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Institute of

Management Technology
Centre for Distance Learning,


Cont e n t s

From the desk of

DEAN (Academics)


Abo u t IM T C D L


V i sio n


M is s io n


L o c a t io n

Cont e n t s

A Portfolio of Programmes


Awa rds


A c c re dit a t io n


L e a rn in g In f ra s t ru c t u re


E n t e rpris e E du c a t io n
S o lu t io n


Cont e n t s

Faculty Profiles


V i s it in g Fa c u lt y


C o n c e pt a n d C o n t e x t
C u rric u lu m


LEAD L e a rn , E n g a g e , A pply
a n d D e v e lo p


E d e G e n ie
Y o u r 24x 7 A c c e s s t o
On lin e Le a rn in g

Cont e n t s

Expert Connect


I M T C D L Pro g ra mme s


Two Ye a r Po s t G ra du a t e
D i plo ma in M a n a g e me n t
( PGD M )


On e Ye a r Po s t Gra du a t e
D i plo ma in B u s in e s s
A dmin is t ra t io n (PG D BA )


Upg ra da t io n f ro m
On e Ye a r PG D BA t o
Two Ye a r PGD M
Pr o g ra mme

Cont e n t s

On e Ye a r Po s t Gra du a t e
D i plo ma in M a n a g e me n t
( E xe c u t iv e ) Spe c ia liza t ion
- F in a n c ia l Ma n a g e me n t


O n e Ye a r Po s t Gra du a t e
D iplo ma in Ma n a g e me n t
( E x e c u t iv e ) Spe c ia liza t ion
- M a rk e t in g M a n a g e me n t


On e Ye a r Po s t Gra du a t e
D i plo ma in M a n a g e me n t
( E xe c u t iv e ) Spe c ia liza t ion
- I nf o rma t io n Sy s t e ms


On e Ye a r Po s t Gra du a t e
D i plo ma in M a n a g e me n t
( E xe c u t iv e ) Spe c ia liza t ion
- O pe ra t io n s Ma n a g e me nt


On e Ye a r Po s t Gra du a t e
D i plo ma in M a n a g e me n t
( E xe c u t iv e ) Spe c ia liza t ion
- Hu ma n Re s o u rc e
Ma n a g e me n t

Cont e n t s

Assignments with
Case Studies


E xa min a t io n s


F ee St ru c t u re


W e bc a s t in g Wo rk s h o ps
u sin g Te c h n o lo g ic a l
I n no v a t io n s t o brin g
y o u t h e be s t


A dmis s io n Pro c e s s


Pa yme n t Sc h e du le

Cont e n t s

S t ude n t s Ru le s &
G u ide lin e s


Ac a de mic C a le n da r


S a m ple A dmis s io n Te s t


A l umn i Spe a k


L i s t o f In f o rma t io n
C e n t re s


C o n t a c t Us

F rom t h e d e s k of
DE A N ( A c a d e m i c s )
We l c o m e to Q uality Manage me nt Ed ucation Expe rie nce at IMT
C e n tr e f o r Dis tance Le arning. T he s e are unne rving time s for higher
e d u c a ti o n in Ind ia. A cad e mic ins titutions are s truggling with cut
th r o a t c o mpe tition inte rnally and e xte rnally. Employe rs are find ing
l i ttl e v a l u e in the d e gre e s and ce rtificate s of s tud e nts . Evolution and
R e v o l u ti o n in te chnology is much fas te r now. De s pite the fact, tha t
I n d i a i s s uffe ring from huge unme t d e mand for highe r e d ucation,
i n s u f f i c i e n t s e ats at Ins titute s of highe r le arning s hall not re ach th e
g o a l n o one is le ft be hind . R e s e arch find ings s ugge s t s tud e n t s
p u r s u i n g highe r e d ucation abroad s hall d ouble by 2025.


T h e r e i s a public back las h agains t ris ing tuition and s tud e nt d e b t

w h i c h c a n not be ove rcome by e s tablis hing conve ntional e d ucationa l
i n s ti tu ti o ns but by d is tance le arning s ys te ms . W e at IMT be lie ve in
th e p h i l o s ophy whom d o we s e rve and how we ll we can re ach out
to th o s e who cant afford e xpe ns ive e d ucation.
I M T C D L is the tie r one non- trad itional e xpe rie nce in manage me n t
a n d b u s i ne s s e d ucation having be e n re cogniz e d , as global le agu e
I n d i a n i n s titute . T he time pre s s ure and life s d e mand mak e it hard er
f o r a w ork ing profe s s ional to d e ve lop manage rial s k ills throug h
c o n v e n ti o nal ins titutions . A s the work place be come s incre as ing ly
c h a l l e n g i ng


compe titive



21s t

ce ntury,



m a n a g e m e nt e d ucation and qualification has be come a cruci a l

s u c c e s s f actor for work ing profe s s ionals .
I M T -C e n tre for Dis tance Le arning ( IMT - CDL) is the mos t ap t
a n s w e r to me e t the manage me nt e d ucation re quire me nts of work in g
p r o f e s s i o nals .


T he

s tate - of- the - art

le arne rs


infras tructure

e xpe rie nce


clas s



manage me n t

e d u c a ti o n with e as e and fle xibility and without the ne e d to re ma in

a w a y f r om work . T he vas t d igital re pos itory of high quali t y
m a n a g e m e nt

le cture s



d is tinguis he d



e x a m i n a t ions , as s ignme nts , a large d igital library and an ad vanced

l e a r n i n g platform e ns ure an e nriching and e ffe ctive le arning process.
A l s o , f r e e and optional s ubje ct me ntoring available for all le arne r s
i s a g r e a t facility for work ing e xe cutive s to s ucce s s fully complet e
a n d a c q u ire a pre mium manage me nt qualification from IMT - CDL. It
i s a l s o he arte ning to note that IMT - CDL has be e n rank e d # 1 in
v a r i o u s r e ce nt s urve ys on d is tance e d ucation in the country.
I t i s a n opportunity to join s e ve ral thous and alumni who re pos ed
th e i r c o nfid e nce and ros e to gre ate r he ights on the lad d e r of their
p r o f e s s i o nal care e r. I invite you and as s ure you will achie ve you r
l e a r n i n g g oals . O ur Journe y for ove r two d e cad e s is a te s timony th a t
w e h a v e ke pt our promis e s all through.

D r . S. R . MUSA NNA
D e a n (Acad e mics ) IMT CDL


F ro m t h e d e s k of
A c aCDL
T h e g r o wing inte rnationalis ation of highe r e d ucation, e s pe ciall y
p r o f e s s i o nal

cours e s


ins titutions ,

incre as ing

inte rnationa l

c o -o p e r a tion and the e me rge nce of ne w, trans national e d ucation

p r o v i d e r s are pos ing a challe nge to highe r e d ucation s ys te ms of th e
c o u n tr y . T he ne w k nowle d ge - bas e d s ocie ty d e mand s manage rs wh o
a r e f l e x i b le and ve rs atile . T he y ne e d to le arn continuous ly and
u p g r a d e the ir s k ills as the te chnology ad vance s . T his has made
d i s ta n c e

e d ucation




re ward ing

e xpe rie nce.

I M T -C D L has be e n contributing to this e d ucational re volution in it s

o w n w a y. T he ce ntre s trive s to cre ate all round le ad e rs in
m a n a g e m e nt and e ntre pre ne urs hip by he lping its s tud e nts acquir e
th e n e c e s s ary s k ills .


IM T G h a z i abad

IM T N a g p u r

IM T H yd erabad

IM T Dub a i


F ro m t h e d e s k of
N (Academics)
V isiAon
T o m a k e IMT a global inte grate d bus ine s s s chool k nown for it s
c o n tr i b u tion to manage me nt e d ucation, bus ine s s le ad e rs hip and
c o r p o r a te e xce lle nce .


F rom t h e d e s k of
M iss
on( A c a d e m i c s )
T o s e r v e s ocie ty and e nhance the quality of life through e xce lle nce
a n d l e a d ers hip in manage me nt e d ucation, re s e arch and cons ultancy,
a s a n a c a d e mic community which is outward - look ing and committed
to i n n o v a tion and life - long le arning.


F ro m t h e d e s k of
(A c a d e m i c s )
L o ca
t i on
I M T -C D L is locate d on a lus h gre e n 6 acre campus and is jus t a n
h o u r ' s d r ive from De lhi. T he Ins titute boas ts of world - class
i n f r a s tr u c ture cons is ting of a fully ne twork e d W i- Fi campu s,
w e l l -e q u i ppe d clas s rooms , a mod e rn aud itorium and a we ll- s tock ed


A P ort f ol i o
o f P r og ra m m e s
I M T -C D L offe rs a wid e s pe ctrum of manage me nt and information
te c h n o l o g y programme s . T he curriculum is cons tantly upd ate d to be
i n tu n e w ith the d ynamic global and Ind ian e nvironme nt. Le arning is
f u r th e r enhance d by information te chnology that conne cts s tud e n t s

r e s o urce s

m a n a g e m e nt


d ata

e d ucation



found e d

globe .

T he





d e v e l o p me nt of practical k nowle d ge and a re le ntle s s commitme nt to

a c a d e m i c e xce lle nce .

Two Year Post Gr aduate

D iplo m a i n Management
On e Year Post Gr aduate
D iplo m a i n Business
A dmin i str ation ( PGDBA)

On e Year Post Gr aduate

D iplo ma in Management
(E x e c u ti ve)


F ro m t h e d e s k of
a rNd s(A c a d e m i c s )


IMT, Centre for Distance Learning,

World Education Congress, Global

Recognized as Global League Indian


was recognized by the

Awards, 2015 has awarded IMT, Centre

Institute in a prestigious ceremony

Associated Chambers of Commerce

for Distance Learning , Ghaziabad

held at the House of Commons,

and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) as

under the category Innovation in

London by SkillTree Global Knowledge

the Best Institute

in Distance/Open

Distance Learning . This is once again

Consortium. A Rare Distinction as the



a recognition for IMTs commitment



Institution to feature as part of the





Excellence Awards 2015.




Leadership & Teaching.












Ac cr e d i t a t i on
e d by
e d e s k of
Un ive rs ity Grants Co mmis s io n
A N (A c a d e m i c s )
( UGC)
T h e g r o wing inte rnationalis ation of highe r e d ucation, e s pe cially
p r o f e s s i o nal

cours e s


ins titutions ,

incre as ing

inte rnational

c o -o p e r a tion and the e me rge nce of ne w, trans national e d ucatio n

p r o v i d e r s are pos ing a challe nge to highe r e d ucation s ys te ms of the
c o u n tr y . T he ne w k nowle d ge - bas e d s ocie ty d e mand s manage rs who
a r e f l e x i b le and ve rs atile . T he y ne e d to le arn continuous ly an d
u p g r a d e the ir s k ills as the te chnology ad vance s . T his has made
d i s ta n c e

e d ucation




re ward ing

e xpe rie nce.

I M T -C D L has be e n contributing to this e d ucational re volution in it s

o w n w a y. T he ce ntre s trive s to cre ate all round le ad e rs i n
m a n a g e m e nt and e ntre pre ne urs hip by he lping its s tud e nts acquire
th e n e c e s s ary s k ills .
UGC has recognised IMT-CDL to offer various post-graduate management
programmes vide letter no. UGC/DEB/IMT-II/08 dated: 26-06-2015 through
distance education mode:
Two Year Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
One Year Post-Graduate Diplomas in Business Administration (PGDBA)
One Year Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (Executive) with
specialization in

Financial Management (PGEMFM)

Operations Management (PGEMOM)

Human Resource Management (PGEMHR)

Marketing Management (PGEMKTG)

Information Systems (PGEMIS)


R a nk i n gs


L ear n i n g
I n fra s t ru c t u re
Digital Library
The IMT-CDL Digital Library offers a revolutionary approach to problem solving
and learning by providing online access to thousands of business management,
technical and finance books.
Every page, word, graphic, figure, schematic, formula and table in the original books
are available for searching, browsing and reading online. Well-known industry
publishers contribute their latest and best selling titles as well as their
classics-content users respect and trust. New books are added from time to time
ensuring updation and comprehensive subject coverage. All relevant books including
newly added ones are accessible. The library is searchable and can be accessed from
web environment. Innovative technology searches every word of every page to
deliver highly relevant results. Results include most relevant titles with direct links
to most pertinent sections. So users quickly get to the information they need. Only
results relevant to the search are delivered, eliminating the need to wade through
thousands of false hits.

IMT Online Campus & Website

IMT Online Campus is accessible worldwide, anywhere, anytime and allows
self-paced learning. It works as a platform for interaction between students and
faculty members. Learning resources such as recorded lectures, case studies and
other shared content can be accessed from the portal. It also provides immediate
feedback which learners can use to improve their performance.
IMT-CDL has setup a world class LMS (Learning Management) platform which
provides an exciting and immersive learning environment for learners & gives our
faculty fraternity full functionality to interact and collaborate with the students. The
world class LMS platform of IMT-CDL effectively creates an online learning
environment through which students can get easy access to their course material,
digital library, schedules, assessments & feedback, community engagement learning
& many more such features that fosters a community of continuous learning and



E n te rp r i s e
E du c a t i on Sol u t i on s
A management qualification, which was earlier seen just as a degree programme for
selective people who valued higher education, can be a life changing decision for
working professional today. There are proven results that an integrated higher
education and learning intervention framework which dovetails rigorously
credentialed professional programmes, curricula and facilitation tools, can
immensely develop working professional across all functions and additionally benefit
the organization within which they are employed.
With increasing employee turnover organizations today need to identify workforce
trends in a more predictive manner, target capability gaps, diagnose and prescribe
ways to develop and retain critical talent and build a continuous learning
environment in alignment with business needs.
Our Education Proposition for the Enterprise Education is the closest an
organization can get to have its own customized Management Education program
without investing into building one.
The Enterprise Education model from IMT can potentially deliver much greater
value. The Heart of the Proposition is the Action Curriculum empowered by a
globally relevant Concept and Context Curriculum, a rigorous LEAD - Learn,
Engage, Apply and Develop Methodology and a robust technology enabled learning
management system. The Model is built by a rare and intense collaboration of
Industry Professionals and Senior Academics, and is perhaps the most unique
Biz-Education endeavour for Young Executives.
The Highlights of our Enterprise Education proposition are as follows:


Designed to Deliver Measurable Business Impact: Education Researchers at

have built a Model that links our management training solutions with the
desired business impact. Our experts also help organizations precisely


All third party trademarks, registered trademarks, company names, product names
and brand names are the property of their respective owners, and IMT disclaims any
ownership in such third-party marks. The use of any third party trademarks, logos,
or brand names is for informational purposes only, and does not imply any
endorsement by IMT.


measure the impact and enable optimization of training investments.

Least invasive on Executive Schedules: Our Direct to Learner platform and
customised industry-led workshops, our learners get the highest quality
learning experience and mentoring by leading management experts without
being away from work.
A Learner Support Ecosystem to maximize completion and success rates:
Innovative support services ensure that each learner remains aligned to the
learning goals and remains motivated to complete the program.
Wide Range of Targeted Programs: We offer both the UGC recognized Long
term programs ( One to Two year) that lead to premium Management
Qualifications and also highly focused accustomed short term programs to
meet your organizations business needs.
A Learning Ecosystem that Reduces Cost and Maximizes ROI: Traditional
Systems many times lead to high training costs and often suspect learning
outcomes. IMTs learning ecosystem is designed to deliver high quality at a
much reduced cost. This is achieved by smart technology powered solutions
honed over the years by IMT education researchers and faculty members.
Corporate programmes are being/have been run at RBS, WNS, Vodafone,
Cipla, Hindalco, NTPC, ONGC, Powergrid, Genpact, Indian Oil, Sunlife,
Steria, THDC India Ltd., HDFC, IBM Daksh, Infosys BPO, Xansa, HCL,

Mahindra, Thermax, Indigo, Nucleus Software.



F ac u l t y P rof i l e s
Professor (Organisation Behaviour)
Prof. (Dr.) Deepak Dogra has authored fourteen books in the area of business
management and is currently Professor of OB at IMT CDL, Ghaziabad. Prior to this
he has worked in multinational and Indian companies as well as Director of
B-schools and was also consulting partner of a business consulting organization. He
has more than 25 years of experience in academics, management consulting and
Dr. Dogra is having a blend of industry and academia with experience in
transforming businesses through application of mature business practices pursuing
the tenets of continuous improvement and leadership skills including: Knowledge
Management, Organizational Behaviour, Strategic Management and Diversity
Management. He has conducted Executive Development Programmes for
organizations like Siemens, American Express, ONGC, IFFCO, THDC, RBS,
Nucleous, Sunlife, etc.
Dr. Dogra did his Ph.D in Business Management from the Department of
Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He is founder
Editor-in-Chief of Fortune Journal of International Management and Deputy Editor
of Management Mix, An Adonis Media Publication.
He has published research papers in various international and national journals and
has been guiding Ph.D students. He has delivered invited lectures at Universit
Dauphine, Paris and Munich Business School, Germany and elite B-Schools in India
and has presented papers in countries like Germany, France and Singapore.


He is also a professional member of various national and international organizations

namely Institute of Executive Development, USA, founder executive member Indian
Institute of Public Administration, Gurgaon, National Productivity Council, India,
Management System Society etc. He was Chair, Director and Convenor,
Conference Diversity and Inclusion: Can India Maximise Corporate Power from
Diverse Workforce, India International Centre, December 2011, Convener of
IMPACT-2000: International Convention on Technology and Management
Solutions for the New Millennium, New Delhi, Convener National Knowledge
Management Conference, New Delhi during the year 2002 and Convener National
Conference on Management Education Ahead: Creative and Innovative
Perspective, New Delhi during the year 2005.
In addition to consultancy for the public as well as private companies, as Member of
Siemens Global Knowledge Management Council he was responsible for strategizing
Community of Practice (CoP) for Asia-Pacific Region.
Dr. Dogra was member Senate of Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and was
awarded Outstanding Award for the Year 1999-2000 by the Indian Institute
Technology Delhi and International Rotary Club Gurgaon during the year 2003.
Besides, having his lot of coverage in press he stand felicitated by the president of
India at Rashtrapati bhavan also.


Associate Professor (Economics)
Dr. Bharti Singh is a post graduate in economics. She was awarded the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Lucknow. She has teaching experience
of more than two decades in a number of premier Institutes. She specializes in the
areas of microeconomics, business environment and international business. She has
been guiding students pursuing Ph. D. She has published research papers in national
and international journals. Dr. Singh has authored a book on Managerial Economics
and designed curriculum for various courses. Her areas of research are development
economics, environmental economics and consumer behavior.



Associate Professor (Information Technology)
N. M. Mishra is Ph.D, PGDCSA (MCA), Dip. Journalism, M.S, and FDPM (IIMA)
working as associate professor of Operations and IT at IMT CDL, an alumnus of IIM
Ahmedabad and BHU (VARANASI), he is associated with several Institutions and
Universities for research and training. Prior to his joining IMT-CDL, he was Dy.
Director of Sri SIIM (New Delhi). He has more than 20 yrs of experience in
Academics and academic administration. He has also served as Director of UIMT
Ghaziabad and Astt. Director of SRM University. He is a versatile teacher having
multi-dimensional pedagogy. He has been involved in several Training and Research
programs carried out by different organizations. He has published several research
and working papers in leading national and international journals. He is also a
professional member of various national and international organizations. Currently,
he is extensively engaged in research for SCM model, ERP model, Knowledge
Management, global outsourcing and Revenue Management. He is the Advisor to
Harvard Business review, and certified for the case method teaching by Harvard
Business School. He is also certified as faculty fellow by Microsoft. He has compiled
two books on Computer Aided Management, Production and Operations
Management for TMH publication. He is editorial board member of Science Group
publication (U.S.A) . He has been awarded with commendation Card in 2003 by
Delhi Police for outstanding contribution for social service and in 2013,


Dronacharya Award as Best Management teacher of India .

He has been associated with the corporate training in india with companies like
NTPC, Hindalco, HCL, New Holland , RBS, Infoysis, THDC in the area of OM and
IT. He is a SAP Consultant for ERP implementation.
He has carried out extensive research in the area of outsourcing and supply chain
management. He is currently carrying out research in the area of outsourcing and
lean Six sigma with a number of service and manufacturing organizations. His work
has been published in a number of leading international journals. He has been
invited by the Mayor Govt. Of Wuxi China for delivering the speech on strategies
for Global Outsourcing. He is an active member of IEEE and Operations
Management Society.



Associate Professor (Marketing)
Prof. Arun Kohli is an economics graduate from university of Delhi and an MBA
from IMT-Ghaziabad. He has served in various senior positions in corporate sector
for more than 30 years including an American MNC as a senior manager. He has
traveled to many countries including USA, UK, Canada, France, Germany, China,
Thailand, and other Asia Pacific countries for business development. He has been
responsible for various collaborative agreements for the organization and key
accounts and set up many International and Rural Marketing research plans and
product launches in India and abroad. He has also been responsible for setting up
projects and units making them profit centres. He has been a visiting faculty for
various institutions including IMT for last 20 years. Has completed a course on Core
Competencies and Strategic Management from IIM-Ahmedabad. His core areas
include Strategy and its implementation, areas of Marketing with special emphasis on
Rural Marketing.


Assistant Professor (Human Resource)
Dr. Nidhi Mathur is a Ph.D. in Governance and has done Post Graduation in Public
Administration from Jodhpur University. She has a good academic experience
particularly in the area of Organisational Behaviour and Public Administration and
has excellent publication record both national and international. For the past couple
of years, she has been actively involved in teaching, consultancy and research in
management processes. Prior to joining IMT-Centre for Distance Learning, she
served as a Senior Lecturer at National Law University, Jodhpur and ICFAI National



Lecturer (Finance)
Mrs. Pallavi Gupta is a Chartered Accountant and a post graduate in commerce. She
has completed Certification Course in IFRS from ICAI, Advanced Diploma in
Management from AIMA and cleared UGC NET. She is pursuing Ph.D from Aligarh
Muslim University (AIMA-AMU collaborative programme). Her research area
includes IFRS convergence, carbon accounting and corporate finance. She has
around five years of industry experience with exposure to latest ERP packages like
Oracle & SAP. She has diversified experience in the areas of auditing and financial
reporting with corporates like GMR Energy, Reliance Infocomm etc. She has
presented several research papers in various national and international conferences.


V isi t i n g Fa c u l t y

Sonali Chowdhery, M. Phil

Babita Tyagi, Ph.D

Tripti Miglani, PGDBM

Brigadier Sanjay Agarwal, M. Sc

V.K. Rastogi, Ph.D

F ro m t h e d e s k of
DE A N ( A c a d e m i c s )
Debika Kumar, PGDM-HR

Deepak Behl, HRM-IIM, MBA-HR


Harish C. Bhatia, MBA

Akshay Mohan Sharma, MBA-Finance &

Harsh Vardhan Kothari, PG in Management

Alok Kastia, Ph.D

Hina Rana, Ph.D

Anindya Biswas, MBA

Mukul Jain, Ph.D

Pragya Agarwal, Ph.D
Priyanka, Masters Management Science
R. K. Chopra, MBA, Ph.D, USA
R. M. Saxena, Ph.D

Anupma Aggarwal, PGDM, Finance &

Gaurav Bansal, Ph.D
K. K. Jain, Ph.D
Kripa Sinha, CAIIB-Part1

Rachna Roy, PGDBM-HR & Marketing

Rashmi Agarwal, PGDM-HR
Rashmi Sethi, MBA

Manas Mayur, Ph.D

Manish Khandelwal, CA
Manoj Sharma, MBA

Renu Vij, Ph.D

Mukesh Bansal, ICWA, CA,CS

Renu, M.Phil

Priti Sharma, PGDBM, M-FM

Rimjhim Priyadarshini, PG Certificate in

Human Resource Management

Ravi Shekhar Tiwari, CA, ICWAI

Ruchi Arora, UGC Net Cert, M. Com

Ruchi Kashyap, MBA

Sarita R Pasricha, MA
Sanjay Sahai, PGDBA-HR
Sarika Sharma, MBA-HR
Sarika Chandra, MBA-HR


Saif Siddiqui Ph.D

Sapna Jain, CA
Simmi Agrawal, Ph.D
Suchi Loomba, MBA, Ph.D



Vidha Sharma, B. Tech

Abhijit Bhattacharjee, MBA

Anshu Goel, M. Phil

Y. P. Gupta, M.Sc-Statistics, MA

Animesh Singh, PG-Degree IB

Avdesh Bhargava, MBA. M.Engg.

Anjana Srivastava, MBA

Bupender Kumar Som, Ph.D, M.Phill

Anshu Goel, M.Phil

Binish Khan, MBA
Deepak Goel, MBA
Harvinder Rawal, PGDM
Karan Khanna, MBA
Md. Moaz Ali, MBA-Marketing
Pragya Agarwal, Ph.D

F ro m t h e d e s k of
DE A N ( A c a d e m i c s )
Harsh V. Kothari, ICFAI, Ph.D
Gajendra Dwivedi, M.Engg
Kailash Kumar, Ph.D
Karan Khanna, MBA

Anusuya Biswas, MA-Eco

Abhishek Sharma, ICAI Cert, M.A

Nitin Sachdeva, M.Sc

Pankaj Dutta, M.Sc (Eco), UGC-NET

Rajiv R. Bhatia, MBA

Raj Agrawal, Ph.D

Santhosh Sachdeva, Ph.D

Rishu Arya, Cert. of Membership,

T.G. Nandkumar, MBA

Shameena Gupta, MBA

Shilpi Seth, MBA-Marketing


Sanjeev Jain, Ph.D
Yogita Patra, PGDB

Soumitra Das, MBA


Sunil Chandra Saha, MBA

Arjun Kumar Singh, M.Tech IT


Taran Marwah, PGD International

Atul Govil, PGDM-HR

Balraj Puri, LLB, MBA


Daminni Grover, M.Phil-Computer

Science, PMP

Ishleen Kaur, MBA

Tejbir Singh, PGPX (PG Diploma in

Management for Executive)

Jai Kohli, MBA, M.Sc - Dental Science

Vijay Kumar Pandey, Ph.D, MBA

Jitendra Singh, Ph.D

Vipul Singh, MBA

Kapil Mohan Garg, PGDM

Yogita Patra, PGDB

Neeraj Goel, M.Sc, PGDBM, CCEM

Kirti Mankotia Singh, Master in Law

P. K. Goel, LLB, M.Phil
Rajni Malhotra Dhingra, Ph.D
Ravinder Kumar, Ph.D

Priti Bala, MCA

Rajkumari Mittal, Ph.D (Math), MBA, BE


Rajni Kant Sharma, MBA, B.Sc (Tech),

Navneet Gera, Ph.D


S. K. Dube, Ph.D, M.Phil, B.Tech

Sachin Malhotra, M.Tech(CS), M.Phil

Sakshi Chhabra, M.Tech-IITD, PGDBM


I M T s U n i q u e Bl e n d e d
L ea rn i n g M e t h od ol og i e s
Rise above the Rest with IMT's Unique Advantages


C o nc e p t a n d Con t e x t
C u r ri c u l u m
There is no short cut to success but fortunately there is IMTs C&C
Curriculum (Concept and Context Curriculum). IMTs Academic Team has
designed a curriculum that is just the powerful potion needed to put your
knowledge into action. The Specially designed learning interventions in the
curriculum help working executives to understand management concepts in context
of real businesses and Industry situations. Powered by A Unique Concept and
Context Syllabus, the C & C Curriculum equips the learners towards demonstrating
their superior learning by Solving real life problems in an actual work
The soul of the Concept and Context Syllabus is the vast repository of Action case
studies. The Action Cases Studies provide rich basis for developing problem solving
and decision making skills in a real work environment. It increases students ability
to synthesize, evaluate and apply concepts learned. It helps them to organize and
bring to life abstract and disparate concepts by helping them to make difficult
decisions about complex business problems.
The Concept and Context Syllabus incorporates a range of real business scenarios
and gets you ready for the real corporate world. So now at IMT, Centre for
Distance Learning, working executives not only earn Premium Management
Qualifications but also learn to Apply and demonstrate their management
and leadership capabilities at the work place


LEAD L ear n , E n g a g e , A p p l y
an d D e v e l op
Best Management Programmes are designed to prepare students to be tomorrows
Business Leaders. LEAD which stands for Learn, Engage, Apply and Develop, it is a
great way to prepare students to be tomorrows business leaders. LEAD is IMTs
unique Learning Methodology and is perhaps the best blend of activities to learn on
your own, Learn by engaging with experts and Peers, learning by Doing and
Continuously Develop and Build your capabilities. Lets describe the methodology and
its components:
Learn: Students Learn from IMTs vast and continuously enhanced repository of
Self Learning Courseware. The Self Learning is both as per prescribed time lines
and anytime access to learning resources. Each Courseware meets the following
Self-Explanatory : Learner should understand content with No External
Self-Contained : Learner may not need any additional material
Self-Directed & Motivating : Guided Learning with hints, suggestions at
each stage of learning.
Engage with Experts: This provides an opportunity to connect with IMTs
illustrious faculty members to further build on your understanding and clarify all
doubts to gain confidence.
Apply: Students are provided ample opportunity to apply their knowledge in
simulated real life scenarios. This is achieved by Guided Demonstrations,
Mentored Discussions and Action Case Studies during Expert Connect session.
Additionally IMTs Action Assessments which constitute of smartly designed
assignments and projects that hone your abilities to put knowledge into action.
Develop: Learning should be a continuous spiral going upwards. New Concepts
and topics learnt today should build on the knowledge gained earlier. IMT
programs follow this approach beautifully as students progress from one topic
to the other and one subject to the next. Many learning activities in the program
compel learners to draw from earlier learnt topics and synthesize them to
develop new and greater understanding of business situations.


Yo ur 24x 7 A c c e s s t o
On l i n e Le a rn i n g
IMT-Centre for Distance Learning (IMT-CDL), Ghaziabad is the most apt answer to
meet the management education requirements of those who wish to pursue quality
management education without taking a Career Break. IMT-CDL enables the
learners to experience world class management education with the required ease
and flexibility and without the need to remain away from work.The wish of students
to continue their respective careers while pursuing a premium management
program is answered by Edu-Genie. Edu-Genie is a powerful Technology based
Learning Environment which offers most Learning activities and resources On
Demand. The Edu-Genie Learning Environment integrates cutting edge learning
technologies, world class learning resources and power of a globally respected
Learning Platform. Edu-Genie gets busy working executives to access highly
interactive learning courseware, participate in enjoyable learning activities, watch
insightful Learning videos, practice mock tests, and collaborate with peers on the Go
and 24X7. Armed with just an internet connection and a device, busy executives can
use Edu-Genie to connect themselves with perhaps one of the most engaging and
enjoyable learning environment in the country. The key components of the
Edu-Genie Learning Environment are as follows:

A Globally Renowned Learning Management System: Now IMT students get

to study and collaborate on a Learning Management thats used by students
of 73% of the Top 200 Universities in the world. It is one of the worlds most
comprehensive education technology platforms and supports diverse range
of teaching and learning tools.

Interactive Learning Material authored by some of the worlds Best Known


Working executives can access highly interactive learning

courseware, participate in enjoyable learning activities, watch insightful

Learning videos and practice mock tests developed by some the worlds best
known authors. This also on the Go and 24X7.


E xp e r t Con n e c t
Clas s room
Faculty at IMT , Centre for Distance Learning are not just subject matter experts
but are also capable of handling all kinds of real life business scenarios to create
high impact learning. They are all trained to address the non -traditional learning
needs of busy working professionals who demand a flexible learning environment.
The students have the option of attending personal contact programmes as per the
prescribed schedule at IMT, CDL headquarters. Additionally students can also
access recorded and live lectures thru the IMT, CDL technology platform.
Facility to interact with the faculty during the personal contact programs and thru
other innovative methods are a great way to clarify doubts and engage with
experts based at IMT , CDL headquarters.
The students can also access shared technology infrastructure at IMT, CDLs own
designated locations to supplement their self learning.


Le a r n i n g a t
on e s own
Pace and
Con v e n i e n c e

Prog ra m m e s
A Commitment To Excellence
In an effort to reach out to the graduates and working professionals, IMT-Centre
for Distance Learning offers distance education programmes. Consonant with our
mission of encouraging sustained professional enrichment in an academic
environment, these programmes provide professional education in a flexible
academic package synergised with specially prepared study material and video
recorded lectures.

Dynamic Curriculum
The curriculum is constantly updated with the changing national and international
business environment. Following the Kaizen concept, a continuous endeavour is
made to improve the course design, core readings and the periodic examination
process. The emphasis is on creating a modular way of teaching which includes the
participation of both the faculty and the experts from industry.
At IMT-Centre for Distance Learning, we believe that meaningful learning is
possible only when there is a direct communication between the teacher and the
pupil. Our distance education programme recognises that faculty-student
interaction is an integral part of the process of acquisition of knowledge. Our
information centres also ascribe to IMT-CDLs philosophy by imparting
comprehensive management education to our student managers.

The Philosophy
Education today is not a static regimented process confined to the formative years
of childhood or adolescence, but it is a dynamic and a continuous on-going process
that extends throughout our professional careers. In this ever-changing worldwide


phenomenon, the Distance Learning Education Mode is a potent flexible educational

format that offers multiple benefits of flexibility, professional recognition and academic
enhancement to the student.

The Pioneer
As one of the pioneers of the distance education programme in management
education, IMT-CDL started in 1986 with 250 students. Today, there are thousands of
enrolled students spread worldwide.

Teaching Methodology
LEAD - Learn, Engage, Apply and Develop is IMTs unique learning methodology and
is perhaps the best blend of activities to learn on your own, learn by engaging with
Experts and Peers, learning by doing and continuously develop and build your

Virtual Classroom
In order to further enhance the quality of education imparted to the students,
IMT-Centre for Distance Learning is connecting large number of centres across the
country to the head office through satellite connection in a phased manner. The
students can have a touch base with the renowned and experienced faculty visiting its
main centre and have a sense of belonging with the alma mater. The students get the
opportunity to interact with the finest faculty in respective areas through video
conferencing. In this way, IMT-CDL can maintain a contact with its thousands of
students enrolled across India and deliver the same quality of education.

Group Learning
Group learning is an effective vehicle preparing prospective managers to be proactive
in seeking and acquiring knowledge rather than being limited to lecture sessions. Free
exchange of ideas and information among group members through discussions and
presentations is a proven methodology for the development of professional and
communication skills.



The Case Method

This method is used extensively to help develop analytical skills critical to business
decision-making. The student managers are exposed to the complexities of the highly
competitive professional environment under simulated conditions to help evolve a
competent race of new generation managers.

Self Learning Materials (SLMs)

A set of Self Learning Materials (SLMs) are sent to all students as per the course
calendar at the beginning of the session. Self Learning Materials for various subjects
have been developed through selected competent faculty. Improvement in quality has
been ensured through SLMs because no single text book can cover the course content
appropriately. Through SLMs, the subject matter is made self-explanatory and easier to

The project work constitutes a major component in most of the professional
programmes. The objective of the project is to help students develop ability to apply
theoretical and practical tools/techniques to solve real life problems related to
industry, academic institutions and research. Every student is required to submit a
project on a subject of his own choice as per the specialisation selected by him. During
counselling sessions, inputs shall be provided for preparation towards project work.
Marks will be awarded on presentation, amount of research and viva-voce.

Recorded lectures have been made available through the website of IMT-CDL,


Po st G ra d u a t e D i p l om a
in M a n a g e m e n t ( P G D M )
IMT-Centre for Distance Learning's Two Year Post Graduate Diploma in
Management (PGDM) through the distance mode is specially designed to equip the
students with comprehensive management education. It is a two year programme
and comprises of four semesters. It aims to provide young graduates an
opportunity to develop management skills and to compete successfully in the global
business environment. The curriculum has been designed to lay a strong foundation
for logical and analytical skills of the students.
The programme provides an intensive, stimulating and challenging learning
experience in the management discipline. The curriculum covers all the important
areas of management which may be expected from a working manager. The
successful completion of the programme

will enable executives to assume a

strategic role in their organisation. In turn, the organisations benefit from the
constructive and creative inputs given by our successful programme holders. In
addition, the integrated nature of the programme allows a holistic appreciation of
business, which is critical to the achievement of a sustainable competitive position
in today's ever-changing business environment. The students conduct self-study at
their own pace and have the opportunity to specialise in subjects of professional
relevance. The programme through distance education is a viable and flexible route
to well-accepted management qualification.
The Programme has been designed to provide specialisation in the area of choice
and the programme would carry the name of specialisation.


Programme Objectives
To critically appraise a range of relevant theoretical business management
To demonstrate proficiency in analysing and interpreting a wide range of
business information related to the various functional areas of management.
To develop and demonstrate key personal and inter-personal skills required for
effective management and implementation of solutions to business problems at
all levels within and outside the organisation.
To update the knowledge base related to various business domains and
appreciate their significance.
To critically appreciate the significance of recent theoretical developments in
business and their strategic implications.

Programme Structure
The Two Year PGDM is covered in four Semesters.
There are 15 Core Subjects, 4 electives and 1 project in the last semester.
In the first three semesters the student will learn concepts in all the key areas
of management. The last semester will focus on area of chosen specialization.
In the last semester the student will go through four electives in the area of his
specialization. The electives have to be chosen from the choice given in that

and the project dissertation has to

be submitted in that area as well.

The Two Year PGDM offers Specializations in six areas Finance, Marketing,
Information Systems, Operations Management, Human Resource, and International


T h is Program

Course Code

Semester 1

S t ru ct u re is

IMT G 0 1

M anagement Princ iples , Pro c es s and Organis atio n

ap p licab le f or

IMT G 0 2

B us ines s Ec o no mic s

IMT G 0 3

B us ines s Co mmunic atio n

J an u ary 2 0 1 6

IMT F 0 1

M anagement A c c o unting & Financ ial R epo rting

session .

IMT IS 0 1

Info rmatio n Sy s tem fo r M anagers

C ou r s e C o d e

Semester 2

IMT H 1 1

Organis atio n B ehavio ur

IMT O M0 1

Data A naly s is & B us ines s Dec is io n M aking

IMT O M0 2

Operatio ns M anagement

IMT M0 1

M arketing M anagement

IMT G 0 6

Strategic Planning & Implementatio n

C ou r s e C o d e

Semester 3

IMT H 0 2

H uman R es o urc e M anagement

IMT G 0 4

Ec o no mic Enviro nment o f India

IMT G 0 5

B us ines s R es earc h M etho ds

IMT G 0 7

Legal & R egulato ry Enviro nment o f B us ines s

IMT F 1 4

Co rpo rate Financ e

Course Code

Semester 4

st u den t s en ro l l e d
in t o S e m est e r 1 o f

IMT P R J0 2

1 s t Year

1 s t Year

2 n d Year

2 n d Year





Elec tive 1

Elec tive 2

Elec tive 3

Elec tive 4

Pro jec t

N ot e :
T h is c o u rs e ca n b e com p l e t e d w i t h in fo ur y e ars fro m the time o f ad mis s io n.


S p e c i a l i sa ti o ns



Course Code

Su b ject N ame

IMT M1 1

Indus trial M arketing

IMT M1 2

M arketing o f Servic es

IMT M1 3

M arketing in R ural India

IMT M1 4

Integrated M arketing Co mmunic atio n

IMT M1 5

Co ns umer B ehavio ur

IMT M1 6

Internet & So c ial M edia M arketing

IMT M1 7

R etail M anagement

IMT M1 8

M arketing R es earc h

Course Code

Su b ject N ame

IMT H 1 0

Learning & Develo pment

IMT H 1 2

Indus trial R elatio ns & Indus trial Labo ur Laws

IMT H 1 3

Change Management & Organisation Transformation

IMT H 1 4

Internatio nal H R & Cro s s Cultural M anagement

IMT H 1 5

Co mpens atio n & R eward M anagement

IMT H 1 6

Strategic H uman R es o urc e M anagement

IMT H 1 7

Perfo rmanc e A pprais al & M anagement

Course Code

Su b ject N ame

IMT O M1 1

Pro jec t M anagement

IMT O M1 2

Quality M anagement & Six Sigma

IMT O M1 3

Operatio ns Strategy

IMT O M1 4

Sus tainable Supply Chain M anagement

IMT O M1 5

Pro duc tivity M anagement

IMT O M1 6

M anagement Sc ienc e and B us ines s M o delling

IMT O M1 7

Servic e Operatio ns M anagement





Sp e c ialisa tions



Course Code

Su b ject N ame

IMT F 1 1

Financ ial Servic es M anagement

IMT F 1 2

Sec urity A naly s is & Po rtfo lio M anagement

IMT F 1 3

R is k M anagement

IMT F 1 5

Financ ial A naly s is & B us ines s V aluatio n

IMT F 1 6

R etail B anking

IMT F 1 7

Internatio nal Financ e

C ou r s e C o d e

Su b ject N ame

IMT IB 1 1

Internatio nal B us ines s Enviro nment & Strategy

IMT IB 1 2

Indias Fo reign T rade & T rade Po lic y

IMT IB 1 3

Expo rt Impo rt M anagement

IMT M1 9

Internatio nal M arketing

IMT H 1 4

Internatio nal H R & Cro s s Cultural M anagement

IMT O M1 4

Sus tainable Supply Chain M anagement

IMT F 1 7

Internatio nal Financ e

Course Code

Su b ject N ame

IMT IS 1 1

E-B us ines s

IMT IS 1 2

Enterpris e R es o urc e Planning

IMT IS 1 3

Data M ining & B us ines s Intelligenc e

IMT IS 1 4

G reen IT

IMT IS 1 5

Info rmatio n R is k M anagement

IMT IS 1 6

IT Strategy

IMT IS 1 7

So ftware Pro jec t M anagement

N ot e :
A ll Spe ci a l i z a t i o n s u b j e ct s a n d e l e ct ive s will b e c o nd uc te d in o nline mo d e o nly .
Stu dent s h a v e t o u s e t h e i r ow n d e vic e .


Credit s


Credit s

Graduate in any discipline. Admission test is required. The following categories of persons are
exempted from the admission test, provided they are graduates and working executives:
Candidates having two years of work experience after graduation; or
Candidates through-out first class (60% or above) from 10th, 12th and graduation; or
Technical or Legal Professionals/CA/ICWA/CS/MBBS/M-Tech;
Holder of PG Diploma of IMT-CDL's One Year Programme.

Fee Structure
Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 3

Semester 4





Library/Digital Library










Exam Fee









Academic Fee










Reading Material

Life Time Membership

Fees of Alumni


Payment Schedule
The fee for the all programmes is payable at every six months (January & July). Study
material would be sent only after the fee has been deposited. Failure to deposit the fee
would debar them from the receipt of study material and attending Personal Contact
Programs and continued failure would result in cancellation of admission. The students
are required to ensure timely payment of the fee. There will be no reminders for the


payment of fee.

Payment through Demand Draft

Payments are accepted by non-refundable Demand Draft only, in favour of IMT-CDL,
payable at Delhi. The draft may be couriered to IMT-CDL Ghaziabad, Head Office or
may be submitted at respective Information Centre.

Online Payment:
Students can deposit all type of fees through online mode also. For more details, please
visit the website:

Fee Concession
20% concession on academic fee only shall be given to serving/retired defense
personnel (Army, Airforce and Navy personnel only), SC/ST, war widows and
handicapped candidates
IMT - CDL reserves the right to change fee structure from time to time. The
revised fee would be applicable to all the students
Category for fee concession once indicated in the admission form shall not be
allowed to be changed.
Students are advised not to submit any fee payment through cash at any of the
information centres.




Po s t G r a d u a t e D i p l om a
in Bu s i n e s s A d m i n i s t ra t i o n
The programme offers a structured and compact module on business
administration. The curriculum encompasses various aspects of management
relevant for professionals. The programme covers fundamentals in General
Management, Finance, HR, Operations and Marketing Management. This
programme is designed to enhance the managerial capabilities of students, resulting
in continuous value addition at their work place. It encourages students to apply








interdisciplinary manner to the dynamic environment. The programme offers insight

into the contemporary developments of the subject. The consistent use of case
studies in each subject helps the students to develop skills necessary to manage real
life situations.

Programme Objectives
To provide managerial training that will influence thinking and achievements
at the work place.
To develop skills in all the functional areas of management.
To instill ethical and moral values and positive attitude for societal well-being.
To improve decision capability necessary for day to day business situations.
To develop soft skills with respect to HR and the personnel function.
To develop skills in problem definition and analysis.


Programme Objectives
To provide managerial training that will influence thinking and achievements at the work place.
To develop skills in all the functional areas of management.
To instill ethical and moral values and positive attitude for societal well-being.
To improve decision capability necessary for day to day business situations.
To develop soft skills with respect to HR and the personnel function.
To develop skills in problem definition and analysis.

Programme Structure
The one Year PGDM is covered in two Semesters
There are 10 Core Subjects and one project in the second semester.
In the first semester the student will learn concepts in all the key areas of management.
The second semester will also focus on project dissertation which enables the student to apply
all concepts learnt.

Graduation in any discipline. No admission test is required.
The executives can build up good conceptual understanding of contemporary business
management skills. The programme is especially suitable for working executives who are
looking for a formal management education for their career advancement.


T h is Program

Course Code

Semester 1

S t ru ct u re is

IMT G 0 1

M anagement Princ iples , Pro c es s and Organis atio n

ap p licab le f or

IMT G 0 2

B us ines s Ec o no mic s

IMT G 0 3

B us ines s Co mmunic atio n

J an u ary 2 0 1 6

IMT F 0 1

M anagement A c c o unting & Financ ial R epo rting

session .

IMT IS 0 1

Info rmatio n Sy s tem fo r M anagers

C ou r s e C o d e

Semester 2

IMT H 1 1

Organis atio n B ehavio ur

IMT O M0 1

Data A naly s is & B us ines s Dec is io n M aking

IMT O M0 2

Operatio ns M anagement

IMT M0 1

M arketing M anagement

IMT G 0 6

Strategic Planning & Implementatio n

IMT P R J0 2

Pro jec t

st u den t s en ro l l e d
in t o S e m est e r 1 o f

N ot e :
T h is co u rs e ca n b e com p l e t e d w i t h in two y e ars fro m the time o f ad mis s io n.
O n e Y e a r P G D i p l o m a P rog ra m m e c an b e up grad e d to T wo Ye ar P GDM.
T h e s t u d e n t s h o u l d a p p l y f o r u p g ra d atio n in the 2nd Se me s te r.




Upg ra d a t i on f r om
On e Y e a r t o Two Y e a r
PGD M P r og ra m m e
IMT-CDL offers an opportunity to aspiring students to upgrade their One Year
Programme into Two Year PGDM Programme any time after the completion of one

C urric ulum for Semester 3 & 4

T h is Progra m

C ou r s e C o d e

Semester 3

S t ru ct u re is

IMT H 0 2

H uman R es o urc e M anagement

ap p licab le f o r

IMT G 0 4

Ec o no mic Enviro nment o f India

IMT G 0 5

B us ines s R es earc h M etho ds

J an u ary 2 0 1 6

IMT G 0 7

Legal & R egulato ry Enviro nment o f B us ines s

se ssion .

IMT F 1 4

Co rpo rate Financ e

C ou r s e C o d e

Semester 4

st u de n t s e n r o l l e d
in t o S eme st e r 1 o f

IMT P R J0 2

2 n d Year

2 n d Year



Elec tive 1

Elec tive 2

Elec tive 3

Elec tive 4

Pro jec t

N ot e :
Fo r E lec tive s p l e a s e re f e r t o t h e S p e ci a l i zatio ns o n p age no . 46 & 47.
Fo r U pgr ad e d u ri n g On e Y e a r P G D B A - A s tud e nt who up grad e s b e fo re c o mp le tio n o f s e c o nd s e m st er
w ill s u bm it h i s p ro j e ct a t t h e e n d of ye a r 2.
Fo r U pgr ad e a f t e r com p l e t i o n of On e Y ear P GDBA - A s tud e nt who c o mp le te s y e ar 1 and the n up gr a des
w o u ld h ave t o a p p e a r f o r p roj e ct V i v a a t the e nd o f y e ar 2 als o .




Po s t G r a d u a t e D i p l om a
in Ma n a g e m e n t ( E x e c u t i v e )
Spe ci a l i z a t i o n - F i n a n ci a l M a n a g e me nt
Business Managers are increasingly becoming responsible for managing their profit
centres. They need a certain level of financial knowledge and expertise to evaluate
their business performance and financial risk and determine the business and
financial strategies for their businesses. This One Year Specialised Diploma
Programme will introduce participants to financial decision tools as well as financial
management theories and practices that enable them to interpret financial
statements, plan, and measure performance using budgets and other financial
techniques, make financial decisions and manage financial risks.
Basic Accounting addresses itself to the task of recording, classifying and compiling
data from transactions with the market involving exchange of inputs and outputs.
Managers in the organisation have to be concerned with the impact of their actions
on the profit. They, therefore, need to know the basics of accounting. Important
business decisions concern how much to produce and at what level to price the
products. Different techniques of processing information for management decisions
have evolved over last few decades and have been referred to as Management
The programme takes a realistic look into the broad aspects of Financial
Management and relates theories, tools and techniques to practical experience. It
also provides an exposure to the prevailing financial environment in the country.


Programme Objectives
To give an insight into the financial aspects of a business operation
To describe the role and function of external financial reports and identify their users and the
regulatory framework in which they are prepared
To enable understanding and interpretation of the financial statements produced by the
To equip participants with the practical strategies and concepts used in security markets to
maximise company gains
To develop a good understanding of knowledge required and techniques available to enable
managers to measure and manage business performance in their organisations.

Programme Structure
The One Year PGDM Executive Program is covered in two semesters.
There are 10 Core Subjects, 2 electives and a project work in the second semester.
The electives have to be chosen from the choice given in that area and the project dissertation
has to be submitted in that area as well.
The second semester will be devoted to dissertation in area of specialization.

Graduation with 3 years of Full Time work Experience.
This programme is aimed at working executives, self-employed people and finance/accounting
professionals who are either using the accounting/financial information or preparing budgets,
making financial decisions or are simply interested in understanding the language of finance.


T h is Program

Course Code

Semester 1

S t ru ct u re is

IMT H 0 3

H uman B ehavio ur and Peo ple Pro c es s es

ap p licab le f or

IMT G 0 2

B us ines s Ec o no mic s

IMT G 0 3

B us ines s Co mmunic atio n

J an u ary 2 0 1 6

IMT M0 1

M arketing M anagement

session .

IMT O M0 1

Data A naly s is & B us ines s Dec is io n M aking

IMT G 0 7

Legal & R egulato ry Enviro nment o f B us ines s

C ou r s e C o d e

Semester 2

IMT F 0 1

M anagement A c c o unting & Financ ial R epo rting

IMT G 0 5

B us ines s R es earc h M etho ds

IMT G 0 6

Strategic Planning & Implementatio n

Elec tive 1

Elec tive 2

IMT P R J0 2

Pro jec t

Course Code

Su b ject N ame

IMT F 1 2

Sec urity A naly s is & Po rtfo lio M anagement

IMT F 1 3

R is k M anagement

IMT F 1 5

Financ ial A naly s is & B us ines s V aluatio n

IMT F 1 6

R etail B anking

st u den t s en ro l l e d
in t o S e m est e r 1 o f



E l ec t i v e s

N o te :
Th i s co u rs e can b e c o mp le te d within two y e ars fro m the time o f ad mis s i on.



Po s t G r a d u a t e D i p l om a
in Ma n a g e m e n t ( E x e c u t i v e )
Spe ci a l i z a t i o n - M a rk e t i n g M a n a g eme nt
Marketing is an important interface function with the market environment and
focusses sharply on the delivery of the output. Its role is to ensure continued
compatibility of the organisation's offerings with the market requirements and to
deliver the benefits sought by the customer. With the opening up of the economy,
increase in the literacy rate and communication through mass media, the Indian
consumer has become more informed and empowered. The Internet technology
has also revolutionised the marketing and sales functions. The advent of
e-commerce and e-business are creating new learning opportunities. The customer
is no longer willing to accept what is offered without questioning. This programme
covers various aspects related to Marketing Management, Marketing Research and
Advertising. The programme covers the strategic role of e-business in improving the
marketing function of a firm. In the global marketing environment subject to intense
competition and rapid Internet-induced changes, an organisation's competitive








decision-makers a strong foundation in marketing concepts and skills.



Programme Objectives
To develop concepts in marketing.
To explain the scope of marketing management-analysing opportunities, selecting target
segments, developing the market mix, managing the marketing effort.
To provide understanding of the communication mix, advertising campaigns, media planning,
budgeting, marketing mix decisions, scope and limitations of market research.
To develop strong concepts in marketing strategies for emerging technology and mature

build concepts in channel development and management, dealer and sales force

To provide understanding about the internet as a strategic medium for marketing and sales
efforts for a company.

Programme Structure
The One Year PGDM Executive Program is covered in two semesters.
There are 10 Core Subjects, 2 electives and a project work in the second semester.
The electives have to be chosen from the choice given in that area and the project dissertation
has to be submitted in that area as well.
The second semester will be devoted to dissertation in area of specialization.

Graduation with 3 years of Full Time work Experience.
People already working in sales or those seeking a career in marketing will benefit from the
broad theory and practical base that this programme provides. It will prove helpful for
entrepreneurs seeking to launch new products or revamp existing products in the market. This
programme is for those who wish to pursue a career in marketing and are seeking a formal


T h is Program

Course Code

Semester 1

S t ru ct u re is

IMT H 0 3

H uman B ehavio ur and Peo ple Pro c es s es

ap p licab le f or

IMT G 0 2

B us ines s Ec o no mic s

IMT G 0 3

B us ines s Co mmunic atio n

J an u ary 2 0 1 6

IMT M0 1

M arketing M anagement

se ssion .

IMT O M0 1

Data A naly s is & B us ines s Dec is io n M aking

IMT G 0 7

Legal & R egulato ry Enviro nment o f B us ines s

C ou r s e C o d e

Semester 2

IMT F 0 1

M anagement A c c o unting & Financ ial R epo rting

IMT G 0 5

B us ines s R es earc h M etho ds

IMT G 0 6

Strategic Planning & Implementatio n

Elec tive 1

Elec tive 2

IMT P R J0 2

Pro jec t

Course Code

Su b ject N ame

IMT M1 2

M arketing o f Servic es

IMT M1 4

Integrated M arketing Co mmunic atio n

IMT M1 5

Co ns umer B ehavio ur

IMT M1 8

M arketing R es earc h

st u de n t s e n ro l l e d
in t o S eme st er 1 o f



E l ec t i v e s

N o te :
Th i s co u rs e can b e c o mp le te d within two y e ars fro m the time o f ad mis s i on.



Po s t G r a d u a t e D i p l om a
in Ma n a g e m e n t ( E x e c u t i v e )
Spe ci a l i z a t i o n - In f o rm a t i o n S ys t e m s
This has been designed keeping in view that the Information systems managers are
responsible for the implementation of technology within an organisation and direct
the work of systems and business analysts, computer programmers, support
specialists and other computer-related workers. The working professionals need an
expertise to be experienced workers with technical expertise coupled with an
understanding of business and management principles.


Programme Objectives
To demonstrate the ability to extend current knowledge and/or skills to a computing
environment or problem currently unknown to the students.
To demonstrate the ability to solve problems in the discipline.
To demonstrate interpretive skills, including the ability to: a) analyze data statistically, b)
interpret results of experiments, and draw reasonable conclusions based on experimental
To learn and demonstrate standards of professional behavior, including rules of ethics and
etiquette, and to develop and demonstrate the ability to work effectively in a group on a
common problem.
To demonstrate the ability to search the relevant literature of the discipline to find information
that addresses a specific problem.
To demonstrate the ability to produce a technical document.
To demonstrate the ability to give an effective presentation using visual aids and / or software
To generate and analyse regular reports on operations for every level of management in a
To be able to give managers feedback about performance - where top management can

Programme Structure
The One Year PGDM Executive Program is covered in two semesters.
There are 10 Core Subjects, 2 electives and a project work in the second semester.
The electives have to be chosen from the choice given in that area and the project dissertation
has to be submitted in that area as well.
The second semester will be devoted to dissertation in area of specialization.

Graduation with 3 years of Full Time work Experience.
People already working in area of Information Technology (IT) or those seeking a career in IT
will benefit from the broad theory and practical base that this programme provides. This
programme is for those who wish to pursue a career in IT and are seeking a formal


T h is Program

C ou r s e C o d e

Semester 1

S t ru ct u re is

IMT H 0 3

H uman B ehavio ur and Peo ple Pro c es s es

ap p licab le f or

IMT G 0 2

B us ines s Ec o no mic s

IMT G 0 3

B us ines s Co mmunic atio n

J an u ary 2 0 1 6

IMT M0 1

M arketing M anagement

se ssion .

IMT O M0 1

Data A naly s is & B us ines s Dec is io n M aking

IMT G 0 7

Legal & R egulato ry Enviro nment o f B us ines s

Course Code

Semester 2

IMT F 0 1

M anagement A c c o unting & Financ ial R epo rting

IMT G 0 5

B us ines s R es earc h M etho ds

IMT G 0 6

Strategic Planning & Implementatio n

Elec tive 1

Elec tive 2

IMT P R J0 2

Pro jec t

C ou r s e C o d e

Su b ject N ame

IMT IS 1 1

E-B us ines s

IMT IS 1 2

Enterpris e R es o urc e Planning

IMT IS 1 3

Data M ining & B us ines s Intelligenc e

IMT IS 1 6

IT Strategy

st u de n t s e n ro l l e d
in t o S eme st er 1 o f




N o te :
Th i s cou rs e ca n b e c o mp le te d within two y e ars fro m the time o f ad mis s i on.



Post Graduate Diploma
in Management (Executive)
Specialization - Operations Management
The purview of Operations Management ranges from strategic to tactical and
operational levels. OM deals with the design and management of products,
processes, services and supply chains. It deliberates the procurement, development,
and utilization of resources that company need to deliver the goods and services
their clients need. The content of the course is designed with the aim of to stay a
step ahead of companies current needs, giving learners the knowledge, skills and
perspectives they need to create value for their firms in the future.


Programme Objectives
To improve purchasing and material management skills
To provide a balance between purchasing and supply expertise and general business
To disseminate new methods and techniques in areas of inventory and material management
To teach how to leverage supply chain management
To develop a fundamental understanding of basic flows and process orientation
To present an effective design of a supporting organisational structure
To explain the role of enabling technology in strategic management of supply chains
To develop necessary insights into the management information systems required for smooth
functioning of material and logistics management in an organisation

Programme Structure
The One Year PGDM Executive Program is covered in two semesters.
There are 10 Core Subjects, 2 electives and a project work in the second semester.
The electives have to be chosen from the choice given in that area and the project dissertation
has to be submitted in that area as well.
The second semester will be devoted to dissertation in area of specialization.

Graduation with 3 years of Full Time work Experience.
The programme is aimed towards professional requirement of working executive, self
employed and fresh students who have special interest in the subject.


T h is Program

C ou r s e C o d e

Semester 1

S t ru ct u re is

IMT H 0 3

H uman B ehavio ur and Peo ple Pro c es s es

ap p licab le f or

IMT G 0 2

B us ines s Ec o no mic s

IMT G 0 3

B us ines s Co mmunic atio n

J an u ary 2 0 1 6

IMT M0 1

M arketing M anagement

se ssion .

IMT O M0 1

Data A naly s is & B us ines s Dec is io n M aking

IMT G 0 7

Legal & R egulato ry Enviro nment o f B us ines s

Course Code

Semester 2

IMT F 0 1

M anagement A c c o unting & Financ ial R epo rting

IMT G 0 5

B us ines s R es earc h M etho ds

IMT G 0 6

Strategic Planning & Implementatio n

Elec tive 1

Elec tive 2

IMT P R J0 2

Pro jec t

C ou r s e C o d e

Su b ject N ame

IMT O M1 1

Pro jec t M anagement

IMT O M1 2

Quality M anagement & Six Sigma

IMT O M1 3

Operatio ns Strategy

IMT O M1 4

Sus tainable Supply Chain M anagement

st u de n t s e n ro l l e d
in t o S eme st er 1 o f




N o te :
Th i s cou rs e ca n b e c o mp le te d within two y e ars fro m the time o f ad mis s i on.



Po s t G r a d u a t e D i p l om a
in Ma n a g e m e n t ( E x e c u t i v e )
Spe ci a l i z a t i o n - H u m a n Re s o u rce
M an a g e m e n t
Manpower management today is undergoing a tremendous change. The complexion
of personnel management in the Indian context has changed dramatically. Presently,
the Indian managers apply a mix of traditional and modern approach. This
programme is designed to equip personnel practitioners with academic background,
occupational knowledge and operational skill required in contemporary personnel
management.The opening of Indian economy and globalisation has created a need
for trained management leaders who can manage a diverse workforce.
The special focus of the programme is on making the participants aware of Indian
labour laws and practices. The programme encourages practical skills and abilities
that utilise this knowledge effectively. Participants can move to higher human
resource or training roles on completion of the programme. The programme aims
to facilitate the development of competent and reflective personnel practitioners
capable of responding effectively to a range of management issues.


Programme Objectives
To develop key management skills
To enhance and sharpen personnel management skills
To evaluate current theory and practices
To develop conceptual understanding of the personnel function and its relation to broaden
organisational and managerial goals and operations
To deliberate on ethical and professional issues associated with personnel activity.

Programme Structure
The One Year PGDM Executive Program is covered in two semesters.
There are 10 Core Subjects, 2 electives and a project work in the second semester.
The electives have to be chosen from the choice given in that area and the project dissertation
has to be submitted in that area as well.
The second semester will be devoted to dissertation in area of specialization.

Graduation with 3 years of Full Time work Experience.
This programme is aimed at working executives, self-employed people and HR professionals
who are dealing with functions relating to training, development of employees and managing
HR resources for the growth of the organisation.


T h is Program

C ou r s e C o d e

Semester 1

S t ru ct u re is

IMT H 0 3

H uman B ehavio ur and Peo ple Pro c es s es

ap p licab le f or

IMT G 0 2

B us ines s Ec o no mic s

IMT G 0 3

B us ines s Co mmunic atio n

J an u ary 2 0 1 6

IMT M0 1

M arketing M anagement

se ssion .

IMT O M0 1

Data A naly s is & B us ines s Dec is io n M aking

IMT G 0 7

Legal & R egulato ry Enviro nment o f B us ines s

Course Code

Semester 2

IMT F 0 1

M anagement A c c o unting & Financ ial R epo rting

IMT G 0 5

B us ines s R es earc h M etho ds

IMT G 0 6

Strategic Planning & Implementatio n

Elec tive 1

Elec tive 2

IMT P R J0 2

Pro jec t

C ou r s e C o d e

Su b ject N ame

IMT H 1 0

Learning & Develo pment

IMT H 1 2

Indus trial R elatio ns & Indus trial Labo ur Laws

IMT H 1 5

Co mpens atio n & R eward M anagement

IMT H 1 7

Perfo rmanc e A pprais al & M anagement

st u de n t s e n ro l l e d
in t o S eme st er 1 o f




N o te :
Th i s cou rs e ca n b e c o mp le te d within two y e ars fro m the time o f ad mis s i on.


w ith Ca s e St u d i e s
At IMT Assignments are a very important aspect of the assessment system and an
excellent tool for continuous evaluation. The assignments are designed in such a
manner that they help the student in the following aspects:
Students understanding of the subject
Ability to apply knowledge to action through scenario based questions
Clarity on Core concepts
The student is able to review his entire learning
Assignments open up the thought process
Students ability to comprehend
The Assignments are conducted on continuous assessment basis for each subject.
They have to be attempted in an online mode. The assignments get activated in the
student information system after completion of Personal Contact Program of a
subject in the announced timelines. Students have to mandatorily submit their
assignments before commencement of the semester end exams.
Assignments carry 30% weightage towards the final results.


E xa m i n a t i on s
The End-Term Examination (ETE) is held after every semester through online mode.

Components of ETE
The following components will comprise the ETE for each course:
Analytical and conceptual comprehension through multiple choice questions
Case or problem solving exercises

Conditions For ETE

Students should fulfill the following conditions:
They should be enrolled for the course.
They should have paid examination fees (applicable to reappear students).

The evaluation system of the programme is based on following components:

Students have to secure 40% marks in each ETE and overall pass percentage will be
45% for each subject.

Grace Marks
A total of three marks are allowed as grace marks over two modules spanning a
complete academic year. The student may avail the grace marks over a maximum of
three subjects or a minimum of one subject.

Mark Sheets
Mark Sheets are dispatched to the students after declaration of the results including
the assignment marks on annual basis after completion of 1st and 2nd Year.




Students will be assessed at the end of every semester with an online assignment
submission and examination. The exams will be held at designated centers and will
be held in a proctored mode. The students will be able to select the examination

End Term Examinations

center of their choice. The students will also have the facility of improving their

(End Term Examination is

of 70 Marks and Assignment
of 30 Marks)

term exams the schedule for other subjects will also be announced where the

scores by reappearing in any subject with the applicable exam fee. With the end
student will be able to reappear for the subject he/she wishes to.

Marks Distribution and Passing Percentage

The students have to secure 28 marks out of 70 marks (40% marks in each subject)
for End-term Examination. Submission of assignments per subject is compulsory for
our various management programmes. However, the total pass percentage would
be 45% per subject. Scholastic achievement is classified under three heads:

Ist Division:
Students with an aggregate percentage of 60% marks or above

IInd Division:
Students with an aggregate percentage of 50% marks and below 60% marks.

IIIrd Division:
Students with an aggregate percentage of 45% marks and below 50% marks.
Students aggregating less than 45% marks are declared as failed for Post-Graduate

Applicable for the admissions from January 2016 onwards.



S tru c t u re

2 Ye ar PGDM

Two Year Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)*

Part icu lars

1 s t S e me s te r

2nd Se me s te r

3rd Se me s te r

4th Se me s t er





Library / Digital Library


















Academic Fee





Total Fee





Reading Material

Exam Fee
Life Time Membership Fee of Alumni


1 Ye ar PGDBA

One Year Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBA)*

Part i c u l a r s

1s t Se me s te r

2nd Se me s te r



Library / Digital Library










Academic Fee



Total Fee



Reading Material

Exam Fee
Life Time Membership Fee of Alumni

1 Ye ar PGEM

One Year Post Graduate Diploma in Management - Executive (PGEM)

Part i c u l a r s

1s t Se me s te r

2nd Se me s te r



Library / Digital Library










Academic Fee



Total Fee



Reading Material

Exam Fee
Life Time Membership Fee of Alumni

20% concession on academic fee only shall be given to serving/retired defense personnel (Army, Airforce and Navy
personnel only), SC/ST, war widows and handicapped candidates in the case of programmes marked (*)
IMT - CDL reserves the right to change fee structure from time to time. The revised fee would be applicable to all the
Category for fee concession once indicated in the admission form shall not be allowed to be changed.
Fee to be paid in the month of January and July every year.


W eb c a s t i n g W ork s h op s
u sing Te c h n ol og i c a l
I n n o v a t i on s t o b ri n g y ou
th e b e s t
In order to strengthen the academic inputs, innovative Workshops have been
introduced to cover the entire syllabus of a particular paper in one day through
lectures on various topics by eminent academic gurus and industry experts from
esteemed corporates.

Event was conducted on
27th April 2014 where
Expert Group of
Faculties and Industry
Practitioners facilitated

The Workshop on
Lean Thinking and
Operational Strategy
for Business Excellence
titled EDGE 2013 was

Virtual Conference on
Business and
Management: Social
Media Applications for
Business, Learning and

Conference on
Diversity & Inclusion:
Can India Maximize
Corporate Power from

The sixth workshop

titled EcoMatrix 2011
on Managerial
Economics was
conducted on 13th

and kindled provoking

thoughts on
Management Skills.

conducted on 13th

Society, on 26-27

Diverse Workforce,

November 2011.

April, 2013, at
IMT-CDL Campus.

October, 2012.

held at IIC, New Delhi

on 19th December,








entire presentations






web-casting for the

Where industry and academia explore modern marketing

The fifth Workshop on

The fourth Workshop

The third such

The Second Workshop

The first of its kind,

Development and

on Human Resource
Management titled
"Impact 2011" held on

Workshop on Financial
Management titled
Finesse 2011 was

titled Edge 2011 on

Production &

Workshop on
Marketing Management
titled Markedemia

5th June, 2011.

held on 29th May, 2011

Management was

2011 was successfully

conducted at India
International Centre on
15th May, 2011.

conducted on 24th
April, 2011 at PHDCCI,
Siri Fort, New Delhi.

Etiquette titled
Winners Code was
held on 30th & 31st
July 2011.




students across the

country. More such
workshops are being






students situated at
different locations.

Proc e s s
Admission Cycle
Admissions are done twice a year - January and July.

The selection to the various programmes of IMT-Centre for Distance
Learning is based on screening by the selection committee.
Admission to Two-Year (PGDM) Programme is through admission test to be
conducted at all the centres by IMT-CDL (Head Office).
For One Year Diploma Course no entrance test is required.
For One Year PGDM (Executive) Programme, minimum 3 years full-time
work experience is required.

Minimum eligibility criteria for admission in Two Year PGDM and One Year PGDBA
is Graduate in any discipline and for PGDM Executive it is Graduate in any discipline
with 3 years full-time work experience.

Admission Procedures
Admission Forms are available from IMT-CDL Head Office and Information
Centres. Online Application Form can be filled from IMT-CDL website
The duly filled forms, documents along with the draft for the fee may also be
submitted to the IMT-CDL information centre.
A student cannot undergo two courses of IMT-CDL at a time. If any student
is found to have opted for two courses, he/she will have to withdraw from
one course and the fee paid by him/her for that course will not be refunded.


Admission Test
The admission test for the PGDM Two Years programme shall be held at IMT-CDL.
The result of the admission test will be displayed at the information centres within
one week of the examination.
The following categories of persons are exempted from admission test:
Candidates having two years of work experience after graduation
Candidates through-out first class (60% or above) from 10th, 12th and
Technical or Legal Professionals/CA/ICWA/CS/MBBS/M-Tech
Holders of PG Diploma of IMT-CDLs One Year Programme
Documents to be attached with the Application Form:
One additional passport size photograph.
Photocopy of the Degree or the final year marksheet
Photocopy of the High School Certificate for verification of date of birth,
student's and father's name
Photocopy of the Intermediate School Certificate
ID Proof - Photocopy of Aadhar Card / Driving License / Passport
Experience Certificate where applicable
Photocopy of the Certificate for verification of the defense personnel, SC/ST,
war widows & handicapped candidates
(All the attached documents are to be self attested along with the verification
of the original certificates).

In case of foreign degree, submission shall be with approval of Ministry of
HRD/UGC, Government of India, including copy of Passport and Study Visa.
Where IMT-CDL does not have Information Centres, aspirant may either
apply online or send a Demand Draft of Rs. 1100/- to IMT-CDL, A-16, Site-3,
UPSIDC Industrial Area, Meerut Road, Ghaziabad in favour of IMT-CDL,
payable at Delhi.
Despite the compliance of all requirements for admission, IMT-CDL has the
right to deny admission to any candidate after verifying his credentials.


The fee for the all programmes is payable at every six months (January & July). Study
material would be sent only after the fee has been deposited. Failure to deposit the
fee would debar them from the receipt of study material and attending Personal
Contact Programs and continued failure would result in cancellation of admission.
The students are required to ensure timely payment of the fee. There will be no
reminders for the payment of fee.

Modes of Payment
Payment through Demand Draft
Payments are accepted by non-refundable Demand Draft only, in favour of
IMT-CDL, payable at Delhi. The draft may be couriered to IMT-CDL
Ghaziabad, Head Office or may be submitted at respective Centre.
Online Payment
Students can deposit all type of fees through online mode also. For more
details, please visit the website:

Fee Concession
20% concession on academic fee only shall be given to serving/retired
defense personnel (Army, Air Force and Navy personnel only), SC/ST, war
widows and handicapped candidates in the case of the PGDM & PGDBA only.
IMT-CDL reserves the right to change fee structure from time to time. The
revised fee would be applicable to all the students.
Category for fee concession once indicated in the admission form shall not
be allowed to be changed.


Application Forms, duly completed, may be submitted at information centres or
sent to:
Coordinator - Admissions, IMT-Centre for Distance Learning, A16, Site-3,
UPSIDC Industrial Area, Meerut Road, Ghaziabad - 201 003

Students are advised not to submit any fee payment through cash at any of
the information centres.

General Information
All students are required to access Student Information System via website

IMT - CDL for any information,

notice, news, etc.

Students are required to mention their roll no. as well as e-mail ID (if any)
invariably in all the correspondence with IMT - CDL.
All policies, rules, regulations, fee structure, syllabus, facilities,
addition/cancellation of centres, etc. are subject to review and change from
time to time as per requirement. The changed policies, rules, etc. shall be
binding on all the students.
Any dispute is subject to the jurisdiction of Ghaziabad court only.
Despite the compliance of all requirements for admission, IMT-CDL has the
right to deny admission to any candidate after verifying his credentials.


R u le s & G u i d e l i n e s
Admission Policy
Policy relating to Late Fee
Fee for late admissions: Rs. 2000/New admissions/readmission schedule for the late fee would be as follows:
For January Admission Session
Admission without late fee - Till 15th February
Admission with late fee - 16th Feb to 28th Feb
For July Admission Session
Admission without late fee - Till 16th August
Admission with late fee - 17th Aug to 31st Aug

Separate Demand Draft favouring 'Institute of Management Technology - Centre for
Distance Learning' for Late Fee is required.
Policy relating to Refund of Fee
The refund of fee is permissible in the following cases:

If the admission has been refused by the Institute because of non-eligibility,

fee will be refunded after deducting an amount of Rs. 2500/- towards
administrative charges before 15th May (for January Admission) or 15th
November (for July Admission) provided no examination has been

If a student has paid excess amount of fee, full excess amount of fee will be


If a student is admitted provisionally to any of the courses and is found ineligible at

a later stage, the admission of such a student shall be cancelled and fee will be
refunded after deducting an amount of Rs. 2500/- towards administrative charges.

If a student wants to leave the course on his/her own:


Within 15 days from the date of closure of admission session, full fee after
deducting an amount of Rs. 2500/- towards the cost of books and
administrative charges be refunded.

ii) When more than 15 days but till one month from the date of closure of
admission session, 50% of fee will be refunded.
iii) After one month from the date of closure of admission session, no refund of
fee will be made i.e. 31st March, 30th September.
iv) Refund will be made within 3 months of the receipt of the application by IMT CDL Head Quarter.
v) Late fee deposited with IMT - CDL will not be refunded.

Closure of Admission Session

For January Admission Session - 28th February

(with late fee, from 16th February to 28th February)

For July Admission Session - 31th August

(with late fee, from 17th August to

31st August)

Policy relating to Change of Information Centre

Change of Information Centre would normally be allowed within 15 days of the closure of
admissions as follows:

For Jan admissions - Up to 31st March

For July admissions - Up to 30th September

However, under special circumstances, the change of Information Centre may be allowed
after one month of the closure of admissions subject to the proof of special circumstances,
for example, change of address, change of office, Marriage, etc.

Policy relating to Change of Course

Change of Course would be allowed within 15 days of the closure of admissions as
For Jan admissions - Up to 15th March
For July admissions - Up to 15th September


Transfer from full-time and part-time courses from IMT to Distance Learning courses of
IMT-Centre for Distance Learning shall be treated as fresh admission.

Policy relating to change of Delivery Mode

The students can change their delivery mode only at the end of term. They have to give a
formal request in the Student Care Service section available in their Student Information
System atleast one week before commencement of next term.
Delivery Mode for Select Subjects - For Select Subjects, Specialization and Elective subjects,
IMT CDL reserves the right to deliver sessions online. Students will be required to attend
all specializations and electives in online mode using their personal device.

Study Material Policy

The Self Learning Material Kit shall be sent by the Head Quarters of IMT-CDL to the
student at the address given in SIS.
The study material already supplied to any student should be returned to the
respective information centre of IMT-CDL in case of change of course. Fresh study
material in case of change of course shall be supplied only after the old study material
has been returned by the student.
The study material applicable to a particular session given to a student will not be

Assignment Policy
The main purpose of assignments is to test student's comprehension and value addition
from the study material they receive from the Institute and also to help them successfully
complete the courses by providing feedback to them. Assignments carry 30% weightage
towards final result. Students will not be allowed to appear in ETE if they do not submit the
assignments before the commencement of ETE. The assignments have to be submitted
For Online Assignments link will be available to students in their SIS logins.
The online link will be activated as per the academic calendar.
Questions will be objective, Multiple choice, True and False.
Fee for Re-submission/late submission of Assignment: Rs. 500/- per subject.
The student should refer to the assignment calendar for re-submission / late
submission on SIS


Examination Policy
Students will be assessed at the end of every semester with an online assignment
submission and examination. The exams will be held at designated centres and will
be held in a proctored mode. The students will be able to select the examination
centre of their choice.
The students will also have the facility of improving their scores by reappearing in
any subject with the applicable exam fee. With the end term exams the schedule for
other subjects will also be announced where the student will be able to reappear for
the subject he/she wishes to improve.
After every semester there will be one month for assessments (Assignment and
Exams). These are planned in a way that the student gets sufficient time after term is
over to prepare and appear for assignments. Also, he gets a gap of approx. 7 10
days to prepare for exams. He can create his own Assignment and Exam schedule by
booking his desired slot online.

30% Marks are for Assignments

70% Marks are for Examinations

45% aggregate marks are required every subject for passing

Project: 200 Marks (Two subject equivalence)

Date for Result Declaration

Within 30 days of completion of End Term Examinations
Students should fulfill the following conditions for appearing in the examination:
They should be enrolled for the course
They should be eligible for the examination
They should complete submission of assignments and case-studies of the
respective paper before the commencement of the respective examination.
Every student has to compulsorily appear for exams submission for the term
at the end of the same semester.

Reappear End-Term Examination (ETE)

In case a student does not clear the examination in any paper in the regular schedule
meant for that paper, he can reappear by depositing reappear fee as per the exam
schedule for the year in SIS.


ETE Reappear Fee: Rs 500/- per paper.

Special Examination (within India)

A student can appear in a special examination within India for any reason with the
prior approval from the Institute.
Fee for Special Examination within India: Rs. 2000/- per paper.

Special Examination (outside India)

A student can appear in a special examination outside India for any reason with the
prior approval from the Institute.
Fee for Special Examination outside India: Rs 2500/- per paper.

Policy Relating To Grace Marks

A total of three marks are allowed as grace marks over two modules spanning a complete
academic year. The student may avail the grace marks over a maximum of three subjects or
a minimum of one subject.

Issue of Duplicate Identity Card / Marksheet / Diploma

A student can apply for the issue of Duplicate Identity Card/Duplicate Mark Sheet /
Duplicate Diploma by depositing fee, as indicated below, along with photograph in case of
duplicate identity card. A copy of FIR and the news item in respect of the loss of Diploma in
local news agency are required to be submitted while applying for the duplicate copy of
Fee for Duplicate Identity Card : Rs. 200/ Fee for Duplicate Marksheet :Rs. 500/ Fee for Duplicate Diploma: Rs. 1000/-

Policy For Improvement

The chance to improve the performance in the end-term examination or assignment shall
be allowed within one month of the declaration of the result thereof, only after permission
has been granted by IMT-CDL head office to improve the performance. The improvement
fee shall be Rs. 500/- per subject of ETE.


Policy For Project Work

Project Synopsis Submission will be online as per schedule on SIS
The project work undertaken should be authentic and should contribute towards
the development and growth of the subject. If the Expert Committee feels that the
project work undertaken does not appear to be authentic or does not contribute
towards the growth of the subject or it has been merely copied from some source,
the institute has the right to reject the project work summarily. In that case, the
student may be asked to resubmit the project.
Project Work is to be undertaken by the student in the Semester 2 and Semester 4
of One Year & Two Year PGDM programme, respectively, where the students will
have to go through the following steps:
1. Selection of the Project work topic and getting the synopsis approved by the
expert committee of IMT-CDL H.O. only, by submitting synopsis online.
2. After the approval of Project Synopsis, student can work upon his Project
Report which shall be submitted in softcopy for Plagiarism check.
3. Students to mail the soft copy of the project to a designated mail ID
( which will be accessed by Projects Team. Project should
be submitted in a WORD/Word converted PDF format and should not be
more than 2 MB in size.
4. Based on the Plagiarism Percentage (%) , a project can be selected or rejected
for the evaluation. The project plagiarism result/status would be mailed to the
students registered email id.
5. Appropriate cut off level/ percentage for approval of a project report in a
plagiarism check will be decided by the Academic Council.
6. On resubmission for the second time if the project does not clear plagiarism
check marks would be deducted.
7. Project Viva-voce will be conducted at the IMT-CDL H.O. and Regional
Centres (Hyderabad, and Kolkata) after submission of Hard Copy. Student
can submit the Project Report with the photocopy of approved Synopsis and
appear for viva-voce at the selected Regional Centre after plagiarism check.



8. Viva-Voce will be conducted by the panel of expert committee.

9. Project Guide selected by the student should be an expert in the relevant discipline
with a minimum of five years of work experience.
10. Project Viva Result will be declared with the ETE result.

Last date for submission of the PROJECT SYNOPSIS (online only) / PROJECT
as per the academic calendar.

Policy for Viva-voce:

The viva-voce for the Project work shall be conducted after the end of the ETE of

Reappear Case for Viva-voce of the Project:

If a student fails to appear for the viva-voce on the specified date or he is asked to
resubmit his project, he will have to deposit a reappear fee of Rs. 500/-.

Special Viva-voce for the Project:

If a student is interested in getting a special viva-voce conducted he has to pay a
special viva fee of Rs. 2,500/-.

Viva Outside India shall be conducted through video-conferencing

Evaluation Criteria for Project Work

A. Written Report (60 %)
Choice of Subject / Title


Clarity about objectives, scope and coverage of the study


Design of the study and methodology, review of earlier work/literature available

for the subject, data collection, primary, secondary, questionnaire used where applicable,
field work


Analysis and interpretation of data: Data processing technique (Manual/Computer),

or other tools made use of Innovative technique/approach to problem solving



Innovative technique/approach to problem solfving


Findings of research study, recommendations, suggestions, policy issue


Report writing and presentation, language, composition & chapter scheme


Usefulness of the study, applicability in business/industry, in decision

making/system development.


B. Viva - voce (40 %)

Identification of the problem-clarity about objectives, scope and coverage
of the study


Ability to discuss the report design, methodology, instruments used, literature

connected with the report, data analysis and interpretation, findings and depth
of the subject and conceptualisation of the key areas after completing the
project work


Linking the report recommendations with project objectives and how far
these have been achieved


Drawback in the report, if any and general comments


In case of project reports relating to development of concepts and systems or case studies,
ability to critically review the literature and development of thought process will be judged.

Dispatch of Mark-sheet & Diploma

January Session

July Session

Marksheet - Last week of May

Marksheet - Last week of November

Diploma - Last week of July

Diploma - Last week of January

All the above schedules may be changed at the discretion of IMT-CDL Head Office. The
changes, if any, would be notified at website.


Calen d a r
For Admissions in January 2016 onwards
January to June Session
1st May to 15th June

July to December Session

1st November to 15th December


January to June Session
Examination Registration First week of June
Examination Dates - 10th to 30th June

July to December Session

Examination Registration First week of December
Examination Dates - 10th to 30th December


January to June Session
Examination Registration Second week of March
Examination Dates - 15th to 30th March

July to December Session

Examination Registration Second week of September
Examination Dates - 15th to 30th September



January to June Session
Submission 5th January to 28th February
Resubmission (If rejected) 1st to 10th March

July to December Session

Submission 5th July to 31st August
Resubmission (If rejected) 1st to 10th September


January to June Session
Submission 1st to 31st May
With Late Fee 1st to 15th June

July to December Session

Submission 1st to 30th November
With Late Fee 1st to 15th December

All the above schedules are subject to changes at the discretion of IMT-CDL Head
Office. The changes, if any, would be notified at website. The exact dates and schedule
for each assessment are announced in the Student Information System and LMS one
month prior to commencement. Students are required to regularly watch out the
announcements for all details.


Adm i s s i on Te s t
Nature of Test
The admission test is an objective type test (multiple choice). The test designed to
measure a persons general aptitude, namely:
Proficiency in English Language | Quantitative & Numerical Ability | Ability for
Data Analysis & Interpretation Reasoning & General Interpretation | Awareness of
Socio-economic Environment

Proficiency in English Language Passage

The casual horrors & the disasters are thrown at newspaper readers without
discrimination. In the contemporary arrangments for circulating the news, an important element, evaluation, is always weak & oftenwanting entirely. There is no point
anywhere along the line where someone puts his foot down & says This is important
& that doesnt amount to a row of beans, deserves no ones attention, & should travel
the wires no farther. The junk is dressed up to took as meaningful as the real news.
Newspapers lack a sense of discrimination because
(a) They do not separate the real news from mere sensationalism.
(b) they have to accept whatever is received in the wires,
(c) Limited manpower makes serious evaluation impossible.
(d) People dont see the difference between junk & real news.

Verbal Ability
Directions: The following passage consists of six sentences. The first & the sixth
sentences are given in the beginning & labeled S1 and S6 respectively. The middle four
sentences in each have been removed & jumbled up. These are labelled P,Q,R and S.
You are required to find out proper order for the four sentences.


S1: As I Say, I was born and brought up in an atmosphere of the confluence of three
movements, all of which were revolutionary.
S6: He should not only have own seeds but prepare his own soil.
P: I was born in family which had to live its own life which led me from my young days to
seek guidance for my own self-expression in my own standard of judgment.
Q: No poet should borrow his medium ready-made from some shop of respectability.
R: But the language, which belonged to the people, had to be modulated according to the
urging which, I, as an individual had.
S: The medium of expression doubtless was my mother tongue.
The proper sequence should be:
(a) P Q R S

(b) P S R Q

(c) P Q S R

(d) Q S R P

Quantitative & Numerical Ability

1. The areas of the three adjacent faces of a rectangular box that meet in a point are
known. The product of these areas is equal to:
(a) Volume of the box

(b) Twice the volume of the box

(c) Square of the volume of the box

(d) Cube root of its vulume

2. If 76 is divided into four parts proportional to 7,5,3 and 4, the difference

between the largest and the least is:
(a) 12

(b) 16

(c) 20

(d) 24

Ability for Data Analysis & Interpretation

This section deals with items to test data comprehension & data interpretation. All forms of data,
numerical, graphical, & statistical, in relation to business & commerce are presented & a series of
items to test interpretation & extrapolation of these data.
1. What is the raitio of the companies having more demand than production to those
Demand & Production of Colour TVs of
five Companies for the month of october 2012

having more production than demand?

(a) 2 : 1

(b) 3 : 2

(c) 4 : 3

(d) 2 : 3

2. What is the difference between average demand and average production of the five
companies taken together?
(a) 1400


(b) 280

(c) 138

(d) 400

Reasoning & General Intelligence

This section test the ability to identify the logic or reason involved in a particular &
applying the same in solving the problem. Concept & practice of creative & lateral
thinking is likely to be useful.
1. Alphablet is related to letter in the same way as Necklace is related to...
(a) Gold

(b) Bead

(c) Ornament

(d) Silver

(e) Ring

Awareness of Socio-Economic Environment

This part tests a candidates awareness of some of the basic facts of the SocioEconomic environment.
1. Mahatma Gandhi was referred to the Nation first by
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru

(b) Vallabhai Patel

(c) C. Rajagopalachari

(d) Subhash Chandra Bose

2. Next to Hindi, the language spoken by the largest number of the people in
the Indian sub-continent is
(a) Urdu


(b) Telegu

(c) Bengali

(d) Tamil

S pea k

To be successful in life you need 3 Es, EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE & EXCELLENCE.

Education makes the base stronger and I am thankful to IMT CDL for providing great
quality education which has played a very important role in my professional growth.
Associate Director
HR, Eli Lilly & Company


My experience of doing PGDM course at IMT CDL was excellent. The course material
was also highly engaging. Faculty for the subjects was experienced and I gained good
knowledge. The IMTs PGDM program helped me to immediately get selected at HP A
Global IT Corporation.

Ashish Razdan
Process Excellence Manager
HP India Sales Pvt. Ltd

Presently, I am performing the role of Manager (PC-G) in Maruti Suzuki in strategic

department. The PGDM in Operations helped me in honing my skills. The digital libraries
were very helpful to me as I had 24x7 access to learning.

Sumit Malik
Manager, Maruti Suzuki

Learning from IMT CDL has given me the edge in the corporate world. I have got
tremendous boost to my career after completing my PGDM program. The courses
offered at IMT CDL stands out and are fantastic enablers for the Job Market and career

Gopal Rao
Dy. General Manager
PMO, Bharti Airtel


I am very proud to be an IMT Alumni. Management education from IMT CDL helped me
grow to a managerial role. Today, I am country manager and I believe IMT CDL played a
vital role in my career growth.

Anand Kumar
Country Manager
Delivery Operations, IBM India

IMT CDL has sharpened and empowered me with right skill set. It has helped me in
developing deeper understanding, study and analysis of situations which I actually use to
run my global e-commerce business. Thanks to IMT CDL for giving me a right platform
to covert my dreams into reality.

Swati Jain
Entrepreneur, Q Group of Companies


L ist of I n f orm a t i on Ce n t r e s
A-16, Site-3, UPSIDC Industrial Area, Meerut Road, Ghaziabad PIN -201003
Centre Coordinator: Ms. Anshu Arora
Phones: +91-120-3015465 / 466 / 480, 8512059590

Plot No.15, Vaishali, Opp. Metro Pillar 347, Above Karur Vyasa Bank, Pitampura, New
Centre Coordinator: Pooja Snehi
Phones: 9871149110

Plot No - 2, 3rd Floor, Hargovind Enclave, Near Metro Pillar 113, Vikas Marg,
Karkardooma, New Delhi
Centre Coordinator: Shilpi Rituparth
Phones: 9873293449


B-1/625, 3rd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar 573, Janakpuri, New Delhi
Centre Coordinator: Ms. Smriti Sharma
Phones: 9871631199


C-16, 1st & 2nd Floor, SDA Market, Opposite IIT Main Gate, New Delhi
Centre Coordinator: Anshu Sharma
Phones: 9871688115

SCO 24, 2nd Floor, Sector 14, Old Delhi Road Market, Gurgaon
Centre Coordinator: Bhanu Punjani
Phones: 9910232166

Arya Public School, Behind Haryana Emporium, Baba Kharak Singh Marg,
Connaught Place, New Delhi
Centre Coordinator: Mr. Parmanand Dhyani
Phones: 9711005080


NMA House, 1st Floor, C 20/6A, Sector 62, NOIDA
Centre Coordinator: Mr. Himanshu Singh
Phones: +91 - 120-6496544, 8826012517

3A , Auckland Place, 7th Floor, Kolkata 700017
Centre Coordinator: Mr. K. Venugopal
Phones: +91-33 - 22811332, 22831905 / 06, 30288060, 9830326969

6-3-652/K/7, Kautilya, 1st Floor, Amrutha Estates (Adj. Medinova Hospital), Somajiguda,
Hyderabad- 500082
Centre Coordinator: Ms. R. V. Ramana
Phones: +91- 40 - 40204366, 40204368, 9491161120

603, Khullar Apartment, Byramji Town, Nagpur
Centre Coordinator: Ms. Swati Bhagwat
Phones: +91- 712 - 3227228, 7123227228


Co n t a c t U s
A-16, Site-3, UPSIDC Industrial Area, Meerut Road, Ghaziabad PIN -201003
Phones: +91-120-3015465, 466, 480

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A-16, Site-3, UPSIDC Industrial Area, Meerut Road, Ghaziabad PIN -201003
Phones: +91-120-3015465, 466, 480
Visit: www.imtc dl.a c .in o r c a ll 18002001063 (To ll Free)

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