5-Standards Based Lesson Plan Template

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Name: Flossie M.

Topic/Title: Healthy Eating
Target Age Group: 5 Years Old
Purpose/Objectives/Outcomes: I will Explain and show the children the
Importance of eating a healthy Diet. And the different between healthy
Foods groups, and not so healthy Foods groups.
The students will be able to: The children will understand the different
between the foods groups e.g. have an example of Fruits, Vegetable, to
help them know where the food comes from and how it grows. I will
demonstrate to the children how Plants grow by showing different seeds,
Fruit vegetable and plant them in Class.
Assessment of student outcomes: I will observed the children while they
gather in a group and participate in the activity. They will have sample of
grapes, apples, oranges, carrots, Broccoli and bananas, I will have the
children the different fruits, and Vegetables to let them see and feel how
different they are. And I will assist them if they need help.
Curriculum Expectations/State or National Standards addressed: Strand 1.
Concept 1. Makes personal presences known to others. Initiative And
courosity-strand-1concept 2. Curiosity ask question to get information.
Language: Strand 1. Concept 1. Receptive language understanding,
demonstrates understanding and follow directions that involve: one step,
two step, and a sense of unrelated sequences of action.
Science: Strand 1. Concept 1.Exploration observation, and hypotheses,
child asking Question and makes production, while exploring and observing
in the Environment. Exebit curiosity about living things and other natural
event in the environment using their senses.
Math: Strand 1. Concept 1.Show interest in counting activity recite the
numbers From one to ten with accuracy, show awareness of counting out
loud and Using numbers and word in daily conversations.

Social Studies: Strand 1. Concept 1a. View self as a member of the family.
B. identify Family members; e.g. Mother, Father, Sister, Brother,
Grandparents, Cousins, etc. c. describe /discuss own family and historical
thinking culture and traditions.
Physical Development: Strand 1. 2. 3. Concept a. Physical development
Gross motor development the Child moves with balance. B. health the child
moves with control c. the Child move with coordination. The child
demonstrates spatial awareness in Physical activity. Safety the child moves.
Fine arts: Strand 1. Concept 1. 2. 3. Visual arts= create and understanding
In visual art, music, create and understanding visual art. Create and
Understand music movement and dance, create dramatic activity.
Materials/Resources/ Technology: The materials needed is sample s of
fruit, vegetables, a pitcher of different Food group, packet of seed, fruit
vegetable, and show how each one grow. And pitchers of a farm color
bowls to demonstrate the healthy food from
The high fat content foods.
Instructional Strategies, Accommodations, and Student activities: By going
over different food group such as dairy, ask question how is fruit Different
from vegetable, what fruit grows on a vine and what kind of food Grows in
the ground, explain the different between good curbs and bad Carbs.
Explain about grain, is it good for you how is cereal good for you, what is
protein and how does it help you eat healthy, also explain about Calories
and fast foods.
Self-Evaluation/Assessment: Next part of the lesson I will talk to the
children about the plants, start a Sample garden some place in one area of
the classroom and let the Children take care of the garden themselves so
they can see how things Group, read a book about growing plants, fruits
and veritable where foods Such as eggs, grain, cereal bread they get
started, and let them see how the seeds grow if you if you watered it.

Skills and student behaviors to be worked on next time: Some skills and
student behavior to work on in the future is to expand the activity and
have the children walk around and not have to concentrating too much.
Some of the children and may need a shorter lesson plan. That way the
children will not get bored, with the activity.

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