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Erikas Internship Experience Reflection

Now that my internship has come to a close, I am confident that I have achieved the three
goals that I set for myself in my initial learning plan. First off, I have become familiar with the
process behind investigating claims of discrimination through communicating with other
investigators and my supervisor and constantly observing those around me. Second, I have
become more knowledgeable about the preservation of equal rights and legal system by
remaining a hard worker and asking questions. Lastly, I continue to take my knowledge of
present injustices to seek the advancement of society through my future career path and everyday
Not only have I gained personal growth throughout my internship, but I have also
developed my civic and professional identities as overlapping with each other. Personally, I have
learned that I have the desire to help others by calling attention to various forms of inequality
through enforcing equal rights and Implementing fair policy. Civically, I have learned that it is
important to give back to the community because I have a civic duty to others. Professionally, I
have learned that I want to work somewhere that has strong civic professionalism because to me,
it is important that my line of work includes giving back to the community and posses a lot of
civic engagement. Therefore, I know I will work best in an environment that aims to serve and
help others.
While giving me the opportunity to learn more about myself, my internship experience
has also forced me to think about my next steps after receiving my undergraduate degree from
Loyola. After graduating, I plan to continue living in Chicago and search for jobs that align with
my personal, civic, and professional identities. I also intent to research whether or not I want to
pursue a graduate degree or enroll in law school. Ultimately, I will take the knowledge I have

gained at Loyola to further my personal, professional, and civic development in all aspects of my

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