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Course Code

EPR 2003

Course Name

Language art A

Task Title

A speaking and listening resource pack for the EFL classroom.

Student ID No


Student name

Mouza Ali Alkeebali

Listening Activity #1: Three

Card game

For level: two
In this activity, the teacher will give each student three cards that it includes a pitcher
or a word one kind of food. For example, the first card may show a picture of fast food
and the second card includes fruits and the third card chocolate. After that, the
teacher starts to ask the students about the picture and the student should raise the
card that it the answer of the question. The main concept of this activity is that the
students listens to the teacher questions clearly and know the correct answer.
Moreover, the students hear the whole question which it helps to improve their
language. This activity can be used for grade two, because it simple. This can be
useful because the students must hear the question correctly and that may help them
to learn the question framing. The teacher should give the students some tricky
questions to let them think and listen carefully.

Objectives of activity:

At the end of the activity student will be able to play a listening game in a fun

At the end of the activity student will be able to improve their listening skills
and concentration and learn some kinds of foods.

Purpose of activity:

Improve students knowledge in foods

Teacher instructions:

Tell the student that they will play a game

In this game each student should has three cards

The teacher will ask some question about any of these card ( food)

The student should pay attention and hold up the correct card.


What kind of food include too much of oils?

What kind of food is very healthy to human body?
Which word represent the restaurants like macdonals ?


Fast food


Listening Activity #2:

understand radio news

(Linking words)
For level: four or above
In this activity, the teacher will turn on the radio and let the students listen to a
small part of it to understand the connecting words in it. After that, the teacher
starts to ask the students about what the announcer said and what the linking
words in this news are. The main focus of this activity is that the students hear
the news carefully and identify some of the linking words. Moreover, listening
to the news will help the students to learn some new words that may help their
listening in the future. This activity can be used for grade four or above,
because it needs more concentrating and younger student may not know it or
concentrate in it. This activity can be useful because the students may try
catches and know the word and that improve their skills. Listening to the news
every day may help the students too much in their listening skill.

Objectives of activity:

Student will be able to listen to short part from the morning news

Students will be able to improve their listing skills.

Students will be able to learn the linking words

Purpose of activity:

Teach student how to listen to people who talk fast

Improve their listening skills by following the announcer talking

Teac student the linking words and when they should use them.

Teacher instructions:

Tell the student that they will listen to the news in the radio and the teacher will
ask them about the linking word in this news.

In this activity student may need paper to write any note

All students must pay attention and listens carefully.


Some of the teacher questions

What did you hear from the announcer?
What were the linking words you hear?

listen to directions and

description from any person.
Listening Activity #3

(Preposition of place)
For level: three and above
In this activity, the teacher will call her friend and asks her about any place
sites, for example, Saqer park place. The students should listen carefully and
give the teacher the direction from what they understand from the call. The
core of the activity is that the students understand the direction correctly and
concentrate on preposition of places words such as behind, in front of. This
encourages the listening because the students must take in the directions in
order to tell the teacher the correct site of the place. The teacher should help
the student to memorize because they may do not know the names of the
streets and places.

Objectives of activity:

Student will be able to listen lots of preposition of places

Students will be able to improve their listing skills.

Purpose of activity:

Improve student listing with interesting way.

Promote cooperation in listening between Students in class.

Learn preposition of place.

Teacher instructions:

All students should listen carefully to the directions.

If any student can not hear he/she ask for help form the teacher only.

The teacher will ask after the call.

Each student should write some notes to memorize the directions.



paper for students notes

marker for the teacher

After the activity student can work in pairs at this worksheet

Articles | DetailENGLISH. (n.d.). Articles | DetailENGLISH. Retrieved June

19, 2014, from
Listening Activity #4

Act out an Activity

For level: one or above
In this activity, the student should act and perform the verbs that they took. In
the beginning, all the student should stand up to prepare for acting. The
teacher can be a volunteer and start with any verb some students may answer
and respond quickly. After that, the teacher can choose one of the students to
complete this activity by giving any word and the rest should act. The entire
student must engage in this game to cover more verbs. The students should
be cleaver and use some useful verbs to amaze the other students and teach

them the words if the students do not know it. The focus of this activity is that
the students listen to their friends words and they should act it correctly. This
activity suitable for all ages and it can change student mood and motivate
them. This activity helps student to hear lots of words that it can help them to
recognize these words in any sentences or conversation.
Objectives of activity:

Student will be able to listen for some place direction.

Students will be able to improve their listing skills especially some word such
as right, left, near and beside.

Purpose of activity:

Improve student listing without seeing the talker s faces.

Improve students vocabulary especially verbs.

Teacher instructions:

The teacher tells the student that she needs to know the site of some place.

After that tell them that she will call her friend and asks about it

All the students need to listen and understand where the place existent

The teacher will ask about the correct site for the place.


Listening Activity #5

dressing up

(Clothing items)

For level: one

In this activity, the teacher will say a sentence and the student should hold the correct
pitcher in the suitable place. For example, the teacher may say make the boy wear
socks so the student will stick the correct pitcher on the boy pitcher. The students will
listen carefully to the teacher and follow her talking about clothing items. The focus of
the activity is that the students hear clothes items and they should know the function
of them. This can be used for grade one to improve their knowledge. This activity helps
students in their listening skills because it is need more concentration. Moreover, the
teacher can help students by monitoring and check with them.
Objectives of activity:

Student will be able to improve listening skills

Students will be able to recognize the clothes items functions.

Purpose of activity:

Student will remember and identify clothes items.

Student will recognize clothes item function.

Teacher instructions:

The teacher asked if the entire student take the pitcher of the boy and the

All the students should be quiet and listen to her.

After the listing the teacher will see their pitcher s to check them.


Speaking Activity #1: describing fruits


Level: two or above

In this activity, the teacher will start with distributing fruits pitchers for
each of students. The students work in pairs and hide the pitcher from
each other. After that, one of the students should begin to describe the
pitcher till their friend knows the pitcher. For example, it is similar to the
ball and it is orange. This activity depends on students talking and
finding the appropriate words to describe the pitcher. It is very simple
activity for grade two or above. This develops students speaking which
each one speaks and listens to each other. Moreover, the teacher can be
a monitor and helps if the students need.
Objectives of activity:

Students will be able at the end of this activity to speck and use
appropriate adjective to describe a pictures.

Purpose of activity:

Student can improves or gain some of the description

words for fruits.
Improves the fluency in speaking.
Teacher instructions:

Teacher tells the students that they have specking activity and
each one should have a picture.

Students should hide the picture from each other.

Students should only use English while speaking.


Speaking Activity #2: tell

us some issues

Level: four or five
In this activity, the teacher will write on the board the speaking topic. For
example, what is the most important situation you have it this year. After
giving the students a little period to organize their thought and find
some words to describe the issue. The students will start to think about
and remember the situation and their emotions. The focus of the
activity is to identify some emotions in students speaking. This activity
helps students speaking and improves their vocabulary because they
want to express more. Moreover, the teacher may help students with the
vocabulary that they struggle with and that can add some new words to
the students knowledge. This activity can be useful for grade four or
five because they may have more knowledge with these activities and
can talk more than young students

Objectives of activity:

Students will be able at the end of this activity to correct their

speaking mistakes.

Students will be able at the end of this activity to improve the

language in the student ( the adjective )

Purpose of activity:

To improve students speaking and sharing some issues with their

friends in the classroom.

Teacher instructions:

All the students should pay attention for their friends while they
are specking.

All the students must be prepared for speaking

If any student need any help just ask for a help



sitting in pairs

Speaking Activity #3: the different between the pitcher

(Good habits)

Level: three or above.

In this activity, the teacher will give students two pictures and they should find
the different in them. The students must work in pairs and tell each other the
different between the pictures by talking together. For example, picture of a girl
studying and the other picture include a boy playing. The students can give
some sentences to describe the good habits and the bad habits. The core of
this activity is that the students concentrate at the pitcher and talk to each
other about the difference between them. Moreover, it can help the students to
find more adjective and vocabulary and that make their speaking better. This
activity can be suitable for grade three and above. This can build up students
speaking especially making conversation between people.
Objectives of activity:

At the end of this activity student will be able to use some words to compare
between the pictures.

At the end of this activity student will be able to make a conversation.

Purpose of activity:

Develop student speaking

Improve some adjective

Make student speak fluently

Teacher instructions:

Firstly, the student should focus at the picture

Secondly, the student should listen carefully to each other.

If any student struggle in any part they can ask the teacher.

At the end if the student have finished they must raise their hand



Speaking Activity #4:

Fluency Games( hot potato game)

(Reviewing vocabulary)

Level: three
In this activity, the teacher will play hot potato game with students. This
game depends on the fluency of students in recollect some
vocabularies. The students must do a circle and an object is moving
around the students. After that, any student has held the object must
give a word as fast as they can and if the student repeats the word they
are out from the circle. The importance of this game is that students can
gain new vocabulary words and learn how to find the words as fast as
they can. This can be used at any age because, but it will be appropriate for grade

three. This can help to develop and take lots of vocabularies. These words may help
the students in their speaking.
Objectives of activity:

At the end of this activity student will be able gain more vocabulary

At the end of this activity student will be able to use those words in their

Purpose of activity:

Develop students speaking

Improve students vocabulary

Make student use high level of vocabulary in speaking.

Teacher instructions:

Firstly, the student should do a circle.

Secondly, each student must give a vocabulary words

If any students repeat or do not answer in three second they are out of the

All students should pay attention and concentrate with their friends.



Listening Activity #5: argument

Level: four
In this activity, the teacher must divide the students to two groups. The
two groups will discuss about any topic against each other for example,
do you think chocolate is good or bad on our health. The students will
sit in front each other and start to argue each other. The focus of the

activity is that the students try to speak and convince the other side by
good words. This can help student speaking because they can gain new
words from their friends. Moreover, argument can make the student talk
fast and fluency to make his opinion is the best. The teacher has to
listen to the students and checks if they wear talk about the topic or not.
Objectives of activity:

At the end of this activity student will be able to gain new words.

At the end of this activity student will be able to speak more faster

At the end of this activity student will be able to describe their emotion by

Purpose of activity:

Teach student how to convince others by polite

Teacher instructions:

Firstly, divide student to two groups

Each student should sit in front of the other.
The talking should be only about the topic
If any student has a question he/she can raise their


App#1: Cartoon tongue twisters.

English language

Level: two and above

Speaking English is fancy and useful. In short,
everybody should be able to do it. Learn English
with our app! Tongue twisters are the most
available and effective way to learn a language.

#Tongue twisters with various levels of difficulty
#audio record by native speakers in two speed
#creating your own recording
#practicing pronunciation speed
# improves enunciation.
#learn English
#Colorful animations
#Funny cartoon characters.


In this app, the teacher can use it in the classroom to

improve students speaking and listening. Moreover,

students can play with it to develop their pronunciation

and their speech or to learn some verbs. There are lots of
parts in this app that students can have fun with it.
Furthermore, there are three levels easy, medium and
hard. In each level students can listen to some sentences
and record it by their voices. This app can help student
vocabulary and the spelling of these words. This can be
suitable for any grade even grade one.

Teacher can till students to download the app before the lesson.

This app is free so everyone can have it.

The download it from the apple store students should write" Cartoon tongue


Student can only use some parts in this app and if they want to play with it
more they should pay for it.

Student can listen carefully then record their speaking in the class. Moreover teacher

Engage student with this app

In groups student can record their voices. For example each student records
a sentence.

Objectives of activity:

Student will be able to learn lots of verbs

Student will be able to focus on their pronouncing.

Purpose of activity:

Develop student skills especially listening and speaking.


App#2: speak English

(Silent litters)
Level: three
Learn to speak English and improve your
spoken English.

Huge amount of audio content.
Normal and slow playback speeds
Analysis features pronunciation, literal
translation, meaning and characters.
200 common vocabulary and phrases items
Multi language.

In this app, the teacher can teach the student lots of words
and sentences related to English or math subjects. This
app includes 14 sections that help students in their
listening and speaking. Moreover, some of the sections
teach students the pronunciation, For example
pronouncing the silent letters. This also can promote
speaking and the vocabulary because the words shown to
the students. In addition, the teacher can listen to the
students voice and compare it to the native speaker.
Overall, this app help student to speak English similar to
the mother language.


Teacher can till the student to download the app before the lesson.

This app is free so everyone can have it.

To download it from the apple store students should write" SpeakEnglish.

Student can record their voices to compare it with the speaker.

Teacher can:

Improve students language because of this app.

Objectives of activity:

Student will be able to improve fluency in speaking.

Student will be able to focus on different type for listening.

Purpose of activity:

Develop student pronunciation and learning some verbs.

Help student to improve their speaking and listening in interesting way.


App#3: listening master

Level: four
Language learners listening master. A fun wheel
of fortune type game for improving your English.
Test your listening ability with short passages
and tricky questions

3 levels of difficulty
12 knowledge categories
Easy navigation
Instant feedback
Standardized test questions
Works on iPhone and Ipad


In this app, the teacher can help the students to practice

and improve their listening. This app includes three levels
that it helps students to be better in hearing other
speeches or talking. This game includes 12 topic and 12
questions which it talk about lots of information. Students
can play with this game by clicking on the bottom to
choose one topic and listen to it. However, this game can
build up students skills especially listening. In addition,
hearing lots of information about different types of topics
can add more knowledge to the students. Teacher can put
a short time in each class to listen to these topics, which it
will develop students ears to collect information as fast as
they can. Every student can know his/her score and try to
develop it because of the feedback in the app.

Each student should listen to the topics individually.

This app is free so everyone can have it.

To download it from the apple store students should write" listening master.

Teacher can:

Develop student information and listening at the same time.

Objectives of activity:

Student will be able to listen to different types of topics

Student will be able to improve their listening by them self.

Purpose of activity:

Check student listening level

Gain new information

Develop student listening


App#4: SPE (speak English around town)

Level: three and four
Animated video help you learn and remember
English! Youll see, hear and read English as its
really spoken. Learn the right way to say what
you mean in daily situations. Introducing our
newest app, speak English around town. You get
three lessons for free. If you like them, you can
buy the remaining 12 lessons through an in app
purchase for $9.99.
Through lively and realistic dialogs, speak English
around town teaches the expressions you need
for everyday life.

This app include 15 lessons about
Returning an item to the store.
Ordering at a restaurant
Visiting the doctor
Dealing with lots luggage.


In this app, student can hear lots of conversation in

different situations. This app includes 12 lessons,
which it improve students to be better listening,
understanding lots of words and know how to deal
with some situations . Students can play with this app
by tapping on any lesson then start to see and hear
the conversation. These conversations can improve
students listening and make them use new words in
their own conversation. After hearing the
conversations the teacher can test the students
understanding in the fill it in section. Moreover, this
app includes a section called glossary which it help
students to review the words and understand them.

In pairs students can listen and see the videos.

You will find this app in apple store as speak English around town

Each student must study the expressions in each video.

After all you can test yourself in the suitable section.

Teacher can:

Help student to learn lots of new word in this app

Objectives of activity:

Student will be able to listen to lots of conversations

Student will be able to improve their listening skills

Purpose of activity:

Build up student listening skills

Gain new words


App#5: learn English: listen, speak and play

Level: one and above
Listen, speak and play- the quick and intuitive
way to learn and recall everyday vocabulary in
English. It includes audio pronunciations by
native English speaker. Whether for leisure,
school or business, this introduction to key
vocabulary covers a range of subjects from home
and people to food and time. With scenes and
items from everyday life clearly labeled, its easy
to find the words you want in this application.

35 topics and over 600 words/phrases.
Comes with quiz for each lesson
Translations are available in five languages.

In this app, there are lots of sections to listen to it.

This game focus on pronounce lots of words.
Students can play with this app by choosing any part
in this game and enjoy with it. There are lots of
sections in each part, for example home part living
room section. Student must press on the word to hear
the correct pronunciation. Moreover, teacher can quiz
students by this app in quiz section. This app is
suitable for all ages because it is easy to use.


Each student can play it individually

Student should hear all the words in each section that the teacher mentions.

After all you can test yourself in quiz section

Teacher can:

Use this app at the end of each class to improve student vocabulary.

Objectives of activity:

Student will be able to listen to lots of words

Student will be able to improve their listening skills

Purpose of activity:

Test student listening level

Get new words


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