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Four Year Old Checklist

Childs Initials: __________J.V. _______________ Birth date: ______May 6______

Intellectual Development:
1. Can identify colors? Child can identify all colors except for gray. J.V.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white, brown, gray, pink.
2. Can Identify numbers
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3. Can count rote from ___1__ to __14__
4. Can count objects: 17 objects
5. Can Write numbers : N/A
6. Can identify geometric shapes : Yes, Circle, triangle, square,
7. Can draw geometric shapes: No, The child draws circles but cannot be counted because the
child does not fully close the circle.
8. Can recognize own name: Yes, when the child is asked to grab his name tag so he can place it
in the area where he will like to work for the day.
9. Can state full name (first & last) Yes, The child states his first middle and last name when
asked to introduce himself to another adult.
10. Can spell own name aloud- No, the child knows his name starts with the letter J but not the
rest of the letters that follow.
11. Can print own name: Yes, J. V. can write his name on his own without asked to.
12. Can identify upper case letters
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Can identify lower case letters

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z


Can write upper case letters

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Can write lower case letters

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

16. Can draw a person or other recognizable objects; Yes

17. Can identify all visible parts of the body: Yes J.V. can identify the body parts to completing
a person. The other day in work time J. decided to turn the circle he drew into a person,
18. Can state his/her own address: N/A
19. Can state his/her own phone number:N/A
20. Can state his/her own birthday: J. Can state his birthday month but not the day or year.
21. Can match pictures and shape: Yes, when asked to look for a certain object around the
classroom to match the shape in the board J. Jumps right to it.
22. Shows hand preference (which is right hand.): Yes
23. Can recognize difference in size: Yes, J. Can classify object by size.

24. Shows interest in books: Yes

25. Can retells the main idea of a story: Yes
26. Can put story cards in sequence: Yes, J. Completed the activity of the old lady who
swallowed a fly is sequence of the animals that she swallowed.
27. Can arrange objects in series according to a pattern: N/A
28. Understands spatial relationships (behind, beside, under) N/A
29. Recalls words to song / chant
Social & Emotional Development:
1. Shares materials: Yes
2. Takes turns: Yes, When there is a child watching J. Build a block toward he always asks
the children "do you want to help?"
3. Shows respect and rights of others property: yes
4. Keeps hands to his/her self: yes
5. Listens while others speak / tell a story: Yes, J. Is always the first one to go to carpet
when it comes to story time.
6. Is polite / courteous to other children & teachers: Yes
7. Helps classmates clean up when play time is over: Yes
8. Can attend to bathroom needs by his/her self: Yes
9. Makes attempts to put on his/her own coat, jacket, sweater Yes
10. Can zip, snap, button clothing- N/ A
11. Separates from parents with ease, yes J. Walks in with a smile from ear to ear ready to
play with the rest of the children.
12. Seeks other children to play with - Yes
13. Can express anger in words rather than actions- yes
14. Smiles, seems happy much of the time.- yes , J always has a cheesy smile from ear to
ear, J always makes a song out of everything that he likes the most.
15. Works and plays Cooperatively with other children- Yes
16. Seeks help when needed- Yes, J always raises his hand when he needs help.
Work Habits:
1. Expresses ideas with art materials- Yes, J. Was painting with purple paint when he
stated that the purple ninja turtle wears a purple head band on his forehead.
2. Participates in & enjoys group singing / games- Yes when the song slippery fish comes
on J. Gets ready quickly sits quietly and gets his slippery fish ready to go.
3. Participates in classroom activities- Yes
4. Follows Directions- Yes
5. Cares for School Materials- Yes
6. Handles scissors properly- Yes
7. Holds pencil properly- Yes
8. Can trace & cut specific patterns-Yes
9. Can paint & paste neatly- Yes
10. Attempts to color within the lines-Yes

11. Completes tasks l-Yes

12. Shows interest/ attention in classroom activities (appropriate attention span)-Yes
Large Motor Development:
1. Runs with control over speed and direction-Yes
2. Jumps over obstacles, landing on 2 feet-Yes
3. Climbs up and down climbing equipment with ease-Yes
4. Moves body creatively to music- Yes, J enjoys punching out his ABC's using the song.
5. Is willing to exercise- Yes
6. Jumps on two feet- Yes,
7. Hops on foot at least 6 hops-N/A
8. Can gallop-N/A
9. Can skip-N/A
10. Can throw a ball-Yes
11. Can catch a ball- Yes
12. Can bounce catch a ball-Yes
1. Speaks in complete sentences- Yes, J. Always has something to say. "Ms. Cristina my
mom and I went to the toy store and we bought a car."
2. Speaks clearly- Yes
3. Takes part in conversations with other children- Yes " A. Do you want to play with me in
the home living?"
4. Expresses needs and wants clearly- Yes
5. Dictates description of drawings- Yes

Additional Comments:
J. Is such a joy to have in the class. J is a leader and always wanting to be the teachers helper.
by Christa of Preschool Education .Com - Printing permission granted for classroom use only.

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