R2 Series Astro Mech Droid

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R2 Series Astromech Droid

Small droid (2nd-degree) non-heroic 2/Scoundrel 2

Init +3; Senses low-light vision,darkvision; Perception +8
Languages Basic, Binary, Arkanian, Bocce

Defenses Ref 15 (flat footed 13), Fort 9, Will 11

hp 15; Threshold 9
Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (wheeled), 4 squares (walking), 9 squares (flying)

Melee Electroshock probe +1 (1d8 ion)
Fighting space 1 square; Reach 1 square
Base Atk +2; Grp -2

Abilities Str 9,Dex 14,Int 18,Wis 10,Cha 8

Feats: Skill Focus (Mechanics,Use Computer, Knowledge (Technology), Pilot), Skill Training
(Perception), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons), Tech Specialist, Starship Designer
Skills: Knowledge(Technology) +14, Mechanics +14, Perception +8, Pilot +12, Use Computer
Systems: Locomotion(Wheeled, Walking, Flying (Limited)), Magnetic Feet, Heuristic Processor,
6 Quick-release Coupled Tool Appendages, 1 Quick-release coupled Hand Appendage,
Diagnostics Package, Internal Storage (5kg), Improved Sensor Package (boosted), Darkvision,
Encrypted Holo Comlink (internal), Translator Unit (DC 5), Remote Starship Starter, Holographic
Game System, Hidden Core, Specialized Subprocessor (Pilot), Voice-print Command Lock,
Locked Access
Possessions: Astrogation buffer (storage device, 10 memory units), Circular saw, Electroshock
Probe, Fire Extinguisher, Electric Arc Welder, Holorecorder, Holoprojector
Availability: Licensed; Cost: 17468 Cr
Traits: Industrial Automaton astromechs can be found in most starports,
and technicians are used to working with IA units. When assisting on a Mechanics
check, an Industrial Automaton droid trained in Mechanics can add its
Intelligence bonus (minimum + 1) to the normal +2 bonus. (+ 6 total)
Enhanced Intelligence: Increases the droid's Intelligence score by 2.
Talent: Trace: You can substitute your Use Computer skill for any Gather Information check as
long as you have access to a computer network.

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