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Lesson Eight

I. General Information:
Grade Level: 2
Discipline: Science
Unit Topic: Plants
Time Frame: 30 minutes
Text: From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons
Other Materials: experiment outline, seeds, soil, cups, water,
science journals
II. Essential Understanding/Questions:
What does a seed need to grow?
III. Standards/Indicators
W2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce
a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a
concluding statement or section.
3.C.1.a: Investigate and describe that seeds change and grow
into plants.
IV. Lesson Objectives
Students will identify the needs of a seed.
Students will be able to write like a scientist.
V. Evaluation/Assessment:
Experiment Outline
Science Journal
VI. Procedures:
o Reread From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons to students.
o Discuss the needs of a seed: water, soil, sun.

o Explain to students that they are going to be conducting an
experiment and writing like a scientist.
o Hand out the experiment outline.
o Go over each section of the outline: Ask a Question, Make
a Prediction, Make a Plan, Observe, Record the Results,
Draw Conclusions.
o Explain that they are going to see what happens when a
plant does not get all of the things it needs. They will be
planting three plants: one will be watered, but be placed in


a closet, one will be placed in the sun but not watered, and
one will be placed in the sun and watered.
As a class, come up with a questions (i.e. What happens
when a seed does not have all of its needs met?)
Have students make a prediction about what they think will
happen to each seed.
As a class, come up with steps as to how they will carry out
this experiement.
Over the next few weeks, have students make
observations every week in their science journals about
each cup.
After the plant that has all of its needs met starts to grow,
have students draw conclusions.

o Have students share their predictions.

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