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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 24, 2016

What was the very purpose of Bhagawans earthly sojourn? On the solemn
occasion of the Aradhana Mahotsavam, Bhagawan reminds us this most
important point.

Consider the meaning of the name Sai Baba. Sa means

Divine; ai or ayi means mother, and Baba means father.
Your physical parents exhibit love with a dose of selfishness;
but Sai, your Divine Mother and Father, showers affection or
reprimands only to lead you towards victory in the struggle for
self-realisation. Sai descended as Avatar to achieve the
supreme task of uniting the entire mankind as one family
through the bond of brotherhood, of affirming and illumining
the Divine (Atmic) reality in every being. Divinity is the basis
for the entire cosmos, and My mission is to instruct all to
recognise the common divine heritage that binds one person
to another, so that you can rid yourself of the animal, and rise
to the Divine! I desire that you contemplate on this, derive joy
and be inspired to observe the spiritual disciplines I laid down
to progress toward the goal of realising Sai, who shines in
your hearts.
- Divine Discourse, 19 June 1974.

God is present in the heart of every being. He is ever present and is infinitely powerful. Baba

23 ApRYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:Bgvwn dw,ies DrqI au`qy QoVI dyr hI Avqwr dy rUp v`joN rihx dw kI
mnorQ sI?ArwDnw idvs dy ies sMjIdw mOky qy,Bgvwn swnUM,iek mhq`qw vwly
sMdyS dI Xwd duAwauNdy hn[

au`qr:sweI bwbw nW dy ArQ bwry ivcwr kro ik ienHW SbdW dw kI ArQ hY[sw
dw ArQ hY,idvX; AweI dw ArQ hY mW Aqy bwbw dw ArQ hY,ipqw[quhwfy
sMswrI mW-bwp,quhwnUM, svwrQ BirAw ipAwr krdy hn pr sweI,quhwfy idvX
mW-bwp hn ijhVy quhwnUM AwSIrvwd idMdy hn jW sqrk(fWt) krdy hn qW jo
quhwnUM,Awqm-igAwn pRwpq hox iv`c ij`q hwisl pRwpq hovy[sweI dw,ies
DrqI au`qy Avqwr lYx dw ieh audyS hY ik hr iek iv`c,idvXqw dI ijauqI
Br ky, swrI mnu`Kqw iv`c BweI cwrw Br ky,ieh d`isAw jwvy ik ieh
sMswr,iek hI pirvwr hY[ies bRhmMf dw AwDwr,kyvl idvXqw hI hY Aqy myrw
lkS ieh hY ik swirAW nUM d`sW ik iek hI sWJI idvXqw hY ijhVI iek dUjy nUM
joVdI hY Aqy swry pSUAW vwly sBwau qoN ht ky ,idvXqw dI auNcweI qweIN
pu`jo[myrI ie`Cw hY ik qusIN,ies sMdyS au`qy iDAwn kyNidRq kro,KuSI pRwpq kro
Aqy aus A`iDAwqimk AnuSwSn dI pwlxw kro,ijhdy nwl qusIN sweI nUM pRwpq
kr sko ,ijhVy sweI,quhwfy idlW iv`c vws krdy hn[(19 jUn,1974 dy idvX
hr jIv dy AMdr,Bgvwn vws krdy hn[aunHW dI,ies sMswr iv`c hoNd,sQweI hY
Aqy auh AQwh SkqImwn hn[(bwbw)[

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