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CAMBRIDGE Herbert Puchta and Jeff Stranks with Meredith Levy SLE) Contents Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Things we like'doing Study help: organising vocabulary into groups Skills tip: preparation for listening School life Study helpulisting verbs and nouns Skills tip: reading for general ideas A helping hand Study help: Jearning the phonetic alphabet Skills tip: brainstotring ideas ‘healthy life Study help: making a spidergram Skills tip: reading for specific information My hero! Study help: listing phrasal verbs Skills tip: widerreading about interests Good friends study help: listing ivegular past forms Skill tips listening for the main meaniog The secrets of success. Study Help: marking word stress Skills tip: using ednniectors to link written ideas New ideas Study-help: recording positive and negetive adjectives Skills tip: guessing meaning from context The languages we speak Study help: assessing progress Skills tip: practising listening outside the classroom 10 16 2 28 34 40 46 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12, Unit 14 Unit 15, unit 16 We're going on holiday Study help: using a dictionary ()) Skils tip: answering questions of a reading text What will happen? Study helpsusing a dictionary (2) Skills tip: using adjectives to. improve writing Never give up! Study help: listing common spellings Skills tip: planning a narrative Good intentions Study help: practising speaking outside the classroom Skills tip: using tapescripts You shouldn't do that! Study help: grouping adjectives with opposites Skills tip: answering true/false questions How brave! Study help: remembering and revising grammar “Skills tips organising a writen report it’s a mad world Study help: listing past verb ‘forms Skills tip: heeking and self-correction ‘Grammar reference Acknowledgements CD-ROM instructions 70 76 82 88 94 106 no m 23 Remember and check Read the sentences about Julie Baker. Underline the correct words. Then check with the text on page 22 of the Student's Book 1 tulle is /isnt from England. 6 She foves / hates 2. She wants to be a pilot / teacher. flying 3. She goes to the Flying School by car 7_Julie’ father is happy helicopter. when she takes off / lands in the helicopter. 8 Julies parents want / don't want her to stop flying 4. Her lessons start / finish at B o'clock, 5. She enjoys / doesn't enjoy her lessons in the classroom. Grammar (©) Complete the sentences with the negative Present simple (positive and negative) form of the verbs @ Complete the sentences with the present simple ® form of the verbs, vt love (love) music. 2. John {study) in his bedroom. 3 dss bothers (grup) 2730 we K 4 My mother . __ (write) children’s books, 5 Ourdog ... (sleep) in the garden. & Mum and Dad {drive} to the supermarket on Saturdays 7 We really _ ke) the new cafe (get) nervous before a Complete the sentences, Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. write talk fesen go finish know watch fly 1 we. Jean English at school 2 Annette TV after school 3 Aliand Sonia onan 9 lot of emails, 1 He plays tennis, but he doesn't play, football 4 Julie ina helicopter with her teacher. 2 My aunt likes dogs, but she 54 to a disco on Friday nights So snennennnnnn b & My grandfather how to use 3. Head newspapers, Put a computer. oe 7 Tracy music lesson at 530. 4 Her parents watch films, but they 8 Gary and his friends for hours on the phone. 5. Matt flies a plane, but he g 4 | Module 1 @ Complete the paragraph about Tims Saturday. Use the present simple form of the verbs in the box. On Saturday mornings, Tim ._ gets up. at 830. [At 915 he dives to the coast and he , coos on the beach for an hour. At Il oclock he the newspaper and > to the radio. In the afternoon two students come to Tim’ flat andhe4 them to play the guitar. The lessons 5. at 330 and they & _.. at 430, On Saturday nights Tim”, ina pop group at alocal club. He and his friends ® a lot of money for this job, but they really enjoy doing it. Tim? to bed at about 130, so he ___. early on Sundays. - ma 24 Vocabulary Design a logo (a simple picture) for each hobby. y—j6)— @ ® 5 I | | _ swimming playing the playing ‘going to the reading painting listening to dancing aa SD Eid games (©) Match the words with the hobbies in Exercise 3a, 1 musician playing the guitar, 5 disco on 2 book & picture ae 3 pool _ = = _.. 7 CDplayer 4 computer 8 film Look at the pictures. Complete sentences I~6 with the words for people's hobbies. Then match them with the endings af Saturday or Sunday june ~ August 1 He goes tothe cinema a at half past two, 2 We for hatf an hour ae b after school 3 Matt. at the weekend. 4 They at the club din the summer. 5. My mother 61 - - e before school. ee fon Friday evenings. Unit 1 & gq Grammar like + -ing @) Write the -ing form of the verbs. 1 play playing 2 g0 3. drive 4 swim 5 dance : a) | © Greg, Rachel eae smile wr ‘ 7 study 8 get wa (©) Complete the sentences about the people in the pictures. Use like/enjoy, not like/enjoy, love or hate. 1 Greg and Rachel _ ike going to the beach. 2 David 3. Chris 4 Clare 5 Janet and Philip 6 Diane 7 Marco and Danny 8 Kelly © Write six true sentences about activities that you and your friends enjoy or don't enjoy. Use like/enjoy, not like/enjoy, love and hate. Examples: { love taking photos. Gina and Franco don’ like writing letters. 1 B Everyday English ue with the words in the box. santas a) Caro: Do you know that boy over there? The one with the funny trousers? Denise: That's Andrew Taylor.” one Him? Carol: He looks different from everyone else. 1 think he’s 7 Carol. You don’t know what you're talking about. Carol: But lock at those trousers! And that awful shirt! Denise: 4 _. ? Who cares about his clothes? He's a nice ~ Study help vocabulary In your Vocabulary notebook, organise new words into groups and list them under headings. Leave lots of space at the bottom of each list so you can add other words later. For example: Places in town Shops Public buildings Other places shoe shop library theatre bookshop post office calé Look at the words in the box. Group them in lists with headings. Can you add one more to each group? Listening tip: Before you listen Read the question carefully ant look at the exemple. Ave you sure you know wharyou hve;to do? How -many-tines vwal you need to draw? © Read the list carefully. Say the words aloud and.make a pictare of each agtivity in ‘your wind, ‘GH Listen to four people talking about their favourite activities. Match each person with two activities. go to the cinema — go dancing talk to friends listen to pop music go to the swimming pool \ \ learn ballet write emails S ride a bicycle ‘ Richard 2 Read The boy in the picture is a student in London, He doesn't like sport, but he's very good at music. Is his name Adam, Matthew or Carlos? Read the information and fill in the table (/ of X) to work out the answer. © It's 4 good idea to underline the:importaint words in the list (for example, go to the cinema), Listen: for these: ‘words when yon play the ~tecording. Can. ygu think of any words. that go with these activities? For example, cinerta.— film, watch; friends, weekend. Thinking of related worils “cain help to prepare you for what you wilthear. © You have to nistch each ‘person with two activities Which acavities will go “tojetlier;do you think? For ‘example, the second activity is gb dancing ~is there any. ‘thet activity in the list that will go.with this? lives in London plays Adam goes to a school ‘agar his home in London Carlos plays football ac school, but he doesn't really enjoy it, "Adan v Mazchevi likes music and he's good at playing che piano, Matthew ‘Adam loves swimming and he plays cennisat the weekend, Carlos (Carlos sitigs and plays the guitar in the school band. Matthew loves liviig in London. The boy’s name is ‘Adam hates singing and he doesn’t play a musical inscrument, Matthew enjoys riding his bike to school, but he doesn't like sport. (Carlos lives ina flacin Manchester. “Hoshiostnannn soem gnemnsasenistoitysicieotoertnraretten i Module 1 Unit check Fill in the spaces ‘Complete the text with the words in the box. watches cinema weird doesn't like games talking guy wausual teaches My friend Alan has got an unusual, hobby he loves old films. We often go to the! together at the weekend and we® _. Watching modern films, but Alan's favourite films are the old black and white ones from the 1930s and 1940s. He 3 ‘them and reads about them all the time. | really enjoy # to him about films, because he knows a lot about them and he § me a lot. Alan play football and he hates computer 7 so some people think he's ® But it's good to be different, and I think he's a very interesting 9. eon CEs Choose the correct answers (Girele> the correct answers, a, b or c. 1 Danny to go to the party 6 My friends read a lot of books a want bGwants> ¢ wanting a does b doesn't ¢ don't 21 emails on my computer. 7 Angela and Simon enjoy pictures, atun 6 wite ¢ talk 2 paint b topaint ¢ painting 3 really _ Alison. Shea very good friend. 8 Playing the guitar is my favourite 3 love b hate dont like a game b hobby c lesson 4 Qur school lessons at 850. 9 Allthe students in our school English, a start b starts © starting a listen b teach ¢ leam 5 David... your aunt and uncle _ a know b knows ¢ knowing Correct the mistakes In each sentence there is a mistake with the present simple or with a like verb + -ing. Underline the mistake and write the correct sentence Alot of people goes to the cinema on Friday night. A lot of people go.to.the cinema on Eriday night.. Ben's mother drive us home from school. not like flying. 4 We enjoy to run in the park. Tony and his brother love swiming. Sue and Catherine doest't ride bikes. Elise studys in the library after school 8 My sister not get up before 7 o'clock, po 9 Inthe summer, Dad watchs the tennis on television, How did you do? + Se OK | evi Dita Total Oo ss |O i (oO ae Unit check | 9 & el 2 School life 23 Remember and check Match the questions and answers about Matthew. Then check with the text on page 28 of the Student's Book. 1 Does Matthew use @ computer? Yes, he is, 2 Do Matthew and his brother go to schoo? Yes, they do. 3 Do people in Chile speak Spanish? No, he doesn't. 4 Is Matthew a student? No, they don't. 5 Are his parents teachers? Yes, he does, 6 Does Matthew get lonely? Ee Grammar Present sirnple: questions and short answers No, they aren't. @) Look at the answers and complete (B) Write the questions. Then write true answers. the questions. Example: you / get /a lot of homework? 1 A: Do... you _ know. the answer Quest to this question? Do you get a lot of homework? Answer: Yes, 1 do. & No, I dor't | don't know any of 1 your parents / help / with your homework? the answers! tA you 0 Question: osc the radio? - oe no 8: No, | don't. But | listen to CDs in Answer: an my room 2 you / study / in front of the television? at going to the est beach? Question: oo 8: No. she doesn't. But she likes going - - oe ‘othe cinema, Answer 7 4k Science subjects 3 your English teacher / give you / a lot of tests? at school? 8: Yes, they do. They study Biology Question: ~ and Physics. nn Sw English? Answer: B: Yes, he does. He also speaks French 4 all your friends / learn English? and Italian. Question: 6 A Where you 8: live ina flat in Ravenna Answer: __ 7A: When your brothers $ Where / you / have lunch? _.... to the sports Question: club? &: They go there on Friday afternoons mons Answer: 8 A: What acho pc ehoolaayy fawkes 8: She wears a brown and white en roo! day / fins uniform, Question Answer: 10 | Module1 {88 Vocabulary School subjects @ Lock at Rachels timetable for Monday. Find the subjects Present sirnple review ©) Complete the dialogue. Use the present simple form of, the verbs. in the picture and write down the letters. Then put them in order to find one more:subject that Rachel studies. Ben: What .. do. you __do (do) at the weekend, Andy? Andy; Oh, my weekends are always the same. U1 (meet) my friends on Friday night and we? (go}to the cinema. Ben: Where» you __... go) after the film? Andy: We * (drink) coffee or hot chocolate in our favourite café. Usually we s (not go} home before 11 o'clock. Ben: And what about Saturdays? Andy: On Saturdays 6 _ (get up} early. 17, MONDAY 4 (play) games on my sister's 900-945 Maths Ss \ computer. It's OK, because 948-1030 ir i she *___-__ (not get up) 1030-10.45 break i before 10.30 on Saturdays, loasen30 Geography i n: 9 wur sister “ ~ Ber ~ yo ter 1130-1215, Science (work)? {oor} 12ISMus funch Andy: Yes, she {work} 15-200 pram ina shop, but she " 200-248 art (not like} her job. 345-330 Pe Ben: Oh, I see. And what do you ‘ Garectivemaneesatiaetainat do later in the weekend? Letters: 5 Subject: Andy: Well, my friends often ~ ° " .. (come) to my (&) Complete the sentences with the names of subjects. house on Saturday afternoon. 1 You use numbers in Maths C 15 t On Sundays 1" (not rs gojout 1 (ao) roy 2 teaches you about places. homework Bes Classes help you to talk to peopie in Paris Ben; Yeah, me too. 4 in you often do experiments, 5 In ____. classes you draw and paint. ‘teaches you about the past. You use a computer in _ teaches you about acting, In you do sport. ' Unit2 | 1 I Loa 9] Pronunciation Word stress (2) 48% Listen to these words, Underline the main stress. ‘Thea listen, check and repeat. Dare ialan Selence Hae Geography Biology Physical Education Information Technology ®) Zi Listen and repeat, 1 like Maths and Art. 2. ip Science we study Physics 3. History is my favourite subject, 4 Geography, Biology and Technology. te tm ink Grammar Object pronouns Complete the sentences with pronouns 1 Look at those pink trousers! Do you like _them...? 2 Alot of people say he's a nice guy, but I don't the 3 Do you know where my pen is? \ can't find 4. Loften go shopping on Saturdays and my sister comes with 5. When you have problems with your work, ask your teacher to help _ 6 Julie talks all the time, but nobody listens to 7 We see Jane and Adam every weekend. They meet at the sports club. i 2 | Module a ® Vocabulary Frequency expressions Write sentences from the information in the table. VASA = always SVS =usually Ya =often Y= sometimes XX =hardly ever XXXX= never Cathy Nick Margaret getupearly | xx w xx walk to school VIS v ML wear avuniform | V/V KKK KKK 1 pbs Nick often gets.up.garly.. oh > «AB nw ce Cathy co Cathy. co Nick and Margaret Cathy and Margaret Rewrite the underlined words. Use expressions like once 0 month, twice a day, three times a week. 1 Jenny goes swimming on Saturdays. oncea week 2. Ihave Maths classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 3 We have exams in June and November. 4 I drink water with breakfast, lunch and dinner. 5. There's a concert every December in the schcol hall. 6 Kerry phones me in the morning and in the evening. © Write true answers to the @ Culture in mind questions. ‘Complete the summary about Alan Martin's school. 1 How often do you have Use the words in the box. Then check with the text Science lessons? ‘on page 32 of the Student's Book. “Twice always “do ‘dining 2. How often do, you do homework? 3 Does your school usually close ‘on Sundays? 4 Do you and your friends often walk home from school? i aceRS HERI Hy Study help Grammar and vocabulary When you meet new words, try to identify them as parts of speech (nouns, verbs, ete). This can help you remember how to use them in a sentence, (a) Gir 1. Loften use my computer. 3 Some ’students bring sandwiches and eat them at school. 2 Gemma plays in the orchestra. 4 We usually walk, but sometimes we catch the bus, jele) the yerbs and underline the nouns. (6) In your Vocabulary notebook, you can list nouns arid verbs together. Fill in the lists with the words in the box. Can you add two more:to each group? ‘teach’ sirite uniform Geogtaphy i School Nouns [verbs Subjects, Other nouns: _.£nglish __fesson oanestudy unit2 | 13 | @) What is the topic of the text? Read it quickly and tick (Y) the best title. Popular subjects at the school — Lunch time and after-school activities School clubs @ Write a heading for each paragraph 1-4. Choose from ‘the list in the box. Sport Computers Music Study _Artand photography Drama © Who is this text for ~ parents, teachers or students? How do you know? > Reading tip ' Reading for general ideas © ‘These questions ask about general ideas in the text. For = question ga: 4 reid the topies first and think about the differences between them © «cad through the whole text quickly to find the ‘general idea (this is called skimming) don’t stop and worry about words you don't understand © remember, you are-Jooking for the topic of the whole text, not just one part of it after you choose a topic, read the text again to check your answer. Do the same thing for question 4h, but this time think about each paragraph. i 14 | Module bos fade te ee The orchestra has a great tradition at this school and there are concerts three times @ year. We also have a wonderful jazz band. Your son or daughter can practise the guitar after school and we have a lunch time singing group, 3 The Camera Club and the Painting Group are popular with creative students, The school often puls: ‘on exhibitions of students’ artwork, Write 2 AAs well as the regular PE lessons, we have school cluas for team sports. Your son or daughter can play tootbat, hockey, basketball or fabie tennis, and there is also an Athletics Club which meets | ‘once a week in the School gym. 4 ‘The library fs open at lunch time and after school. There is also a study oroup for students whowant) place to work or who need extra | help with their homework. f Choose one picture and write a paragraph about Angela or Michelle, Decide and write about these things: the girls age «things she does in her free time the clothes she wears @ things she doesn't like doing Michelle's room Fill in the spaces Complete the text with the words in the box. stays subjects ive tain Physies usually twice time Science every Rosa Giordano is in her first year at Bristol University. She studies . Physics. . Chemistry and Biology ~ theyre difficult ' but Rose enjoys them and she wants to be a. ‘teacher when she finishes her studies. Rosa and her family 40 km from Bristol. so she gets up early and catche the4 at 8.05 § morning. Her classes finish in the afternoon. but & a week she studies in the library until 630, Her cousin Sylvia has got a flat in the centre of Bristol and Rosa sornetienes 7 ‘with her. When the two girls have some free ®. in the evenings. they ® meet their friends for a meal and then go to their favourite dance club. CE Choose the correct answers we ' _.. Seming in to south London, and. it 2 ___.._ faining, of course! The streets are really busy today and we? moving at all at the moment. Karen is here somewhere but I can't see her - she 4 sitting near me, Anyway, 15 : phonitig to ask for some help. | know you el ‘studying at the library now, but when you finish can you | meet us at the bus station? Mum and Dad ’_ ‘working today, so they can't come and meet us. Give me aring. Bye. Pauline is having before she goes to university a aholiday b ayear off © an exam) 2. She is __. in Belize. a working as a volunteer bb studying Spanish ¢ travelling 3 She wants to. the coral reefs. a help b protect ¢ pollute 4 She is worried because a (B) There is a mistake in each of these questions. Underline the lot of reefs are mistakes and write the correct words. 2 doing research b cieaning 1 What you are doing? are you... ¢ dying 2. Are they driveing to Rome? 5 She is staying aot 3 What are Helena watching on TV? - b with her cousins 4 Is your brother swiming at the moment? ¢ witha family Who they are looking at? Why is the children crying? Ae you geting dressed? 8 Is Luis listenning to the radio? Js] ae ‘What's happening in the pictures? ‘Write two sentences in the present continuous for each picture 1 2 3 Jack and Linda are eating pizza. Harry is drinking coffee, cp Present simple vs. present continuous @) Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 2 3 4 My Friend always works a She's helping her mother L enjoy going They're studying You aren't listening Andrew leaves home for their exams now. at six clock every morning tome at the supermarket on Saturdays. with the cooking to the cinema, ©) Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs. 1 My father ____starts {start) work at nine o'clock every morning 2. Sorty Mike, | can't talk 40 you now ~ I'm busy. 1 (do) my homework 3. My cousins ssually (not say) with us in the summer. 4 Julia hardly ever __ go} to the beach. 5 My brother {not use) the computer at the moment. Be quiet, Amy! We - (watch) this programme. 7 Jane isn't here at the moment. She {do} the shopping. 8 What you - _.{do) after school on Fridays? ° Steve and Matt (play} basketball this efteinoon? 10 Can you help me? {oot understand) this question. units | 17 28 Vocabulary Housework @) Maria's mother is in hospital, Maria has a list of jobs to do in the house and her friends are helping her. {GB Listen to the sounds. Write the numbers 1-6 next to six jobs in the list. (© Maria's mum is phoning from the hospital. Look at the pictures and write what Maria says to her on the phone. 1 Wee fine, Mur, Stephanie... 2 Tim po is doing the ironing 4 René and Marina 6 Kate and Richard 18 | Module 1 ©) Pronunciation Zor/ (more) vs. 7347 Igri) 2) GB Listenand repeat: 1 bored. bird 2 born” burr: = walk — work 4 short shirt © @ ster and write the words in the lists. more door always learning girl working talking birthday P30 LOL es aecaa mare. © i undéttine the words with the 72 / sound. Gide) the words vith the /ot / sound Then listen again and repeat 1 Allover the warld, 2 (wasbom in Turkey: 3) Bert is working in Portugal. 4 The girls.aré organising their. refeatch 5. taura was early for work this morning. 1B} Everyday English Complete the diatogue with the words in the box “lout must Youre ‘crazy check’ Lets angel Hugo: It's Ali's birthday next week. ! have a party for him. Meral: Good idea. But where? Mario: Maybe we can have it at school, in one of the classrooms. Meral: What? You ? be? , Mario! We can't have a party at school! Hugo: Well, I think you can hire a room for pai at the French restaurant, T can 4 it 5 if you want. Mario: No, that would be really expensive Barbara: I know! I'll ask my aun} if we can have the party at her house. Hugo: Oh, great! Thanks, Barbara. 6 Study help Pronunciation The pronunciation of English words is often hard to guess from their spelling Learn the phonetic alphabet to help you. You can: ‘© write words with their phonetic symbols in your Vocabulary notebook to show the pronunciation © find out or check the pronunciation of a word by looking at the phonetic symbols in your dictionary. Look at these vowel sounds and say the words. Can you think of two more words for each list? el farh Pes wv bad start _red big Fis /o/ D/ Pos fs feet hot study book ——_two units | 19 i Skills in mind Read part of the interview with Pauline from page 37 of the Student's Book Fill in as many words as you can. (&) Gi Listen and complete your answers. Then listen again to check. Interviewer: I'm in Belize, and I'm talking to a volunteer worker, Pauline Jones, about her life here. Hi, Pauline. Pauline: Hello. Interviewer: Now, you're 7 here in Belize for six.months, is that right? Pauline: Yes, that's ? V'm working on a project to protect the coral reefs. Interviewer: And? __are you doing right now? Pauline: Well, 'm doing a test on the sea‘. here, Tw testing to find out if the water’ polluted. I's part of my work. Interviewer: And what do you # in your free time? Pauline: 1?___ have much free timet I'm staying with a ® here {in Belize, and when I'm not working I help around the house. Interviewer: Doing what, for example? Pauline: Oh, sometimes I do the ®___.__... and the washing, and of course I tidy my room. And I? with the shopping at the weekends, too. El write gages Read Michael's email. Then + Writing tip : write an email in reply to him. Brainstorming : Tell him what’ happening in : eas your home at the moment. ea © Think of all the things and make quick notes.on a piece of paper, without stopping Write words or phrases in English where you ean, but it's fine 20 use words in your ‘own language too. © Don't worry if some ideas arun’t very important, or if they are mixed up and out of order. ‘The Main thing is to get your rind working, Hit How are you? I’m not doing anything very interesting, I’m sitting in my room and I’m listening to the radio. They're playing old 1970s songs at the moment. The cat is here too ~ she's sleeping on my bed. My sisters are watching TV in the living room and they're laughing like idiots. Mum is cooking the dinner in the kitchen. Dad isn’t hete at the moment ~ he's working tonight. It’s raining here and I'm feeling bored, What about you? What are you doing? Write and tell me what's happening. After brainstorming, you ean look at your notes, cross out ‘ideas you don’t want to use and start to put the others in order. Michael 20 | Module 1 a Fill in the spaces Complete the text with the words in the box, is works shopping -go-oet moment moming hate up right the Peter and his sister Sharon usually. g0.0¥t__ with their friends on Saturday, but this ' theyre busy at home. They're tidying ? after a big party for Sharon’s birthday, At the >, Sharon is doing 4_._._ washing-up in the kitchen and Peter 5 cleaning the bathroom. They housework, so they aren't having a | at home. Mrs Fletcher always ® ‘on Saturday mornings-and Mr Fletcher is doing the . at the supermarket | “4 Choose the correct answers Gielé) the correct answers, a, b orc f fun? now. Their parents aren't 1 | always listen to the radio when f ..__.... the & Who are those boys over there? roning cones them? 2@)} b help work a You know b Do you know. 2 Marco is the windows for his grandmother © Are you knowing a tidying _b washing up cleaning 7 A: Is Alice doing her homework? 3. Steve is in Turkey now. in Istanbul 8: No, she aHestay b Hestays ¢ He’ staying a isnt b doesnt ¢ dont 4 Dianne and her sister. playing tennis this & Itsanice day. — Bo to the beach. afternoon. a Hlike b Lets ¢ Do you want a isn't b arent ¢ don't 9 Helena ft here. she out the new sk at the moment, but its very cold. music shop. a snows b doesn't snow ¢ Isn't snowing a checks b checking ¢ check [_ Correct the mistakes In each sentence there is a mistake with the present continuous or the present simple. Underline the mistake and write the correct sentence, 1 Look! It raining now. ts raining now. 2 I'mlisten to the radio at the moment... 3. They aren't here ~ they studying at the library. 4 Sally wears white trainers today. - 1s Giorgio use the computer at the moment? 5 6 Irena often do the housework 7 Are you often write letters? 8 Where you ate going? 9 I'm not wanting to read this book. How did you do? Total: [ J Remember and check Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box, Then check with the text on page 40 of the Student's Book. sweet worried heilthy "heavy: unhealttiy 1 Sumo wrestlers are . s0 it’s difficult to throw them to the floor. 2 The wrestlers eat food, but its got a lot of calories. 3 British doctors are... Because teenagers aré often very overweight. 4. Eating a lot of fried food is 5 Fruit juice is usually . but it's good for you. 4 Vocabulary @ Fill in the crossword, ro z i ©® Use the crossword answers 7 to complete the sentences. i 7 7. Venn aN grow iG 7 g on trees. ml —_— 2 and ts conn BOW | | under the ground. 4 i_f | i 3 and | title - come from cows 4 You can drink Across 1 Down 1 __and * 5 You use 4 cn in an : omelette 6 nnn make your coffee sweet, i 22 | Module 1 (©) Put the letters in order to make labels for the picture. seprag. fefcoe “Mim. edtats meotosta * Insaor (8) Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns @) Are the words in Exercise 2 countable ‘or uncountable? Write them in the correct lists. Countable Uncountable 1 Thete is/are some milk on the table. 2. There is/are some meat in the fridge. 3. There is/are some sandwiches in the kitchen, 4 There is/are some money in my bag 5. There is/are some paper here if you want to write anything 6 There is/are some pens on Brian's desk 7 There is/are some information about the city in this book. 8 There is/are some good songs on this CD. © Complete the sentences with a, an or some. 1 Weneed milk, _. butter and ne OBES 2. For lunch she's having... apple and a. cheese. 3 I want to make a sandwich. Ineed tomato and epg. 4. The boys are hungry, but there's only .. ‘orange and ______ tomatoes in the kitchen. 5 Let's buy coffee and milk at the supermarket. 6 Canthave ___. oranges, please? | want to make _.___. orange juice, 7. Johis in the garden. He's drinking. milk and eating... apple 8 You can't make pasta ~ you've only got .. potato and ____ butter! @ Look at your desk and write four sentences about the things that are on it. Use There is/are with a, ‘an or some. Example: There are some pens and some pencils, much and many @) Complete the dialogue with the words in the box, much suger any hours mich exer meehfeed — many calories much weil © many emails it Denise: What do you want to eat? Sarah: Just a sandwich, 1 think: Tdon'teat much food. at lunch time. How! are there in this drink? Denise: I don't know, but [don't think there's ? nn init. Sarah: Maybe Il just have some water. I'm ona diet, but I'm not losing 3 — . Denise: That's because you don't do* You should stop worrying about your food and try to get fit. How 5 — us a week do you spend sitting in front of the computer? Sarah: A lot! But I can't help it. Do you Know how en get? AbOUt ten every day. } spend two hours answering them every afternoon! 2) Pronunciation The schwa /o/ (@ GE Listen and repeat the © Fillin the spaces with much or many. [-go to’a fantastic school! We don't have 7 lessons = only four a day. n the i ‘welds, UndeHlitie the main + lessons we don't do? _._ teading: The 4 stress. Than Gircle) the activities are-usually talking and listening to music: . Sllables with the “9 “sound There aren't? ___- teachers, and theyreall sad) breakfast really cool! They never give us * ai Faring?! ere homework ~ wie get one or two short exercises a take-away overweight week Wedon'thaveS exams, and ‘theyie always very easy. 50 we don't spend | © @ cothe same with the 4... time:studying | phrases. 1 some mineral water Of course, this isn't true! | guess there isn't a hundred kilograms a terrible supermarket. 7 ‘ Hae Ras 2. seme bacon and eggs on _ chance of-a schoo} like that, but it's Parga fun to imagine it! : $s & Culture in mind (@) Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). ® For each heading in the text, write a sentence Then check with the text on page 44 of about you. the Student's Book Breakfast 1 Nadia doesn’t eat much toast for breakfast. Breakfast a 2. Marcus never eats a cooked breakfast Lunch 3. James sometimes eats fried food 4 Nadia doesn't eat eggs conn - Lunch Eating out 5 James and his family buy Chinese food and eat it at home. Eating out 6 Nadia hardly ever eats out. 7 Marcus goes to a Greek restaurant three times.a week Study help Vocabulary You can put new words in lists in your Vocabulary notebook, or you can make a spidergram. ¢ Start with a topic word in a circle in the middle of the page i © Write words connected to the topic word, and then other words connected to those ones, to make a ‘web’ of related words. Your spidergram can be as big as you like. @ There is no ‘correct’ form for a spidergram — you choose the words you use and the way you organise them, Here is a spidergram on the topic of Food. Write words in the empty circles, Then add more circles with words. 1a Read @) In this text three people are describing their favourite meal. Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Who doesn't eat mest? 2. Whe eats chicken? 3 Who has some bread with their meal? 4 Who sometimes uses fish in their meal? ©® Fill in the table with words from the text. Meat and fish Fruit and vegetables | Other food My fayourte food is lasagne. Fake it ‘with Bef OF Seafood in 2 tomato sauce. Of caurse you need pastas well and Some thick sauee. made: from milk! put ins of chasse in mj lasagne, and usualy eat it witha green salag, indian curries are very popuier in Britain, and I realy love them. Dad often cooks Curty using chicken or beef, onions, spices, garlic and yoghurt. t's served with ree. Some people have Indian bread with their curry, but I don‘ like it much im aeaetartn tt oo of ny xote 515 carat soup. t's very goo for you and its quick ait easy to make. You jst ‘need carols, onions and potatoes, andthe Julet of an-orange. When I serve tha soup I ut cheese on tap and! eatit wit toast, information ‘Question 72 tells you the general idea of the text and asks you to find particular pieces of information. ole: Fltst read’ the questions 3 carefully. Notice the question © word Who ..?This tells you: 2 that each answer will be a {potion Chieck the text quickly } tolind the people's names Se Underline key words in the 5 question (for example, Who. £ doesn’t eat meat?). When you 2) tend, look for the key words 5) Hor example, meat} and for } lated words (lor example, $ bile chicken, bacon). @ Look out for negatives in the questions and in the text. These are important for the meaning ~ and they are sometimes tricky! Write Choose some of the food in the picture and write about a dish that you like. 4 Fill in the spaces Complete the text with the words in the box. fish apple doesn't some breakfast vegetables feed eats beef grapes Cooking is a problem in the Linton family, because everyone wants different .... (00d... Mr Linton likes ' _ meat in every meal ~ he has bacon and eggs for? and his favourite dish is roast Mrs Linton doesn't like red meat, so she only eats chicken and 4 Their son Chris is vegetarian — this means that he °.___.___.._. eat meat at all, For lunch he usually has a salad. and in the evening he has & with pasta or rice. He also” a lot of fruit ~ he has an ® arsome? _. every day, So when the Lintons sit down for dinner, there are often three different meals on the table. (i 2 Choose the correct answers irclé) the correct answers, a, b or &. 1 Are you ready to _....? 5. She hasn't got bread aG@ider) b food ¢ drink aa bmuch ¢ lotof 2 ‘are my favourite vegetables. 6 Would you like egg sandwich? a Eggs b Bananas ¢ Carrots asome ba ean 3. A: Id like some fruit. 7 There ‘sugar in my coffee. B: OK. There are sone in the kitchen. a isn'tmuch b aren'tmany aren't much a potatoes bapples ¢ rice & Youneed ‘anions for this soup. 4. We need to buy some... a alot b lots c alotof a onions b grape ¢ tomato 9. | want to buy ...... at the shop. aamitk b somemilk ¢ sore milks: Correct the mistakes Ce In each sentence there is a mistake with a/an, some, much or many. Underline the mistake and write the correct sentence. 1 Lets have a fruit. Let's have some 2 How much carrots do you want? 3 Id like a rice and same vegetables. please 4. Andrew eats lots bread 5. ve got some grapes and a apple for lunch... & How many food does your dog eat? oe 7 There isn't many butter in the fridge... ce 8 | think Joanna has got a money. 9 How much people can you see? Li How did you do? To x Ten fey good | view Unie # again Total: [ © Se 10 os of Unit 4 Check 27 a My hero! “)| Remember and check Think back to the text about Julia Hill, Can you match the numbers a~e with the definitions 1-5? Check your answers with the text on page 50 in the Student's Book. 1 The age of one of the redwood trees a B 2. The number of days Julia stayed in the tree b 70 3. The size (in metres) of Julia’ tree ¢ 1,000 4 Julia's age when she learned about the plans for the forest d 2 5 The number of weeks julia planned to stay in the tree e 738 Grammar (B) Si Read the dialogue between Sally and her grandmother. Past simple: be Fill in the spaces with was, were, wasn't or weren't. Then listen and check your answers. (@) Underline the correct words. 1 There wos / were some interesting programmes on TV yesterday 2 The fruit was / were in a bowl on the table. 3. Our exams were very difficult, so we were / weren't very happy. 4 You were / Were you inthe library yesterday? 5. One of my brothers was / were in Germany last year. Gran: Oh, louk at this old record! & We enjoyed the meal Sally: Who is it, Gran? last night. The food was / Gran: {t's Buddy Holly. He... was....... my favourite singer when wasn’t very nice. i a 7 Was / Were they on 3 young: . holiday in Greece? Sally: he British? 8 Where was / were Gran: No, he * American, Richard last night? Sally: I don't know him at all Gran: No, of course you don't, He died in igsg. And he fo very old ~ he © only 22. Sally: What happened? Gran: Well, he & in a sinall aeroplane, in winter. Two other singers? in the plane with him. The plane crashed, and they all died. Sally: Ob, that's terrible. Gran: Yes, 1§ very sad. [ cried all day! Sally: Tell me more about him. Gran; Well, Peggy Sue and That'll Be The Day? his famous songs in the 1950s. But they "2 my favourites — uty favourite Buddy Holly song " Everyday. Do you want to hear it? Sally: OK, Gran ~ play it for me! 28 | Module 2 Past simple: regular verbs © Write the past simple form of the verbs. Think carefully about the spelling. Is it -ed? -d? -ied? double consonant + -ed? 1 enjoy enjoyed. S steno, 9 talk cnn 2 hate 6 ay - TO $00 3. climb _a. 7 plan 11 study 4 stay . 8 decide... lean oo @ Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. ise some of the past simple verbs in Exercise 2c 11 hated... eating t vegetables when | was a child the windows on Saturday ~ it some good music on the was hard work. radio last night. fii, PETER, 4. The baby 5 Thecars .. - 6 Sally _..to when | picked her up. because the light was red. Peter on the phone yesterday ©) Complete the sentences, Use the negative ©) Complete the paragraph. Use the past simple form of the verbs in the box. form of the verbs. study wise speak do answer cook i “My aunt and uncle were in-our town for a vist last 1 Kevin didn't vistt____ his grandmother : { weekend: They), 5S not stay} at our 4 yesterday, but he phoned her at the hospital. Flat — they 2 tay) inva hotel in i 2 | asked him a question, but he the cefitre Of town, Their room was nice, but my aunt} me. 3 fp tke) the food. she 3) Mum last night {visit} us on ‘Saturday, and she because we decided to eat out. 22. = tall) for the whole 4 Sophie was really angry. She affemoon My unele #2 (not want) ee to us for three days! tosttiinside; sovhe'and 173 (walk) tothe stadium teitvatch the football. But we 5. Lisa and Sam __ _ yesterday ; Ser hale) ies) oO tie because their exams finished last week, ‘ = © because our team 7. (not play} ~ 6 | washed all the clothes, but | wellnd-at 330:i* (erento ie: the ironing units | 29 ul 4 Vocabulary Phrasal verbs @) Look at the pictures. What are the people saying? Write the numbers 1-4 in the boxes. 1 Gétout! 2 Get in! 3 Come downl 4) Climb up! ©) We can use an object pronoun, like it or them, with some two-word verbs. The pronoun goes between the two parts of the verb. Look at the pictures and make sentences. Use words from each box. puton takeoff pickup put dowir it them (©) Can you find phrasal verbs to complete these sentences? Choose a word from each box and then use your dictionary to check. ‘sit go. grows Tun By up off en: out down 1 Lusually .......£17.0N..... clothes in'the shop before | buy them, 2. John’s little’sister wants to be a doctor when she __ 3 the TV! All the programmes are terrible tonight. 4 Let's ‘on this seat and have our lunch. 5 Sorry, the boys aren't at home. They always ___ _. On Friday nights. A 30 | Module 2 -ed endings @) &H How many syllables are there in these st le verbs? Write the number I, 2or 3. Then listen, check and repeat. closed studied decided started : watched 8 shopped walked protected needed cons worked (©) GH Listen and repeat the sentences. 1 She wanted a'drink: 2. They watched a good film. 3 He walked a long way: 4) We visited’ our friends. 5S Uhated that book! 6 She climbed the Fill. 7. We-dacided to ge home. 8 Everyday English Read the dialogue and underline the correct words, Petra: 1 never see Steve on the train. How dloes he get to school? By bus? Matt: No, he cycles to school every morning. Petra: What? You can't be 'serious / crazy! Matt: What's wrong with that? 2 Loads | Lot of kids ride their bikes to school. Petra: Yes, but it’s 15 kilometres to Steve's house. Matt: That's right. But he loves cycling and he's really good at it. He wants to get into the national team > today / one day. At the weekend he often goes for a 4o-kilometre ride in the mountains ~ he’s incredibly fit. Petra: That's awful / amazing. | didn’t even. know he had a bike! Study help Vocabulary phrasal verb in your dictionary. and &b in the Student's Book. © Make two lists (up and down verbs}. © Leatn both parts of the verb together. slow down and she never gives up. G@) Start new lists with on, off, in and out. There are lots of phrasal verbs in English, formed with a normal verb + a small word like up, down, in, out, on or off. Often the phrasal verb has a very different meaning from the verb on its own. If you can’t work out the meaning, you can look up the In your Vocabulary notebook, write the verbs with up and down from Exercises 8a ‘@ Add a phrase or sentence to show the meaning of each verb. (b) Now look at this text and underline all the phrasal verbs. Jenny wakes up at 630 when her alarm clock goes off She tums on the light, gets up quickly, puts om her tracksuit and trainers and sets off for a run before $ breakfast. Even when she gets cold and wet. Jenny goes on running - shedoesn't tnsensseceancinéuwtnenctonuitsabathtsaotsieHiubeeheeageitisdiGhtonteaiuinsntoninreunersaeaunaengnevoncenarsnr ©) Add any new verbs to your up and down lists. Can you work out the meanings? units | 31 Read the text and match the pictures with the paragraphs, Write 1~5 in the boxes. 1 Ask any Italian teenager about 3 Who is Diabolik? Well, he is not their favourite comic book hero, ‘the usual superhero. In fact, ‘ond what's the answer? —_—Digbolik is a thief. He takes things ‘Superman? Spiderman? Batman? —_—_from rich people and then he runs No, Italy's favourite hero is away. Diabotik 2 Diobolk is all-ttalian. The idea came Angela and Luciana Giussoni, in 1962. But he isn’t only popular 4 He's got a beoutiful girltriena called Eva. She helps him to plan from two Italian sisters, his adventures and they really in Italy. You can buy Diabolik the only girl for hin comic books in many countries ‘ond read about him in lots of different languages. ® late to catch him. Read the text again. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false) 1 You need to know Italian to read the Diabolik books. 2. You can find Diabolik books all over the world 000 Diabolik is an unusual hero. 4 Diabolik has got a lot of girlfriends Ginko helps Diabolik to plan his adventures. 6 Ginko never catches Diabolik 1 Find words in the text with these meanings. 1. liked by a lot of peaple (adjective) 2. amazingly strong and brave person in a book or film (noun) 3 person who takes other people’ things (noun) 4. with lots of money {adjective} 5 very lovely, very good-looking fadjective} EB 32 | Module 2 love each other. Diabolik meets lots of beautiful women but Eva is 5 Ginko, a policeman, often tries to catch Diabolik but he is never successful. He always arrives too t i | : Reading tip If you're a fan. of Diaboltl Asterix ‘of Tintin, you cart get the books ie English translations, Or look for ‘other comics written in English. Is fun to practise yout teading by following your own interests. For example, if you've got a favourite hobby, or if you're interested ina musician, an actor or a sports star, you can: ‘© tead about them in Engtish magazines © go to fan wastes in English on the Internet # Gnd out what other teenagers are saying by going to Internet chat rooms, If-you have a computer at home, try Jooking. up Diabolik-on the Internet now, end see what you can find in English Unit check =, Fill in the spaces Complete the text with the words in the box. was wasnt were didnt born tees discoveréd travelled planned ast Last month, my boyfriend and |‘... __ $0 kilometres to.visit Hinton Wood. | was 2, near this place, and it was a lovely forest when 13. a child, It was also a great place to find mushrooms We decided to take some sandwiches and we 4 a quiet Lunch next to the river. But we 5... enjoy the day. People were cutting down alot of the &___....... tomake a road, and it was very noisy. When we tried to swim in the river, we” __. that it was polluted, And there a hardly any mushrooms. in the end, we decided to go home early, and |? happy at al. [ Choose the correct answers Gireld the correct answers, a, b or ¢. 1 it was cold, so she decided to put ....__ her 5 A: Was Paul at school yesterday? Jacke. B: No, he aGn) b off ¢ down a wasnt 6 werent ¢ didn't 2 ‘picked ...... the book and started to 6 Marilyn Monroe... in 1962 read it a killed b died ¢ born aon b up & down 7 Cur aunt and uncle... us last month. 3 \ It's dangerous up there in that tree. a visit” b visits ¢ visited a Come down b Putdowh Get out 8 He. football for Manchester United. 4 My grandmother .___. born in 1948. a playd b played ¢ plaied ais bwas ¢ were 9 |... travel to Padova by bus a was b doesn't didn’t Ce Correct the mistakes In each sentence there is a mistake with the past simple. Underline the mistake and write the correct sentence. 1 They were happy when you arrived? . Were they happy when you arrived? 2. Is your friend at school yesterday? - 3. There isn't many people at the party last night. 4 Where are you born? _ oc 5 We cook funch for the family last Sunday, Petra studyed History when she was at university... They wasn't live here in 2003. We stoped painting when it started to rain watched the film but | not liked it How did you do? oe T x ‘otal: [BS © “yet |© why @ Review Unit sagan Unit 5 Check BE Pa Remember and check Match the two parts of each sentence. Then check with the text on page 56 of the Student's Book There were only two athletes with a chance a friends for the rest of their lives. At the beginning of the competition, Owens mi the white line when he jumped. Owens stepped over some problems. ‘Owens beat Long by 27 centimetres and won \ d_ the gold medal. Adolf Hitier was The first person to shake They stayed Grammar Past simple: regular and irregular verbs (@) Underline the correct words 1 Did you like the film? | taught / thought / thank it was terrible! Tom wanted / won / went an omelette, but we didn't have any eggs. | phoned Kate from the station and seed / sayed / said goodbye to her Thanks for the meal. We really enjoy / enjoyed / enjoied it The CD was / wasn't / weren't very expensive, so they decided to buy tt Many years ago, my father met / meeted / made a man called George Jones. After a month, the two girls become / became / becomes very good friends. Last year my sister left / let / leaved school and got a job. to win the gold medal f very angry and he left the stadium. hands with Owens was Lutz Long (B) Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in the box, begin eat win meet leave go AT 1 We haven't got any chocolates. You ate them the party at Ii oiclock and all yesterday! walked home. 3. Ourteam cog 4 After lunch on Sunday, Nick ‘the football final this afternoon, and Beth It was a great game! for a walk in the park 5 The teacher was late, so our 6 i Paolo tesson at Toiclock and we had lunch at 930. together at the café.

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