Xerox Case Study

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Q1: What responsibility and role HR performs at Xerox?

Ans: HR has a huge responsibility and an extremely role to

perform at Xerox especially since and with the companys
turnaround from loss to profit in a couple of years. In fact it was
HR that helped Xerox go from a $17 million debt to profit. HR has
to make sure that Xerox employees always abide by the
companys core values of providing world-class products and
services. It does so by retaining top talent that helps the company
innovate and at the same time also providing a work-environment
for them that makes sure that the employee turnover at Xerox
remains low. The company shifting its business from small copiers
to desktop copiers meant that the overall strategy changed and
HR had to support that strategy by participating at the strategic
level and helping the firm reorganize with layoffs and new
recruits. HR at Xerox had made sure that the employees
understand the companys mission and goals and know how to
achieve success in the environment they are working.

Q2: Discuss how HRM at Xerox affects the companys balance

Ans: The balance scorecard is how the companys internal
customers (employees) and external customers (shareholders).
Judging by the involvement of HR at the strategic level at Xerox
and its impact on the profitable turnaround, its safe to assume
that the HRM at Xerox affects the companys balance scorecard in
a positive way. Customers see Xerox as a firm delivering world
class products which is only possible with a top talented
workforce. Four consecutive profit quarters is also a good sign for
the shareholders and HRM achieved those profits using intelligent
strategic HR decision like downsizing yet retaining top employees
by motivating them. The innovation perspective of Xerox is also
on the bright side which HRM made possible with its extensive

learning and development programs allowing a greater number of

employees to get trained in a lesser amount of time.

Q3: What are the HRM practices at Xerox that support high
performance work systems?
Ans: Three HRM practices are highlight of high performance work
system at Xerox:
1.Employee Training and Development: Xerox makes sure that the
talented employees it has get the right experiences, assignments,
visibility and learning opportunities including international
experience and general management positions to prepare them
for leadership positions in the company. Internal training and
development at Xerox includes a reliance on virtual learning and
technology to increase the number of employees who get training
while reducing the amount of training time.
2. Pay Structure and Benefits: HR helped treat employees even in
the downsizing process. A year salary was offered even after
separation and full benefits were offered for employees with more
than 30 years of service. A solid cash-bonus compensation
package was offered to those who stayed.
3. Performance Management: HR made sure that employees
understand the new Xerox and how to achieve success. HR
focused on building three key initiatives: employee value
proposition, building a high performance culture and developing a
pipeline of three candidates for every position within the

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