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Should Manipulation of the Human Genome Continue?

Linda Leveille
Nichols College
Reaction Paper #2


Should Manipulation of the Human Genome Continue?

Have you heard about a new genetic engineering technology called
CRISPR? This technology enables researchers to manipulate the genomes of
living cells by replacing one gene with another.

While reading an online

article written by Jill U. Adams (2015), I learned that although this technology
is still being tested, Chinese researchers have used it to tinker with the
genomes of human embryos.

Although the embryos used were nonviable

(they could never produce live births), Adams says, the attempt to
genetically alter a human embryos genome stepped over an ethical
boundary that many scientists and ethicists say should never be crossed.
Many of the scientists cited in the article want a temporary ban on using the
technology on the human genome.
There are many chapters in the textbook that discuss areas where the
alteration of the genetic makeup of an embryo could have a positive effect.
A few that come to mind are discussed in Chapter 12.

Coronary heart

disease and cancer are the first and second leading causes of death in the
United States. These are great examples of why this research is needed. If
testing in animals determines that either disease could be prevented by
altering the genetic makeup of the animal embryo, testing would eventually
have to be conducted using viable human embryos. Unfortunately, testing is
just that! There is no guarantee that the genetic alteration will have the
same effect on human embryos. Would I want to be part of that case study?


I have such mixed emotions on tinkering with genomes of human

embryos. It could prove to be a very positive experience for some, but what
if a child was born with a deformity,

learning disability, or worse?

As a

parent, I would probably blame myself for choosing to use the technology,
and feel that I should have let nature take its course.

Another thing to

consider is how this alteration will affect future generations.

I wonder if

perhaps some of the science fiction movies my husband watches are more
true to life than I think. In years to come you might be able to place an order
for a child on line to meet your specifications and have it delivered to your
door in nine months. The idea of that sounds really impersonal to me and I
am not sure I want to be around to see that happen.


Wood, S., Wood, E. G., & Boyd, D. (2011). The World of Psychology. Boston,
Pearson Education, Inc., 423-424
Adams, J., (2015) Manipulating the Human Genome. CQ Researcher, 25.
Retrieved from


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