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Information Systems 2016 Group

Group: 8
Student Names: Blane George, Dillian
Nomphelo Ziyanda & Mohamed Zeeshan
Tutor Group: 33
Tutor Name: Martine Sandler
Date Of Submission: 18th April 2016
1. I know that plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is to use another's work and
pretend that it is one's own.
2. Each significant contribution to, and quotation in this [essay/report] that I have
taken from the work(s) of other people has been credited, and has been cited &
3. This [essay/report] is my own work.
4. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the
intention of passing it off as his or her own work.

Date............................................................................... Full Name of
Student(s) ......................................................................................

Table of Contents
Investigation on 3D printing.............................................................3
What is 3D printing?...............................................................................3
What is 3D printing used for?....................................................................4
Disruptive effect it might have on the business and society................................5
Current Status.......................................................................................5
Impact it has on commerce and society........................................................8
3D Printed Prosthetic legs for pets..............................................................8
Impact it has on commerce and society........................................................9
Rectron SA is a business that specializes in 3D printing....................................9
Impact it has on commerce and society......................................................10
Future impact (Business & Society)...................................................10
Printers are expected to operate on a faster note..............................10
How 3D printers react with various raw materials..............................11

3D is already changed we produce projects, from tools and toys, clothes and even
body parts. 3d printing is a part of process known as additive manufacturing buy
editing material layer by layer.

What is 3D printing?
3D printing is a technological way that enables you to print a digital fine into a physical three
dimensional object buy using successive material.

How to use a 3D printer?

1. You need to create your own design of what you want to be printed.
2. Once you have finished designing , its time to send it to the printer
3. When the printer receive the data , it pulls the material though the tool to melts it and
pulls it to plate where its instantly course
3D printing object its created through layers until you have a full object structure. You
can use the common material used in 3D printing like plastic and metal.

What is 3D printing used for?

3D printing is about to kick start the next industrial revolution. Printer is no longer only used
for printing paper. It is used in many industries to manufacture and produce physical objects.
3D printing is the quick, trending way of producing any tangible object.
Medicine: Doctors and medical manufactures used 3D printing to print human body organs
to use them in surgery, Surgeons uses these printed organs to help lives of people who need
implantation of a curtain organ. The 3D printed organs are guaranteed as more safer and
reliable organ because they are specially created according to that particular persons size,
therefore no errors will occur and it is also the fastest way to just print an organ that waiting
for a donor.
Aerospace: Engineers uses 3D printing in manufacturing aircrafts with the combination of
3D printed parts. In our days engineers prefer using 3D printed objects because they are
reliable and less human errors that can cause flats in the aircraft. 3D printed objects reduce
weight of the aircraft and that helps it thought the air friction. 3D printing is reliable with super
strength material; the parts are fact to manufacture in cases of emergency part repealing.
Using 3d printing is said to be the mist safer, power and cost saving way of manufacturing.

Prototyping: Companies used 3D printing to intergrade design .They require it as the most
reliable source in terms of manucacturing and less damages are caursed and producing
better products . businesses will not have to close up during renovation.
Art and Education : In education facilities 3D printing is used to bring imagination into life .
3D printed object helps into more practical activities of learning, the 3d printed object gives
the clear understanding because its more physical that theory. Artists are able to print their
photographic ideas and bring them to life.
Addition: Building complex shapes out of material typically require weeks of manufacturing,
but 3D printers are faster and chipper. It makes it easier to manufacture complex shapes by
automatic process. 3D printing can also print food.
How 3D printing is disruptive?
Since 3D printing is a treading way of manufacturing, every household will have its 3D
printer and people will thats to manufacture their own desired products. People will no
longer purchase good, instead they will manufacture them. That means manufacturing
industries will experience down grade in their production and demand of goods. The market
society will also be affected and businesses will gain no profit. 3D printer will soon generate
the world; a 3D printer will print another 3d printer.

Over and above that, there is research undergoing by companies like Organovo to 3D print
human organs such as the liver and kidney. Organovo is already printing 3D live human liver
tissue for pharmaceutical toxicology testing. They do so by using a process similar to an
FDM desktop 3D printer that you might find in a home, but instead of thermoplastics and
heat, they use hydrogels infused with living cells. Over the next decade, this research should
really begin to pay dividends, and within 15 to 20 years its very possible that we will be 3D
printing entire human organs for transplantation.

Disruptive effect it might have on the business and society

1. The more optimistic see 3D printers essential items that will eventually be in every
house. Businesses will experience a continuous downward trend of their products
because everyone will have their own and the market will decrees therefore the
business will no longer get profit, therefore will not even survive to see the future.

2. Current Status
3D printing has been around for a few years and it has been seen as growing exponentially
that is can be described as the most famous technology system in the field of technology.
Many people uses it in different ways. Every industry uses this type of technology according
to their needs.
The use of 3D printing has also spread across to various countries and regions of the world.
Statistics has found that most countries with high total worldwide 3D printing industry market
share ; is as follows in their descending order

United states- 38%

Japan - 9.7%
Germany 9.4%
China- 8,3%
United Kingdom- 4,2%
Italy- 3,8%
France 3,2%
South Korea - 2,3%

Other countries share the remaining figure with 3D printing still in relative infancy.
a) China- The biggest manufacturing industry in the world will sooner see the cost

effective way of production. China has only 3,8% of 3D printing industry but that
might change soon
Additional ; according to revenues from Chinas 30 printing
companies are expected to reach $1,6 billion within the next two years . The person
who made this production as an manufacturing association CEO Luo Jon always
says starting from 2015 the Chinese 3D printing market will double early
The Chinese didnt start small when it comes to 3D printing a construction form
already boosted of a huge 3D printer that can make enough part to build ten
bedroom house in under a day
b) Korea plans to expand their 3D printing industry on a national scale, with the aim of
making 3D printing as commonplace nationwide as possible. The country also targets to

train 10 million creative makers by 2020 and has already invested $2.3 million dollars in 3D
printing equipment and facilities for this purpose.
One Korean company, Rokit, has already claimed it will become the biggest 3D company in
the world in just three years.
Where 3D printing may soon see a thriving market
a) New Zealand
The Korean government is not alone in thinking 3D printing is the future. In New Zealand the
Greens party has announced that 3D printing will be part of their push, as stated in their
paper called the Blueprint for the Future.
New Zealand imports around $11 billion of manufactured products each year, around a
quarter of our total merchandise exports. Producing more products domestically would have
a positive impact on New Zealands balance of payments and stimulate economic
development, the paper reads.
The paper also encourages studying how 3D printing will be feasible in schools and local
b) South Africa
3D printing hasnt been as quick to catch on in the African continent compared to the rest of
the world, but in South Africa things may soon change.
Peter van der Walt, the owner of a company called Open Hardware, is planning to make
affordable 3D printers available to the market there soon, says
Initially his 3D printers would be focused on steel to address the rising construction costs in
the country, he says. He already has advanced orders from many companies and the
University of Pretoria.

Any object, from a piece of jewellery to the fuselage of an aircraft, can be custom made
without wasting any materials using additive manufacturing. The technology is being used to
manufacture high-tech specialised parts for the aviation industry and custom-made
biomedical prostheses such as hip joints. ( That is a huge
opportunity for the medical industry, because now they will be able to make prosthetic limbs
for patients faster than usual and at a cheaper price. Meaning more South African citizens
will be able to afford them and the waiting time for a prosthetic limb could go down to a day
or two or most.

SMEs can get items prototyped. This will give them a feel for technology, and they will be
able to see a prototype of their idea. It is low risk, as they make decisions. 3D printing could
also be used for large scale manufacturing. The CSIR want to use 3D printing to increase
the knowledge, abilities and economic advantages in SA. Those who find it easy to use the
prototyping technology will have an advantage now due to the increase of prototyping. Some
buy the 3D printers in the form of a kit, they build it, making it possible for them to print their
own objects.

VUT (Vaal University of Technology) run a lab named the Idea 2 Product Lab
(, this was made to support innovators through a cheap and
flexible platform. It also allows innovators to interact with customers, even in rural
communities, so they can develop their product/service. The lab works in a way that it
continuously looking for a mode that fits both the lab and the customer. They plan to move
around a lot so they can increase rural impact, because they want to give back to the
community and children so they too can develop ideas and turn them into prototypes.
Richard van As a South African, lost four fingers in 2001in a woodwork accident. After that
he he decided to use a 3D printer so that he could build himself a new hand, he called it
Robohand. As mention earlier 3D printing could have a bright future in the medical field,
especially when it comes to prosthetics.

3D printed clothing in South Africa
Opportunities have recently occurred for South Africa regarding 3D Printing. The first
opportunity that is being pursued is that clothing is going to be printed in the fashion industry.
On 31st of March 2016 there was announced that South Africa has been chosen as the first
country to receive the exclusive unveiling of a clothing range that is going to be produced
using 3D printers. The clothing range is from Modeclix, a project based at the University of
Herfordshire in the United Kingdom, England. Dr Shaun Borstrock from the University with
Professor Mark Bloomfield whom is a 3D specialist and designer created these dresses.
How is it done?

The Modeclix project is a complex designing process that involves

producing amazing garments with 3D printers. The projects focus on
interpreting the weave, stitch and knit of the dresses. The prototypes
are pieces that is printed out of textile that have enough
movement to ensure they are fluid and can represent a
fabric that can be used to make dresses.

Impact it has on commerce and

These dresses are going to be more expensive than other normal clothing, because there is
no technology as advanced as 3D printing that can so accurately design a garment for you
to wear. Therefore not anyone in society can buy these dresses. The prices of the garments
range from R8500 upwards. It all depends of the complexity of the garment. Seeing that
machines are going to produce these garments, less labour will be necessary. People will
get retrenched which proves to have a negative effect on the economy.

3D Printed Prosthetic legs for pets

How is it done?
The person who is going to feed the printer the unique instructions needed to produce this
leg needs to take all the necessary measurements of this limb. Fittings will then need to be
made for the prosthetic limb to fit perfectly; the printer is then set to do its job. Hybrid
Advanced Geometries is the company that designs the 3D printing codes needed to produce
these prosthetic limbs.

Impact it has
on commerce
prosthetic legs will be
available but not as the same types. Each design must be specially made; the measure and

sizes must be calculated. That makes these legs very expensive. Therefore will it only be
available for people that can afford it for their pets.

Rectron SA is a business that specializes in 3D printing

How does it work?
This company has printers that can print objects that cost R17 000 upwards. According to
the company objects take a few minutes to print depending on how big the object is. More
people is turning to 3D printers because they want to create prototypes for real products.
The costs can be an investment for smaller businesses when they want to enhance their

Impact it has on commerce and society

The 3D printing is a billion dollar industry, which means the economy of South Africa can
benefit from these printers. Printers by this company cost from R17000 to R70000. Its quite
user friendly therefore enabling an average household to be able to purchase the product
and use it at home.
3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, the technology for this has existed in
some sort of way since the 1980s

4) Future impact (Business & Society)

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, the technology for this has existed in
some sort of way since the 1980s. Despite that, this technology has not proven to be
capable enough or even cost efficient enough for most of the products being produced or the
large quantity in volumes manufactured. A rise in expectations are set to make a game
changer for the 3D printing era. Several trends in technology are depending on these
expectations. An attractive class of developing mid-range 3D printers are beginning to offer
many top-end system features as part of an average desktop at significantly lower prices.
The printing speeds of printers are gradually increasing across the production range; experts
have predicted that at least one top of the range printing system under prduct development
can operate and produce print outs upto 500 times faster than any top of the range machine
of today.

Printers are expected to operate on a faster note

Even for small relatively simpler end results, 3D operations still take quite a while to produce
usually hours and in some cases days. Investigative enhancements along side refined
new methods that have the promise for an ability to produce large change will aid printers to
reach the goal of significantly quicker printing speeds. There are lots of ways to improve
speed by using higher-quality components and by optimizing the designs and movement of
the lasers, voiced Andrew Boggeri, a sponsorer of desktop stereo lithography printers.

How 3D printers react with various raw materials

Generally, most printing devices incorporate just one material out of which include metal,
ceramic, biological material, plastic and wood.
To come up with more beneficial products and grow the market share, 3-D printing devices
have to incorporate the use of multiple raw materials during a single printing stage. A variety
of factors, predominantly relating to raw materials itself, make this need rather difficult. For
instance, quite a few vital functions are manufactured around a particularly suited material
that gives feedback to a restricted domain of temperature inputs and light frequency. Making
use of warmth or UV rays, printers often condense or solidify materials to exploit the
substance into discrete forms.
In todays time, the market share for 3D printing and services is still heavily forked. At the
top-end are pricey printers that have a restricted total penetrable market share. The golden
key for market expansion is the continued advancement of printing in the mid priced
boundary to attain growth in operation, in various material capabilities and in printing fully
completed systems.
As making use of the tech grows and costs reduce, the initial huge indication is that an
increase in the average manufacturing of goods should be produced at or somewhere near
to the cost of sales or usage. This may even mean household-level manufacturing of some

Spares, car parts and essential repair tools could be manufactured by the dealerships and
repair shops themselves eliminating the now unnecessary need for supply chain
management whom initially sorted out the inflow of producing components that were
required by the business. China has put their foot into and grabbed ever opportunity to
outsource manufacturing contracts from every available booming economy by pushing
excessive manufacturing to its limit. It doesnt just instigate enough demand to create
extraordinary but it also substantially lessons a key expense: labor.

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