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Group 1: Elma Daniel, Kelsey Kicklighter, Kristan Price, Jimi Waters

FRIT 7331 Key Assessment: Strategic Management Plan

KA Section VI
General Summary of Results
The survey was administered to 426 students at ASHS. The survey consisted
of 10 multiple choice questions, 4 unlimited selection questions, and 3 open
response questions. Roughly half of the student body participated in the survey:
41% were 10th graders, 34% were 11th graders, and 25% were 12th graders.
Almost 70% of the students have access to a public library card. This survey
revealed that 38% of the students visit the Media Center an average of once a week
while 44% do not visit the media center at all. Only 17.9% of students visit more
than once a week. Similarly, 17.4% of students say they visit the Media Center by
their own choice. An overwhelming majority of students (82.6%) reported visiting
the Media Center because their teacher takes their class there. Regarding their
favorite reason for visiting the Media Center, 62% of students say they go to use
technology or to have a comfortable place to do work. Just fewer than 10% of
students go to check out books. Most students felt like the Media Center is a nice
place to visit and that the Media Specialist is willing and able to help them, but
perhaps the service is not always friendly.
Nearly half of the students would visit the media center more if there was
more technology available and 34.5% say we need a better selection of books. The
need for more books and technology was confirmed in the open response questions.
Of the makerspace technology and tools suggested in the survey, 3D printers and
3D pens garnered the interest of around half the students followed closely by Legos.

Group 1: Elma Daniel, Kelsey Kicklighter, Kristan Price, Jimi Waters

An average of 61% of the students indicated that they have never used the
Media Center website, never used media center tools for research outside of school,
and they do not know how to use GALILEO.
Suggestions for Improvement
The students indicated several ways the Media Center can be improved right
way. They asked for more charging stations and relaxed policies concerning their
mobile technology, more computers, comfortable seating options, and more books.
The students would benefit from the introduction of some sort of makerspace. Also
highly recommended, but not a viable option for change right now, was more space
for students and classes to work. Luckily, we are building a new high school in a few
years and the planning phase is underway. These suggestions need to be passed
along to the architects. There clearly needs to be more emphasis placed on
educating the students on the use of GALILEO and other web-based resources. It
should be the goal of the Media Specialist to make sure the students see the Media
Center as a place of learning.

Link to Results
Link to Survey

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