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. TtGPlA 0

i 'teqrator Pr iv at e Li m it eci
4 Len g K e ~ Road # 06-03/04
SIS Bldg , Singapore 159088
GST No 20-000-6479-C
Fax 64722966

Our Ref. L0618-1/15/J L

Date. 181'0 June 2015

Directorate of Signals
Office of the Commander-in -Chief
Republic of Union of Myanmar

Dear Sir.


ROADM Network Final Acceptance Testing and Commissioning

in Yangon

We would like to inform you that our Engineer, Mr . Rogelio Silang Jr.(Passport
Number: EB5446143) will be arriving to Yangon on 25 th June 2015 \0 continue the
Final Acceptance Testing (FAT) of your ROADM network for 2 weeks and he will be
leaving Yangon on 8t h July 2015 .
The scope of work IS as follows
1) Yangon - Yezm - Mandalay - Sagamg ROADM Network Final Testing and
Comm issio n in9
2) Yezin - Plnlong - Pekom - Loikaw - Hses arnq - Taunggyi - Aungban
Tanungdaw ROADM network Installation, Testing and Commissioning
Thank you for your kind attention and we hope you r team could grant him and our
1eam the technical assistance during his stay In Yangon .

Jason Leong
Group General Manager
Ntegrator Private limited

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