Rainforest Lesson Plan

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Inquiry Lesson Plan Template (with Four Ways of Thinking

Teacher: Morgan Gililland
Content & Title:
Grade Level:
Writing, Rain
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey
ideas and information clearly.
Objectives (Explicit & Measurable):
Students will be able to determine what products we receive from the
rain forest and the importance of these products to our every day lives.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable Assessment: formative and summative):
(formative) Students will show their understanding through a Think,
Pair, Share discussion
(summative) Students will show their understanding through a short
writing piece
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (steps that lead to completion of objective; sequence from
simple to more complex):

Students will be able to identify they personally use that come from
raw materials in the rain forests
Students will be able to list the most important rainforest raw
materials that they believe they need in every day life
Students will be able to predict in writing what will happen if they lose
access to the raw materials from the rainforest and the products that
are produced from those materials
Lesson Summary and Justification: (summary gives detailed information about what
students are doing. Justification why is this lesson being taught)

Students will become familiar with the products that rain forests provide for
our society by reviewing a list that is provided by the teacher. They will be
able to compare and contrast the products they believe are most important
to other students to give them an idea of what is truly important. They will
be able to create a writing piece that explains their thinking process on what
will happen if we lose certain products and wht they believe they are
important. This will allow students to think about all of the additional
materials rain forests entail other than just animals. It will show the
students the importance of keeping rain forests around.
Background Knowledge: (What do students need to know prior to completing this
Students need to know what a rain forest is and a majority of the products listed;
hand wash, face wash, shampoos, shower gels, bubble baths, toothpastes, banana, oranges
and lemons, berries, guava, pineapple, avocado, rubber, and gum.
Misconception: (what possible misleading thoughts might students have?)
Students may have misconceptions with thinking that these products are from the rain
forests, rather than knowing that part of the matierals that make up the products are from
rain forests.
Process Skills: (what skills are you introducing or reinforcing)
I am reinforcing group work to compare and contrast and informative writing pieces

Four Ways of Thinking connection: (Provide a complete explanation of how your

lesson plan connects to futures, system, strategic, or values thinking. Define the way of
thinking you selected and used in this lesson plan. Remember, this should be included
meaningfully in the lesson plan.)
My lesson connects to Futures Thinking. Futures Thinking is all about discussing your past

decisions and how you will decide your present choices in order to have the best impact on
your future. It is a big chain reaction that has hopes for a successful outcome with many
different options available. Futures thinking requires you to be aware of the multiple
options that are available for your future depending on the route you take in your present
decisions. This way of thinking it presented in the lesson because the students are able to
look at what we are using in our every day lives, noticing that in the past we have paid no
attention to where certain products are coming from. They are able to think about what
would happen in the future if we lost all of our rainforests, and create an awareness and
plan for their future actions.
Safety: (what safety rules and items need to be addressed?)

Inquiry Questions: (testable in the here and now.)

1. (to explore) Where are these products coming from?
2. (to elaborate) What will happen if we lose access to these products?
Key vocabulary: (list and define)
Materials: (list item and possible
1. Compare- Note the similiarity
2. Contrast- Note differences

1. Rain Forest Product List
2. Highlighter
3. Pencil
4. Lined Piece of Paper

Engage - In this section you should activate prior knowledge, hook student
attention, pose a question (IQ#1) based on your lesson objective that students
will seek to answer in Explore.
Teacher Will: (hook)
Students Will:
Teacher will ask the students what they
believe rain forests provide for us
(materials/animals/plants). Allow a few
students to answer the question.

Participate in the class discussion by

thinking of material/products that rain
forests provide for us.

Best Teaching Practice Strategy/Differentiation/ELL and Teacher Notes

Teacher will write the question on the board and have the students write
down their answers
Explore - In this section students should take the lead and actively use materials
to discover information that will help them answer the question posed in
Engage. Teachers may choose to give steps to follow, especially for younger students,
but the goal is for students to discover some or all of the sub-objectives of the lesson.
Teacher Will: (pose IQ #1)
Students Will: (list all steps)
Teacher will hand out the list of products we
use in our every day lives that come from rain
forests. Then tell the students to look over the
list and highlight the products they use each

Students will read through the list and

highlight the products they use every day.
Once they have highlighted these
products, they will think about how often
they use these products in one week and
record their data.

Best Teaching Practice Strategy/Differentiation/ELL and Teacher Notes

Walk around the room assisting students who need help with reading the list
and chosing objects.
Explain In this section students share what they discovered, teacher connects
student discoveries to correct content terms/explanations, students
articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the lesson sub-objectives
by answering the question from Engage before moving on.
Teacher Will:
Students Will:
Teacher will tell the students that once Students will sit with a partner and
they have highlighted all of the
discuss the products they
products they use they will then find a highlighted. They will compare and
partner to do a Think, Pair, Share
contrast their lists by answering
with regarding all of the products they the following questions: What
products are similar and different

on each list?, How do these

products affect your every day
lives?, If you did not have this
product, what would you replace it
with?, and Would society be
negatively or positively affected if
we lost this product?. Once the
students answer these questions
they will make a new list together
of all of their products they had in
Best Teaching Practice Strategy/Differentiation/ELL and Teacher Notes
Teacher will ask random students what they noticed from their compare and
contrast activity.
Elaborate In this section students take the basic learning gained from Explore and
clarified in Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or explore a particular aspect of
this learning at a deeper level. Students should be using higher order thinking in this
stage. A common practice in this section is to ask a What If? question. IQ #2
Teacher Will: (pose IQ #2)
Students Will:
Teacher will have the students further
Students will pick one item from
research the products we use in our
their list to research. They will find
every day lives.
what rainforest materials are used
to make this product. They will
Teacher will instruct the students to
write down all of the materials that
pick one item from their list to
are used.
Students will then share with their
class how many materials from the
Teacher will guide the students in a
rainforest are used to make their
group discussion on what they learned product.
from their research
Best Teaching Practice Strategy/Differentiation/ELL and Teacher Notes
Assist students who struggle in writing by working one on one to get them
Evaluate In this section every student demonstrates mastery of the lesson
objective (though perhaps not mastery of the elaborate content). Because this also
serves as a closing, students should also have a chance to summarize the big
concepts they learned outside of the assessment.
Teacher Will:
Students Will:
. Teacher will tell the students to go back to Students will head back to their seats
their seats and create a short story
and create a short story that tell the
explaining the products they use everyday
audience the products they use that
and coming up with an outcome of what
comes from rainforests, and what
would happen if they lost access to these
would happen if they no longer had
products through deforestation.
these products. This story will be a
creative writing piece.
Closure: (revisit objective, IQs and make real world connections)
The teacher will ask the students why they thought this lesson was important. The students
will create a class discussion regarding the effects of deforestation in the rainforest. They
will realize the importance of keeping them around by leanring about the products in their
every day lives that come from rain forests.

**Best Practices List the Best Teaching Practices you will use to enhance
the learning outcomes. In each section where prompted, list the best
practice, how the practices will be used and the purpose.

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