Country in The World After Turkey in The Hospitalization of Refugees Pakistan Has Tried To

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Committee: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

Topic: Refugee Crisis

Country: Islamic Republic of Pakistan
School: Gjimnazi Hamez Jashari
Delegates: Sala Jashari and Fatlum Rreci
The so-called crisis of refugees is an important and active topic in the world. This crisis
usually affects countries that have serious domestic, social, and economic conflicts that
make the citizens feel insecure to live there. Nowadays, the economic and social
intervention is not the main reason why refugees flee their countries; there is a reason
even more powerful. If we see the number of refugees increase, it can be linked to
terrorist groups that are operating mainly in Asian countries. Millions of refugees are
migrating from the Middle East to western Europe seeking stability, tranquility, and a
better life knowing the economic and security that citizens of these countries have.
However, the Asian countries are not the only ones which cause the crisis of refugees
because there are also other parts of the world that have groups of refugees who migrate
for a better life. A part of the Balkans produces a large number of refugees in the
direction of countries that are considered to be in a high degree of development. Our
state, Pakistan, a South Asian country, with 199 million inhabitants is a country which is
very involved in the theme of refugees.
This topic is a concern for us because many of our citizens migrate mostly to Europe
seeking a better life. The contry is working hard in that department to fill their
requirements and desires so there is no need to leave the country because citizens are an
integral part of our country and their contribution is necessary and irreplaceable in
working together to make Pakistan a great nation. Pakistan is increasing security
measures for those who migrate because they do not feel safe and the country is working
on development and employment for our citizens so there is less incentive to leave
because of economic and social circumstances.
Besides the emigration of our citizens, we are faced with the arrival of more refugees:
Pakistan currently has 1.5 million refugees. This figure shows that we are the second
country in the world after Turkey in the hospitalization of refugees Pakistan has tried to
create proper living conditions for refugees by setting up camps and providing essential
things. Our nation hopes to make refugees feel welcome and is working to advance
services for refugees, at the same time while considering them as an integral part
ofsociety, being involved in schools and public institutions. The issue of security also
preoccupies Pakisan as well as a concern for global democratic powerful states.
What solutions can Pakistan propose to resolve the problem with the refugee crisis?
Social and economic issues are problems that refugees face in particular countries that
have institutions which operate on the basis of corruption. Public and private
organizations contribute to the creation of new jobs, with increased transparency and
accountability that improve many other factors that influence economic growth and social
development. In terms of the problem of terrorist organizations threatening people, we
ask that the countries of the world work together to counteract such organizations where
their actions terrorize and undermine peace. For the wars that are taking place in the

Middle East, Pakistan asks bigger states to play the role of mediator between the parties.
And therefore, Pakistan hopes these talks will produce a solution to bring about peace
and better living situations for people.

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