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Student-Teacher: Mariam Abdulrahman

Date: 21-3-2016
EPC 2401 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1
Level: Two
Subject: English
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

1- Student will be able to know about compound words.

2- Students will improve their writing skills :( during writing activities).

Power point
Work sheet

Preparation (what do you need to do/make before


Greet the students.

Do some exercise like: hands up
hands down stand up - sit down and
folder arm

Key vocabulary/ Target Language

There are no specific words.

Time: 10 minWhole

40 minSmall

Opening (warmer activity + teacher

introduction/demonstration of small group

First, I will great the students - then,

I will ask them to do some exercise
to make them engage with me and
Experience (group working with the teacher)

( whole class group work )

- PowerPoint
There are different picture on the PowerPoint. I will show the students
pictures about compound word and ask each group to guess and discuss
together to answer. Then, we will chick the answer together. For example:
I will show them a picture of the cup and cake so, they will guess to answer
and it will be cupcake.

This activity will help students to improve their:
1. Speaking skills: when they will answer and discuss together.

Reading and writing activity

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)
Low level activity: Reading and match activity (Individual)


I will give each student in low level work sheet to match the words
and get compound word. I will explain for them what they have to do.
Students have to read and match two words to get a compound word.

This activity will help students to improve their:
1- Reading skills: when the student will read the words.
2- Student will be able to know about compound words.


Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Middle level activity: writing activity (individual)
- worksheet
I will give each student work sheet. They have to order the picture
together to make compound word and write the name of it.

This activity will help students to improve their:
1- Writing skills: when they will write answer.
2- Student will be able to know about compound words.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

High level activity: writing (individual)

Paper for writing.
I will give each student papers to write a short story by
using compound words and draw.



This activity will help students to improve their writing
skills: when they will write the short story.

- We will count together how many stickers each group get.

Ask students to complete their book and give the students feedback when
they do their work in correct way.
Reflection WWW/EBI

I taught lesson about the compound words. I explain the lesson for them
by using a power point and play with them short game. I went well when
I finish explain the lesson and give them the activities. Even better if I do
for them more challenge activities.
Next Steps in learning and teaching

In next teaching I will make more challenge activity to make them think to

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