Java Samples P6 Maths Prelims 2013 Methodist Girls

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METHODIST GIRLS’ SCHOOL (PRIMARY) PRIMARY 6 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2013 MATHEMATICS PAPER 1 (BOOKLET A) Total Time for Booklets A and B: 50 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not turn over this page until you are told to do so. Follow all instructions carefully Answer all questions. ‘Shade your answers in the Optical Answer Sheet (OAS) provided. ‘The use of calculators in NOT allowed, Name; — Cy Class: Primary6. Date: 26 August 2013 This booklet consists of 6 printed pages. ‘Questions 4 to 40 cary 1 mark each. Questions 11 to 18 cany 2 marks each. For each question, four oplons are gen. One of them isthe coect answer. Fake your cholo (1, 2,8 0" 4). Shade the oval (1, 2,3 or) on Ue Optica ‘Answer Sheet. {20 macs) tee 4 Find the quotient wren 4 029 is died by 4 nt QO 4 @) 107 1007 2 1n.80.31, what does he cgi 1 stands for? () Lone. ()ttentn @) hundred (thousandth 3 Hot doge are sol el $1.70 each, o2for $9.00, Meng hed $17, What s the maximum number of hotdogs that she ean buy? ° Bt ci % 2 4 John needs 250 9 of minced beet to make 9 plates of spagheti, He vied ® iends over or dimer. How much minced beef does he need fo make 9 plates of spagheti” (07840 (2). 22516 & e750 @) - 780k9 15 Which ofthe folowing would be the most fly era of the for of your Classroom in choo, hich isin te shape of @ square? (amt @) 25me @ Bint, 400m? 2 (Goontothe next page) ‘The fablo below shows the number of famiies who own pets. Number offenilies [ —Numberof pats 20 7 10 2 8 3 5 4 How many ames own atleast 2 pats? a 0 @ 8 @ 90 Witch one of the following statements is tue? eo @ DARD {nthe diagram below, ABC is an equlatoral tangle, BD and EF are sisight Ines. Find 2. ws es" @ 3 (Goonto the nex page) ” “ ‘Which eters in te word below have atleast 2 ines of symmetry? HOUSE Q OE @ Ho @ su @ Hs ssw rtoct7+ 8 weny “ 4 7 a 3 wt a3 a! o 3 4 (Goonto the next page) 12 Inthe figure below, AC = 15 em, CD=9 em and AD = 12 om, \Whatis the area of tiangle ABC? D 7m, Bf c x () 78cm @) 315ent @) 25ent @ 375ent 13. The bar graph below shows tho nunber of mabe phones sold ever a pacod otrflonths. Between which two months was there a 60% Increase inthe sees? (1) Doosmmber and January (2) January and February (8) February and March (Mah ana Apa 6 (Go onto the naxt page) “4 16 Piliy scored an average of 67 marks in the last 3 topical tests. How many marks mst he soot in the fourth test eo that he ean get an average of 73. mars? n Q o 8 ® Raymond saves 40% ofhis salary every month If his salary Inceases by 15%, his savings wil also increase by $120. Whalis Raymond’ salar? ($900 $1200 $1550 $2000 6 (Go onto Booket B) METHODIST GIRLS’ SCHOOL (PRIMARY) PRIMARY 6 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2013 MATHEMATICS PAPER 1 (BOOKLET B) ‘Total Time for Booklets A and B: 50 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES. Do not turn over this page until you are told to do so. Follow all instructions carefully. Answer all questions, Write your answers in this booklet. The use of calculators in NOT allowed, Name: Cy Class: Primary 6, Date: 26 Augus: 2013, [Papert Booklet A ‘This booklet consists of 7 printed pages. (Questions 16 10 28 cary 1 mark each. Wiito your answers nthe spaces. Donotwete Provided. For questons which require uns, give your answarsin the unis sated} inte space (10 marks) 16 Find the largest whole number hat gives 3000 when rounded oft the nearest hundred, Ans: —I 47 Findtha vate of = 3 Express your answer asa med number. Ans: 18 Express 3 hundreds, 6 tthe and 85 thousandth in decimal, Ais 19. Aitcheccan contain 1.4 tes ofjuce. Hoan fl glasses, Hreach o Contains the same amount ofjuce, how much ua isthe in each lass? 20 Look tthe scale below. Round of tho maes shown onthe scale to tho oavest whete number, 21 The fours below fs made up of2 squares and an equlatval angle. The ‘ati ofthe lent of AB to the angth of BC toto length of GD is 312 The fenath of AD is 24 cm. Find the perimeter of tho figure bow. anes om 22 Express 48.28 a percentage. % | const wite a (Goonte the next pape) 23. Thadilference in massbelveen two gis is 12g. thelr total mass is 684g. what i the rai of he mass of the heave ll to the mass of te Tighe it? Ans: 24 Davids at Pont E, He flowed the folowing instructions: 0) Wak 2 squares to tho East | {Walk 1 square fo the North (Wak 3 squares to haWost (in Walk 2 squares tothe South ‘Which pint cid he end wnat? Ans: 4 (Go on tothe nxt page) Do notwete Inthe space [_] 25 Drawn the missing fac() inthe grid below to completo the netofa Donte cuboid. inthis pace Questions 26 fo 30 carry2 matks each, Show your working cleatly and wie Pur answers in the spaces provided. For questions wich raquce unis ive your answer in the units sate, (Omar) 25 Anumiber is between 1¢and 50. Its a mulpa of 8 and a fac of 86, ‘hat ar alt pase values ofthe nunber? {_] 5 (Go ontothe next page) Aan rcs 2 st nan cal Fangs loans ie So Bebo slowane Express Beate’ llowsnce asa fraction of the total allowance of Amy and Cai Fang, Ans: In the diagram tetow, the length of DE Is twice the lngihof EA. G isthe Inic-poin of AB and AE = AG. EFG and OCH are lscaodes tangles, “The area of ABCD ls 72 can. What the area of the shaded gion’? 8 4 8 ¢ F o c Ans: | | | Donetwrite nue space 6 (Go onto the next page) 29, Ahmed boarded the Jungle Tran ate Woodlands Train Station in Singapore a 6.30 am. for Kota Baht in Malysia. He aived in Kota Baru at 19 25. How long was the tran ie? ‘Ans: in Donetwnte ints space 30, The able below shows th rate of charges fr each overdue DVD borrowed fom a brary. Forte hal days Scents perce Air 5 6 TO cents per day Mei Uborrwed two DVDs fom the brary. The two DVOs were overdue when she retuned She pad a toa of $7.80 In overdue ines, How many days wore the two DVDs overdue’? Ans: END OF PAPER METHODIST GIRLS’ SCHOOL (PRIMARY) PRIMARY 6 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2013 MATHEMATICS PAPER 2 Duration: 1 h 40 min INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not turn over this page until you are told to do so. Follow all instructions carefully Answer all questions. Write your answers in this booklet. The use of an approved calculator is expected, where appropriate. Name;______________( ) Class: Primary 6. Date: 26 August 2013, 60 This booklet consists of 16 printed pages. {Gucstons 1 to § cary 2 maiks each., Show your woikng clearly and vile your ‘answers in the spaces prowded. For questions wich requir unt, give your answers in the units stated, ‘(tO marks) ni 1 Yan Ning has $22 worth of coins. She has 16 more fity-cont cons than twenty-cent coins. Find the foal value ofher wenty.cent coins. Ans: 2 The average height of2 gis s 1.24 m and the average heightof another 3 gis 6 1.64 m, Whalis the average height of al the 5 gis? Ros m 2 {Goon othe next page) orate ints pac 3. Inthe diagram below, EF is paralol to GH and JF and KE are straight tines. | Do not wate itis space Find 2 KGH. 4 During the Great Singapare Salo, a store gave a storewide discount of 20%, 1s Heng who i. a member ofthe tore wae entiled to an addtional 410% discount on the discounted price. What was the total discount ‘Mrs Heng enjoyed? CC Ans: % 3 (Goonto the next page) “Two tanks are shown below. Tank Ais filed with watero two-thirds of ts height. Al the wator in Tank A fs then poured into a oyindcal tank, Tank B| \wihich has a crcufar base of radius 28 om. What is height ofthe water level in Tank 8? Give your answer correc o 1 decimal place. 2) okon= 2 Tem 50cm Tank A Tanke, Ans: on 4 (Goonto the next page) Do not writ Innis space [7] For Questions 6 to 18, show your working clearly and wit your answers inthe | De not wie spaces provided, The number of marks avallablo is shown in brackets | Jatthe | in his space fond of each question or pat-question, (6omarks) asa one. 8 yea, Gado ole 2 erie. Hon ls Tas ans: BI 7 Airis bent to form a cle of radius 36 om, Another wie, of the same Tength, i bento form ofa square. Whats the area of the Square? C] Ans: __ 6 "Ge onto the net page) 5 Inthe gid below, two sides ofa rhombus, WXYZ, have been drain (2) Complete the deawing ofthe thombus. Labelthe point Z. 2) (Measure XYZ. Anss(b) ay e (Go on tthe next page) 9 Arobot can type 340 words every 5 minutes. Do not wite Althis rate, hw fong wilt take the robot to comelet ying $780 words? | space Express your answer in hour and minutes. 410 Bens 16 years ld. Catiny is p years older than Ben anditwo tines ae ld as Daniel. What isthe average age of Ben, Cathy and Daniel? — oe L_] | 7 (Goon to the next page) " zonspon 2 orermneyon tocando ronan apt ses. Sv set teeing $4 ont () What fraction of her money did she spend on the pai of shoos? (b) How much money dd Zoe have at frst? ‘Ans: (a)__. tH o B 8 (Gooonto the next page) CJ 2 “The pie chart shows the favourite colours ofthe Primary 6 pupils in Sophia | 0 not wate Primary School. ABis a straight tine. wo Favourite Colours of Pupils (a) How many pupils ae there in Primary 6? (@) There are twice as many pupils who ike purple than yellow. ‘What percentage ofthe Primary 6 pupil ke purple? (6) How many pupis tke blue? ra B © m 9 {Go.onto the noxt page) "ts space CJ 43 Inthe diagram below, KM = MO. LMNO isa equate and KLMis a Do not wre inthis space rightangled tangle, (2) Find 2 KMO. R (©) Find 2 mvp. N Pp J uM, 4 ‘Ans: (a) 1] -—— ) 8) i a (Goon tothe next pags) 18 Fenner Brown had a total of 632 chickens and ducks. Afterhe bought | Dono mite ‘another 64 chickens and sold 12.5% ofthe ducks, the ratio ofthe number | hs space ‘Of chickens fo the numberof ducks was 6: 7 respectively. (2) How many chckons were there tft? (6) Express the numberof chickens" 38 fraction ofthe numberof ducks at fit Ans: (9). 22} Cl ®___y 2 (Go onto the next page) 16 Bath Fang Ling and Stant colectstckers. i Fang Ling used 12 sckers, | Do not wie ‘Shan would have halfas mony stickers a her. I Shanti used 18 cere, | ints space Fang Ling would have 5 tmos as many stickers as he. Howmany Stickers db have allogeter? 18 {Go on tothe next page) v “The picture below ie made up of2sinilar squares and2siilar quadrants, “The area of one square is 64 cn’. (a) Fina the area ofthe shaded rgion. (0) Find tho parimoto othe unshaded region. (Tako s=314) “4 Do not waite inthis space ‘Ans: (@) » ey (G0 onto the next page) 18 Thoro woe bows, X,Y nd Z,consning 172 ts atogetbr. Mrs Teo | 02 nat wite ‘xed same fst io Bax Xa tho numberof ts inBox X doubled. | tis space Stoo lt re fon Bo aa nr 20 fits nto Box Z. Inthe nd, he umber of rats in Bax X,Y and Z ae ia the rao of8:3: 4 respect, (2) Hommany fits wer therein Box Y at frst? (o) Wali the rao of nurberof fut ia Box Zto ths otal number of ‘rus at rst? Ans: (2) )_si | ©, Pi END OF PAPER. 15 EXAM Paper 2013, SCHOOL : MGS SUBJECT: PRIMARY 6 MATHEMATICS TERM: PRELIM Or] 82 [os [oF [os So [quer oztosTor re} 4t3 3 rts ys atatsre ps ya petor 363049 17)131/3—18)300.655 -19)275m1 —_20)57kg 21)84cm —22)380% 23) 24)Point C 28)18 cm: 29)13 55 min 26)16,24,32,48 2798/9 30)7 days Page tos page er 2 116 x50 = 800 $22 = 2200c 2200 ~ 800 = 1400 400c = $4 2y1.24 x2 154 x3 = 4. 4.62 + 2.48 = 7.1 342=5 FASS = 1.42 The average height is 1.42 m 3)180~ 145 = 35 (ZGAH) ZING = ZIRE 1180-35-68 4y100 - 20 100-1 90/100 x 80 100-72 = 28% 5)(75+3) x 2 = 50 (2/3 height A) 50x 80 x 50 = 200000 22/7 x 28x 28 = 2464 2000002464 ~ 1.2m 8)a) 8)b)90" Page 2 9}4 robot->340 words->5 min 1 robot->5780 words>85 min S780x5 340 5 85min = 1h 25 min 10)12.5 + 0.5p years old 4.9.x 21 = 102.9 ‘She had $102.90 at first. 12)a)60 x 4 = 240 ‘There are240 pupils in Primary 6. yx 240 = 120 | 3/20 x 240 120~-60~36 = 24(1) 24x2=48 48/240 x 100% = 20% 20% of the Primary 6 pupits like purple. €)240 - 60-36 - 24-28 = 72 72 pupils like blue, 13)a)90+2 = 45 45x2= 90 180-90 =90 Itis 90" b)180- 45 ~135 180 ~ 135-20 = 25 tis 25° Page 14)a)75x 1% = 131.25 B-3=5 (131.2545) x8 = 210 The total distance is 210km. by3/8x 210 = 78.75 78.7590 = 7/8 7/8 + 1% + Ya = 2718 210#27/8 = 734/23 ‘The average speed is 731/23km/h 15)a)100- 12.5% 7u987.5% 8u3100% e46=14 632+ 54 = 686, 686714 = 49 49x6 = 204 294-54 = 240 ‘There were 240 chickens at first 37.5% (ducks left) 'b)632~ 240 = 392 (ducks at first) 240/392 = 30/49 The fraction is 30/49 16)3p = 48 P=16 6p =96 96 +18 = 114 They have 114 stickers altogether. anafes 0.25 x 3.14 x 8x8= 50.24 8x8= 64 64 -50.24 = 13.76 13.76 x2 = 27.52 The area is 27.52cm2 b)8 x2 = 16 (diameter) B.14x 16x 0.5 = 25.12 2512+ 848484825712 tis 75.12em Pages 18)a)3x3=9 622-3 172420 = 192 1922(3+944) = 12 12x9= 108 ‘There were 108 fruits. The ratio is 7:43 Pages

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