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AUR ‘ACKNOWLEDGMENT The kind permission of the Royal Canadian Air Force to make the text of this training Pamphlet available to the public is grate- fully acknowledged. FOREWORD “The Five Base Exercises (SBX) Plan presented inthis ootet le designed to show you how to develop and hold & ‘igh level of piysial fines, regarlss of where you may be Ioeate.” The scheme isnot Gependent on elsborete facies for equipment, The exerebes require only lever misses a ‘ay and canbe done in your bedroom or beside your bed la ‘te burke ‘The diversity of work asignmens, combined with lack of adequate gymasiun facilis st many of out slaons maker 1 aca to schedule formal py! Waning periods fr all four personel. ‘The SBX Plan pus physica ness within east of every member af the RCA 1 i your duty and responsibilty at 4 member of the RCAF to maintain high level of pyle and be ready for any emergency which may require the extended we of your physical resources Postve physical well-being i allo ‘owl alied with mental snd emoinal fines, all of which fre esenial ie the dicharge of normal ly aks, Chie ofthe Defence tt CAUTION Before You Start... 1 you have any doubt as to your capabilicyw unde ‘ake tis programme, see Your medial advise, ‘You should oot peor fst, vigorous oe, highly compeiive phyeal atv witboot gradual? develop- ine and cootouoly aincning an adequate level of sta oem, paral if you ae over the age of 30 Gor Wham?... This exercise progamne has been designed for varying age groups covering male mebers ofthe Royal Goadian Ale Force, Royal Canadian Alt Cadets, and ‘ependent children. (A similar execne progr for gil and women fat ten poled) ander the cle "XBX Plan for iets” and maybe purchased fom the Queen's THE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE S5BX Plan Here is a new scientifically designed approach to Physical Fitness which can develop an adequate level of reserve energy needed for vigorous positive well being and zestful living. ‘This plan enables you to get fi: By yourself At home In your spare time At your own rate of progress Without discomfort and in only 11 minutes a day. 5BX means FIVE BASIC EXERCISES ‘The SBX Plan is unique: SIMPLE. because i i ety to do, ety t fellow: PROGRESSIVE cr tro Jour raged ee, wot tg si oF sore mate. COMPLETE rcs are appedskaneoly and proscanveh SELF-MEASURING because it sv os for your age so ody bull sloog ib adeied standards for checking your proses CONVENIENT Scum, ou ci, do, hess any ne a our atl PER DAY Research has Demonstrated that the 5BX Plan will: Tecrease the sength of the important muscle groups sede in everyday ling crease the ally of muscles used in eseatal body movements t0 function ficiently for long periods of time. Tees the speed response of the important muscles of the body. ‘Keep the important muscles and joins of the Body supple and flexible 1 snd capacity ofthe beat, lungs 20d ter boy organs reas the capacity for phys exertion. Why Should You be so Concerned About Physical Fitness? Mechanzatin, stomatin, and worksaving devices to make Iie ‘easy are depriving of desire pia activity. Canadians, sr eu ‘re in danger of deteriorating physically. Here are the Pertinent Facts ‘Morclervnless adequately exercised or use will become weak end inefciest. Let's take a look at some of the evidence which sows shy ropular vigorous exerci ir so evento pial well-being. ‘Weak back muscles are associ, many eases, with lower back tin. It fas been estimated that 90% of these backaces may be ‘minted by seresing the srengh of the back musles trough ‘A bulging sagging abdomen resting from weakened abdominal ‘muscles Is detvimental to good pose “The eficiency and espaciy of your Heat, lungs and eter oraas an be improved by regular vigorous exercise. AS person i es susceptible to common injures, and, if recover more mpi red, The incidence of degenerative beat diseases may be greater in ‘ose who have Bot fllowed a physically active Iie Regular vigorous exercise plays an important role in costoling your weight Regular vigorous physical activity an help you snd nervous tention, You are never too olf o begin and follow 2 regular exercie rorramie. You can collect valuable dividends of physical efficiency from your daily activities Hidden in the simple actives we do every day are wonderful ‘onportunities to get exereie and ep relresbed, Because we have ‘veoped an attude of "doing & the eaty way" we take shortcus which seldom save time, Consequently We have developed habits to void physical exertion, Here are sme roitine activites which can be turned into small ‘hallenges that ill hep to msitin physical Fess once you have Saind the suggeed level of physical capacity for you. Make them | HABIT! Ralance on one foot without support while oting om your seks of shoes. Fe55 —ote yunll a vr ibdown wih & ough towel afer a shower ‘Take the sir two at a ime instead of AG , it your eh, don't shore ‘end your knees flly and keep back when picking ar objet of the Boor. AA wee pry ns mt &f ways you cam walk a few Bosks rather than ways in which to svoul waking. Step out ( arly and reste depy 4 PHYSICAL FITNESS Physical Fitness ‘The human body is made up mainly of bone, muscle and ft Some 639 diferent muscles acount for about 455 ofthe body weight Each ofthese muscles har four distinct and measurable quality which se of intern to us (1) can produce forse which can be smesured a arent of (2) can sore eneray whi permits ito work for extended periods of time independent of culation, "This is generally Fefered to muuclarendarance, (0) Ie cam shorten at varying rats, This Is alld speed of contraction. (4) cam be suetched and wil recoil. This it called the eat of masse ‘The combination of these our qualities of muscle i refered 0 MUSCULAR POWER. 1 muscles are to function effslenty, they must be con Vinay “supplied with energy fuel. ‘This ls accomplished by the ‘ood which earls the energy fel from Iung and digestive system to the mosces, The blood forced trough the blood vessels by the heart The combined capacity 10 supply energy face to the working mutle called ORGANIC POWER. ‘The capucy and eliincy with which your body can fenton pends on the degree of development of both your muscular and forganie power through regular exercise, However, the level to which you can develop these powers i nfenced by such factors the ype ‘of body you inert, the food you et, presence of absence of dete, You are physically only when you have adequately developed your muscular abd orpaic power to perform with te highest posible oe te oe te BRYSICAL CAPACITY SCALE Bor w & 8) Pare Ey 10 co How fit should you be? erediy and health determine the top limi to which your ply eapoclty can be developed. This i known your potent Dyical capaciy. This potential capacity varies from individval to fndividul. Most of vs for example, could train for a Wetime and ever come clove to running « four minute mule simply because We sreren "but™ for i ‘The top level at which you cam perform physically Hght now is callod your “soguirel capaciy” because It has been acquired ot Aevlope through physical activity In your daly routines. ‘Your body, lke a eat, futons most eficenly well below is scquired capacity. A car, for example, driven at its top sped of, sy, 110 mies per hour user’ more pur per mile thin when it ven sound $0.40 miles per hour, which Is Well blow is capac. Your ody fanctions ia the same way, In thatthe ratio of work performed 10 energy expended it better when i functions well ow acquired ‘You can avoid wastage of energy by acquiring level of physical capacity well above the level requied to perform your normal daily taste This can be accomplsed by suplementing your duly phys fsctiviy with a Dalanced exercise progamme performed regualy. ‘Your capacity increases a you progressively srs the loa on your muscular and organic systems Exerc will increase physical endurance ond stamina thus ‘roiling a reser revere of ener for lnure tie activites, LEAD A BALANCED LIFE PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY COMPARISONS The contribution of sports and other activities to basic physical efficiency ust 8 4 balanced dist most be composed of suflent guantty ‘of the groper kinds of foodr to ensure that automa requirements fre adequately me, 20 should balanced physical sctvity programm fe composed of 8 sfclent quantity of the proper And of pays fcxviy a0 that all the importane parts of the body aze adequately crest ‘The parts of the body that require speci attention are the muscles of the shoulder and arm, abdomen abd back legs, and the INo single sport provides « tly balanced development for all parts ofthe body. This can only be acqied by regular partiiation| Iva numberof carefully selected spor Such parteipation, however, | not pomible forthe average person for a number of reasons— sailabilty of play opportumty, time, frances. The most pratcal ysial fines scheme for mow of us ix participation dn one or to front suppemened by a bulunced set of extcss, The SBX pro [gramme hs been designed to bring physical ines within the reach of fny beathy yerion who i wing to devote 11-mioutes a day t0 a Common Sense about Exercise won't do you any good to exercie unless you doit until i ‘nua"—the saying poes ‘This i sbsautly false. Although you may fet some bent from doing exercies uml "t hare, thi is nat ecenary inorder to aeqie an adequate level of physical Snes. AS ‘mater of fat, rete benefits can be derived fom eerie by avld- ng sie and soreness ‘There are taslaly two ways in which you can avoid discomfort dsl develop high Isls of psi eapacy ‘Warm up property before parisipaing in any strenuous physi sivgy sucha sprinting, handball, tei ee Stat ny traning programme at low level of aevity and work op by easy stages. Warming Up The SBX Plan was designed so that 90 additonal warmup is secssry ia order to recelve is maximum benef, The older one the more nesessary proper warming p becomes to wold “srined” muscles The SBX Plan as a bultia method of Wearmop. ‘This i achive ia two Ways by the arrangement of the exercises; and by the manoer in which these exectes ae performed For example the fist exercie is a suctching and loosening exercise ‘which liners up the large mules of the body. In adiion, this ‘exercise should be started very slowly and eatly, with a gradual Increase in speed and vigor. Let oe soe how thi principle applies 19 exert No. 1, which requires you to touch the foo. You should not forse Yourself to 0 ion the ist attempt, bt rater start by pushing Sowa very gently fod slowly as far ar you can witout undue stala—then on each ‘ceeding try push dove litle harder, ad, atthe same time, do the fxercie ile far so that by the end of two minutes you are Touching the floor and. moving at the necesary speed. All the ‘veces can be performed inthis manner. 1 you choose to do the eerie in the morning, and area slow starter, at soon as the alarm rings, seth, arch your back, Hi your legs and start riding your bicycle Weight Control—Exercise When you ate overweight, you have more fat sored pin your ody than rnecenary or good for You ‘You become overweight and fabby when you eat more “high ‘alone food" than your body cam Use” Foods uch ab fats gas, Starches, ee, soply the etergy your body needs for is work. Ifyou ft more ighetlore foods ian requed for Your daly work the Spey saved inthe form of fat Fat stored under the Sia aad {round the internal organ. Everyone has, of should have some fat on hi body, However cxcesive fat sags partially about vital organ, Umpire piyseal ficiency snd health, Fat maker the Beart work harder since each ‘tra pound of bodyfat rquites about one gurter of mile of Blood ‘easel it obvious, therefore, that you cannot acguite he Bighes level of physical ficiency when you are overweight “The seeumulaion of fat on your body can be prevented or reduced titer by eating less higheslore foods oF lates your piyseal iy.” It's beter all to combine thee two by eating down on hiph-etiovie foods and increasing, Your physical aciviy by regular, frequent exer, excess. ENERGY excess ENERGY UseD UP ayA REGULAR EXERCISE What is it? ‘The SBX Plan 6 composed of 6 chars arranged in progresion. Each shat ie compored of 5 exrees which are always performed In| {he tame ordesand Inthe same maximum tine im, Doty as You Pro: [res fom char to chart there are sight change im cach basic eet ‘Sits prasial demand for move et ‘A Sole tne tale of Chart 3 i ceprooed on the oppor pags an! nto be une in he falling Way Leven "This are the Physial Capacity levels, each indicated by a Jeter of the alphabet EXERCISES TEeerebes 1, 23 and 4 apply to the fit four exercises described and lsvated onthe folowing pages. The clume beaded. 1 teP- fesetseverie (oe tour), eee The. Susi each column Ince the numer ot tes that each exer tbe epeied in {he tie noted for tht exer.” Exerche Sis runing oa the ‘pet. "Two active may be suited for i however, and if You Prefer, you may. run" or walk the secommended astance in the egies ime a place of the stallonury wun of exercise 5 [MINUTES FOR EACH EXERCISE "The alloted ime for each exerie i noted her. Thee times remain the tame throeshoet all the charts Tota tie for exetees Through Sr it mine, i i important thatthe execs at any level be completed in 11 mines "However, i lkelydhat ia the cary sags, an Indiidoa wil compicte ceria exces ie less than” the. alloted time whe others may requice longer. In these clcumstanees the limes loi for iodoal exer tay be varied within the foal inate peso HOW FAR SHOULD YOU PROGRESS? "rhe level of Peet Capacity 10 Wich you should progres. termined by your “Age. Group”. Levels for “Flying Crew" are ined separately. 'Seo "Your Physica Capacity Level” on page 32, PHYSICAL CAPACITY RATING SOALE Tapa] 4S nel [arpa afar AGE GROUPS [iz ye moinaine O-+ 13 yee minting C+ 14 yrs motes B+ 35:39 yes moitoins B [40-44 yas maincins C FLYING CREW [40-44 yes meintins At LAs:49 yrs moinains 8 1 ee aie us upmard Fost or 6 onal Te fox, “ue teoven fc and pes oe ee eons eo ted Reese Ueto ser ale lasped behing ead. Alon Kees (ond sity Si tp towel poon, keep “pnd” both thighs completely ot fr eae ies os Seco NOT Se one ee 1 Sa ne hei ep Bras dmg oie atn eno sare Paso agi ‘Check your diy schedule and determine the tine most convsiet for you todo the exercises, I should be the sume time eath da. “Here ze some suggested tines: “before breakfae; itte"meming er afternoon, at your place of employment, ate "Your regular recretonal perio in the’ evening fst before you etre. Regardless ofthe Lime you choose START TODAY, Masini Rate of Progression Through Chart 1. According (© Age 10 yeart or under, at leat 1 ay at each level. 40.9 years, st leat 2 days at each level 3039 Joa at leat 4 aye at cach level 4049 Sou, at leat 9 aye at sac level S039 Jen, at fat & dye at cach level 6 years and oer at east 10 days at each evel (0 you fel si or sore, or if you are undaly treaties at any tine, eae up and sow down your tae. of rogrsion. ‘Ths partly applieable tothe older age sroups)| ‘ANote of Caution ven if you fee able to sar ata high level and progress at a fuser rate than indcses DONT DO Start the botiom of ‘hart and work up from level to let! as recommended Fr bert results fom SBX the exerclses must be done repulary Remember, it ma take you 6,8 0 months of more f daly exerees to ata the Level recommended for you, tut once You have asined ‘nly 3 prioe of exerci por week wil mais hs Level of psc 16 for any reton (illness, te.) you sap dog SBX regularly and you with to begin again, do\ not vesomimence at the Teel you had ied previous. ‘Do drop back several leven you find one you can withoxt undue rai After period of inactive of longer than two month, ‘or one month i cated by ines ii recommended st You sar Sesin at Cnr MAKE SX A HABIT Oecd Start at the lowest Physical Copaciy Level of Chart 1 (D— Repeat each exerci inthe alloted time or do the exerci 11 minutes" Move upmard om the te char fo the ext level (D) ony titer you can complete all the Tegured movements at yoor present level within T1 minutes. “Continue to progr upward in this manner minutes. Now srt atthe boom of Chare 2 (D—), and come in thie fasion spwarde trowph the level and from chart chart Ul you rach the level Tor your age group ie age 35-39 (B Chat 3) tea. CAPAEITY RH seme EXERCISE 72/45 jae ae Lal [e[=[~[#/#/#/-/=|-|2|2/2| t 1 ig 1 AGE GRouPS 4 ys moins B 7 yee mointaine A Leen te EN 2 Bt a fat 6 rm ABS i cn owe 7 laa tinal Se a foot > Fee i ed (Cet ee ch ine cd “Fron ig, bape ander he Etc s Sato nt sep SRR ct patina ¢ Sky of aoc). "Brey tem, oo sear jmp Rept Se yet cal ie Seti ended forward, 1a dle a itt leh SESS tee pti of aoe ae Sea fee eset ET CHART 1 Kot) EXERCISE 1 cen “Seu som EXERCISE 2 woe Coes cece Coss EXERCISE 3 tea NN ta, EXERCISE 4 EXERCISE 5 rseaL capaeiry RATING SCALE rr) 72 a [w/a] a fafa arf [a ala] a| alm] af w/w) a|n as] af] sepa pa [ee [alae Po cfm [ma [as we ce [taf se] afta) an] ve [ae] ® u oF [| . | [as] ‘AGE GROUPS 8 yrs mointaine D— 9 yre—mointains C 10 yr, cinta B— 11 ys meintoins A~ 45-49 yrs meintains A 50-60 yrs meintcins C+ oot Keep lee ih, tah ihe oF ton," ey 28 es, ‘sie frp et together ems CHART 2 Kool) EXERCISE 1 wow be ses EXERCISE 2 cons *Yes™ con EXERCISE 3 etn, TS ote, EXERCISE 4 FAK A EXERCISE 5 CHART 3 PHYSICAL CAPACITY RATING SCALE cHLARE3 — = Kmaam) 2 A ing, fe 6° at ema EXERCISE 1 {Beedle Tinea, ler, chet and Pam L Pee Keep ip Mri a rae cht EXERCISE 2 SME rhea Ga “Ger ee, thee die moe EXERCISE 3 Srighese "bo NOT" sin ‘one AGE Groups 5 oh tn et foot tues Bor 12 ye mointing GES i hae 12 yrs mcintoins Ch 8 EP A LOS Repo tata, off, 14 yrs molt 8+ Sores ta ps ee 25.39 yrs moitins 8 ee a veer EXERCISE 4 40-44 16 meintins C mds ois ees Bent To fom FLYING CREW ta es pet's ton EXERCISES CHART 4 vsient enracery waving scaue CHARTS oF yr le i exercise [ae] ce ya Lev enya 2s far as pombe, reverse UTRTATAT S fom} SiS [|| afew] Sack es eie eo OR el : EXERCISE 1 fa Tf) a Bae i we [aaa af wef] Ses ei hen © {fej af fm fe] Ra maf ana eT cerns in contact with the ee & et fmf lala lm| Se ioe hl th TERISE OOO GEG ee [awa ec, am, et ww |i |] ih XK vf alr fia || SS Asay aa v= [reff ome] * a sr! tc pester Se aay Wake of ad EXERCISE 3 esx) af af s] a ef [| Sense a ay Po ERE foe craves Soe east a FP i 15 yrs mainteins D— Ait knees waist high 16:17 yes mae C= Ber 5034 yn mobs C= toe coma EXERCISE 4 Sie et ma Turing Rew es 5034 ys mci 8 Seer ean So 35:39 yes mointsing C— —llg ot pon with Boy feng ae 2 ERERCISES Py 2 PPTSCAL CAPACITY RATING SCALE EXERCISE za =/s[2[@/«|=/s/s/e]2/=|— ~ |=]=] 2/8] =]=| =] =] 8/2] =| — = 3[2/2/s/2/2/s/s/8] 6 AGE GROUPS 18-25 yrs maintains © FLYING CREW Under 25 yrs minting 25:29 yre montane D+ afafal « Sipe anes ie Sahraswns for foie tow. Te Re eed se, he TE Se hd St Giisce suse - ‘nner of spr comple Sonia ee ope Fat oe Ns ae a CHART 5 Amaamd EXERCISE 1 aH EXERCISE 2 tee ae ee EXERCISE 3 EXERCISE 4 4X EXERCISE 5 PTSIEAL CAPACITY RATING SEALE exercise | ale Lan a W2]3 #2] =| 8/#| =| 2| =| ~ EE elslslel ele PHYSICAL CAPACITIES IN THIS (CHART. ARE. USUALLY FOUND (ONLY IN CHAMPION ATHLETES. Py Ernest pa sos Ee ae eh Une 5 ‘S"postie then pres auras Fe tn ot tn, Be Bicen ‘Shaonary_om—oust_ +, se eh a Je fat toch ot ‘tases wae Ba Repeats un feqied umber ee Fimo et oat. ees eat hc cs foc Tee aS ous oe Bae ett CHART 6 Am aamh EXERCISED aa Ye EXERCISE 2 EXERCISE 3 woe PON, we, EXERCISE 4 aah EXERCISE 5 Your Physical Capacity level. Ech age erp i siven a Physical Capuciy level ata: that eo which they should ty 0 Fach “The Physical Capacity levels inthis plan are based on the expect ‘ion of average india Wit every average, there ae indviuas who spas who fall below it In ferme ofthe SBX Plan apd the goss his sears That there wil be some men who are capable of progresing beyond the level indcsted, and onthe other hand, there wll be persons who wil never alain this average lve 1 you feel able o move further through the carts than your Physical Capacity level, by all pens do so. If, om the conan, You hreience eat flu In aprosching this level you sbould sop at {Teel which yo fel fo be within your capably. Its impossible to predit scvuratly, level foreach individual who vses this program. ‘Use the pols aude, abd apply them with common sess Here are a few tips: When you str, defeat the frit dere to skip a day: then defeat ail such er ae they cect. This exerese program has lenty ‘t bt; the longer you 0 i the more You wil ejoy ie ‘As you progress well ito the program you may find certain levels soe ‘imposible to complete ia It miites—work bard a that level=it may take tome days or chen weeks—then suddenly You Wil find youre suing ahead ai, CCoutting the steps in execite $ can te dificult. You can lose ‘count very easly a times If you have this problem, here ie an easy ‘ray to overcome i. Divide the total number of sep Tequted by sand note the answer~pace a row of buttons, corespendig Ia tomber 10 this antwer, on « handy tble or chal, Now count of Jour fist 78 stepedo our ten requred movemeis—and, move the ‘ist baton, Repeae uoti ail the ftom have Seen removed, fshing ‘up with any Tet over ses For diversy, occasionally an exercie from the previous chat Wishing is not good enough. © Crown Copyrights reserved Available by msi frm Information Canada, Ottawa, KIA 059 ‘snd atthe following Information Canada bookshops: 1683 Barrington Street (640 S. Catherine Sucet West 11 Sater Suet 221 Yoage Suet 385 Portage Avenue 800 Grane Set through your bookseller Price: Canada: 80 cents ‘Other Countries cenlsCatalogue No, DCT2185, Pace subject to change without notice Information Canada ‘ota, 1905 eptniea 1968| erinied 1970| Reprinted 1079 Reprinted 1975 This booklet belongs to John Orban [A deposit copy of this publiation is ao avaiable Yor relerence in public brates aro Canad

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