Classroom Management and Leadership Plan

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Classroom Management and Leadership Plan

Preliminary Planning Questions
Your responses
1. What are your key beliefs and values about student behaviour in the
1. Students should be engaged participants in the music making process.
music classroom?
2. Students will show respect for all people and instruments.
3. Students should be having fun, while participating in the music making process.
2. What expectations are already established in the school re: student
behaviour (i.e. rules, procedures, routines, policies, general conduct)?

1. Students will:
a) Demonstrate a commitment to maintaining a safe and caring school
b) Conduct themselves so as to comply the Alberta Governments Code of Conduct
for all students
c) Be informed of this code of conduct and the possible consequences of noncompliance
2. Each student has the right to an education. Therefore it is each students
responsibility to listen, learn, practice, complete assignments and to accept
remedial assistance when necessary. It is unacceptable to disturb, disrupt or
interfere with the instruction of teachers and/or the learning of fellow classmates.
(Students Rights and Regulations, #1)
3. Each student has a right to be treated with dignity and respect. Therefore, it is
each students responsibility to treat others and their belongings with polite
consideration. It is unacceptable to laugh at, tease or put down other people,
whether students, staff or other adults. (Students Rights and Regulations, #2)
4. Each student has the right to be safe and secure. Therefore, it is each students
responsibility to respect the physical safety of themselves and others in the school.
Threats, intimidation, or any physical attempt to harm others is unacceptable.
(Students Rights and Regulations, #4)
5. Banned items: weapons, laser pointers, matches, lighters, toy guns, tobacco
products, drugs/alcohol, energy drinks.
6. Dress Code: Clean, Neat and Modest

7. Cell Phones: The use of cell phones by students during the school day is
prohibited without permission from a staff member.
3. What expectations are already established in the music classroom re:
student behaviour in the (rules, procedures, routines, policies, general

1. First band class of the day sets up chairs and stands; last class of the day puts
them away.
2. Students assemble instruments/warm up until group warm up begins.
3. Once rehearsal has begun students should not be talking, but focused on the
4. 3 strikes system. If a student earns 3 strikes over the course of a week, they
serve a detention.

4. What are your Teacher Associates key beliefs and values about student
behaviour in the music classroom?

1. Students need to be listening during rehearsals, rather than talking, in order to

make the best use of our time.
2. The music room should be a relaxed environment, where learning and having
fun are both possible.
1. I believe that my beliefs and values align quite well with those of my TA and
those of the school.

5. How do your beliefs and values align with those of the school and with
those of your Teacher Associate?


Proactive Strategies
1. How will you establish a positive and productive learning environment? 1. Have each student write their name on card stock, which they can fold over
i.e. Specifically, what will you do during the first and second classes?
their stand, allowing me to see their name.
2. Have an agenda for each class on the whiteboard.
3. Briefly introduce myself to the class. Have a slide show that focuses on musical
and different aspects of my life.
4. Create class rules: Ask students for some suggestions. Respect for each other
and the instruments will be our main rule. When we are rehearsing, it is respectful
to not be talking to others, but listening.
5. Show enthusiasm for their upcoming tour/Kiwanis festival.
2. Once established, how will you maintain a positive and productive
learning environment? I.e. what will you do in the following days and
weeks to maintain this environment?
3. How will you positively influence students behaviour so that they meet
your expectations?

1. Remind students to please put their nametags on their stands to help me get to
know their names. Review the rules that we had outlined last class.
2. Enforce the rules thoroughly, especially for the first weeks.
3. If required, new rules can be added.
1. Greet students every class with enthusiasm.
2. Express interest in the music that they are playing, excitement for the upcoming

band trip/Kiwanis festival.

3. Promise that I will get to know everyones names by the end of the first week
for the grade 6 students, and the 7/8s by the end of week 2. If I am having trouble
with some students names I can write them in my score with their instrument.
4. Let them know that I am looking forward to getting to know them and making
music with them.
4. How will you demonstrate leadership in the music classroom?

1. Greet students and inquire about other aspects of their lives.

2. Be friendly, but firm.
3. Provide the students with excellent listening opportunities.
4. Incorporate as many as possible students into learning when working with
specific sections (have percussionists subdivide for the flutes when working on a
tricky passage, have everyone clap the rhythm that the snare player has)

5. How will you respond to off-task and/or misbehaviour? (List progressive

responses to varying levels of misbehaviour moving from low-level off-task
behaviours to more serious misdemeanours).

1. Glance in their direction.

2. Stop rehearsal. Look at them. Wait until they stop talking/off-task behaviour.
Say Thank You. Go back to rehearsal.
3. Their name + Step 2.
4. Use their name. Please stop talking. (Or other off task behaviour) Wait until
they stop. Thank you.
5. Name. See me after class.
6. Think of suitable consequence that fits the crime. Talk to the student, ask if they
understand what class rule they broke, listen to their story, administer
consequence (detention, apology, off their instrument)

6. What are your classroom procedures?

1. If I step up onto the podium and raise my hand that indicates that we are going
to begin. All talking should stop at this point.

7. What are your classroom routines?

1. The grade 6s (first band class) will set up chairs and stands; the grade 8s (last
band class) will take the chairs and stands down.
2. Students will assemble and do personal warm-ups until I step onto the podium.
3. We will then go through a group warm-up and rehearsal will begin.

8. What are your classroom rules?

1. Respect for all people and instruments.

2. There should be no talking during rehearsal (unless we are having a class
discussion or there are questions).
1. During the first class, we will have a group discussion. Ultimately though, I

9. Who will determine the rules? Teacher? Students? Teacher and students?

will direct the discussion so that the rules that we come up with are those that I
need to be in place.
10. How will you ensure that your students know your expectations re:
rules, procedures, policies and routines?

1. We will establish them the first class, review them the second class, and enforce
them whenever necessary.

Proactive strategies you will take to address this issue
1. How will you introduce yourself to the students on the first day?
1. Greet students at the door: One at a time shake their hand, introduce myself, get
their name.
2. Have a short introduction; show a quick Power Point presentation about myself.
2. How will you learn students names?

1. Have card stock and markers at the front for each student to write their name on
as they enter. These nametags will go on their stands so that I can see their names
from the podium.
2. I will aim to not need the nametags anymore for the grade 6s by the end of the
first week. I will aim to not need the nametags anymore for the grade 7/8s by the
end of the second week.
3. Grade 5 Music: we will spend half of our first class playing name games. I will
then write their names in their parts.

3. How will you get to know your students as individuals?

1. I am currently looking into starting a percussion ensemble that will meet at

lunchtime, as well as joining hand bell club. There is also jazz band after school
on Friday and Brass quintet after school on Thursday.
2. I will spend the first few minutes of every class to walk around the band room
and check in with different students.

4. How will your students get to know you as a person?

1. I will do a short introduction. I will also be open to sharing personal stories and
musical experiences.
2. I will be involved in extracurricular activities.

5. How will you establish a sense of community?


1. Letting them know what lunchtimes that I will be in the band room and
available to help them.
2. Be active with extra curricular activities.
Proactive strategies you will take to address this issue

1. What will you do to manage and organize time to optimize learning,

teaching, and music making?

1. Have the agenda written out so that students know which pieces well be
rehearsing each class.
2. Once I am standing at the podium with my hand up, music making has started.
From this point forward students should be focused and listening, not talking to
their friends. Will enforce this, so that rehearsal time is not wasted.
3. Look for parts in the music where I can combine sections, so that the most
students possible are playing.

2. What will you do to manage and organize space (e.g. room set up) to
optimize learning, teaching, and music making?

1. Students will set up the chairs and stands facing the conductor.
2. The whiteboard will be next to the podium, this will allow me to elaborate on
required concepts or demonstrate rhythms, etc.
3. Students will also be facing the projector screen with this seating arrangement,
making using the projector quite efficient.

3. What will you do to manage and organize matter (i.e. students,

equipment, materials, resources, etc.) to optimize learning, teaching, and
music making?

1. I will have the percussion students move up and sit behind the brass if we are
ever watching video/listening on the projector or discussing a concept on the
whiteboard. (As there is quite a distance from the last row of brass until the
2. I will hand out any resources (warm-ups, etc.) while students are being seated
and assembling their instruments as to not disrupt rehearsal time.

1. What personal variables (e.g. exceptional learners, behavioural
disorders, age of students, gender, personality, etc.) do you anticipate for
which you will need to account? How will you address these to maximize
teaching, learning, and music making?

Proactive Strategies you will take to address this issue
1. There is a student who has severe autism in one of the band class. He has an EA
who sits at the drum set and hits the drums with him. This student is unable to
play or sit up without assistance. I would like to inquire about the severity of this
students autism. I can talk to the EA, or perhaps ask to see the IPP.

2. What contextual variables (e.g. socio-economic, religious, cultural, etc.)

do you anticipate for which you will need to account? How will you address
these to maximize teaching, learning, and music making?

1. There is one First Nations student in all of the bands, although he is in foster
care so I do not know to what extent this student identifies has First Nations. Once
I get to know the student I will have a better idea of if I need to take into account
any variables when teaching.

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