SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials

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What does ERP Stands for | ERP full form |

ERP Meaning
What does ERP Stands for, ERP full form, ERP Meaning
ERP is the world largest enterprise software used for controlling the business processes and
lets define what does ERP stands for and meaning of ERP?
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) was coined by Gartner Group in the 1960s.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software places its focus on integrating an
organization departments and functions (HR, logistics, Sales, Finance, Production etc) into a
single and integrated computer system that aims to serve all those department teams needs.

ERP Training Tutorials

Major components of ERP

Human Resources Management Systems

Financial Systems

Supply Chain Management

Customer Resource Planning

Manufacturing Resource Planning

What does does ERP mean

In the 1990s,Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP uses multi-module application software for
improving the performance of the business processes. ERP systems integrates with business
activities across functional departments, from production planning, parts purchasing, inventory
control, product distribution, fulfillment, to order tracking resources. This led to the evolution
of ERP System. Also readwhat does SAP stands for.
What does ERP software do
ERP software helps to implement all the functions of a company and it enables to plan, track,
utilize all the resources of company. By using Enterprise Resource Planning software you can
manage a company by collecting, organizing and reporting information throughout the business
Common ERP Modules

Purchase orders (PO)

Financial Accounting and controlling

Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Human Resources (HR)

The major benefits of ERP systems are: better customer satisfaction, better information, high
productivity, better quality and decreases in time to market, delivery time, inventory levels etc.

What is SAP HR
In this article we are going to discuss what is SAP HR and it importance. SAP HR (Human
Resource management) also known as Human Capital Management (HCM) and it is an
important module in ERP SAP systems that supports all the process of human resource
management in the enterprise.
SAP HR records the data from the hiring an employee to its final termination in organization. It
store the employee data such as designation, role, salary details, working shifts, address and so

SAP HR is divided in to various sub modules such as


Organizational management


Personnel Administration


Time Management




Personnel Development

Let discuss briefly about SAP hr sub modules.

1. Organization management: Organization management is one of the important sub
module of SAP HR and enables the organization to represent the organizational plan, analysis
current plan, create additional plans and create better workflow management.
2. Personnel Administration: Personnel Administration is one of the important sub
module of SAP systems and records essential employee information. It performs various
administration tasks such as hiring the employees, personnel data, travel expenses, payroll
accounting and so on.
3. Time Management (TM) : Time management is one of the important sub module of HR
and records the employee data related to attendance, absence, time evaluation,shifts and so on.
4. Payroll: SAP payroll process the payment that work done by a employees. It includes
wages, benefits, medical benefits, taxes and so on. Payroll is integrated with other modules such
personal administration, time management, financial accounting and so on.
5. Personnel Development: Personnel development is one of the important sub module of
HR where the organization maximize the employees performance. The main objectives of
personal development is to qualify the employees so that they meet the requirements, increase
the employees motivation and productivity and reduce the employee turnover.

SAP HCM and SAP HR Training Tutorials

SAP HCM / HR Training
SAP HCM (Human Capital Management) Training Tutorials for free of cost by real
time SAP HRexperts. SAP HR module training material is designed to configure HR
module in an easy way step-by-step with screen shots for Consultant as well as an end
user. SAP Hr is also called as Human Resource Management System (HRMS) and
Human capital management.
SAP HCM (Human Capital Management) is one of the important modules in ERP
SAP. SAP HR (human Resource Management) manages all functions from hiring
an employee to its final termination in organization. It consist various sub components








Management and Payroll.

SAP HR/ HCM module is integrated with other modules such as Production
Planning, Material Management, Financial Accounting (FI), and Controlling (CO).
SAP HR training material teaches you in a easy method with screen shots step by step
with scenarios.
Please refer below SAP HCM / HR module training tutorial one by one in series with
real time scenarios.
Enterprise Structure

Define Company


Define Company Code


Assign company code to company


Define Personnel Areas


Assign Personnel Area to Company Code


Define Personnel Subarea

Personnel Structure

Define Employee Groups


Define Employee Subgroups


Define Payroll area


Assign Employee Subgroup to Employee Group

Organizational Management

Create organizational unit


Setup Number Assignment for plan versions


Maintain Number Ranges in Organizational Management


Activate Inheritance of Account Assignment Features


Set Up Transport Connection


Integration with Cost Distribution


Maintain object types


Infotype menu configuration


Create info Groups


Maintain Country Info Types


Maintain Subtypes


Relationship Maintenance


Setup integration with personal administration

SAP HCM Personal Administration (PA)


Maintain Number Ranges for Personal numbers.


Maintain user parameters


Define Employee Attributes


Set up Personal Action type


Maintain personnel actions


Create new position


Create number ranges for applicant numbers


Create media


Create recruitment instruments


Create Advertisement


Create Personnel Officers


Application Structure

SAP HR Time Management (TM)


Define daily work schedules


Define work schedule rules and work schedule

Enterprise Structure

How to Create a Company in SAP | Define

Company in SAP FICO
The following tutorial guides you how to define or create a company in SAP
step by step with screen shots. Let us discuss briefly about company.
Define Company in SAP
About Company in SAP:- Company is the organizational unit for which
individual financial statements can be drawn according to the relevant
commercial law. A company can comprise of one or more company codes.
A Company has local currencies in which its transactions are
recorded. All company codeswithin a company must use the same
transaction Chart of accounts and the same Fiscal Year. Creation of company
in sap is optional.
Path to Define Company in SAP :SAP IMG Path: SPRO > Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing
(IMG) > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Financial Accounting
> Define Company
Transaction code to Define Company in SAP :- OX15
Steps for creation of a Company:

Step 1 :- Enter Transaction Code SPRO in the commend field and press enter
on the Keyboard

Step 2 :- Next Customizing execute project screen select SAP Reference


Step 3 :- After Selecting SAP Reference IMG, a new screen IMG Path will be
displayed. Select Define company execute icon for creating a company

Next Screen will be displayed after selecting the define company execute

Step 4: Now Select New entries icon to create a new company and enter the company details

The following details are to be entered for creating a new company

Enter 6 character alphanumeric code key that represents the group of
Enter name of your company.
In the Detailed information update the address Street name, PO Box#,
Postal code, City.
Enter Country Code of the company
Enter language key
Enter local currency for the company (also known as Company code
Click on Save icon or CTRL+S after updating the required information
Thus new Company ADARSH is created in SAP.

How to Create Company Code in SAP | Define

Company Code in FICO
The following tutorial guides you how to define company code in SAP FI step
by step with screen shots. After configuring company, next step is to configure
the company code. Let us discuss briefly about company code.

Define Company Code

About Company Code : Company Code in SAP is the
smallest organizational unit of Financial Accounting for which you draw
individual financial statements like Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account
for purpose of external reporting. The Creation of company code in sap is
PATH :- IMG Reference > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Financial
Accounting > Edit, Copy, Delete Company Code

SAP Tutorials

Transaction code to Define company Code :- OX02

Steps to Define Company Code:

Step 1 :- Enter Transaction Code SPRO in the commend field and press enter

Steps 2 :- In customizing
execute project screen select SAP Reference IMG

Step 3 :- In next screen

select Edit, Copy, Delete check Company Code

Step 4 :- The below screen displays after selecting Edit, Copy, Delete
Company Code ( Define Company Code )

we can create company code by selecting above two options. By selecting first
option copy, Delete, company code all the configuration and tables get
copied automatically along with assignments.
Here we are creating company code manually configure all the assignments
by selecting second optionEdit Company Code Data . Double click on
Edit Company Code Data

Step 5 :- Click on New Entries

and update the following details

1. Update new Company code key AD06

2. Give the company name Adarsh Technologies for identifying the company
code key
3. In Additional Data update the details of City, Country, local Currency of
company, Language.
Click on Address and Update the following fields

enter Click on Save icon

After updating Address

Thus the company code AD06 is created in SAP.

How to Assign Company Code to Company in

Assign Company Code to Company
Menu Path :SPRO > IMG Reference > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Financial Accounting
> AssignCompany Code To Company
Transaction Code :- OX16
The following are the steps to Assign the Company Code to Company in SAP FICO
Step 1 :- Enter the T-Code SPRO in the commend field

Step 2 :- Click SAP Reference IMG

Step 3 :- Follow the Path as per below screen shot

Step 4 :- Click Position

Update company code for which you wants to assign and Enter

Step 5 :- Update Company ID in Company field and click on save icon

Thus company code AD06 was assigned to Company ADARSH.

Define Business Area in SAP FICO | How to

Create Business Area in SAP
Define Business Area in SAP
Definition of Business area :- Business area is a separate area of operations or
responsibilities of organizational units of financial accounting that is used for internal
and external reporting . Different divisions of each business with in a legal entity are
created as Business areas for reporting of each operational areas. So Financial
statements can be created for each business area and this financial statements can be
used for internal reporting purpose.
Business areas are not assigned to any company codes.

Transaction Code for Creation of Business Area in SAP :- OX03

Steps for the Creation of New Business Areas in SAP :-

Step 1 :- Enter transaction code SPRO in the commend field

Step 2 :- Select SAP Reference IMG ( Shortcut key F5 )

Step 3 :- After selecting SAP Reference IMG, follow the below structure to configure the
Business areas

Step 4 :- After Selecting Define Business Area, Select new entries to configure new

Business areas
Step 5 :- Enter the 4 digit code in the business area field and enter the name
of business areas in the description field and save the settings.

Thus Business Areas ADKA, ADHY, ADMU are configured in SAP FICO .

How to Assign Company Code to Company in

Assign Company Code to Company
Menu Path :SPRO > IMG Reference > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Financial Accounting
> AssignCompany Code To Company
Transaction Code :- OX16
The following are the steps to Assign the Company Code to Company in SAP FICO
Step 1 :- Enter the T-Code SPRO in the commend field

Step 2 :- Click SAP Reference IMG

Step 3 :- Follow the Path as per below screen shot

Step 4 :- Click Position

Update company code for which you wants to assign and Enter

Step 5 :- Update Company ID in Company field and click on save icon

Thus company code AD06 was assigned to Company ADARSH.

How to create Personnel Areas in SAP

The following training tutorials guides you how to define Personnel Areas in SAP HR step by
SAP R/3 IMG Path : SPRO >> Enterprise Structure >> Definition >> Human Resources
Management >> Personnel Areas

You can create new personal areas by copying existed personal area or creating by selecting new
Select Personnel Area

Click on New Entries

Update the following information

Enter new personnel area key and description

In the personnel areas section update the address fields House number/street, Postal
code, City, Country key,

After updating the information press enter, a pop window will be open for address details.
Update the address data and click on save icon to save the entries.

Define House Bank in SAP | House Banks

Define House Bank in SAP
House bank of a company code is represented by a bank id through which you can process
payment transactions. It is used for the purpose of payment programme, check
deposit, automatic payment program (APP), and bank reconciliation

A house bank in SAP is identified by a 5 character alphanumeric code. Each house bank
ID is unique within a company code and a company code can have multiple house banks.

Each house bank in SAP system is associated with a country key representing the country
where the bank is located.

House banks can have more than one bank account id, account ID is unique for a
specific bank ID and company code. The account ID is used for entering specifications for
the payment program and for updating the G/L Account Master records

SAP R/3 IMG Path : SPRO >> Financial accounting >> Bank accounting >> Bank accounts
>> Define house banks
Transaction code : FI12
Step 1 : Enter transaction code FI12 in the SAP command field and press enter

Enter the company code and enter

Step 2 : Click on New Entries

Update the following fields


House Bank : Enter the 5 character alphanumeric code


Bank Key : -Enter Bank key (Read more how to create bank key)


Communication data :- Enter the telephone number and contact person

Click on save icon to save the configured data. Successfully you have created house bank in SAP.
Bank Accounts
Click on bank accounts option to maintain details of bank.

In next screen, Update the following details.

Account id: Update the two digits account id

description: -Update the description of bank id

Bank Account number: Update your bank account number

Currency: -Update the currency of bank account

After maintain all the details, click on save button to save the configured bank details.

How to create Personnel Areas in SAP

The following training tutorials guides you how to define Personnel Areas in SAP HR step by
SAP R/3 IMG Path : SPRO >> Enterprise Structure >> Definition >> Human Resources
Management >> Personnel Areas

You can create new personal areas by copying existed personal area or creating by selecting new
Select Personnel Area

Click on New Entries

Update the following information

Enter new personnel area key and description

In the personnel areas section update the address fields House number/street, Postal
code, City, Country key,

After updating the information press enter, a pop window will be open for address details.
Update the address data and click on save icon to save the entries.

Assignment of Personnel Area to Company

The following training tutorial guides you how to Assign Personnel Area to Company Code.
After defining Personnel Area, next step is Assigning the Personnel Area to Company Code.
SAP R/3 IMG Path : SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Human
Resources Management > Assign Personnel Area to Company Code
Double click on Assignment of Personnel Area to Company Codes

Click on position button and enter your personnel area and enter

Enter company code in the company code field

Click on save button to save your entries. Successfully you have assigned personnel area to
Company Code.

How to Define Personnel Subareas

Configure Personnel Subareas
SAP R/3 IMG Path : SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Human Resources
Management > Personnel Subareas

Double click on Personnel Subareas and select Create personnel Subareas and click on

In next screen enter your personal area and enter

Click on New Entries

In next screen update the Personnel Subarea key and description

After updating the data, click on save icon to save the entries.

Personnel Structure

Define Employee Groups and Employee

Define Employee Groups
SAP R/3 IMG Path : SPRO >> Enterprise Structure >> Definition >> Human Resources
Management >> Define Employee Groups

Double click on Employee groups and click on New Entries

In next screen enter the employee group key and description

Click on save icon to save the entries.

Define Employee Subgroup

SAP R/3 IMG Path : SPRO >> Enterprise Structure >> Definition >> Human Resources
Management >> Define Employee Subgroup

Double click on Employee subgroups and click on Edit employee subgroup

Click on New Entries to define new employee subgroups

In next screen enter the employee subgroup key and description

Click on save icon to save the entries.

Assign Employee Subgroup to Employee Group

Steps to Assign Employee Subgroup to Employee Group
After defining the employee groups and employee subgroups, next step is assigning the
employee subgroup to employee group.
SAP R/3 IMG Path : SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Assignment -> Human Resources
Management > Assign employee subgroups to employee groups

Click on New Entries and update the following fields

Enter Employee group key in the EE group field

Enter the Employee subgroup key in the EE subgroup field.

Tick the countries to activate.

Click on save icon to save the entries.

How to Set up Number Assignment for all Plan

Set up Number Assignment for all Plan Versions
SAP R/3 IMG Path: IMG > Personnel Management > Organizational Management >
Basic Settings > Maintain Number Ranges > Set Up Number Assignment for All Plan
Transaction Code: OONC

In next screen enter value in the Value abbr. if you want activate number assignment for all
plan versions or leave this field blank to deactivate .

Click on save icon to save your entries.

Maintain Number Ranges in Organizational

The following tutorial guides you how to Maintain Number Ranges in Organizational

SAP R/3 IMG Path:- IMG > Personnel Management > Organizational Management > Basic
Settings > Maintain Number Ranges > Maintain Number Ranges
Transaction Code: OONR

In next screen, Click on New Entries to maintain number ranges

In next screen enter the key in the field subgroup and press enter and click on save icon.

In next screen click on Change Interval

Click on Insert Interval and update the following data.

EX Maintain External number range interval From Number To Number, and tick the
ext check box.

IN Maintain Internal number range interval From Number To Number

Click on save icon to save entries, ignore warning message and press enter to continue.

Activate Inheritance of Account Assignment

Features SAP
Activate Inheritance of Account Assignment Features
SAP R/3 IMG Path: SPRO > IMG > Personnel Management > Organizational
Management > Basic Settings > Activate Inheritance of Account Assignment Features
Transaction Code:- OOCINH

In next screen Change view Inheritance of contr. Area in pos.: Overview, enter the
following information

Click on Save icon to save the entries.

Set up pd transport connection OOCR

Set up pd transport connection
SAP R/3 IMG Path: SPRO > IMG > Personnel Management > Organizational
Management > Transport > Set Up Transport Connection
Transaction Code:- OOCR

On the Change View Set Up PD Transport Connection: Overview screen, enter the following

Group Sem.Abbr. Value

Transport Switch (X = No Transport)
Redefinition: Standard Transport Object
Redefinition: Workflow Transport

Click on Save button to save the entries.

Integration with Cost Distribution

The following tutorial guides you how to Integration with Cost Distribution in SAP step by step.

SAP R/3 IMG Path :- SPRO > IMG > Personnel Management > Organizational
Management > Integration > Set up Integration for Cost Distribution
Transaction Code :- OOCDIST

In the next screen Change View Integration with Cost Distribution: Overview update the
following information

Click on Save icon to save the entries.

Maintain Object types in SAP

Maintain Object types
SAP R/3 IMG Path :- Personnel Management -> Organizational Management -> Basic Settings
-> Data Model Enhancements -> Maintain Object types

Object Type Object Type Text


Work Center
Cost Center
Organizational unit

No Configuration required here. SAP standard will be applied.

SAP Organizational Management Configuration

SAP HR Organizational Management
The following tutorial guides the Organizational Management Configuration in SAP HR (HR
OM) step by step.
Set up Number Assignment for all Plan Versions
SAP R/3 IMG Path: SPRO >> IMG >> Personnel Management >> Organizational
Management >> Basic Settings >> Maintain Number Ranges >> Set Up Number Assignment
for All Plan Versions
Transaction Code: OONC
Maintain Number Ranges
SAP R/3 IMG Path:- SPRO >> IMG >> Personnel Management >> Organizational Management
>> Basic Settings >> Maintain Number Ranges >> Maintain Number Ranges
Transaction Code: OONR
Set up pd transport connection

SAP R/3 IMG Path: SPRO >> IMG >> Personnel Management >> Organizational
Management >> Transport >> Set Up Transport Connection
Transaction Code:- OOCR
Integration with Cost Distribution
SAP R/3 IMG Path :- SPRO >> IMG >> Personnel Management >> Organizational
Management >> Integration >> Set up Integration for Cost Distribution
Transaction Code :- OOCDIST
Maintain Object types
SAP R/3 IMG Path :- SPRO >> IMG >> Personnel Management >> Organizational
Management >> Basic Settings >> Data Model Enhancements >> Maintain Object types
Activate Inheritance of Account Assignment Features
SAP R/3 IMG Path:- SPRO >> IMG >> Personnel Management >> Organizational Management
>> Basic Settings >> Activate Inheritance of Account Assignment Features
Transaction Code:- OOCINH
Maintain Infotypes
IMG Path :- SPRO >> IMG >> Personnel Management >> Organizational Management >>
Basic Settings >> Data Model Enhancements >> Infotype Maintenance >> Maintain Infotype
Maintain Subtypes
SAP R/3 IMG Path: Personnel Management>>> Organizational Management >> Basic Settings
>> Data Model Enhancements >> Infotype Maintenance >> Maintain Subtypes
Maintain Country-specific Infotypes
SAP R/3 IMG Path: Personnel Management>>> Organizational Management >> Basic Settings
>> Data Model Enhancements >> Infotype Maintenance >> Maintain Country-specific
Infotype Settings

SAP R/3 IMG Path: Personnel Management >> Organizational Management >> Infotype
Settings >> Activate/Deactivate Vacancy Infotype
Transaction Code: OOVB

SAP HCM Personal Administration (PA)

Number range intervals for personnel numbers

Number range intervals for personnel numbers
IMG Path :- SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Personnel Management > Personnel
Administration > Basic Settings > Maintain number range intervals for personnel numbers
Transaction Code:- PA04

Click on Change interval to maintain number range interval or Click on Status button to check
the existed number range interval.

Click on Insert Interval button

In next screen, enter the following information,

Click on Save icon to save the entries.

Maintain user Parameters SAP

Maintain user parameters
The following training tutorial guides you how to Maintain user Parameters in SAP step by step.
SAP IMG Path: SPRO > SAP Reference IMG (F5) >>> Personnel Management >>> Personnel
Administration >>> Basic Setting >>>> Maintain user Parameter.
Follow the IMG path and double click on Maintain user parameters

Select the relevant Country Code by selecting drop down list. After specifies country press enter
to continue.

A message box will be displayed as Parameters created for India . Press enter to continue

Update the parameters values for the parameters ID, make Sure Parameters are Created as
shown below

Choose the Save icon to save the entries. Successfully new parameters are maintained in SAP.

How to Define Employee Attributes SAP

Define Employee Attributes in SAP HR

SAP IMG Path: SPRO >> SAP Reference IMG (F5) >> Personnel Management > Personnel
Administration >> Organisation Data >> Organisation Assignment >> Define Employee

select Define employee attributes in next screen relevant country grouping code and press

In next screen maintain the entries under Activity status, Employment status, Training status
Possible entries under activity status field are

1= Active Employees

2= Retiree

3= Early retiree

4= Part time work for retirees

Possible entries for employment status are

1= Industrial worker/hourly paid worker

2= Salaried employee

3= Civil servant

9= Other

Possible entries under training status are

1= Trainee/apprentice

2= Trained

9= Other

Choose Save icon to save the entries.

SAP Set up Personnel Actions Types

The following SAP HR tutorial guides you how to create personal actions step by step. Before
creating new personal action refer how to define infogroups.
Step 1:- Define Infogroups
IMG Path: SPRO > SAP Customizing Implementation Guide >> Personnel Management >>
Personnel Administration >> Customizing Procedures >> Actions >> Define Infogroups
Step 2:- Add the Infotypes to Infogroup with relevant operation
Step 3:- Create the Personnel Actions
IMG Path: SPRO > Personnel Management > Personnel Administration > Customizing
Procedures > Actions > Setup Personnel Actions

In next screen, double click on Personnel Action Types

SAP delivered with

some standard personnel action types, select those actions types which are relevant and click on
copy as icon

After copying, change Action Code with your own action type and update the Description with

Click on save icon to save the data. Successfully you have maintained personal actions types in

Maintain Personnel Actions in SAP

Maintain Personnel Actions
The following training tutorials guides you how to maintain personnel actions in SAP step by
SAP IMG Path: SPRO > IMG > Personnel Management > Organizational Management > Basic
settings > Maintain Personnel Actions
On the screen change view Actions (overview): Overview, select action line and click on
copy as icon

Change action key and update the name of your action. Press enter to continue

A pop-up-window displaying to choose the specify objects to be copied. Select Copy all to
copy all entries.

A message will be displayed as Number of dependent entries copied and press enter to

You are back to initial screen, name of the action shows blank. Update the action text again

Select Action and double click on Actions (individual maintenance)

You can see all the copied infotypes and subtypes and you can modify (delete or add new
entries) as per your business needs.

Now you have to link the action with a transaction. Select action and double click on transaction
for actions

Successfully personal actions are maintained in SAP.

Maintain Personnel Actions in SAP

Maintain Personnel Actions
The following training tutorials guides you how to maintain personnel actions in SAP step by
SAP IMG Path: SPRO > IMG > Personnel Management > Organizational Management > Basic
settings > Maintain Personnel Actions
On the screen change view Actions (overview): Overview, select action line and click on
copy as icon

Change action key and update the name of your action. Press enter to continue

A pop-up-window displaying to choose the specify objects to be copied. Select Copy all to
copy all entries.

A message will be displayed as Number of dependent entries copied and press enter to

You are back to initial screen, name of the action shows blank. Update the action text again

Select Action and double click on Actions (individual maintenance)

You can see all the copied infotypes and subtypes and you can modify (delete or add new
entries) as per your business needs.

Now you have to link the action with a transaction. Select action and double click on transaction
for actions

Successfully personal actions are maintained in SAP.

Maintain Personnel Actions in SAP

Maintain Personnel Actions
The following training tutorials guides you how to maintain personnel actions in SAP step by

SAP IMG Path: SPRO > IMG > Personnel Management > Organizational Management > Basic
settings > Maintain Personnel Actions
On the screen change view Actions (overview): Overview, select action line and click on
copy as icon

Change action key and update the name of your action. Press enter to continue

A pop-up-window displaying to choose the specify objects to be copied. Select Copy all to
copy all entries.

A message will be displayed as Number of dependent entries copied and press enter to

You are back to initial screen, name of the action shows blank. Update the action text again

Select Action and double click on Actions (individual maintenance)

You can see all the copied infotypes and subtypes and you can modify (delete or add new
entries) as per your business needs.

Now you have to link the action with a transaction. Select action and double click on transaction
for actions

Successfully personal actions are maintained in SAP.


How to create new position using PQ13 in SAP


Create new position by using PQ13

The following training tutorials guides you how to create new position in SAP HR by using
transaction code PQ13 step by step.

Transaction code: PQ13

Step 1: Enter transaction code PQ13 in the command field and enter.

Step 2: Update the validity period i.e starting date and ending date fora new position. After
updating validity click on execute (F8).

Step 3: In next screen, update the following fields.


Object abbreviation: Update the name of the object, you can update up to 12 characters


Object name:- Update the descriptive name of the object, you can update up 24
characters long.


Click on save button to save the data

Step 4: In next essential relationship screen, create the relationship A-03 that belong to
organizational unit

Update the id of related object, you can get id by pressing f4 function key on id field.


After selecting ID press enter, then automatically organization unit abbreviation and
name fields are updated.


Click on save button (ctrl+s) to save the relationship.

Step 5: In next step, create relationship A-002 reports to managers position.


Select related object, here we selected S position.


Update the ID of related object by pressing function key F4 on ID field.


After updating ID object press enter, automatically abbreviation and name are updated..

Click on save button to save the configured relationships.

Create Advertisement for Vacancies in SAP

Create Advertisement
The following training tutorials guides you how to create advertisement for vacancies in SAP
step by step.

Transaction code: PBAW

Step 1: Enter transaction code PBAW in the SAP command field and press enter.

Step 2 : In next screen, click on execute button (or press function key F8).

Step 3: On the maintain advertisement screen click on advert button to maintain new
advertisements as per your business requirements.

Step 4: Click on Next free advertisement number then advertisement number will be
automatically generated for your reference.

Step 5: Select instrument from the list as shown below.

Step 6: Update the following fields

Publication date: Update the publication date of the advertisement.

Advertisement end date: Update the advertisement end date.

Publication costs: Update the publication code with currency and

Text: Enter the descriptive text of the advertisement.

Click on ADD button below vacancies published and select vacancies to be posted from the list.

Click on save button or press (ctrl+s)0 to save the created advertisement in SAP.
Now you can see all the created advertisements from the list.

Successfully advertisement is created for the vacancies in SAP.

Create number ranges for applicant numbers

Create number ranges for applicant numbers
The following training tutorials guides you how to create number ranges for applicant
numbersin SAP HR step by step.
Step 1: Follow the following img path
SAP IMG Path: SPRO >> IMG >> Personnel Management >> Recruitment >> Basic
settings >> Create number ranges for applicant numbers.
Step 2: In next screen, you will get three options.

Display intervals: This option displays existed number range interval with two
digits code that starts and end number ranges.


Change Intervals: -This options allows you to change the number range intervals.


NR status: This option displays the last assigned for the applicants.

Click on change interval option to maintain the application number range as per your

Step 3: In next screen, click on insert line button.

Step 4: Update the following fields.


NO: Update the two digits key that identifies the number range interval.


From No: Enter the starting number of interval


To number: Enter the last number of interval.


Ext: Check the ext if the number range interval is for external or keep it blank number
range for interval purpose.

Click on save button to save the configured data in SAP.

How to delete number ranges for applicant numbers
If you want to delete number range interval it is mandatory NR status field should be 0 or else
the system throws an error message.
Go to interval > select change interval number.

Change the NR status to 0 and Ignore the warning message and click on yes to save the data

Now go back to edit interval screen and select the number range interval NO and click on delete

Click on save button(ctrl+s) to save the data.

Create Media | Recruitment medium in SAP

Create Media (Recruitment Media)

The following training tutorials guides you how to create media in SAP HR step by step
with screen shots. Recruitment media is used to create for configure the instruments into one
category. You can create media by using the following navigation method.

Transaction code: SPRO

SAP IMG Path: SPRO >> IMG >> Personnel management >> Recruitment >>
Workforce requirement and advertisement >> Create media.

Step 1: Follow the IMG path and click on create media to maintain the media as per your
business requirements.
Step 2: On the overview screen, click on new entries, the following are the media we are
going to configure.


Name of Medium
Employment office


Applicant class text

External Applicant
External Applicant
Internal Applicant
External Applicant

Step 3: In the next new entries screen, update the following fields.

Medium: Enter the numerical key that identifies the medium in SAP


Name of medium: Enter the name of the medium.


Applicant class: Update the applicant class whether external applicant(AP) or

internal applicant (P).

Click on save button or press ctrl+s to save the configured data, then you get a message as data
was saved.

Successfully recruitment media is created in SAP.

Create Recruitment Instruments in SAP

Create Recruitment Instruments
The following SAP training tutorials guides you how to create recruitment instruments in SAP
step by step. First recruitment instruments are created and they are classified according to the
media used.
Step 1: You can create recruitment instruments in SAP HR by using the following navigation

Transaction code: SPRO.

SAP IMG Path: SPRO >> IMG (F5) >> Personnel Management >> Recruitment >>
Workforce requirement and advertisement >> Create recruitment instruments.

Step 2: On the overview screen, click on new entries to maintain new recruitment instrument
as per your business requirements. The following recruitment instruments are creating in SAP.


Times of India
Outlook email


Name of medium

Step 3: On the new entries screen, update the following fields.


Instrument: Enter unique id that identifies the recruitment instrument in SAP.


Instrument: update the descriptive name of the instrument.


Medium: Update the medium key that the instruments are classified according to the
medium used.


Name of medium: Name of medium will automatically updates after your press
enter key.

Click on save button (Ctrl+s) to save the configured recruitment instrument data in SAP.
Create addresses for recruitment instruments
Lets learn how to create address for recruitment instrument in SAP, go back to img path and
click on create address for recruitment instrument.
Path: SPRO >> IMG (F5) >> Personnel Management >> Recruitment >> Workforce
requirement and advertisement >> Create addresses recruitment instrument
Step 1: On the overview screen, click on new entries.

Step 2: Update Address, ID, Address fields and click on save button to save the data.

Now go back to IMG path and click on Create recruitment instrument, update the address
fields to instruments.

Click on save button to save the changed data.

Create personnel Officer in SAP

Create personnel Officer
The following SAP training tutorials guides you how to create personnel officer in SAP step by
step. Personnel officers are authorized to process the applications that are assigned to them
from the personnel department.
Step 1: You can create companies personnel officer by using the following navigation method.

Transaction code: SPRO

SAP IMG Path: SPRO >> IMG >> Personnel Management >> Recruitment >>
Application administration >> Create personnel officer.

Step 2: On the overview screen, a list of personal officers list will be displayed. Click on new
entries to create new personnel officers as per your organization requirements.The following
values are configuring in SAP.



Administrator name


Tel no.

SAP name

Step 3: On the new entries screen, update the following fields.


Group: Enter the administrator group as per blue prints, here we are updating group


Administrator: Enter the ID of personnel officer, it is choice of updating any



Administrator name: Update the name of the personnel officer.


Title: Update Mr. or Ms. which is applicable.











communication purpose.

SAP name: Update the sap user id that provided by the SAP administrator.


Click on save button to save the configured data.

Application structure Applicant group,

Applicant range
Create Application Structure
The following training tutorials guides you how to create application structure in SAP HR step
by step. In previous tutorials we have discussed about how to create personnel officers.
Application structure consists the following configuration steps.

Create Applicant group


Create applicant ranges


Create unsolicited application ranges

1. Create Applicant group

The applicant group is used to group together applicants on the basis of type of job they have
applied, for example permanent employees, contract employees, hourly based employees and so
Step 1: you can create applicant group by using the following navigation method in SAP.
Follow the img path and click on applicant group.

Transaction code: SPRO

SAP IMG path: SPRO >> IMG (F5) >> Personnel management >>Recruitment >>
Application administration >> Applicant structure >> Create applicant group.

Step 2: Click on new entries to create new applicant group as per your requirements.

Step 3: On the new entries screen, update the following fields.


Application group: Enter the application group key.


Application group text : -Update the descriptive text of application group.


Application class: Update the application class (AP for external applicant and P for
internal applicant).

After updating the details, press enter and click on save button to save the data.

2. Create applicant ranges

Step 1: you can create applicant ranges by using the following navigation method in SAP.
Follow the IMG path and click on applicant ranges.

Transaction code: SPRO

SAP IMG path: SPRO >> IMG (F5) >> Personnel management >>Recruitment >>
Application administration >> Applicant structure >> Create applicant ranges.

Step 2: Click on new entries to maintain new ranges as per your organization requirements.

Step 3: On the new entries screen, update the fields applicant range and applicant range text.

Press enter and click on save button to save the configured data.

3. Create unsolicited application ranges

Step 1: Follow the img path and click on unsolicited application group.

Transaction code: SPRO

SAP IMG path: SPRO >> IMG (F5) >> Personnel management >>Recruitment >>
Application administration >> Applicant structure >> Create unsolicited application

Step 2: Update the necessary field and press enter.

Click on save button to save the configured entries.

SAP HR Time Management (TM)

Define daily work schedules

Daily work schedules
The following training tutorials guides you how to define daily work schedules in SAP step by
step. You can define daily work schedules by using the following navigation method.

Transaction code: SPRO

SAP IMG Path: SPRO >> IMG (F5) >> Time management >> Work Schedules >>
Daily work schedules >> Define daily work schedules

You can define work schedules by coping existing predefined entries or entering new data as per
your organization requirements. Click on New entries to define new work schedules as per
your business requirements.

On the new entries screen, update the following fields


DWS Grouping: Update the daily work schedule group id.


Daily work schedule: Update the NORM and normal shift in text field


Periods: Update the starting period that is valid up to


Planned working hours: Update planned working hours, every company has there
own policy regarding to working hours.


Working time: Update the working time of normal shift, most of the normal shift
starts from 8 AM and ends at 6 PM.


Breaks: Update working break schedule as NORM


Tolerance Time: update the tolerance time.Every organization follows there own
policy regarding working shifts.

updating all the mandatory fields, click on save button to save the configured entries.

Define Work Schedule Rules and Work

Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules
The following configuration steps guides you how to define work schedule rules and work
schedules in SAP step by step. It contain the following configuration steps.


Define employee subgroup groupings.


Set work schedule rules and work schedules.


Generate work schedules manually.

1. Define employee subgroup groupings. Step 1: Follow the img path and click on
define employee subgroup groupings Path: SPRO >> IMG >> Time management >>Work
schedules >> Work schedule rules and work schedules >> Define employee subgroup
groupings. Step 2: On the activity screen, click on Define employee subgroup grouping

Step 3: On the overview screen, click on new entries

4: On the new entries screen, update the following fields.

ES grpg: Enter one digit key that identifies the employee subgroup grouping


ES grouping for WS: Update the text of the employee subgroup.

After updating all the required

details, click on save button to save the configured ES group data. Step 4: Go back to activity
screen (press F3) and click on Group employee subgroups for work schedules

nter your country grouping key and press enter.

In next screen assign employee

subgroup grouping key to employee group and save the data.

2. Set work schedule rules and work schedules. Step 1: Follow the img path and click
on Set work schedule rules and work schedule Path: SPRO >> IMG >> Time management
>>Work schedules >> Work schedule rules and work schedules >> Set work schedule rules and
work schedule Step 2: Select defined work schedule rule and click on copy as button.

p 3: Update the target ESG key and change the details as per your organization requirements.

on save button to save the configured details. Similarly create work schedule rules for other es
grouping. 3. Generate work schedules Step 1: You can generate work schedules by
manually or in batch. Follow the img path and click on generate work schedules in batch. Path:
SPRO >> IMG >> Time management >>Work schedules >> Work schedule rules and work
schedules >> work schedules in batch. Step 2: Update the details and click on execute (F8).

s successfully work schedule are defined and reports are generated.

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