Journal 6

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Journal #6: Great Society Speech, 1964

Alyssa Pieper
HUMA 1100-003

1. The article called the Great Society Speech, 1964 was written by Lyndon B.
Johnson who was an outstanding leader throughout his life and eventually
served as Vice President then President of the United States.
2. The title Great Society Speech, 1964 provides detailed understanding of
when and what this article will include. Obviously, the speech was written and
presented in 1964. It also includes that it is a speech and is written to the
society. However, great society is a general statement which can be
interpreted differently depending on the readers background knowledge and
3. Johnson delivered this speech on May 22, 1964 in Ann Arbor, Michigan to
Michigan students. The purpose of his speech was to look at the current world
issues and to prevent further problems that Johnson foresaw.
4. This speech was presented to the college students in Michigan. Johnson
chose to present this speech to college students because they are the future
leaders of America that can act on the message that he delivered. This was
done by Johnson projecting facts about the future in fifty years about how
many Americans there would be, where theyd live, etc.
5. The main purpose of Johnsons argument was to persuade the students that
America was and would continue facing challenges. Therefore, he introduced
the plan of the Great Society which includes the abundance of necessities,
freedom for everyone, the stop to poverty, and racial freedom. Johnson then
goes on to state the three places where the Great Society should be built: in
the city, countryside, and classroom (education). For any worthy goal a plan
needs to be set in place which Johnson addresses by where Americans can
start in the three different locations. However, it really boils down to
individuals whether or not they agree with Johnson. If there is no unity, this
plan will be a waste. Through my experience of growing up in Utah for the
majority of my life I havent seen as many challenges such as poverty, loss of
education, and the other problems hes addressed. However, as I mentioned
in class that while living in New York for a year and a half I have experienced
a loss of space living in a city. I hardly ever saw grass or other nature and the
transportation was insane. When driving through the city we would always
plan double the time our GPS said it would take to travel. Thus, I do agree
that cities are greatly influencing the Great Society. Overall, the Great Society
begins with individuals deciding where there heart and mind is currently at
and how far they are willing to change.

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