Classroom Management Plan 2016

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Classroom Management and Leadership Plan: 2016

Preliminary Planning Questions
Your responses
1. What are your key beliefs and values about student behaviour in the
1. All students want to learn and respect the classroom environment regarding rules, routines,
music classroom?
and procedures etc.
2. Teachers are like doctors, where, misbehaviour or bad conduct is a symptom that is cured
by the teacher who finds the cause of the symptom.
3. If students value their learning and want to come to class everyday, they are more unlikely
to misbehave or break rules.
4. I want to make a difference in students lives; therefore I aim to be honest, authentic, and
patient towards them so that in return they will show a level of respect and positivity.
5. I set high, but attainable, expectations for my students because it challenges them to stay
focused and not be distracted, bored, or misbehave.
6. Rules, routines, and procedures are not roadblocks, but guides to control positive learning
in the class.
7. The Law of the Class is led by both student and teacher to ensure a healthy relationship
based on trust. Both student and teacher are accountable for following and enforcing the law.
(Sense of community)
8. Rules are absolute, but limits or expectations are contextual and help students develop a
sense of responsibility.
2. What expectations are already established in the school re: student
(At this time I do not know what the policies are for the school. No forms of school conduct
behaviour (i.e. rules, procedures, routines, policies, general conduct)?
have been given to me on orientation day. I aim to ask the school office for a copy of the
policies, procedures, and rules when I start practicum.) Here are some policies I would assume
would be implemented.
1. Any vulgar language is unacceptable and will be dealt with accordingly if caught doing so.
2. Students are expected to arrive on time when classes start and transition accordingly to the
bell schedule.
3. Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to learn.
3. What expectations are already established in the music classroom re:
(TA didnt give to me a strict set of rules, I assume he operates off of those enforced by the
student behaviour in the (rules, procedures, routines, policies, general
school) However, is general routines or procedures are the following.
1. Students raise their hands to speak, answer questions, or talk etc.
2. Students wait their turn patiently and dont distract others.
3. Students are expected to practice every week the assigned homework and hand in
assignments promptly.
4. Students come to class ready to learn and wanting to learn.
5. Students do not touch soundboard or any equipment that is controlled by the main station.
Students can touch the equipment if given permission by the teacher and have previous
knowledge of how to operate.
6. Classroom resources, reminders/announcements, and homework are found on class website.
4. What are your Teacher Associates key beliefs and values about student
1. Every student has a voice and the right to share that voice (or talent).
behaviour in the music classroom?
2. I treat students with a level of respect and they do the same. (Give and take)
3. If the students want to be here, work hard, and participate then they are unlikely to

5. How do your beliefs and values align with those of the school and with
those of your Teacher Associate?

1. We believe in a safe and collaborative music environment.

2. We believe that every student has something to offer to the table.
3. We believe that if you want respect, give respect and you will get the same in return.
Proactive Strategies
1. How will you establish a positive and productive learning environment? 1. Memorize student names as quickly as possible. No one likes being called out by his or her
i.e. Specifically, what will you do during the first and second classes?
clothes. To help reinforce this I will greet students at the door for the first week, or in general
as one of my teacher qualities. (the teacher who greets you with a smile and a high five before
and after class.)
2. Being myself and sharing with the students some personal experiences that relate to music.
be quirky
3. Introduce my expectations for the class and what I look for in good students. students
dont get marks, they earn marks
4. Introduce rules for the class. (rules are absolute and therefore different from my
expectations or limits) present in a positive but stern manner to not seem like a meanie
5. Student introductions for the whole class and myself. tell me your name, one band you
like, hobby, sport etc.
6. Tell jokes and be personable. Earn their trust by talking to each student and getting to know
them. Make them promises about what I will do for them to succeed in this class because I
want them all to do well. Tell them that you will do anything in your power to help them
succeed, you are here for them
7. Open door policy. Tell students that you have an open door policy for anyone to come chat
about anything (troubles or problems music or non-music related).
2. Once established, how will you maintain a positive and productive
Key words for myself consistency, inspire, passionate, determined, just/fair
learning environment? I.e. what will you do in the following days and
1. Living up to my promises and enforcing the rules of the class.
weeks to maintain this environment?
2. Maintaining a safe environment in the classroom.
3. Maintain and build the classroom community to be always a positive and respectful
4. Be always organized and prepared for every lesson. Thats my promise to the kids, to be
always ready
5. Always display a confident and positive character around the students at all times.
6. Always in control of the class or situation even if they are working on their own or doing
group work. the illusion of freedom
7. Motivate students all the time both intrinsically and extrinsically.
8. Provide consistent feedback both directly or indirectly.
9. Show that I care.
3. How will you positively influence students behaviour so that they meet
1. Challenge them to always give me their best.
your expectations?
2. Stay focused and on task all the time.
3. Remind them of my expectations and rules.
4. Positive reinforcement to aid in influencing positive student behaviour.
5. Explain the reasons/ramifications as to why they have done something wrong.
6. Ensure they know what needs to be done and have the materials to do so.
7. Enforce the rules consistently and justly. Never let anything slide, take action accordingly
to the situation and deal with it promptly

4. How will you demonstrate leadership in the music classroom?

5. How will you respond to off-task and/or misbehaviour? (List progressive

responses to varying levels of misbehaviour moving from low-level off-task
behaviours to more serious misdemeanours).

6. What are your classroom procedures?

1. Showing up always on time, organized, and prepared.

2. Being confident and positive at all times.
3. Follow the rules and guidelines of the school and classroom.
4. Lead by example.
5. Conduct and teach to unify performers (or students), set the tempo (or task), execute clear
preparations (or instructions), and listen critically (or provide feedback).
6. Competent in the content and material being taught.
1. Bump system of action.
Bump 1 planned ignoring, proximity, teacher look, cease and desist signal, say the
students name.
Bump 2 (Squaring Off) pause, turn to face, say students name and give verbal reminder,
thank you.
Bump 3 & 4 Offering Choices with limited range of alternatives. #4 is implied choice.
Bump 5 Informal Chat if previous bumps havent worked.
Bump 6 Defusing a Power struggle
Bump 7 Formal Contracts
2. Consequence of misbehaviour starting from low-key to high-key.
Visual / Verbal Warning
Verbal Warning
Private Communication of expectations
Parental Communication of expectations
Administrative Communication of expectations
1. Students will enter the class in a non-disruptive and timely manner, procuring their
instruments and music if in a band class. If in the guitar room students will sit down and wait
for instructions to get instruments.
2. In band students will set up their instruments and warm up to be prepared for class.
3. If students dont show up on time for class I will have a brief conversation with them in
private after class. If their behaviour does not improve I will discuss appropriate action with
my TA and potentially administration.
1. Students will pack up their instruments and equipment when directed by the teacher.
2. Students will either put chairs and stands away or set them up for the next class.
1. Students will raise their hands to respond, speak or ask a question/ comment.
2. Students will respect the person who is talking and all who have an opinion or contribution.
1. Keep pathways and exits in the classroom clear. Students ensure that their cases and or
equipment arent blocking these spaces.
1. If a student missies any classes they will have to keep up to date with all assignments. If
students need extra help they can ask for help and book a time with me, or find relevant
information on the class website.

7. What are your classroom routines?

1. Agenda before each class displayed on board, screen, or spoken directly.

2. Task to complete on board to grab students focus as soon as they enter the class. Also
allows me (the teacher) to take attendance without disturbing the learning environment.
3. Roll Call (Attendance)
8. What are your classroom rules?
1. Be on time Students should be in the class by the bell and in their seats or on task. 5
minutes grace after bell for excusable reasons.
2. Get Rid of GUM and no food or beverage in class except water.
3. Be prepared Students are responsible for bringing the required materials (their gear/
music) to class.
4. Be Respectful To the teacher and fellow classmates, as well as equipment in the room.
5. Turn in Homework On time
6. Be Ready and Willing Give me your best all the time. Im not looking for perfection.
Every can earn an A in this class.
7. Have Fun Being apart of the music class is a fun experience. If students do their best and
follow these rules then Im certain this one will happen on its own.
9. Who will determine the rules? Teacher? Students? Teacher and students?
Teacher and Students are responsible for keeping everyone accountable. However, the teacher
holds the executive power for decisions and consequences. Democratic with Authoritative
Executive powers.
10. How will you ensure that your students know your expectations re:
1. First lesson in the form of general discussion and lecture.
rules, procedures, policies and routines?
2. Written or posted on board or wall.
3. Verbal and Non-verbal cues/ reminders.
Proactive strategies you will take to address this issue
1. How will you introduce yourself to the students on the first day?
1. Introduce myself as Mr. Yaretz or Mr. Y either works for me.
2. Discuss in front of class who I am with PowerPoint and instrument at hand. Start with
talking about hobbies, where Im from, what I do etc.
3. Show some pictures about me to make it a little personal.
4. Play them some music on the piano and then start the lesson from this point while at the
5. Pre-assessment worksheet that starts with an open class discussion using the smart board
then transitions to worksheet.
6. Homework: Interest survey and questionnaire.
2. How will you learn students names?
1. Round robin tell me your name, your favourite hobby, food, sport, etc.
2. Memory game for teacher go around the room or circle and say each students name back
at them.
3. Name list of class will be beneficial in learning/memorizing students names.
3. How will you get to know your students as individuals?
1. Short exit slip about themselves or write up.
2. First class individual survey. (Interest inventory)
4. How will your students get to know you as a person?
1. One to one talking.
2. First class bio about myself.
5. How will you establish a sense of community?
1. Developing a classroom community that promotes teamwork and fair play through
meaningful work and rehearsals.
2. Enforce class rules and safety policies.
3. Staying true to my word and acting justly.

4. Group projects and assignments. Flexible grouping strategy (making informed groups based
on student profiles)
Proactive strategies you will take to address this issue
1. Display and discuss the agenda before each class. Whats the game plan for today, well
2. Ensuring the room layout and equipment organization is optimized for timely transitions.
3. Have lesson materials ready before hand to not waste time during the class.
2. What will you do to manage and organize space (e.g. room set up) to
(The room is already setup by the TA in a format that works best for the classes. If I find that
optimize learning, teaching, and music making?
the organization of the equipment is not working for my teaching style I will ask to rearrange
for my needs.)
1. Instruments and music are organized in its designated area or space.
3. What will you do to manage and organize matter (i.e. students,
1. Instruments and music are organized in its designated area or space.
equipment, materials, resources, etc.) to optimize learning, teaching, and
2. Chairs and stands have their own designated space and are put away at the end of each day.
music making?
3. Continuing the already established routines in the classroom set by my TA.
Proactive Strategies you will take to address this issue
1. What personal variables (e.g. exceptional learners, behavioural
1. Age of students range from 11-15.
disorders, age of students, gender, personality, etc.) do you anticipate for
2. More males than females in class with an average 65% M-35%F split in genders for each
which you will need to account? How will you address these to maximize
teaching, learning, and music making?
3. One child that is on the autism spectrum. EA is assigned to that students and stays with him
during the whole class. Ive made arrangements to chat with the EA to discuss this childs
2. What contextual variables (e.g. socio-economic, religious, cultural, etc.) 1. GS Lakie has mixed demographics and varying socio-economic situations. However, it is
do you anticipate for which you will need to account? How will you address not in a server category that would greatly effect the learning environment. These issues
these to maximize teaching, learning, and music making?
would be monitored and accommodated on an individual basis.
2. I aim to recognise the numerous individuals within my classroom and will teach in a
manner that will meet all the needs of the students.
1. What will you do to manage and organize time to optimize learning,
teaching, and music making?

Classroom Management and Leadership Plan

Name: Daniel Yaretz

All listed criteria are fully met: 50

Almost all listed criteria are met: 45 49.5
Most criteria are met: 40 44.5
Some criteria are met: 30 - 39.5
Only a few criteria are met: 1-29.5
None of the criteria are met: 0



Responses to Preliminary Questions are well researched (i.e. have complete and accurate answers
regarding TA and school), well conceived, and demonstrate maturity in judgment.

Where appropriate, strategies listed are proactive (i.e. anticipate and solve problems before they

The strategies are well-conceived, well thought out, and demonstrate maturity in judgment
(e.g. logical consequences, firm, fair, consistent).

The strategies identified reflect current thinking and research in classroom management and
are potentially effective approaches to leading and managing in classrooms.

The strategies identified to address management considerations reflect strong organizational


The strategies identified to address personal and contextual variables reflect awareness of
context, proactivity, and/or sensitivity to the situation.


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