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RAS Cain Baar reis Mebben footie Paper. 27. Cent tom hD & Fea hiotes LP IMPORTANT NOTES ‘fata (A) Please fill up the OMR. Sheet ofthis Question-Answer Booklet properly before answering sweat aan ws ea al 8 a see Mer STH, a a Hh RAAT (B) The question paper is divided into different unit and pars. The number of questions to be attempted and their marks are indicated in cach unit and parts. yerag fates giz od onto fanaa © 1 ote gia we wer a feet a ret ot wt deer ote aa alas ae ape re era aitea Pee | (©) Attempt answers either in Hind or English, notin both. For Language Papers, answer in coneeimed language and script, unlos directo otherwise to write in Hindi or English specifically. Saaz bt a eh a 2 fret ae ea, ga Hae et ara weal sae sre daw ares AYA A fe, sa re Pads ae reer Bla shh 8 auc 4 oe frre sea at (D) The candidates should not write the answers beyond the prescribed limit of words; failing this, marks will be deducted, pate st a oat Prfer vet at ier aoe ae eet Hey | eae Seats ea Sa ET (E) Please write answers only inthe prescrved space of booklet. Do not write any’ mark of identity imide the Answer Script (including Paper for rough work) ie, tame adress, telephone number, Name of God ete or any irrelevant words other than the answer of question, Such act will be trated as unfair means. The Commission may also deduct § marks from the marks obtained it Roll Number isnot filled correctly on the O.MLR. Sheet. Shah ete ae er ean Fr ear gee ese ee a aE ae ale See at ae See TH, er ee oe OF HAE HTT FET en — ITC ay, oT, FO Fae Ta a a aes SH eA a ag sox wae oie ones fad | ar ea ome ar eh fae AR Fe TT | SEA TTT sears sept ine RaW aren oa eer Aa 5 alert aE TE | (F) Candidates are directed that they should not write (answer) outside the bonder Tne in every page. Answer written ‘out side the border line will not be checked by the Examiner, eet Freire er aay fr eae ear A veer eo med ae nda a ater ape a et ae ards age fees ore ae at tare eT STAT aT TT (G)__Ifthew is any sort of ambiguitymistake either of printing or fhetual nature then out of Hindi and English version ‘of the question, the English version will be treated as stardand. “af Fava oes 3 Peat se t-te Spey reaier oeae ah ae et oh wes feet cen at eee = lt Sarat a et | (H) The Question-Answer Booklet is provided in a sealed envelope to the candidate. Candidate must sign the declaration as per directions printed on the envelope and recur itt the invigilator pera sh ree ee See evar me ae | ae ene ae eb se he TAT ara ats stir at aa are (1) Candidate should fill up all desired details on this attached OMR sheet of Question-Answer Booklet with blue ball point pen. Please ensure that this OMR Sheet is not tom or damaged. te ach er fines re er at SAT, Te a a ee at a area | rd Brae stone gama a ae a are fat hare a fo aT (This OMR Sheet consists of Two parts, in which some information is pre-printed; remaining details have to be filled by the candidate ae aga. are rm at aria ar fra oie geen fe Eee a est aT | (K) Ifthe QuestionAnswer Booklet is tora or not printed propery. bring it to notice of invgistor and change the Question-Answer booklet, otherwise the candidate will be lieble for that. sie estar fcr soe wechonel ar ef @, At Te a ea A aE aa BE wera, ater ee Ht Tait ey eT | fe ate path mre ae oom ore a Te eT wet ah asa ih wae A at aa a & ea ae Pa were cavers fees aft fear ate & oer mere wh Be sear Ser ahaa he see ead serge | ‘Special Notes : If there is any wrong information filled bythe candidate or any attempt is made to damage it or any marking as identification is done, then his carddature fr the entire examination shall be rejected bythe coramissioa, for which he wil be able, Inu Papert 3 RAS Oat) Bhan 20l2 SS Ws a neler HEA oe pongo le taper P. Qing leakage & Feu Sloct ot TE SS Wnit-p 1) Part—A wt ar Marks : 20 sie: 20 Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries two (2) marks. ale: wiltcer ger at i note my at (2) se |. Statements = Some pencils are erasers. All pencils are sharpeners. All erasers are not sharpeners. Conclusions : 1. Alll erasers can be pencils. LU. Some sharpeners are erasers, Which conclusion is correct ? ar: yo tte ase 1 wh fae amir & | wat as arse ae B front: 1 whapitaed aati I pewragé | aro Pret ate? Paper-I 5 t 2. In the following sequence, there is a diserepancy in one of the numbers, Find thet number. Seay are A war arsine cher & 138 Fe ose airy 1,2, 4,7, 28, 93, 198, 205 3. Find the total number of squares in the following figure : fre fea ant at per cieen ane aie ; =) Pape ‘ ANIMA Heo) Foee 4. Find the odd one among the following Pera a er aie ae aire: 17, 27, 37, 43, 67 5. Two trains running in opposite directions at 36 km/hr and 45 km/hr cross cach other in 20 seconds. If one is 200 metres long, then find the length of the other train. tr fervdia eer 36 kine wea 45 kav/hr 20 Bes F wages at a ar ate | ae wear oF 200 ther vat &, ct gett oa at cet ara Sia | Paper-It 1 ® The ratio of two numbers is 3 4. If their greatest common factor is 4, then find out their least common factor. O densi or ara 3:4 & (af Sra mem areas 4 A Sa eae serrate ae wife | 7. Two dice are rolled simultancous ly. Find the probability that the sum of the numbers on them is not 8. Shae arene ar ond UST ATSC NE set ao ait 8 seh ei a ofteren a aire 1 8. Define sampling frame. wire Tar Wontaa afr | Paper-ti 3 cu I) * 9. In the following figure, O is centre of circle and ZAOC = 100°. Find the ratio (2) Which lecture is to be organised on Saturday ? wifran at a4 a ener ates a? (3) On which day lecture C will be organised ? CARE C arr at fea setter eh 2 (4) On which day there will be no lecture ? Feet fea ate aren et Sie? (5) Is the information complete to decide the day's for various lectures ? fie erent & fea at & fd aarae qa wate to Paper-1 rt) 21. The details of expenditure of monthly income of a family is given in pie-chart Answer the following questions : feet arsed ee ceases one & ae a rer fear nar & Ve reat a aoe at: (1) Iexpenditure on cloth is € 2,000, then find the expenditure on “other items’. ale aout we 2a & 2.00091, at “arr aCh a axa ae Sif | (2) What is the percentage of savings of total budget ? | et ae a force ules aaa ete BE? G) What is the total savings in a year? wat stg we ere? (How much percentage is more on expenditure of item education from rent ? fon oe farer Tear ard fad a fart afta aif ? (5) What is the amount of expenditure on each item ? wea ag a ora at re arch fet aa 9 Paper-I 2 22. Solve the following : ey at eet afar ; a Q) GB) (4) Find the perimeter of a right angle isosceles triangle with unit area, ad daar aed Te ee fone fae a fo ae Ra | A Box contains five rupee coins, fifty paise coins and twenty five paise coins in the proportion S : 6 : 8. If the value of total coins is € 210, then find the number of coins of each kind, ar aay Hoe ore & fee, are Ga ah fare at oes dt a fares 16:8 ama SE 1 ate pet Raat a gee 210 wad &, at aedes mae 3 faa at en ae aie ‘An Army General wants to make a solid square by his 36,562 soldiers, After arranging, he found that some soldiers are left. Find the number of soldiers who are left. TT Gar oeTT aT fi sey 36,562 sea Ow ate ah aE | oraear at oe Se Re oer fare sere we na E a2 sort at ter ara sitar | To complete @ work, A takes $0% more time than B. If together they take 18 days to complete the work, then how much time shall B take to do it independently ? ward apt aa A, Ba 50% afr ana dott af shat ara fren ge ard a 18 fer ph exe 8, at B ae ant at ede rad ech er a aT? Paper-It 25 Sauter UNIT— 11 (Marks : 100) care-1), (373: 100) Part—A Marks : 20 aT 20 Note: Answer the following questions in 15 words each. Each question carries 2 marks. wiz: Sretfotian ater wea st See 15-15 URS | aetar re 2 aat ‘What is Cyber Warfare ? How is this technique used in war ? Wea Gar ale ere 9 ga aa a arate ge Ae fem TE 2. What are Quantum dots ? Write about their applications. waren farg ard» saat arate Santa ee | Paper-I1 3. What is Spring/Vernal Equinox ? How does ithappen 2 Saari Fat Carey ae 9 ae be ater 4. What is cloning ? Write about its applications. Fret Te? sae orate Sat a eas | 5. Why Searer mirrors are used as rear view cE aa vehicles ? Huge ea tq sae ator orate al fea 6.__Deline isotopes. Give two examples. Paper-I » WME Al me = rents ast oferta at 13a at were = | 7. In which field Nobel prize was awarded to C V. Raman and Hargovind Khurana ? fcr cex eats ge ay fre tn 9 ht eae ee 2 8. What is acid rain ? Write the cause for its formation, aul er & 9 seat Tarr ae fa Paperstt 30 we feet at aren ge cits ase tal & am fhe | 10. What is the size of nanoparticies ? List any two uses of these aaa ar ara Fear 2 wae sualray as at sere F am , wa seoMene Part—B Marks : 40 aT a ate: 40 . Note: Answer the following questions in 50 words each. Each question carrics 5 marks, ate: Fre oa wea a sa 50 wet aS | Wer Wes S sin F 11. What are sources of Vitamin A ? List the diseases caused due to deficiency of Vitamin A. Frais a 3 ie ear cts a a afi a shah te fe 1 NY Paper-tl 2 | snot ere 12, TE a coe 12. What is Vuleanization of Rubber ? area are ? 13. What is aquaregia ? SHORTT AT BIT? Paper-I nt 14. What is Blood Pressure ? What is the normal range of blood pressure and which instrument is used to measure it ? See 0a Bar alan 2 eres Tee oe a ee eich eT Ba AT finer SET ETT fear oma & 2 15. What is Biodiversity ? Name the technologies that can be used for Propagation and genome conservation in a given ecosystem using suitable examples, Sie-fafenaen sar & 9» sryas Sere alee fret fed wa aie a IR oT Sie wae & fet soa carta are fer’ | olga 4 ONT seoty 16. Describe the use of biosensors and biochips in information storage, medicine and surgery. qa aaenr, shee eer ea F Sa dat en Sta Pao a sat ar aia wT 17. What are genetically modified crops ? Give suitable examples related 10 Indian Agriculture and Horticulture. arate viatan act ven & 2 arcta ae cer sentra S aaa sre SeETT S| Paper-tt 35 18. Name the properties and uses of Perfluorocarbons (PFC) meinierds (fen. ah) apt cer aaa ary fers . { Papert 36 Part-C Marks : 40 arta ae: 40 Note: Answer any two questions in 200 words each. Each question carrics 20 marks. ate: fag Oa at oa Oe) ST Tar 200 Tea TS | oe we 20 sie EI 19. Write an essay on the importance of narco-analysis, brain mapping and DNA barcoding in Forensic Science. Mention their limitations. faft foo arat fasctem, nferer ofa ote Steam, age St AeA We ee frat fered | saat aitecnsit ar sect at | Paper-tt a7 What are non-conventional sources of energy ? Describe any two non-conventional energy sources with special reference to Rajasthan. at & tear ain aia #2 aster & fate dee oO fat at tere sat att ar aula at 1 Paper-I 38 21. Give an account of the use of information technology in e-governance; e-commerce and international diplomacy. Paper-I a 22. Use your creativity to develop a “vision document” for improving forestry, animal husbandry and information technology for Rajasthan, 2 Serer 1 seat ee aes A ar, cee wer qu net ab da oe waferin gree” weta farwfec a | Papert nut

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