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ook Sum
By Louiis Proud

lectromagnettic Dimension
ns looks at the environment, the
human bodyy, and certain
n aspects of the
t paranorm
mal from an eelectromagneetic perspectivve. It
shows how all
a things, froom the mund
dane to the m
mysterious, arre tied togeth
her by a vast

and largely invisible

netic web.
The first half of the book deals witth electromaagnetism in reelation to thee human bod
dy and the
ment. I explain how the en
nvironment in
i which we live, previouusly featuring only naturall
electromaagnetic fieldss, has been prrofoundly alttered with thhe fairly modeern introducction of artificcial
electromaagnetic fieldss, thereby affe
fecting all lifee on Earth, frrom honey beees to human
n beings. Som
me of
the key isssues I examine include: (1)
( How do homing
pigeoons and otheer animals use the Earthss
magnetic field (geomaagnetic field) for navigatioonal purposees?; (2) Do human beingss also possesss a
magnetic sixth sense?; (3) Can geomagnetic
cause depresssion and oth
her health
ficial electrom
magnetic fielddssuch as iin the form oof radio, radaar,
problemss?; (4) Is expoosure to artifi
and poweer distributioonhaving a negative impact on our hhealth and w
wellbeing?; (55) Is
electromaagnetic hyperrsensitivity a genuine rath
her than imaggined condittion?
The secon
nd half of thee book deals with electrom
magnetism inn relation to the paranorm
mal and
us, with a foccus on ball ligghtning, polttergeist distuurbances, spoontaneous hu
uman combusstion
(SHC), sttreet lamp in
nterference (SSLI), and elecctric people. I examine thhe extent to w
electromaagnetism and
d the paranorrmal intersect, while keepping an open mind as to tthe possible
ment of other energies, succh as Wilhelm
m Reichs orggone. Some oof the issues I look at incllude:
(1) Why do the themes of lightnin
ng injury and
d electric shock injury apppear so frequ
uently in relattion
to psychicc ability?; (2)) What is thee significancee of ball lighttning, earth llights, earthqquake lights aand
other plassmatic energgy forms wiith respect too the UFO m
mystery?; (3) C
Can psychokkinesis and otther
psychic abilities be exp
plained in terms of electrromagnetism?; (4) Has ouur use and abbuse of
nt in such a w
way as to alloow other dim
nd the
electromaagnetic energgy altered thee environmen
nts thereofto impinge on
o our own?

Warwick Associates
07) 939-9212 www.warwic
ckassociates.ccom 18340 S
Sonoma Hwy, Sonoma CA 95476

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