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#1 Cell Structure and Functions

Organelles specialized structures in cytoplasm (eg; Mitochondria)
Cell Membrane is the outer boundary of the cell that separates its cell to
other cells, and external environment. Made of phospholipid bi-layer, that allows
certain substances in and restricts others. Involved in transport of substances.
Cytoplasm is the thick fluid in which the cell contents are contained. Have
enzymes in it to allow glycolysis of anaerobic respiration. Also the site where
chemical reactions in the cell occur.
Nuclear membrane has a double membrane and separates nucleus to other
Nuclear pore are gaps in the nuclear membrane to let large molecules pass
Nucleus is ovoid or spherical in shape, and contains the genetic material,
mostly DNA.
Nucleolus - composed of RNA
Centrioles Cylindrical in shape, involved in reproduction of cells
Mitochondria spherical in shape, with double membrane, that releases
energy for the cell for aerobic respiration
Rough Endoplasmic reticulum appears rough due to ribosomes. Provides
internal structural skeleton to support the cells shape, stores materials and
minerals and forms internal network through which the materials can be
transported, and also providing large surface area for chemical reactions to occur
Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum has no ribosomes. It packages proteins
for transport, synthesizes membrane phospholipids, and releases calcium.
Golgi Apparatus/Body flattened membranes that modify and package
proteins into vesicles for secretion
Ribosomes small and spherical in shape, attached to Rough ER, where amino
acids are joined to these to produce proteins anabolism of amino acids to
proteins protein synthesis
Lysosomes is made of double layers. Contains enzymes to break down
proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and carbohydrates
Vesicle pinched from membranes, secrets useless substances (worn-out or
used or bad substances)
Vacuole are small packages that contain substances/chemicals, and wait until
they are secreted. Their main purpose to separate the contents of the vesicle from
the cell. Golgi body packages the substances into vesicles
Cytoskeleton consists of microtubules and microfilaments to give cells its
shape, and assist movement of materials and organelles.
Inclusions substances that are not part of cell structure but found in
cytoplasm (eg: hemoglobin)
Intracellular components contents in the cell
Extracellular components contents out of the cell

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