse Components of Velocity, Radial and Transverse Velocity and Acceleration of a Particle Moving in Plane—case of Moving Axes, Differential Coefficients of Sums of Vectors, Differential Coefficients of Products of Vectors, Circular Motion, Angular Velocity Vector, Scalar and Vector Fields, Partial Derivatives—Gradient, The Operator ¥, Magnitude and Direction of Vo, Reciprocal System of Vectors, Scalar and Vector Quantities, Vector Notation, Unit and Zero Vectors, Graphical Representation of a Vector, Multiplication and Division of Vectors by Scalars, Equality of Vectors, Collinear Vectors, Addition and Subtraction of two Vectors, Addition of More than two Vectors—(Composition of Vectors), Vectors in a Coordinate System, Rectangular Component of Vector. Position Vector, Product _of two Vectors, Vector Product Pages 51 3. Important Points About Vector Product, Some lilustrative Applications of Vector Product, Some Important Formulae. Gradient, Divergence and Curl Partial Derivatives of Vectors, The Vector Differential Operator Del (V), Gradient of a Scalar Field, Formulas Involving Gradient, Equipotential Surfaces or Level Surfaces, Directional Derivative of a Scalar Point Function, Tangent Plane and Normal to a Level Surface, Divergence and Curl, Applications of Divergence and Curl, Some Useful Results, Some Important Formulae. Green’s, Gauss’s and Stoke’s Theorem Some Preliminary Concepts, The Divergence Theorem of Gauss, Some Deductions From Divergence Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem, Applications of Gauss’s and Stockes’ Theorems, Some Useful Results From Gauss’s and Stoke’s Theorem, Green’s Theorem in the Plane, Green’s Theorem in the Plane in Vector Notation, Line Integrals, Volume Integrals, Important Definitions and Formulae. 131 211 ® DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION OF VECTORS The vector analysis is a very powerful tool visualising the physical meaning of the equations distinetly and cxactly. Particularly, in electromag- netic theory change in field and potential can be understood clearly in terms of vector differentiation and integration which is discussed below. DIFFERENTIATION OF A VECTOR WITH RESPECT TO TIME If a vector changes in magnitude as well as direction continuously with respect to come scalar variable. then such a vector is a function of this scalar variable. So that it can be differentiated with respect to that scalar variable and a new vector is obtained. And if the scalar variable is time, the result of differentiation of the vector with time is called time derivative of the vector. Velocity and Acceleration Let the position of a particle at any time t be specified by the vector >, => ws ae >. . r ée, OP which is position vector and vector r is a function of variable t. As the time increases, the particle moves and the position vector changes in direction and magnitude, when time changes from t to t + 8t,F becomes, 7+ 8 fat Q. The average rate of change of the position vector with time is given be, r+or—F or t+ét-t at This rate of change of f¢ with time in the limit when dt -> 0 is called as first time derivative, or the differential coefficient and is represented by dr/dt. Therefore, Of tim 6f Bt to S The velocity of a particle is the rate of change of position w.r t. time, thus, bw Text Book of Vector Calculus v= AL) However, if r is represented in cartesian components, as, i =xi+yj+zk . dr dx: dy: dz; Then, Va —s —i+—j+—k ren aod dt at or b= vitvyj+vk wf2) Similarly, the second time derivative of the position vector gives the acceleration a of the particle. Thus, we get. . dr dy Acceleration =a = =— 3 ° dt? dt ©) ._d’x: dy: d?z- or j =< 474525. dim dt dt" « dv. a or gO Sj Me dt dt dt or a= ayita,j+a,k (4) >. . ce Force F acting on the particle of mass m is given by Newton’s second law of motion, ar dt? DIFFERENTIATION OF SUMS AND PRODUCTS (a) Differentiation of sum of the vectors ; The differential coefficient of F=ma=m 5) sun A+B both of which are the function of t is equal to the sum of their individual coefficients. Let R =A+B then for a change of time form t to t + dt, we have, R+6R =(A+6A)+(B+8B) Hence, 8R =6A+5B (Since R = A+B) dividing this by 5t and putting the limit, we get, | lim 5R _ lim 5A lim 8B G90 B80 gy St0 Er | | Differentiation and Integration of Vectors 3 (b) (d) dR dA dB ; Or a 4 li) di dt dt so that such differentiation is distributive and holds goods for any given number ie. d- = = dA dB dC . A (A+B+6+..)= +4 5. Li) dt dt odt = dt Similarly we can show that for difference of vectors, Sox pith 4B dt dts dt Differentiation of scalar product of Ave vectors. A.B Let R =A.B, the increase &t in 1 given, R+5R =(A+5A).(B+8B) or R+5R =A.B+A.8B+B.6A +5A.5B Now, on neglecting the §4_§R Which is small, we get, 8R =A.8B+B.5A, (Since R = A.B) Dividing by dt and proceeding the limit, we get, == “A. B) =A, a +B, oA (iii) so that, the operation is commutative. Differentiation of vector product A (x, y. z) are single valued or uniform at every point. (c) A Vector Field ; A vector field is represented at every point by a continuous vector function F (x, y. z). At any given point of field, the function F (x, y. Z) is specified by a vector of definite magnitude and direction, both of which change continuously from point to point throughout the field region. Examples of vector fields : the distribution of velocity in a fluid (liquid or gas), the distribution of electric or magnetic field intensity etc. Starting from any arbitrary point in the field, proceed an infinitesimal distance in the direction of the vector at that point so as to reach at a closely- neighbouring point. Proceeding in a similar way, we obtain in general, a Differentiation and Integration of Vectors 5 curved line, called the vector fine, line of flow or flux line. The tangent at any point ofthis curved line gives the direction of the vector at that point. For the representation of the magnitude of the vector at any point on a flux line, draw a very small surface perpendicular there to and choose a number of points per unit area upon this surface, which are numerically equal to the magnitude of the vector. Through each of these points flux lines can be drawn. Thus, the field is mapped out by flux lines. The direction of flux lines is that of vector function, their density i.2., the number of lines crossing per unit area perpendicular to their direction, is the magnitude of the vector. INTEGRATION OF VECTORS Line Integral Let d/ be an element of length at a point on a smooth curve AB drawn in a vector field and F, a continuous vector point function, or vector, inclined at an angle 6 to d/. Such that it continuously varies in magnitude as well as direction as we proceed along the curve. Then, the integral B B J, Fal = J, Feosédl is referred to as the line integral of vector F along the curve AB. In terms of the components of F along the three Cartesian coordinates, we have fo Fdl= J? (F,dx+Fdy+F,dz) Thus, if F represents the force acting on a particle moving along the curve from A to B, the line integral F.dl represents the total work done by the force during the motion of the particle over its entire path from A to B. If the value of the line integral depends only upon the location of the fwo points in the vector field and not upon the actual path taken between them, the vector field is referred to as a conservative field. Familiar examples of such fields are the electrostatic, magnetic and gravitational fields. If, therefore, F represents the value of the electric (or magnetic) field intensity at the point P, the line integral JR F.'dl represents the work done on unit charge (or unit pole) during its motion from A to B (i.e., the potential difference between A and B) irrespective of the path taken, In Hydrodynamies, the line integral of a continuous vector point function or vector (F) along a closed curve is called the circulation of F along the curve. And, if the circulation of a vector point function along every closed curve in a region be zero, it is said to be irrotational in that region. 6 Text Book of Vector Calculus Relationship Between Line Integral and Curl There is a definite relationship between the curl of a vector field F at a point and its line integral along the boundary C of an infinitesimal plane area around and including that point. To clearly bring this out, Jet us, for convenience, calculate the line integral of F around an infinitesimal plane rectangular area ABCD, of sides AB = 6x and BC = dy in the x = y plane surrounding and including a point P. Let the components of F along the axes of x and y be F, and F, respectively. Then, since the sides of the rectangle are small, the average values of these components along them may respectively be taken to be the same as those at their mid-points. So that, we have oF, 8x average value of x-component along the path AB = F,+— xD and average value of x-component alongahe path CD al AF, =F, + OF. Sx, Fs by. ey Remembering that the path CD is oppositely directed to the x-axis, we have fine integral of F along AB + line integral of F along BC given by [ir ale Prai=(K, + 22x Jou p, + ox BK, Oe ay |g A ec &x ox 2. oy = Fs oxsy i) oy Exactly, in the same manner and remembering that DA is oppositely directed to the y-axis, we have line integral of F aleng BC + line integral of F along DA given by (rats fat = 2 ax bx ay «ii) B D ey ” Thus, adding relation (i) and (ii), we have line integral over the entire boundary C the rectangle ABCD given by OF, F.dl = $F.dl = fate fran (S- oF, ay Janay iii) Now, the z-component of curl F at the point being the above line integral per unit area, we have (- |. [(curlF).k] =(curl F), So that, if the small area éxéy be regarded as the vector area 5, .k (where k is the unit vector along the axis of z), we have Differentiation and Integration of Vectors 7 fF.dl = $F.dl = (curl F) .8.,k. ABCD Cc It follows, therefore, that if we have an infinitesimal plane area at the point in question given by as = 6, i + 8.) + 6,,k. with a boundary C and ted in any direction, we have fF-.di = curl F.6s, c We thus see that the magnitude of curl F at a point is the maximum value of the line integral of F per unit area along the boundary C of an infinitesimal plane area (6s) at that point. And the direction of the curl is perpendicular to the plane of the infinitesimal area (when the value of the line integral is the line integral is the maximum) in accordance with the right-handed screw rule. the maximum of f Fl being jeurl F] 3s. It has been mentioned earlier that the curl of a conservative vector field is zero at all points in space. This may easily be seen from the following: The line integral between any two points P and Q in the case of a conservative vector field is, as we know, a constant property of those points, irrespective of the path taken between them. It follows, therefore that if we choose two different paths | and I] between the two points, as indicated in Fig. 1.32, we shall have Q Q , J, Fal = J) Feat Path | Path I If Q be brought nearer and nearer to P, path | becomes shorter and in the limit when Q is made to coincide with P, path | is reduced to zero and hence the integral along this, or any other path too, is reduced to zero, Thus the line integral of F along any closed path (also called circulation of field F araund the closed path), beginning and ending at the same point, is zero in the case of a conservative field, ie., fF.di=0. Closed path Since this relation holds good for all conservative fields irrespective of the closed path chosen these field must have zero curl at all points in space. That is why they are referred to as curl-free or non-curl fields. Surface Integral Imagine a smooth surface S drawn in a vector field and a continuously varying vector point function or vector F at a point P in a small element dS 8 Text Book of Vector Caiculus of the surface, at an angle 6 with the normal to the surface, at the point (drawn outwards if the surface be closed and always towards the same side other- wise). Then, the integral ff_F-sas = iG cos@dS over the entire surface is called the normal surface integral, or generally, simply the surface integral of vector F over the surface. In terms of the Cartesian components of F. we have [[.F-ds = f[(FdS, + FdS, +F,dS,) The surface integral of the normal component of a continuous vector point function F over a closed surface S is called the flux of F across the surface. As we have seen before (ii), if the flux of a vector point function across every closed surface in a region be zero, it is said to be solenoidal in that region. Example: (i) if F represents the electric or magnetic induction at the point P the surface integral [fF dS represents the total normal induction over the surface. (ii) If the surface S be drawn over a region af a maving or a flawing uid such that its velocity v varies from point the surface integral of v. viz., ffv-ds gives the volumes rate of the fluid crass the surface. (iii) Volume integral. Suppose we have a surface enclosing a region of volume V and that F is a vector point function at a point in a small element dV of the region. Then, the imegral {fF dV, covering the entire region, is called the volume integral of vector F aver the surface. In terms of the Cartesian components, we have volume integral sf, FdV= ifff Vv Fy dxdydz +ifff Vv Fdxdydz +k [JV F,dxdydz.. LINE INTEGRAL OF A VECTOR FIELD AROUND AN INFINITESIMAL RECTANGLE The curl of a vector field F at a point is related to the line integral of F along the boundary C of an infinitesimal plane area around that point which encloses it. To establish the relation between these two quantities (i.e., curl and line integral), let us evaluate the line integral of the vector field F around Differentiation and Integration af Vectors 9 an infinitesimal rectangle of sides PQ = 5x and QR = éy in the X -- Y plane. Let the x and y-components of F at the point P be F, and F, respectively. Since, we are dealing with an infinitesimal rectangle it means the sides are very small, so that, the component of the vector at the middle point of any side may be taken as the average value for all points on it. Thus we have 6F, The average value of x-component along the path PQ =F, + x 8x ond 9 along the path BF, Ox | OF bx 2 by Since the direction of the path RS is towards the negative direction of RS = F. + x, therefore, the line integral of F along PQ plus line integral of F along RS is given by Q = oF, =| OF, 5x oF, Edi + {Fai = +S fos fr SBS 5 J ji ( 2 [n- ‘6x2 ey os Joy _ aF, =~ By 5x by Again remembering that SP is towards the negative direction of y and proceeding in the same way, we get, [fal + [Pai =F oxy We get the line integral. SF, frai -(= _ oF Jy PORS by oF, _ oF, That [= x y | is the z-component of curl F or @ * F. If the small area 6xSy may be regarded as the magnitude of the vector area 6S, ¢ thus, pF.dI = (curl F),dS, = (curl F),.6S,k PORS This relation is valid for any infinitesimal area at P, if 8S = 88, 1+ 88, J+ 88, K with boundary C than we have fF.di = curl F.68 c 10 Text Book of Vector Calculus The maximum value of bral = {curl Fi 58 fi. 'PPdl {curt El = Le tax es ! ' 6S Thus, the magnitude of curl F ut a poim is the maxinnun value of the line integral of F per unil area along the boundary C of an infinitesimal plane area at that point. And the direction of the curl is perpendicular to the plane to the infinitesimal area, corresponding to the maximum value of integral, there will be an orientation of the area for which the line integral is maximum i.e, the value of line integral depends upon the orientation of the given small vector area at the point. THE LAPLACIAN OPERATOR (TRANSFORM) The div grad « gives a new operator as given below : vi Whav- ver ov b= 0% It is read as del squared (or nabla squared) 6. It appears often in physics, it has been given a special name - the Laplacian operator =V.V 2 8 8 yt as tiy 6x° By" G27 Laplacian =~ = As it is the dot or scalar product of two vectors (y . y), it is a scalar operator Curl of the Curl Let us evaluate yy = V7 * F ie. the curl of the curl, which can be written by the use of vector equality, Ax(BxC) = B(A.C)—(A.B)C here xy P= O00. P- WWE or VX = F)= 9 WP) WF Finally ¢ (vy. F). It is a vector field. So we can write as our conclusion, Differentiation and Integration of Vectors Il (a) V.(V.$) = ¥2o =a scalar field (b) Vx(Vo) = 0 (c) ¥(V.F) =a vector field (d) V.(V x F) = 0 (e) Vx(VxFy=¥(V.F)- VF (1) (V.V) F = V7F =a vector field THE FLUX THROUGH A SURFACE OR SURFACE INTEGRAL Let us imagine a smooth surface in the vector field then, consider a continuously varying F at a point P inside a small surface element of area dS. Draw the positive normal of unit length n on the element and let 6 be the angle between fi and F. The component of F perpendicular to dS is F Cos @ = F.n. Let us consider the flow of fluid, then the net amount of fluid going out through the surface is the ‘ ‘flux of velocity’ through surface. For any arbitrary closed surface, the net outward flow or flux is he average outward normal com- ponent of the velocity times the area or the surface, So that, we can write, Flux = (average normal component) (Surface area) Here, the flux of F through the element dS is F. fi dS = F Cos 6 dS The integral of this taken over the entire surface is called the sora! flux or surface integral of F through the whole surface S te, Jf Fads = [[F Coso ds 8 § = Total fluid flowing outward through S In terms of Cartesian components, we have, ff Fea ds = Mer, dS, +F, dy + F,dz) 5 [(as fidS = dS = idS, + jdS, +kds,)| In the case where the vector does not represent the flow of anything, for example, the electric field E, the integral of the normal component of electric field over an area is still representing the flux. In other words, it is nol necessary that the vector should represent the flow of something we write, 12 Text Book of Vector Calculus ff Eads Flux of E through the surface = ; or Flux of Ethrough the surface = {Je.aas (the sign Sf is simply taken to distinguish from the line integral j . 9 we shall. represent flux by J ). So that, we generalize the word ‘‘flux’’ to mean the “‘surface integral of the normal component’’ of a vector. Volume Integral — Let us consider a surface enclosing volume v in a vector field F is a vector point function at a point in a small volume element dv. Then the SJ Pedy is known as the volume integral of the vector field F for entire ‘ volume v over the surface. In cartesian components, Sf F.dv = fffiad i+F,j+E, k) dx dy dz where dv = dx dy dz. NYZ THE CLASSIFICATION OF VECTOR FIELDS So far, we have discussed only two kinds of vector fields, viz. (1) Lamellar or Scalar Potential Field : It is characterised by zero cur) and can be expressed as the gradient of a scalar potential and it is, therefore, called a lamellar or scalar potential field. (2) Solenoidal Field ; It is characterised by zero divergence which means there are no sources of vector flux in the field. The flux lines are closed curves and the field is called solenoidal. Since the div, curl of a vector {V. (Vv xF) = 0} is zero, therefore, a solenoidal vector can always be expressed as the curl of another vector as given below. On the basis of different dissoctations of curl and divergence the vector fields are of four kinds given below : (a) The Laplace Equation Curl F = 0 and div F = 0. According to first condition curl F = 0 the field is lamellar or irrotational. The second condition makes the field solenoidal or incompressible. Differentiation and Integration of Vectors 13 So from first condition F = grad $ and from second condition div grad o-0or v.y o= y29=0 which is Laplace equation, The examples of this type of field are electric intensity in free space due to static charges on boundary of conductors. or the irrotational motion of an incompressible fluid. (b) The Poisson’s Equation Curl F = 0 but div F # 0. Here the field is irrotational but not solenoidal. From first condition, we have, F = grad Applying second condition, we have, div grad ¢ # 0 or v2 o70 which is Poisson’s equation. The field must contain a spatial distri- bution of sources of flux. The examples are the electric field of a volume distribution of charge, e.g. electrons in a thermionic tube, or the gravitational force inside mass, or the irrotational motion of com- pressible fluid. (c) The Idea of Vector Potential Curl F ¢ 0 but div F = 0. The field is rotational and cannot have a scalar potential, but it is solenoidal. Let A be a vector such that F = curl A then div F =div curl A =0, as required by second condition and curl F = curl A = grad div A — v2 A. The nature of the vector A is a matter of choice, let A to be solenoidal, then div A = 0 so that curl F=-y2 A This relation is identical to Poisson's equation but contains a vector instead of a scalar operand. That is why, A is called the vector potential of F. (d) The Electro-magnetic Field Curl F + 0 and div F = 0. This is the most general type of vector field as rotational motion of compressible fluid and in electromagnetic theory. Here the field can be expressed as the sum of two fields. The first is a lamellar vector, which has no curl but can have divergence, 14 Text Book of Vector Caiculus and the second is a solenoidal vector, which has no divergence but can have curl. Lamellar vector can be taken as grad @ and solenoidal vector as cur! A. Since the curl of a gradient of scalar function is zero and diver- gence of a curl of a vector is also zero, hence the required condition is satisfied. So, F = grad + curl A Hence div F = div grad @ + div curl A or div F = v-Vv o>. since div curl A=0 = vy? 9 = 0 This is Poisson’s equation and solution of it gives $, and curl F = curl grad 6 + curl curl A or curl F = curl curl A. (Since curl grad f = 0) Since, curl curl A = grad div A - g2 A, But for solenoidal field A = curl A, so first term on right hand side is zero, hence. curl F = - ve A The solution of this equation gives A. Thus, the general vector field maybe decomposed into two fields, one being lamellar, with scalar ‘potential @ and the other solenoidal, with vector potential A. This ' decomposition is known as Helmholtz's Theorem. RECIPROCAL VECTORS If 4, b and € are the three orthogonal unit vectors along the three axes, then the Reciprocal Vectors 4 =, b x and © ~ are defined as, x__bxe ys Gea ax a abe) OBE*B) CEA) the vectors 4, b and ¢ are assumed to be non-coplanar so that product a.(bxé) is not zero. The vectors 4%, 5 ‘and ¢* are perpendicular to the planes of bd, é1 é+ a and q, 5 respectively. As the dot product which can be easily seen that, a.a* = bb*xée* = 1 Differentiation and Integration of Vectors 15 Hence they are called reciprocal vectors and the dot product ofany othe pair, one from each system, is zero. Thus, a.(é*a) a.(bxé) a.b® =0,because a.b* = Here the numerator being the triple product containing two equal vectors ie, (a and 4) is equal to zero. Similarly, Further, it is true that, ~_ bXxeS NaS aS x a= be ooo Se? a*.(bxc*) b* x(é*«a*) c*.(axb*) Hence the two sets of vectors 4, b,¢ and g*, 5 *.é* are said to be reciprocal to each other. SOLVED EXAMPLES 1. If F = (x2 + 6y) i— F4yzj = 20 x2"k, evaluate {F . dr from (0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1) along the arc of the curve given byx = y=e,2 26. Solution : We haver=xit+yj+zk=sti+e)+ tk or iis 2rj + 3t"k dt Also from the equation of the curve viz. x =1, y=, z= 0, we find that the point (0, 0, 0) and (1, 1, 1) correspond to t = 0 and t = 1. dr i, F. dr, F.= dt = |, (Bx? + Gy) i = 14yzj + 20x2z7k]. G+ 2tj + 37k) dt, from (i) = fi) (x? + 6y) -28yzt + 60xz7t7] dt = fig (Gt? + 6t?) -28t° + 6017] dt, putting x =t, y= tRz=r = fi (oe? - 281° + 601? Jat = Gr? - 407 + 60° =3-4+6=5 Ans. 2. Evaluate fF . dr, where F = (2x + y)it+ (3y—x)j + yz hk andC is the curve x = 2°, y = tz = 6, fromi =0, tot = 1. 16 Text Book af Vector Calculus Solution : For the curve C. we have r=xityj+zk=2Pi+tj+ek (Note) ot satis j4 37k dt - : dr _F.dr={. F.—dt te rhe dt = [, (2x + y) i+ By - x) f+ yzk]. (4ti+j3v’ k) dt, from (i) = [, [4x + y)t + Gy — x) + Byzt?]dt [- ii =i. i= 0 ete] = fl pf44e + t+ Gt 207) 4 ar. . 2] dt, [e x=2Piy=t z=P] =f (16 +407 3t— 2t? + 30°) dt, 3 23 3) =f Gt8+160+20 way =(2 +40 +27 +3e) 7 3 2 J, 3.4.2, 3_ 18+ 168 +28 +63 277 7 32 a2 “yz Ans. 3. Find the Laplace operator (transform) of the waveform (saw-tooth wave) f(t) = $t, Ost s 3. Solution : Here f(t) is a periodic function with period 3 2 L [RO] =f eo (tat 4 2 fe" 3! dt = = l-e* ? = 1 [2 Be r -€ s 0 =? + = (3s +1)+ | s° $ Differentiation and Integration of Vectors 17 _ 2 (i-e* }- 3se | “3 st | 1 ze] 4. Find the Laplace transform of the function f(t) of periad 2x which on the internal [0, 2x] is given by sint, O2 in terms of the unit step function and hence obtain its Laplace transform. 0,t<2 Solution : *(t)= {? Fo 9 7 SUlt-2) 6 es L[f(Q)] = 6L[UCt - 2)] = ©] J]. -LQst16 by expressing it in terms of Heaviside unit step functions. Solution : f(t) = ¢ U(t) + (41-0?) Ut 1) ..C) ; . 22 L[PU@] = Lit) = > Ss 4t-P =-(t - 4t) =—[(t-1P - 2t- 1] =-{@-1P-20-)-3) =3+2(-1)-@-1P = f(t- 1) F(it}=3 + 2t-t? o(s) = L“TFO] . 33. 5 5 L[(4t — 2) V (t — 1] = e* (s) [where a = 1] = (2 + 2 - 3] ee s ss 2 3 2 2) 5 Hence from (i) L{r(t}|= = + (2 +7 3) e wn s 9, Find the Laplace transform of cos Bek 3 3 0 »t<— Si = 2n 27 Solution : f(t) = v( 28) cos (' - =) By second shifting theorem, we have 20 il. Text Book of Vector Calculus 1 L[fit)] = uv (-2) cost -#} JM, =e 3 Lfcos t] w2m, 5 s?+1. Evaluate f F. dr, where F = yz i + zx j + xy k and C is the portion of the curve r = (a cos Ui + (b sin j + (cp k, frm i= = 7/2. Solution : The curve is r=(acos t)i+(bsint)j+(ct)k 2. @ '. Its parametric equations are x =acost, y =bsint, z= ct ... (i) From (i) we get dr/dt = (~a sin t) i + (b cos t) j + (c) kj dr F. () = (yzi + zxj + xyk) . [(-a sin t) i + (b cos t) j + ck] = -ayz sint+ bzxcost+exy, [. i.i= li.j=0 eteJ = —abe t sin*t + abe t cos*t + abe sin t cos t, from (ii) = ~abe [(cos*t = sin’t) t + 1/2 (2 sin t cos t)] or F. dr = abe [t cos 2t + 1/2 sin 2t] dt 2 1. Ic F. dr = abe [% 5 cos2t + > sin 2| dt abe | (7? tcos2t dt + = 6° sin 21 a| * {3 t sin a) - fF 1 [ sin 2t at] 41 ip? sin 2t at {3 2 2° lyl. = abe a: (Zesin \. Ans. Evaluate f F. dr, where F = xy i+ (2 + y°) j and C is the rectangle in the xy-plane bounded by the lines y = 2, x = 4, y = 10 andx = 1. Solution : AB is the first part C, of the curve C and for AB we have y =2 and .. dy = 0. i Differentiation and Integration of Vectors 21 Similarly, for the second part C, (4e BD) of the curve we have x = 4, dx = 0, for the third third part C, (.e. DE) of the curve C we have y = 10, dy = 0 and for the last part C, (ie. EA) of the curve we have x = 1, dx = 0, Also F . dr [xvi + (x? + 9?) j) . [idx + jdy] = xy dx + (x? + y) dy Now [oF .dr=[., F.dr+ fy i. PF odr+ i, PF. dr = fo, xy dx +f, G2 + 9’) dy + I. ay dx # IL, G2 + y?) dy. [ dx = 0 for C, and C,: dy = 0 for C, and C,] flay 2x dx + =f, (16+ y") dy +f, 10x dx + [ig(l + y?) dy, ye Since for C,, y = 2 and x varies from | to 4; for C,, x = 4 and varies from 2 to 10; for C,, y = 10 and x varies form 4 to | and for C,, x = 1 and x varies from 10 to 2. io ie F. dr =(x?} +{t6y + wy) (5x? “ly “ty \ 2 10 = 15 + 128 + 1/3 (992) — 75 ~ 8 - 1/3 (992) = 60 Ans, if in the above C is around the triangle from O to D, D to B and B to O, evaluate [ A. dr. Solution : Here let C, denote the line from B to O whose equation is y = 1/2x. Then fo, A. dr = [.,[(@2 +y")dx + (Gy —4x) dy], “. Required value =f. A.dr=[.,A.dr+{.,A.dr+{., A.dr 5 13 5 a re Joy A.dr + Joy A.dr=- 5 22 Text Book af Vector Caiculus Find the total work done in moving a particle in a force field given by F = 2x y i- 3 xj = Sz k along the curve C given by x = 1, yO 4s hz 2 fromt=0twr= Solution : Total work done = |. F. dr = fe (2xyi — 3xj- Szk). (idx + jdy + kdz) = J. = Qxy dx = 3x dy - 5z dz) c = k (2c + Yd) - 3d (C+ 1)-5 2) d(2P)] = fig [(2t? + 2t) dt - 3t (2t dt) -10t? (4tdt)] = ff (-38t° - 6t? + 21) dt “yl -[-Bet-2e ee ~-(B)-261 AL 2 0 2 = -21/2 Ans, Find the circulation of F round the curve C. where F = (x - y) i+ (x + y) f and C is the curve as given. Solution : Here F . dr = [(x~y) i (x + y) j] . [i dx + j dy) = (x — y) dx + (x + y) dy “. The required circulation as in above =|. F.dr=(.,F.dr +i. F.dr Here |. F. dr = an [Cx - y) dx + (x + y) dy], for the curve y = x? = Pg (x = x?) dx fig (x +x?) 2x dx, putting y = x2 (5*'-3")) +e +) —x° -=x +/ =X +—X 2 » G2 J, + we | rol— -4 ; + wa] to hol Lap And [.. F. dr Differentiation and Integration of Vectors 23 = Pa [(x-y) dx +(x + ¥) dy}. for the curve y7 = x = fay My? -y) 2y dy + G7 = y) dy]. putting y? = x 0 =f ay? -yZeyya(tyt— lye ly) Jp Gy" -y> + y) 2) 37 727), wl— taf bl il I ta | .. From (i), the required circulation = 4. = -= Ans. 3 15. If F =3xyi-)? j, evaluate f F . dr, where C is the curve in the xy-plane, y = 2x°, from (0, 0) to (1, 2). Solution : In the xy-plane, r= xi + yj Also for the given curve x = t, y = 20 and t varies from t = 0 tot = 1 for the given points (0, 0) to (1, 2) oJ. F dr =|, (3x y iy? i). (idx + j + dy) = f. (3x y dx — y? dy) = fi, 3 (2t?) dt) — fi, (207) d @t?) since x = t, y = 20? =6f, 8 dt-16f) 0 dt 1 | -6(t0'] -16(2 +") 6 _ 16 4 hy 6 4 4 6 3. 8 9-16 16. Evaluated ff F. ndS, where F = 182i = 12) + 3y k and S is the surface of the plane 2x + 3y + 6z = 12 in the first octant. Solution : The equation of the plane is = 2x + 3y + 6z= 12 =0. .op . &o od 4. 4: — =i + jm +k — = 21 + 35 + 6k . grad > ox lay Ra Tt *. = unit vector in the direction of grad 24 17, Text Book of Vector Caicuius cis 5 OK | oi 4 3+ 6k) Pa3ae} 7 * F.n = (18 zi — 12) + 3yk). 1/7 (21 + 3j + 6k) = 5 (362-36 + 1By) = + (y +22 ~2) ..- (i) Io 6° and nike > Git+3jt 6k). k= > . (ii) Also we now that dx dy J,F.ndS=[.,F.n Tk? x-y-plane, i.e. R, is the region bounded by x-axis, y-axis and the straight fine 2x + 3y = 12 or (x/60 + (y/4) = 1. where R, is the projection of S on the ff, Fonds = ip, * (y + 22-2) z dx dy, from (i) and (ii) = ff, Gy + 62 - 6) dx dy = fig [3y + (12 — 2x — 3y) — 6] dx dy, from 2x + 3y + 6z = 12 = Rig RG") (6 - 2x) dx dy = fo, (6 - 2x) =(12 - 2) dx = 26 6-6 -x) dx =1¢ (18 - 9x + x?) dx steel [los ~ 162 +72] = > [is] = 24 Ans. eo wie | wie fF = yi + (xv — 2xz) j-— xy k, evaluate ff (Vx F). n dS where S is the surface of the sphere x? + 37 + 2° = @ above the xj~-plane. Solution : The equation of the sphere is = x? + y? = 27 — a? =0

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