Essay Format With Examples

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ayy AS VARTNGES AND DIGABNANTAGES INTRODUCTION (Ct introduction to the tpi Tndubitably/Terefutebly/Undoubtedly/t is an undoubtable/irrefutable/indubitable Fact that. 2 connective device In this cese/ considering this/ in this scenario, 13 Purpose of an essay |_this essay will examine/ascertein the pros and cons associated behind . Body 1-Advantages ("Topic Sentence “There ere/is numerous/uncauntable/a variety advantages of senehis ami sdvstnes First and foremost, ___ could be a: ‘substantial/significant/noteworthy benefit to be considered. sroumton — WEEE O8Lf Replorcocknny] Farr Tt is generally seen that/ It may be defined 1as/ Tt is generally believed that_____—_—_—__—_——— a cvample For example/ For instance/__ can be taken as an exemple where. EEE ‘5 Supporting advantage to onpeort Wee fa - wank neh ‘tnaddition/ Moreover,/Furthermore,/Add to this,/____—_ may be another noteworthy benefit to = L take into an account. Body 2-Disadvantages ——— [72 Topic Sentence Despite the/tn spite of advantages discussed above regarding _ there is a disadvantage too, hich could not be neglected without ary eareful consideration. 2 Main disadvantage could be a single most detrimental impact. 2 anton (0 d his generally seen that/ Tt may be defined as/ Tt is generally believed that ——————————~ example | For exomple/ for intance/.___con be taken as an example where NL conclusion Inthe end, Indeed, ; however, Advantages and disadvantages seaside and essential features of livelihood are scarce. Therefore, assistance from affluent nations could act as privilege for these nations to improve their situation. Grant of free medical aid, access to free education, provision of Furthermore, maintenance of global relationship and import of cheap goods may be another noteworthy benefit to take into an account. {116} bodies take huge chunk of this aid for their personal interest. Hence, the host nations withdraw their support in which the people become deprive from getting something good. Uncountable registered cases of corruption 280 words Discuss and give your opinion { INTRODUCTION | __ 1 Introduction to the topic Irrefutably/Undoubtedly/ It is an irrefutable/undoubtable fact that 2 Introduction to an argument Considering this/ In this case/ In this scenario,/--- weather. isa matter ofdebate.\ Lis turoTn . 3 Purpose of an essay However, this essay will examine/ascertain both sides of an argument before deducing a reasonable conclusion. Body 1- 1* argument 1 Topic sentence There is a variety of factors wherein could be supported. 2 Main factor First and foremost, could be a substantial factor to be considered. 3 Explanation It is generally seen that/ It may be defined as/ It is commonly believed that, 4 Example For instance/ for example/. can be taken as an example where. 5 Supporting factor \ In addition/ Moreover/furthermore/Add to this, ,_____ may be another noteworthy factor where. Who should be responsible for the care of old people: Children or government? Discuss and give your opinion. Irrefutably, due to declining physical abilities, people at their old age need an assistance and care. Considering this, whether children must be liable for the care of their old parents or government is a matter of discussion. However, before outlining a reasonable conclusion, this essay will examine both sides of an argument. There is a variety of factors wherein the role of government in care of old people could be supported. Initially, national obligation of nation’s administrators could be a significant reason to be considered. It is generally seen that the government is elected by the people and the prime responsibility of those elected official is to take care of their citizens. Free medical assistance, facilitation of food and shelter and social security could be some of the best examples to support the fact. Furthermore, contribution made by these senior citizens in terms of taxes throughout the life may be another noteworthy factor. Despite the factors mentioned above, the role of children in caring their old parents is even quite crucial aspect. Moral duty could be a single most significant factor. It is commonly believed that parents have taken care of their off springs throughout their lives. Now, it is the time where children have to pay their affection in the same. in the end, unquestionably, ascertaining the responsibility regarding the care of old persons is a complex issue; however, as far as 1am concerned, nation’s regulatory authorities are more liable for this task, 245 words AGREE OR DISAGREE Z INTRODUCTION As introduce the given topie Undoubiedlyy efutably/tt ts an undoubtable/irrefutable fact that. A Br Introduce the given opinion. /proposal (Connective devices) Considering this/tn this case/ keeping this situation in mind/ + There are sone analysts wi thai/insist that : Purpose off an. essay {For agreement) | staunchly agree with the above mentioned proposal/opinion due to a notable reason. {For disagreement) However, | staunchly disagree with the above ruentioned proposal/opinion. due to a notable veason. 2 Body L{your viewpoint} A Topic sentence ‘There is a practical factor which affirms. Malin reason. behind your view © Explanation Ibis generally seen that te may be defined as Bxaneple For exaraple/ for instanct/___ caw. be taleen as av example to support the fact. could be a substantial factor. § Ge COW dered! . 2 body 2 (other side of the topic) A Topic sentence In spite of the venson discussed above, there are some groups who consider Main reason. behind other people's view ___may be a single most significant factor behind opponent's Viewpoint, © Explanation, It ts generally seen, that/ i may be defined as b Rebuttal No doubt, __coutcl be true up to certain extent; however, ft should also not to be forgotten that If this is the case, would it be wise enough to 7 My answer would be no. 4 Conclusion (Sununuary + your view again} (oe rua be true up to some extent, butt stilt Some people feel that to reduce traffic in urban areas, there is a need to impose heavy taxes on private care owners. DO you agree or disagree? Irrefutably, the emount of traffic especially in urban areas is rising dramatically day by day. Considering this, some analysts insist that there must be heavy taxes imposed on private vehicles owners in order to tackle the increasing traffic. | staunchly agree with the above mentioned proposal due to a notable reason. There is a practical factor wherein the policy to impose taxes on private care owner may be beneficial to reduce traffic rat couragement to use public transport could be a significant factor. It may be defined as the policy of taxing private car ‘ownership will consequently discourage them to restrict such ease and will be encouraged to use more public transport for commuting purposes. This action will not only increase the use of public transport, but also control the congestion on roads. For example, a recent survey conducted in Asian countries has revealed that by implying the said policy, there was around 45% of traffic reduction in the year 1985. Despite the factors discussed above, there are some groups who consider implying taxes on private cars as negative step. Extra financial burden could be a single most Important factor behind opponent's viewpoint. it is commonly believed that being a car owner is itself a huge amount of expense the owner needs to take care. If upon this, there will be some taxes to pay; additionally, there are chances that people may suffer from financial crisis. No doubt, a fear of financial crisis could be true up to some extent; however, it should also not to be forgotten that the rate of traffic congestion is increasing and the maintenance cost involved of such road is also rising. If this is the case, would it be wise enough to not collect little chunk of tax from the user to maintain the wellbeing of this ease? My answer would be no. Inthe end, unquestionably, there are huge expenses people already need to tackle and the said policy of taxing private car ownership is quite detrimental for the users; however, | still believe that in order to combat the issue of rising traffic congestion, there is just a single mode of solution to be adopted. Reasons and solutions essay ie Introduction anne 1-(Undoubtedly /Irrefutably/It Isa true fact to consider/it is an unquestionable reality to take into account) that is increasing/decreasing alarmingly among the. 2 Gamocing dvi nasa Cone dour Wn : (Purpose ofthe essay) ‘This essay will examine the substantial factors which are playing their predominating role to Inerease/decrease. before outlining appropriate measures to cope. mT ‘1-Topic sentence ‘There are some factors involved in nceasing/decreasing i Tic Rake ef 2-Main Reason First and foremost, could bea significant factor tobe considered, OX CO WAT WL powaly 3-Explanation - lack of 2 vP {tis generally seen that/ It may be defined as, 4- Example For example/for instance. can be taken as an example where/The fact could be demonstrated by 5-Supporting Reason Inaddition tothis,_____could be another substantial cause behind the a 1-Tople Sentence Despite the causes discussed above regarding there are quite a few readily solutions exist which could be implemented to mitigate the impacts caused by the potential factors. 2-Main solution Initially, __ could be an effective tool. eek rele Kap 7 3-explanation mone Joe eve . It is generally seen that/ It may be defined as. 4-Example For example/for instance/ can be taken as an example where/The fact could be demonstrated by 5- Supporting Solution Moreover, could be another indispensable key that can be adopted. Conclusion In last, undoubtedly, ; however, above mentioned come concrete steps can assist to mitigate the damaging impacts. 7 Undoubtedly, due to unstable economic standard, good proportion of people in 3rd world countries are lacking to afford a shelter for themselves. In this case, this essay will examine the substantial reasons which are playing their predominating role in increasing homelessness before outlining appropriate measures to cope. There are some reasons involved in increasing homelessness in under developed nations. First and foremost, poverty could be a significant element to be considered. It is generally seen thatin some countries, the rate of poverty level is on hike in which the citizens are not able to fulfil their basic needs such as. food, clothing and many more, out of which shelter is one of the significant. Some Asian countries can be taken as an example to support the fact. Moreover, increasing rate of population could also be another noteworthy reason behind the issue of homeless people. In spite of the reasons mentioned above, there are quite a few readily available solutions which could be implemented to reduce the impacts caused by the potential factors. International aid Practice could be an effective key. It may be defined as 1* world and 2™ world countries could assist the under developed nations in terms of facilitating intensive commodities such as food, money, clothing and even the means of earning. UNO, WHO & UNESCO can be taken as examples of some organisations which are helping the needy ones across the world. Not even this, implementation of one child policy could be another indispensable tool, In the end, indeed, homelessness is rising gradually in some parts of the world; however, above mentioned some concrete steps can assist to mitigate the negative impacts.

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