Alignment Chart

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Brief description of proposed project.

Personalized Learning: Maximizing the Knowledge of Every

Student is a blended class. With an increasing emphasis on personalized learning throughout education,
this course will teach educators how to easily incorporate this skill into his or her Readers Workshop
through one-on-one and/or small group conferencing. From these conferences, the teacher and student
will learn to set individual goals, as well as ways to meet these goals, to apply to their reading strengths
and challenges. This course will include an active discussion piece, as well as an easy application piece
that will fit naturally into the daily workings of the classroom.

Terminal Objective: After assessing each student, the learner will

and challenges in reading.
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea
Absorb Activity
Determine each
Analyze a sample
Watch a video of an
students reading
running record,
educator giving a
level using
running record
decoding and
skills by completing
a benchmark
Brainstorm a list of
decoding and/or
skills to strengthen
for each student

Scenario quiz,

Read an article
about interpreting
running records

be able to identify a students strengths

Do Activity
Connect Activity
*Complete and
Write a journal
analyze a running
reflection on what
record on a chosen went well,
challenges you had.
*Discuss your
Create a job aid
running record with delineating the
your learning
parts steps of a
partner to
running record.
Discuss the scenario quiz, as well as the
running records article with your learning
group. Compare and contrast lists of
areas to strengthen.

Terminal Objective: In order to apply the knowledge of a students strengths and challenges and be able to
set goals, the learner will apply the steps to one-on-one conferencing.
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea
Absorb Activity
Do Activity
Connect Activity
Deliniate the three
Mastery Quiz
Read Chapter 4 in
Take the Mastery
Create a job aid
levels of decision
The Literacy
Quiz on the three
describing the
making to move
Teachers Playbook levels of decision
three levels of
children towards
by Jennifer
decision making
Explain the
Read Chapter 4 in
*Conduct a
Write a reflection
structure of a
The Literacy
Research-Decideon the conference.
research-decideMastery Scenario
Teachers Playbook Teach Conference
What went well?
teach conference
by Jennifer
*Take a Mastery
What needs to be
Serravallo + video
Quiz if conference
not recorded
Describe the parts
Read Chapter 4 in
*Complete a
Write a reflection
of a coaching
conference/ or
The Literacy
on the conference.
Mastery Scenario
Teachers Playbook Conference
What went well?
by Jennifer
*Take a Mastery
What needs to be
Serravallo + video
Quiz if conference
not recorded
Discuss the parts of Recorded
Read Chapter 4 in
*Complete a
Write a reflection
a strategy lesson
The Literacy
strategy lesson
on the conference.
Mastery Scenario
Teachers Playbook *Take a Mastery
What went well?
by Jennifer
Quiz if lesson not
What needs to be
Serravallo + video

Terminal Objective: Based on the students areas of strength and challenge, in a one-on-one conference,
the learner will be able to set goals for each student focusing on his or her areas of challenge.
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea
Absorb Activity
Do Activity
Connect Activity
Research the steps Writing piece
Read Chapter 3 in
Complete the
Job aid on the steps
of a Goal Setting
explaining the
The Literacy
writing piece on the of a Goal Setting
steps of the
Teachers Playbook steps of a Goal
by Jennifer
Setting Conference
Serravallo + video
Apply the steps of a Video Mastery quiz Read Chapter 3 in
Conduct a Goal
Write a reflection
Goal Setting
(observe a
The Literacy
Setting Conference determining
recording of a goal
Teachers Playbook
strengths and areas
setting conference
by Jennifer
in need of
identify the steps
Serravallo + video
improvement in the
as you watch) ,
List possible areas
Evaluation of the
Review Applying
After reviewing a
Create a list of your
of challenge to
Learners list,
the 80/20 Principle: students running
learners challenge.
determine the
Choosing a Goal
record, make a list
focus of the
section in Chapter
of areas of
3 in The Literacy
challenge, discuss
Teachers Playbook possible areas of
by Jennifer
challenge with your
learning partner.
Choose an area of
Evaluation of the
Review Applying
After reviewing a
challenge to set an learners written
the 80/20 Principle: chosen students
achievable goal
Choosing a Goal
running record,
section in Chapter
record observations

Develop a minilesson to address

the students area
of challenge

Evaluation of the
learners lesson
based on the
running record,
video record the

3 in The Literacy
Teachers Playbook
by Jennifer
Read the Getting
Started section of
The Reading
Strategies Book by
Jennifer Serravallo

determining an
area of challenge in
order to set an
achieveable goal.
Execute the
Group critique of
planned mini-lesson the mini-lesson
to address the
from learning group
students area of

Serravallo, J. 2014. The literacy teachers playbook: Four steps for turning assessment data into goaldirected instruction. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Serravallo, J. 2015. The reading strategies book: Your everything guide to developing skilled readers.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

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