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Final Project for Frankenstein

Pick the option that stands out to you OR create another that dazzles me! (If you create your own
prompt, you must submit a written proposal the day after receiving this assignment.)
Each prompt requires evidence from Frankenstein AND from at least two other texts--from
class and/or ones you find yourself. If you use outside sources, please attach to your final paper with
either a hyperlink or a hard copy of that additional text(s).
1. Compare the use of the frame narrative in Coleridges Rime of the Ancient Mariner to Shelley's
Frankenstein. What are the implications for choosing this narrative style? How does it contribute to the
overall meaning of the piece? *Additional option--Choose another text using frame narrative to compare
to Frankenstein. You may look at movies, television shows, and other novels. Please clear your choice
with your teacher*
2. Write an Afterword to the book from the 2016 perspective, explaining why the book is still relevant,
almost 200 years after being written. Use evidence from the text and articles or outside materials.
3. Write your own short story using frame narrative and a monster. Provide a short afterwards where
you explain how you used the frame narrative to contribute to your overall meaning. You may also use
epistolary narrative (letters, diary entries, etc.) instead of frame narrative.
4. Pick a lengthy quote or a short section from Frankenstein that you feel is especially important to
the meaning of the work as a whole and/or that had an especially strong impact on you. Write about
why you chose that section, how it relates to the rest of the novel, how the quote/section impacted your
perceptions of the world, and how your changed perceptions may affect your life from now on.
5. What is the perfect monster? Write an essay where you define what makes a monster,
and provide an example of a monster. Then compare and contrast your perfect monster to
the creature from Frankenstein. Your choice of the perfect monster can come from pop
culture, literature, history, etc. Feel free to use a different format to present your information-Video essay, screencast, etc. (needs approval by teacher).
6. Choose a modern invention that was originally seen as wonderful and marvelous but
which has not turned out so well. Based on your knowledge of the book and various articles,
write an essay in which you analyze why things went bad.
7. Write an argumentative essay where you take a stance on the nature vs. nurture
debate. Do you believe everyone is born with a blank slate, and all their behaviors are
learned socially? OR do you side with the idea that we are all born pre-determined and all
our behaviors are biological? Use the novel, and outside sources as evidence to back up
your claim. Make sure you provide hyperlinks or hardcopies of all outside sources mentioned
in your paper.



Frankenstein Final Project

I, ___________________________, have decided to do option
Number _______ for my final project. I chose this option

If you plan on adjusting the option, Choosing a different

source, or making up your own please provide an
explanation here:

Signature: ______________________________________

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