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Gruneito 1 Alex Gruneiro Mrs. Raymond University Writing 1102 26 March 2016 WP7 Thave used rhetorical knowledge in my project in several ways. The point of a presentation is to appeal to people’s emotions, and to get them to visualize things so that you don’t have to over explain yourself. The way I have been doing this is being very descriptive in what I say. The writing prompts have helped me understand this a lot more, especially the one om we did on March 24" where we had to be really descriptive. I thought it y6 really cool We is even being direct. lee interest in the Panther’s organization has really driven me to invesyfgate further into their history, ne {was the one from ESPN about ¢ sn Cam Newton texting Michael Oher to ask him to join the team. I struggle with this one because I people could figure out what we were talking about so quickly witho and what they stand for. The source that challenged me tha m¢ had to figure out how I was going to make the audience understand why I thought this was such a big deal. ‘The way I can incorporate it is by showing how the Panthers front desk trusted Newton’s judgement on Oher, and showing how great the guys are by reaching out. I feel like my group is in a very good position right now because we all know what we want to accomplish, and we know how we are going to accomplish it.

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