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Chemistry FOKUS KIMIA 2014 Paper 2 Structure CD Ber Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [SPM09-03] Diagram 3 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the empirical formula of copper oxide. Burning of excess hydrogen gas Pembakaran lebihan gas hidrogen Hydrogen gas Gas hidrogen —. Copper oxide ‘Kuprum oksida chloride Kalsium klorida terhidrat | Porvelain dish Heat Piring porselin Panas Diagram 3 ‘Table 3 shows the result of this experiment Description Mass (g) Combustion tube + porcelain dish 32.25 Combustion tube + porcelain dish + copper oxide 42.25 Combustion tube + porcelain dish + copper 40.25 Table 3 (a)(i) What is the meaning of empirical formula? [1M] (ii) State the function of the anhydrous calcium chloride. [1M] (b)(i) Based on Table 3, calculate the mass of: Copper Oxygen (ii) Calculate the ratio of moles of copper to oxygen atoms. [Relative atomic mass: Cu=64, O=16] (iii) Determine the empirical formula copper oxide. [1M] Page | 1 atp:/ /cikguadura. | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 (c)fi) Why is hydrogen gas passed through the combustion tube after heating has stopped? [1M] (ii) State how to determine that the reaction between copper oxide with hydrogen has completed. [1M] (d)(i) State why the empirical formula of magnesium oxide cannot be determined by using the same technique. [1M] (ii) State the name of another metal whose empirical formula can be determined using the same technique. [1M] Extra: Draw the diagram for experiment Magnesium Oxide 2 Precaution step: Page | 2 atp:/ /cikguadura. | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 '4 nore - Periodic Table THE PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS Group 1 Period Group 17 Page | 3 ttp:/ /cikgquadura. | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [SPM11-03] Diagram 3 shows the symbols of the atoms of elements U, V and W. The letters used are not the actual symbols of the elements. 7U 37 2 WwW 3 qd. 16 Diagram 3 (a). U and V are Group 1 elements in the Periodic Table. {i). State the number of valence electrons in the atoms of element U. [1M] (ii) What is the physical state of U at room conditions? [1M] (b) Going down Group 1, the reactivity of the elements increases. U and V react with water to produce metal hydroxide solution and hydrogen gas. (i). Which element, U or V, reacts more vigorously with water? [1M] (ii) Based on the answer in 3(b)(i), write the chemical equation for the reaction. [2M] (c) (i) Write the electron arrangement for the atoms of eleme W. [1M] (ii) Identify the period for the atoms of element W. [1M] (iii) Give one reason for the answer in 3(c)(ii). [1M] (d). V and W are placed in the same period in the Periodic Table. (i). Which element, V or W, has the smaller atomic size? [1M] (ii). State one reason for the answer in 3(d)(i). [1M] Page | 4 utp: / | October 2014 nore Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 ‘Molten (solute only) ‘Aqueous ] ee eer eee eee Solute 1 4ve ion 1 -ve ion Solvent (Water) | 1 +ve ion, H* | 1 -ve fon, OH Factor: 1. The position of ions | 2. The 3. The Type of electrode in Electrochemical concentration Series. CHOOSE THE _| of Solution Anode LOWER The electrode will dissolve into the solution, Cation | Anion © The electrode produce ions K* Fr + The electrode become thinner Na’ | 80.7 Cathode Car | NOs- * The electrode act as “middle or person” Br * Choose the I the lower position of ions in the On solution, © The electrode will be coated or Voltaic Cell Negative Terminal/Anode Positive Terminal/Cathode © The metal which top in ECS (more electropositive) © The metal will dissolve into the solution * The metal produce ions * The metal become thinner Function of Salt Bridge// Porous Pot The metal which lower in ECS (less electropositive) The metal receive electron Choose the lower position of positive ion in the solution ‘The electrode will be coated or thicker Page | 5 utp: / | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [MRSM11-03} Table 3 shows the apparatus set-up, description and observation for experiment I and II. Experiment T vd Apparatu: phil Carbon Carbon 7 Karbon |Z Karbon Molten lead(II) iS Sodium sulphate bromide solution Leburan —@ — natrium sul Heat \— plumbum(Il) Panaskan_bromida Description Electrolysis of molten lead(II) Electrolysis of 1 mol dm® sodium bromide using carbon electrodes sulphate solution using carbon electrodes: Observation Grey solid is formed at the cathode Gas bubbles are released at the anode and cathode (a) State all the ions present in [2M] (i) molten lead{(II) bromide Brera creer — (ii) sodium sulphate solution (b) Based on experiment I: (i) Name the grey solid produced. [1M] (ii) Write the half equation for the formation of grey solid. [1M] (iii) State the observation at anode. [1M] (q Based on experiment II: (i) Name the ion that is discharged at anode. [1M] (ii) State the product of electrolysis at [2M] Anode Cathode (iii) Name another solution that will give the same products of electrolysis as in experiment I. [1M] utp: / | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [SPM11-05] Diagram 5 shows the apparatus set-up to study the electrolysis of 1.0 moldm~ copper(ll) sulphate solution. In Set I, carbon electrodes are used. In Set II, copper electrodes are used. 1-0 mol dm copper(I!) sulphate solution /- Larutan kuprum(t) sulfat 1-0-mol dm? Carbon Copper electrodes electrodes _ Elektrod Elektrod karbon kuprum J L J L V0 rt Set I Set Il (a) What is the meaning of an anion? [1M] (b) State all the anions and cations in copper(tI} sulphate solution. [2M] Anions : Cations : (c) Based on Set I in Diagram 5: (i). Write the formula of the ion that is selectively discharged at the anode. [1M] (ii). Write the half-equation for the reaction that takes place at the anode. [2M] (iii). Describe briefly the chemical test to confirm the product at the anode. [2M] (a). Compare the colour of the copper(ll) sulphate solutions in Set I and Set II after one hour of electrolysis. Give one reason for the answer. [2M] Comparison : Reason, Page | 7 atp:/ /cikguadura. | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [SBPtrial11-03] Diagram 3 shows the apparatus set-up of a chemical cell Silver electrode Elektrod argentum Copper electrode Elektrod kuprum Copper(I) nitrate solution Lorutan kuprum nitrat Silver nitrate solution Larutan argentum nitrat (a) What is the process that takes place at copper electrode? [1M] (b) (i) State the function of Q. [1M] (ii) Name a chemical substance that can be used as Q. [1M] (c) In Diagram 3, mark the direction of the electron flow. [1M] (d) State the colour change of copper(ll) nitrate solution . Give a reason for your answer. [2M] (c) Write the half equation for the reaction at the negative terminal. [2M] (0) If copper electrode and copper(tl) nitrate solution are replaced with zinc electrode and zine nitrate solution, (i) what happened to the voltmeter reading? [1M] (ii) give a reason for your answer. [1M] Page | 8 atp:/ /cikguadura. | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 "% acid and Bases [Perfect Score 2014] 1.{a) Diagram 1.1 shows the observations in test tube I and test tube II when hydrogen chloride in tetrachloromethane and hydrogen chloride in solvent X are reacted with zinc. Test tube 1 fi Zine Apparatus set Zink up J Hydrogen chloride in Hydrogen chloride in tetrachloromethane solvent X ae —— Bubbles of gas are Observation No chang See Diagram 1.1 (i) State the name of solvent X. [1M] (ii) Write the formula of ion that causes an acid shows its acidic properties. [1M] (iii) Explain the differences in observation in test tube I and II. [2M] (b) Vinegar consists of an ethanoic acid. Describe briefly a chemical test to verify the acid without using an indicator. [2M] (c) Diagram 1.2 shows standard solution of sodium hydroxide in two volumetric flasks. Volumetric flask A contain 500 cméof 1.0 mol dm sodium hydroxide solution and volumetric flask B contain 750 cm* sodium hydroxide solution, Page | 9 atp:/ /cikguadura. | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 Volumetric flask B 500 em‘of 1.0 mol dm’ sodium hydroxide solution 750 em® sodium hydroxide solution Diagram 1.2 Calculate the mass of sodium hydroxide needed to prepare 500 cm® of 1.0 mol dm (i) sodium hydroxide solution in volumetric flask A. H= 1; 0 = 16; Na= 23] [Relative atomic mass: [2 marks} (ii) Sodium hydroxide solution in volumetric flask B is prepared using dilution method. Calculate the concentration of sodium hydroxide solution in volumetric flask B in mol dm°®, [2mark] ‘Table 1 shows the concentrations and pH values of three solutions. Solution | Concentration/mol dm= pH value OL 14.0 P. Q 0.1 7.0 R 0.1 3.0 s 0.1 1.0 Table 1 State the meaning of acid. [1M] (@ (i) Name one example of solution P. [1M] ti) Page | 10 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 (ii) Which solution possibly can be pota ssium nitrate? [1M] (iv) Explain why the pH value of solution S lower than solution R. [2M] (¥) State one observation when calcium carbonate powder is added until excess into solution S. [1 mark] (b) Diagram 1.3 shows the apparatus set-upfor the neutralisation reaction between sulphuric acid and solution P to prepare salt X. 20.0 cm’ of 0, 1mol dm” sulphuric acid Solution P + phenolphthalein indicator Diagram 1.3 (i) State the colour change of the solution in the conical flask at the end point. [1M] (ii) Write a balanced chemical equation for the above reaction. [1M] (iii) Calculate the volume of solution P used [3M] (iv) The experiment is repeated with 0.1 mol dm-* hydrochloric acid to replace sulphuric acid. Predict the volume of hydrochlor [1M] : acid needed to neutralize solution P. Page | 11 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 “4 wore :: savt Diagram 2 shows a flow chart for the qualitative analysis of salt W. The green colour of carbonate salt W is heated strongly to produce black colour of solid X and colourless gas zs saitw [| Heat _,/ Solid x + Colourless gas Z Process! | +Hydrochloric acid Process Ill Process Il Blue solution Y + Sodium hydroxide + silver nitrate solution solution Blue precipitate White precipitate (a) Based on Diagram 5, (i) State the name of salt W and solid X. [2M] Salt W: Solid X: (ii) Describe a chemical test to identify gas Z. [2M] (iii) What is the name of reaction in Process I? [1M] (iv) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction in Process I. [2M] (b) Based on the observation in Process II and Process III, state the cation and anion present in solution Y. [2M] Cation Anion : (c) (i) Write the ionic equation for the reaction occur in Process IL [1 mark] (ii) What is the name of reaction occur in Process III? [1M] Page | 12 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 4 yore A. Contact Process B, Haber Process Contact Process Haber Process Catalyst ‘Temperature Pressure [SPM08-01] Diagram 1 shows the manufacture of sulphuric acid. Concentrated sulphuric acid 4 Sobpur = ool +o Catalyst X Substance Y —— acid, HSO, (a) What is the name of this process? [1 M] (b) State the name of catalyst X. [1 M] (c) (i) State the name of substance Y. [1 M] Page | 13 fap://ckguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 (ii) Substance Y is formed when sulphur trioxide reacts with cont Write the chemical equation for this reaction. [2 M] (a) A waste gas is produced during the manufacture of sulphuric acid. Explain briefly how this gas can cause environmental pollution. [2 M] (e) The sulphuric acid produced can be used to manufacture fertilizers. (i) Name one fertilizer manufacture from sulphuric acid. [1 M] (ii) State another use of sulphuric acid. [1 M] [MRSM10-01a] (a) Diagram 1.1 shows the step involved in an industrial process to produce ammonia. Hydrogen gas form _——__, Berpadu Gas T ‘membentuk GasT (i) Name the process in the production of ammonia. (ii) Name gas T. (iii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between hydrogen and gas T to produce ammonia. [1 mark] Page | 14 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 | wore :: autoy Pure metal I Alloy Size ‘Arrangement Force applied | [SPM09-01] Diagram 1 shows the arrangement of atoms in two types of copper alloy. “oy Brome (a) State the meaning of alloy. [1M] (b) State the name of alloy X. [1M] (c) State the name of atom M. [1M] (a)(i) What is the different in terms of hardness between bronze and pure copper? (ii) Complete table 1 to show the difference in terms of size and arrangement of atoms in bronze and pure copper. [2M] Difference | Bronze | Pure copper | Size of atoms Arrangement of atoms (iii) Describe what happens to the atoms when a force is applied to a bronze and pure copper. [2M] (e) Pewter is also an example of an alloy. State one use of pewter. [1M] Page | 15 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 '2 note Explanation how the collision theory affected the factor affecting rate of reaction i. State the factor . Explain how the factor that affect the rate of reaction affected. iii, The frequency of collisions between particles increase. iv. The frequency of affective collisions between particles increase. v. The conclusion. Rate of reaction increase a, Effect of the size of reactants 1. The size of ..... (exp: Calcium carbonate] is smaller. 2. The smaller the size of solid reactant, the larger total surface area exposed to collision. More particles collide with each other. 3. The frequency of collisions between particles increase. [must give what particles react with what particles. Example H+ ion react with COs? ions] 4. The frequency of affective collisions between particles also increases. 5. Rate of reaction increase / higher. b. Effect of concentration 1. The concentration of...... [exp: sodium thiosulphate] is higher 2. The higher the concentration of solution reactant, the greater number of particles per unit volume. More particles collide with each other. 3. The frequency of collisions between particles increase. [must give what particles react with what particles. Example H+ ion react with S203? ions] 4. The frequency of affective collisions between particles also increases. 5. Rate of reaction increase / higher. c. Effect of temperature 1. The temperature of ..... [exp: sodium thiosulphate] is higher 2. The higher the temperature of solution reaction, the kinetic energy of particles inereases. The particles move faster. More particles collide with each other. 3. The frequency of collisions between particles increase. [must give what particles react with what particles. Example H+ ion react with S203? ions] 4. The frequency of affective collisions between particles also increases. 5. Rate of reaction increase / higher. d. Effect of catalyst 1. The ..... [exp: Copper(tl) sulphate] present 2. The presence of catalyst, alternate the rate of reaction by providing an alternative pathway of reaction which has lower activation energy. More particles collide with each other. 3. The frequency of collisions between particles increase. 4. The frequency of affective collisions between particles also increases. 5. Rate of reaction increase / higher. Page | 16 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [SPM09-05] Diagram 5 shows two sets of experiment to study the factor affecting the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid, HCl and calcium carbonate, CaCOs =i! “60 em? of gas = eS 60 em gas 0-25 mol dm HCI After 3 minutes Selepas 3 minit Excess CaCO, cl me Ketulan CaCO, berlebihan e__ 120 cm’ of gas 120 em’ gas 100 cm 0:50 mol dm HCI After 3 minutes Selepas 3 minit Excess CaCO, chips Ketulan CaCO, berlebihan (a) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction in these experiments.[2M] (b) What is the reading needed to be recorded in both experiments to determine the rate of reaction in 3 minute? [1M] (c) Calculate the average rate of reaction in set I. [1M] (a){i) Compare the rate of reaction in set I and set I. Explain your answer based on the factor affecting the rate of reaction. [2M] (Explain the answer in 5(d)(i) with reference to the collision theory. [3M] Page | 17 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 (c) Sketch the graph of the volume of carbon dioxide gas produced against time for both sets of experiment in the first 3 minute. [2M] Volume of carbon dioxide (em?) Isi padu karbon dioksida (cm?) ‘Time (min) ‘Masa (min) Page | 18 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 1 _ Diagram 1 shows a series of chemical reactions starting from propan-1-ol. Propan-I-ol Process I Compound P (CHsCH:CH:0H a +——>| Process IV Compound S Process II i Sacamaal Process III Compound R ‘Compound Q CHsCH:COOH CsHs Diagram 1 (a) State the functional group of propan-1-ol. [1M] (b) (i) State the conditions used in Process I. [2M] (ii) Describe briefly a chemical test to differentiate between compound P and compound Q. [3M] (6) Draw the structural formula of compound R. [1M] (4) _ In Process IV, propan-1-ol reacts with compound R to produce compound S. (i) State the name of the process that occured. [1M] (ii) Write a chemical equation for the reaction. [2M] (iii) State the one special characteris ¢ of the compound S. [1M] Page | 19 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 2 Diagram 2 shows a series of conversions that involves an alcohol, J. Process II Process I Hydrocarbon, L Alcohol, J Compound K }—_ ———“« C:H:COOH ALOs, Heat + Reagent P Diagram 2 (a) The molecular formula of alcohol J is CsHsOH. (i) What is the meaning of molecular formula? [1M] (ii) Write the general formula for the homologous series of the compound. [1M] (b) Alcohol J has four isomers. Draw the structural formulae of two isomers of alcohol J. [2M] () (i) _ State the name of Process I. [1M] . (ii) Suggest one reagent P that can be used in Process I. [1M] (iii) State the name of compound K. [1M] (@)_ Hydrocarbon L can be produced through dehydration by heating alcohol J with aluminium oxide. (i) Draw a set-up of apparatus for the dehydration reaction. [2M] (ii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction. [1M] Page | 20 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 "4 note - REDOX HALF EQUATION FOR: (i) ACIDIFIED POTASSIUM MANGANATE (VII) solution Colour : (i) ACIDIFIED POTASSIUM DICHROMATE (VI) solution Colour : [SPM11-06] Diagram 6 shows the apparatus set-up for an experiment to investigate electron transfer at a distance in redox reactions. G Acidified potassium dichromate(VD) solution Larutan kalium dikromat(V) berasid Iron({1) sulphate solution Larutan ferum(Il) sulfat Dilute sulphuric acid Asid sulfurik cair (a). State the colour of iron(II) sulphate solution. [1M] (b) When the circuit is completed, the galvanometer shows a deflection. (i). Write the half-equation for the reaction at X. [1M] (ii). State the type of reaction in 6(b)(1). [1M] Page | 21 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 (a) Table 6 shows a list of apparatus and materials. Apparatus and Materials + Porous pot + Carbon electrodes + Beaker + Bromine water + Connecting wires * Potassium iodide solution * Galvanometer Table 6 Draw one labelled diagram to show the apparatus set-up to investigate electron transfer at a distance. The diagram must include the apparatus and materials given in Table 6. Mark in the diagram the positive and negative terminals of the cell. [3M] Page | 22 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 2 note Process Colour change Half equation Substance adding Iron(II) to Iron(Ill) Tron(IIl) to Iron(II) [SPM03-05] Diagram 5 shows the setup of apparatus to investigate the reactions that take place in test tubes P and Q. Bromine water Copper 11) sulphate solution Ferum(I Magnesium robbie ribbon eg solution ‘Test tube P— Teat tube Q Diagram 5 (a) State the observation for the reaction (i) is test tube P. [1M] (ii) is test tube Q. [1M] (b) Write the ionic equation for the reaction in (a)(i). [1M] (c) State what is meant by oxidizing agent in terms of electron transfer. [1M] (d) Referring to the reaction that takes place in test tube p. (i) What is the change in the oxidation number of magnesium? [1M] (ii) State the oxidation number of bromine in bromine water. [1M] (iii) What is the function of bromine water? [1M] (iv) Name another reagent that can replace bromine water. [1M] Page | 23 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 "4 nore! calculation involved Thermochemistry 1. Heat released or absorb by experiment or heat change can be calculate by using the formula, Q= med Q = heat released or absorbed by experiment m = mass of solution © = specific heat capacity of water 6 = change of temperature 2. The mole of the substance, n Mole, n = MV @ = Mole,n= mass 1000 molar mass M = molarity V = volume of solution in cm® Heat of Heat of COMBUSTION a. PRECIPITATION b. DISPLACEMENT c. NEUTRALISATION 3. Heat of reaction, AH can be calculated by using the formula, AH = Q/n. Q = heat released or absorb by experiment n = number of mole 4. “Heat of ...” heat for 1 mole of reactants used or product produce. [SPM09-06] Diagram 6 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the heat of neutralisation between nitric acid and sodium hydroxide solution. Polystyrene cup Cawan polistirena A vivant ‘Bercampur dan bertindak balas | i 25 em? of 1-0 mol dm? 25 em? of 1-0 mol dm? Mixture of nitric acid nitric acid of sodium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide 25 em! 1-0 mol dm? 25cm? 1-0 mol dm-> Campuran asid nitrik sid irik ‘natrium hidroksida ddan natrium hidroksida Table 6 shows the result of this experiment. Description ‘Temperature (°C) Initial temperature of nitric acid 30.0 Initial temperature of sodium hydroxide 30.0 Highest temperature of the mixture 36.8 Page | 24 Itp://eikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 (a) What is the meaning of heat of neutralisation? [1M] culate (b) (i) The heat released during the reaction. [1M] [Specific heat capacity of solution, ¢ = 4.2 J g °C, Density of solution=1 gem] (ii) The number of moles of nitric acid reacting. [1M] (iii) The heat of neutralisation. [1M] (c) Draw an energy level diagram for this reaction.[3M] (d) The experiment is repeated using 25 cm: of 1.0 moldm- ethanoic acid to replace the nitric acid. The heat of neutralisation using ethanoic acid is 55.0 kJ mol. Explain the difference of the heat of neutralisation. [3M] (c) Give one reason why a copper container cannot replace the polystyrene cup in this experiment. Page | 25 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 — Paper 2 [SPM07-01] The following equation shows how soap can be prepared. Palm oil + sodium hydroxide --> substance X + Soap (a)(i) What is the name of this process? [1M] (ii) Stated the name of substance X. [1M] (iii) Sodium chloride solid added to the soap mixture to complete this process. Explain why. [1M] (b) Two cleaning agents, J and K are used to wash clothes in sea water and river water. Table 1 show the result obtained. Cleaning agent | ‘Sea water River water J Forms scum Does not form scum K Does not form scum | Does not form scum, Table 1 (i) State the type of cleaning agents J and K. [2M] J K: (ii) What is the meaning of scum? [1M] (iii) What are the two ions in sea water that causes the formation of scum? [2M] (iv) State one advantage of cleaning agent J compared to K? [1M] Page | 26 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [SPMO06-01] (a) Diagram 1.1 shows a ginger plant. Ginger can be used as a traditional medicine. P El (i) Which of the parts P, Q, R or S is used as the main source of medicine? Mark () for your answer in the box provided in Diagram 1.1. [1M] (ii) What iliness can be cured by using ginger? [1M] (iii) How is ginger used to treat the illness in 1(a)(ii? [1M] (b) Table 1.1 shows the functions of three types of medicine. Function ‘Type of medicine Prevents pain X Kills or prevents the reproduction of bacteria Changes the emotions and behaviour of the patient {i) Complete Table 1.1 to show which medicines have the functions given in the table. i3Mq used by a child of less than 2 years (ii) What is the side effect of medicine of type X if itis old? [1M] (iii) A patient treated by medicine of type Y must complete all the supply given by the doctor in order to make sure all the bacteria are killed. What will happen if NOT all the bacteria are killed? [1M] (iv) Tranquilizer is an example of medicine of type Z, Give ONE change that might happen to a patient’s emotion when treated using this medicine. [1M] Page | 27 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 foreeene Bukan ECS [SPM09-03] Diagram 3 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the empirical formula of copper oxide. Burning of excess hydrogen gas Pembakaran lebihan gas hidrogen Hydrogen gas Gas hidrogen —. Copper oxide ‘Kuprum oksida I ‘Anhydrous calcium chloride Porvelain dish Kalsium klorida Heat Piring porselin x terhidrat Panas KY Diagram 3 ‘Table 3 shows the result of this experiment. Description Mass (g) | Combustion tube + porcelain dish 32.25 Combustion tube + porcelain dish + copper oxide 42.25 Combustion tube + porcelain dish + copper 40.25 Table 3 (a)(i) What is the meaning of empirical formul The chemical formula that show compound (ii) State the function of the anhydrous calcium chloride. [1M] To dry the hydrogen gas // to absorb water vapor (b)(i) Based on Table 3, CAlGWIAtE ERE MASS of: 32.25 40.25 Copper Oxygen (ii) Calculate the ratio of moles of copper to oxygen atoms. [Relative atomic mass: Cu=64, O=16] Element Cu oO Mol= mass 8.0 2.0 molar mass. 64 16 = 0.125 |= 0.125 Simplest ratio 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 EH EH (iii) Determine the empirical formula copper oxide. [1M] cuo Page | 28 hitp:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 (c)(i) Why is hydrogen gas passed through the combustion tube Aft@PHEAGiRg has stopped? [1M] To avoid air/oxygen gas enter the combustion tube and oxidised the product (ii) State how to determine that the reaction between copper oxide with hydrogen has completed. [1M] Continue heating, cooling and weighing process until achieved constant reading (a){i) State why the empirical formula of mlagnesitim|oxide’cannot beldetermined by using the same technique. [1M] Magnesium more reactive than hydrogen (ii) SEA#EEHEAME of another metal whose empirical formula can be determined using the same technique. [1M] Iron // Tin // Lead // Silver// Gold Reactivity Series K Na Ca |_ Mg | AL i Zn | a Fe Sn Pb | Ag | Au Page | 29 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 Extra: Draw the diagram for experiment Magnesium Oxide Magnesium Crucible Heat 2 Precaution step: 1. Clean/Rub the magnesium strips with sand paper to remove oxide layer 2. Open and close the lid of crucible Open - let oxygen enter to continue combustion Close - to avoid the product/ white fume from released Page | 30 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 '4 nore - Periodic Table THE PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS Group 1 Period Group 17 Page | 31 ‘http://cikguaddura. | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [SPM11-03] Diagram 3 shows the symbols of the atoms of elements U, V and W. The letters used are not the actual symbols of the elements. "U “Vv "WwW ii 16 (a). U and V are Group 1 elements in the Periodic Table. (i, State the Hliber ObWalenice electors in the atoms of element WS. [1M] 1 (i) What is the SYSiGRI SLATSTON UE RSSRTCORAILORS? (111) Solid (b) Going down Group 1, the FeACHti_il6M THElIemEnISINGRASES. U and V react with water to produce metal hydroxide solution and hydrogen gas. (i). Which element, U or V, reacts more vigorously with water? [1M] v (ii) Based on the answer in 3(b)(i), write the chemical equation for the reaction. [2M] 2V + 2H20 > 2VOH + Hz (c) (i) Write the electron arrangement for the atoms of element W. [1M] 2.8.6 (ii) Identify the p@#idd for the atoms of element W. [1M] Period 3 (iii) Give one reason for the answer in 3(c)(ii). [1M] has 3 shells occupied with electrons (d). V and W are placed in the same period in the Periodic Table. (i). Which element, V or W, has the smaller atomic size? [1M] w (ii). State one reason for the answer in 3(d)(i). [1M] W has more proton number/ number of proton, in the nucleus of atom W. then the strong force between nucleus to attract valance electron, make it shriks or pull inside Page | 32 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 4 nore Molten (solute only) ‘Aqueous Solute | 1 +ve ion | 1 -ve ion polis Ce waceien Solvent (Water) | 1 +ve ion, H* | 1 -ve ion, OH Factor: 1. The position of ions | 2. The 3. The Type of electrode in Electrochemical concentration Series. CHOOSE THE _| of Solution Anode LOWER The electrode will dissolve into the solution Cation | Anion + The electrode produce ions K Fr «The electrode become thinner Nat | SO.> Cathode NOs- * The electrode act as “middle cr person” Br * Choose the c trated ions or I the lower position of ions in the OF solution + The electrode will be coated or thicker Voltaic Cell Negative Terminal/Anode Positive Terminal/Cathode * The metal which top in BCS|e The metal which lower in ECS (more electropositive] (less electropositive) * The metal will dissolve into the| The metal receive electron solution * Choose the lower position of positive ‘The metal produce ions ion in the solution ‘The metal become thinner * The electrode will be coated or thicker Function of Salt Bridge// Porous Pot Allow ions through it to complete the circuit Page | 33 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [MRSM11-03] Table 3 shows the apparatus set-up, description and observation for experiment I and II. Experiment T 1 eae Carbon Carbon (7 Karbon Karbon Molten lead(II) Sodium sulphate bromide peel solution -—@) Larutan natrium Leburan Pane e nN sulfat Hee plumbum(I) : Panaskan_bromida Description Electrolysis of molten lead{il) Electrolysis of 1 mol dm® sodium bromide using carbon electrodes sulphate solution using carbon electrodes Observation Grey solid is formed at the cathode Gas bubbles are released at the anode and cathode (a) State BINREWSHS present in [2M] (i) molten lead(II) bromide : lead(II) ions and bromide ion (ii) sodium sulphate solution _: sodium, sulphate, hydrogen and hydroxide (b) Based on experiment I: (i) NAMIE the grey solid produced. [1M] lead (ii) Write the half equation for the formation of grey solid. [1M] Pb2+ +2e > Pb (iii) State the observation at anode. [1M] Brown gas released (q Based on experiment II: ( ee is discharged at anode. [1M] hydroxide (ii) State the product of electrolysis at [2M] Cathode hydrogen g: Anode : oxygen gas (iii) NAHE another solution that will give the same products of electrolysis as in experiment II. [1M] Sodium nitrate Page | 34 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [SPM11-05] Diagram 5 shows the apparatus set-up to study the electrolysis of 1.0 moldm®* copper(li) sulphate solution. In Set I, carbon electrodes are used. In Set II, copper electrodes are used. 1-0 mol dm copper(Il) sulphate solution /- Larutan kuprum(l) J, sulfat 10 m0 di Carbon Copper electrodes electrodes, Elektrod ~ Elektrod ~ Karbon kuprum 0 T Set II Set I (a) What is the meaning of an anion? [IM] _ negatively charged ion (b) State all the anions and cations in copper{tI) sulphate solution. [2M] Anions : Sulphate and hydroxide Cations : copper(II) and hydrogen (c) Based on Set | in Diagram 5: (i). Write the [6FHULA OF tHE TSH that is selectively discharged at the anode. [1M] OH- (ii). Write the half-equation for the reaction that takes place at the anode. [2M] 40H- > 2H20 + O2 + de (iii). Describe briefly the chemical test to confirm the product at the anode. [2M] Procedure 1. Put the glowing splinter into the test tube contains the gas Result : 2. Glowing splinter will ignite/ burn (a). Compare the colour of the copper(ll) sulphate solutions in Set I and Set II after one hour of electrolysis. Give one reason for the answer. [2M] Exp! Exp I Comparison | blue copperill) sulphate in exp T blue remain unchanged in exp II change to colourless Reason Copper (il) in solution was selected | The rate of produce Cu ions at anode equal to rate of dis Cu ions at cathode and discharge to formed Copper harge metal The number of Copper ions in solution decreases The number of Copper ions in solution remain same Page | 35 http; /cikguadura. | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [SBPtrial11-03] Diagram 3 shows the apparatus set-up of a chemical cell Silver electrode Elektrod argentum Copper electrode Elektrod kuprum Copper({) nitrate solution Larutan kuprum nitrat Silver nitrate solution Larutan argentum nitrat (a) What is the process that takes place at copper electrode? [1M] Oxidation [sebab Copper more electropositive than Silver] (b) (i) State the function of Q. [1M] Allow ion through it to complete the circuit (ii) Name a chemical substance that can be used as Q. [1M] Sulphuric acid // [name - any soluble salt] (c) In Diagram 3, mark the direction of the electron flow. [1M] [Dari Copper ke Silver] (d) State the colour change of copper(II) nitrate solution . Give a reason for your answer. [2M] Blue intensity increases Copper electrode dissolve and ionise to copper(I!) ion, The number of copper(II) ion increases (e) Write the half equation for the reaction at the negative terminal. [2M] Cu > Cut + 2e (f) If copper electrode and copper(II) nitrate solution are replaced with zinc electrode and zine nitrate solution, (i) what happened to the voltmeter reading? [1M] Reading of voltmeter increases (ii) give a reason for your answer. [1M] The distance between Zinc and Silver is bigger than the distance between Copper and silver Page | 36 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 " acid and Bases [Perfect Score 2014] L.(a) Diag 1.1 shows the observations in test tube I and test tube II when hydrogen chloride in tettaéBlovomethadié and hydrogen chloride iSOW@neX are reacted with zinc Test tube 1 I Zine Apparatus set- Zink up a Hydrogen chloride in Hydrogen chloride in tetrachloromethane solvent X Bubbles of gas are Observation _| No change eerie Diagram 1.1 () State the BATESON. (1) Water (i) Write the {SfmI@lGPHOR that causes an acid shows its He (iii) Explain the differences in observation in test tube I and II. [2M] ‘Test tube I : Hydrochloric, HCl exist as molecule / No present of hydrogen,H’ ion ‘Test tube II : hydrochloric, HCl ionise in water to produces hydrogen, H* ion (b) Vinegar consists of an ethanoic acid. D@SHbe briefly a GHEMICAINESt to Verne acid without using an indicator. [2M] 1, [Method] Add one spatula of magnesium// calcium carbonate //[suitable metal//metal carbonate] into test tube that contains 2 cm3 of ethanoic aid 2. [observation] Bubble gas release (c) Diagram 1.2 shows standard solution of sodium hydroxide in two volumetric flasks. Volumetric flask A contain 500 cm*of mol dm sodium hydroxide solution and volumetric flask B contain 750 cm® sodium hydroxide solution. Page | 37 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 Volumetric flask A Volumetric flask B * distilled water 500 em’of 1.0 mol dm” sodium 5 hydroxide solution 750 cm* sodium hydroxide solution Diagram 1.2 (i) Caleétilatelthe!mass of sodium hydroxide needed to prepare S00/em®of L0mol/dims sodium hydroxide solution in volumetric flask A. [Relative atomic mass: O = 16; Na = 23] 1. Mole of NaOH 2. Mass of NaOH with correct unit 10x 500 Mole NaOH = *°*5° // 0.5 mol Mass NaOH = 0.5x40g // 20.0g [2 marks] (ii) Sodium hydroxide solution in volumetric flask B is prepared usin; Grea he concentration of sodium hydroxide solution in MV; = MV2 1.0x500 =M x 750 = 0.67mol dm [2mark] 2. Table 1 shows the concentrations and pH values of three solutions. Solution | Concentration /mol dm= pH value P. 0.1 14.0 Q 0.1 7.0 R 0.1 3.0 s a Taber (q) (i) Staitetthetmeaining of acid. {1M Substance that ionize/ dissociate fMRWALEE to produce H* ion (ii) NAHB one example of solution P. [1M] Sodium hydroxide//potassium hydroxide [reject weak alkali — ammonia} Page | 38 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 Which solution possibly can be potassium nitrate. [1M] Q (iv) SIRI che BEING of solution SUTIRWERRHA solution B. [2M] 1. Concentration of H* ion in solution S is higher than solution R 2. The higher the concentration of H* ion the lower the pH value 3. SHAte/SHeIObSeRVALION when calcium carbonate powder is added until excess into solution S. Effervescence // colourless bubble gas released and limewater turn chalky when gas released [1 mark] (b) Diagram 1.3 shows the apparatus set-upfor the neutralisation reaction between to prepare salt X. 20.0.emn* oF ONIMOL di? sulphuric acid Solution P + phenolphthalein indicator Ey Diagram 1.3 (i) SEA8E/ERE|CSIOUFEHANEE of the solution in the conical flask at the end point. [1M] Pink to colourless (ii) — WHIS|AYDAIARSEALEHEMIAl equation for the above reaction. [1M] H2SO, + 2 — K.S0, + 2120 (iii) Calculate he volume of solution P used [3M] 1. Mole of H2SO4 2. Mole ratio 3. Volume of solution P Mole H280, = ““X° // 0.002 1 mole H,SO; reacts with 2 mole P 0.002 mole H,SO; reacts with 0.004 mole P sre 1] 40 cm [molarity P in the table above] iv) |The ae is repeated with 0.1 mol dm hydrochloric acid to replace Predict the volume of hydrochloric acid needed to neutralize solution P. Volume P 40 cms Page | 39 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 “nore: sat Diagram 2 shows a flow chart for the qualitative analysis of salt W. The green colour of carbonate salt W is heated strongly to produce black colour of solid X and colourless gas Zz. salt W Heat Solid X e Colourless gas Z Process! | +Hydrochloric acid Process Ill Process It Blue solution Y + Sodium hydroxide + silver nitrate solution solution Blue precipitate White precipitate (a) Based on Diagram 5, (i) State the HAMS of salt W and solid X. [2M] Salt W : Copper(Il) Carbonate Solid X : copper(II) oxide (ii) DeSeHibelaleheMmical est to identify gas Z. [2M] 1. Channel the gas into the test tube contai 2. Lime water turn chalky lime water (iii) What is the HAMe/6PFEACHOA in Process I? [1M] Acid with metal oxide // neutralisation (iv) WiitelAlbalaneealehemical equation for the reaction in Process I. [2M] CuO + 2 HCl > CuCl, + H20 (b) Based on the , state the cation and anion present in 2M] Cation : Copper(II) ion// Cu Anion : Chloride// Cl- (©) (i) Write the ionic equation for the reaction occur in Process IIL Agt + Cl-> Agcl (ii) What is the name of reaction occur in Process II? [1M] Double Decomposition// precipitation reaction Page | 40 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 4 nore A. Contact Process B, Haber Process Contact Process Haber Process Catalyst Vanadium(V) oxide aren! ‘Temperature 450°C 450 Pressure 200 atm Latm [SPM08-01] Diagram 1 shows the manufacture of sulphuric acid, — Concentrated sulphuric acid st + Waste gas Substance Y Water, Catalyst X + Sulphuric acid, HSO, (a) What is the HAMG/OPERIS|PTOCeSs? [1 M] Contact Proses (b) State the HAMEIONEATAIVSER. [1 M] (c) @) State the namelofstbstancey. [1M] — Oleum (i) Substance Y is formed when sulphur trioxide reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid. for this reaction. [2 M] SOs + H2S0, > H28207 Page | 41 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 (a) Awaste ga: is produced during the manufacture of sulphuric acid. Explain briefly how this gos can Gaiis@ SHvRGHieGtaI BOUGRGH. [211 1. Dissolve /react/ combine with rain water/ water vapour 2. produce acid rain / acidic vapour (c) The sulphuric acid produced can be used to manufacture fertiliz (i) Name one fertilizer manufacture from sulphuric acid. [1 M] Ammonium sulphate // sodium sulphate // potassium sulphate (ii) State another use of sulphuric acid. [1 M] electrolyte in car battery / lead-acid accumulator manufacturing of detergent manufacturing of artificial fibres manufacturing of paint Leather tanning manufacturing of dye as catalyst as dehydrating agent remove oxide layer [MRSM10-01a] (a) Diagram 1.1 shows the step involved in an industrial process to produce ammonia. Hydrogen gas Gas Hidrogen PS to form : Ammonia 5 Berpala | Ammonia GasT ‘membentuk GasT (i) N&RHEIEREIPPOSESS in the production of ammonia. Haber Process (ii) Nameless T. Nitrogen gas (iii) Write the GHEMICAIEqUATION for the reaction between hydrogen and gas T to produce ammonia. [1 mark] Ha +N2> 2NHs Page | 42 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 ‘2 nore :: autoy Pure metal Alloy Size Same size | Different size Arrangement | Close and orderly manner Closed but not orderly manner because of present foreigner atom Force applied _| Layer of atom easily to slide | Layer of atom hard to slide [SPMO9-01] Diagram 1 shows the arrangement of atoms in two types of copper alloy. ‘tx Goee (a) State the meaning of alloy. [1M] ‘An mixture of two or more elements with a certain fixed position in which the major component is a metal (b) State the name of alloy X. [IM] Brass (c) State the name of atom M. [IM] ‘Tin (d)(i) What is the different in terms of hardness between bronze and pure copper? Bronze is harder than pure copper (ii) Complete table 1 to show the difference in terms of size and arrangement of atoms in bronze and pure copper. [2M] Difference Bronze Pure copper Size of atoms Some are bigger All of the same size Not arranged in an orderly | Arranged in an orderly arrangement of atom of two | arrangement of atom of one Arrangement of atoms types type (iii) Describe what happens to the atoms when a force is applied to a bronze and pure copper. [2M] Bronze _: the layers of atom cannot slide on one another easily. The presence of atom of the other elements disturb Pure copper: the layers of atom can slide on one another easily (e) Pewter is also an example of an alloy. State one use of pewter. [1M] Pewter is used to make decorative items and gifts which are beautiful to look at Page | 43 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 '2 note Explanation how the collision theory affected the factor affecting rate of reaction i, State the factor ii, Explain how the factor that affect the rate of reaction affected. iii, The frequency of collisions between particles increase. iv. The frequency of affective collisions between particles increase. v. The conclusion. Rate of reaction increase a. Effect of the size of reactants 1. The size of ..... exp: Calcium carbonate] is smaller. 2. The smaller the size of solid reactant, the larger total surface area exposed to collision. More particles collide with each other. 3. The frequency of collisions between particles increase. [must give what particles react with what particles. Example H+ ion react with COs? ions] 4. The frequency of affective collisions between particles also increases. 5. Rate of reaction increase / higher. b, Effect of concentration 1. The concentration of...... [exp: sodium thiosulphate] is higher 2. The higher the concentration of solution reactant, the greater number of particles per unit volume. More particles collide with each other. 3. The frequency of collisions between particles increase. [must give what particles react with what particles. Example H+ ion react with S205? ions] 4. The frequency of affective collisions between particles also increases. 5. Rate of reaction increase / higher. c. Effect of temperature 1, The temperature of ..... exp: sodium thiosulphate] is higher ‘The higher the temperature of solution reaction, the kinetic energy of particles inereases. The particles move faster. More particles collide with each other. 3. The frequency of collisions between particles increase. [must give what particles react with what particles. Example H+ ion react with S20; ions] 4. The frequency of affective collisions between particles also increases. 5. Rate of reaction increase / higher. d. Effect of catalyst 1. The ..... [exp: Copper(Il) sulphate] present 2. The presence of catalyst, alternate the rate of reaction by providing an alternative pathway of reaction which has lower activation energy. More particles collide with each other. 3. The frequency of collisions between particles increase. 4. The frequency of affective collisions between particles also incre 5. Rate of reaction increase / higher. Page | 44 hatp:/ / | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [SPM09-05] Diagram 5 shows two sets of experiment to study the factor affecting the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid, HCl and calcium carbonate, CaCOs. WE 60 cm? of gas (00 em? 1 60 cm? gas 0:25 mol dm HCI After 3 minutes Selepas 3 minit Excess CaCO, chips Ketulan CaCO, berlebihan 120 cm? of gas 100 em? 120 cm? gas 0-50 mol dm} HCL After 3 minutes Selepas 3 minit Excess CaCO, chips Ketulan CaCO, berlebihan (a) Writelal Balanced ehiemiical EquatiOH for the reaction in these experiments. [2M] CaCO; + 2 HCl > CaCh + CO. + H. (b) What is the Reading needed to |belrecorded in both experiments to determine the rate of reaction in 3 minute? [1M] Volume of CO» released (c) Caleulate'the average'rate of reaction in S81 [1M] = volume / time taken = 60/ 3 = 20 cms min: (d)(i) CBRIPARE the rate of reaction in set I and set Il. ERPlAHH your answer based on the factor affecting the rate of reaction. [2M] Set II has higher Rate of reaction than set I Because set II has/used higher the concentration of HCl acid (ii)Explain the answer in 5(d)(i) with reference to the BOlasion/EheSry [SM] Set II has higher the concentration of HCI, Set II has higher number of particles, ‘The frequency of collision is increases between H* ion and carbonate, CO;* ion increases ‘The frequency of affective collision also increases Page | 45 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 (e) Sketch the graph of the volume of carbon dioxide gas produced against time for both sets of experiment in the first 3 minute. [2M] (e) Volume of carbon dioxide (em?) Isi padu karbon dioksida (cm) set ll set | Time (min) ‘Masa (min) Page | 46 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 Diagram 1 shows a series of chemical reactions starting from propan-1-ol. 1 Propan-I-ol Process | Compound P CHsCH:CH.OH CsHts >| Process IV Compound S. Process Il }+——_ Process IIT Compound R Compound Q CHSCH.COOH CsHs Diagram 1 (a) State the fM€HOHAL|BPOUP of propan-1-ol. [1M] hydroxyl /-OH (>) (i) StatElEKElonitiOHS used in Process II. [2M] Catalyst: Nickel ‘Temperature : 180°C (ii) Describe briefly a chemical test to differentiate between compound P and compound Q. [3M] Flow gas P and gas Q into test tube containing bromine water respectively Compound P : brown colour no change Compound Q : brown colour of bromine water turn colourless (c) Draw the structural formula of compound R. [1M] we H-C-C-C-O-H 1 ! HH In Process IV, propan-1-ol reacts with compound R to produce compound S. (i) State the HARIG\SPERE|PFOCESS that occured. [1M] esterification (ii) WHTEIAISRERIEATEGUAGON for the reaction. [2M] CsH:OH + Cs:HsCOOH-> C2HsCOOCH; +H20 (iii) State the Sie Special Characteristic of the compound S. [1M] (ay hatp:/ /eikguadura | October 2014 2 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 Process I —_+ + Reagent P ‘Compound K CsH:COOH. Diagram 2 shows a series of conversions that involves an alcohol, J. Process II Hydrocarbon, L Alcohol, J — );. Heat Diagram 2 (a) The molecular formula of alcohol J is CsHsOH. (i) What is the iigaiiing of molecwlar foriitila? [1M] Formula that show the actual number of atom of element in the compound (ii) Write the BEH@PAITOHMUIA for the homologous series of the compound. [1M] (b) Alcohol J has four isomers. DraWithe StrUstiral TormUlae of EWO'SORES of CaHon+1 OH alcohol J. [2M] HH HH 1 H-C-C-C-C-OH H HHH Butan-1-ol HH HH C-C-H H-C-C H H OHH Butan-2-0l H-C-H H H H H-C -C -C-H ean HH OH 2-methylpropan-1-ol (6) (i) State the HARCISNPROCESSTT. [1M] oxidation H H-C-H ee HC C-C-H H OWH 2-methylpropan-2-ol mana-mana dua (ii) Suggest 6H€FEAREREP that can be used in Process I. [1M] acidified potassium manganate(VIl) solution Page | 48 http; /cikguadura. | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 (iii) State the famelofcompound)K. [1M] butanoic acid {d) Hydrocarbon L can be produced through @@hydration by heating alcohol J with aluminium oxide. (i) DRAWIISEMUPIONApparAalWis for the dehydration reaction. [2M] porcelain Glass Hydrocarbon L wool soaked in alcohol J (ii) Writelthe chemicalllequation for the reaction. [1M] CiHsOH— CaHs + H20 Page | 49 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 ‘4 note - REDOX HALF EQUATION FOR: (i) ACIDIFIED POTASSIUM MANGANATE (VII) solution 8H* + MnO, + 5e > Mn?*+ 4H20 Colour: Purple to colourless (i) ACIDIFIED POTASSIUM DICHROMATE (VI) solution 14H* + Cr207* + 6e > 2Cr**+ 7H20 Colour: orange to green [SPM11-06] Diagram 6 shows the apparatus set-up for an experiment to inv electron transfer at a distance in redox reactions. [= Carbon Karbon Acidified potassium dichromate(V1) solution Larutan kalium dikromat(V) berasid Iron(I1) sulphate solution Larutan ferum(Il) sulfat Dilute sulphuric acid Asid sulfurik cair (a). State the colour of iron(II) sulphate solution. [1M] Green (b) When the circuit is completed, the galvanometer shows a deflection. (i). Write the half-equation for the reaction at X. [1M] Fe? > Fe + 3e (ii). State the type of reaction in 6(b)(1). [1M] Oxidation Page | 50 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 — Paper 2 (4) Table 6 shows a list of apparatus and materials. Apparatus and Materials + Porous pot + Carbon electrodes: + Beaker + Bromine water * Connecting wires * Potassium iodide solution * Galvanometer Table 6 Draw one labelled diagram to show the apparatus set-up to investigate electron transfer at a distance. The diagram must include the apparatus and materials given in Table 6. . [3M] sus —©> voltmeter (positive termina)carbon Carbon (negative termina) |— Porous Pot Bromine water Potassium iodide solution Page | SI http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 ‘2 note Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 Iron(II) to Iron(III) Iron(IIl) to Iron(II) Process Oxidation Reduction Colour change Green to brown [Brown to green Half equation Fe?" > Fe +e Fe +e > Fe Substance adding Oxidizing agent Bromine/clorine water KMn04 // KaCr207 Reducing agent Metal (Mg/Zn) KI [SPM03-05] Diagram 5 shows the setup of apparatus to investigate the reactions that take place in test tubes P and Q. Bromine water Coppert(Il) sulphate — solution Ferum(ID) — sulphate Magnesium Hibon solution ‘Test tube P Test. tube Q Diagram 5 (a) State the observation for the reaction (i) is test tube P. [1M] : Brown solid is formed. //Blue solution turns colourless. (ii) is test tube Q. [1M]: Green solution turns brown. / /BEOWAJCOlOUONDEOMINe (b) Write the ionic equation for the reaction in (a)(i). [1M] Mg + Cu® — Mg? + Cu (c) State what is meant by SRi@iZifiG{@BERE in terms of BISCHORIGARSE. [1M] A substance that receives electron. (d) Referring to the reaction that takes place in (S0ibelp! (i) What is the GHARgSinIRNETGRIAAtIOR HUMES MARES? (1) 0 +2 (ii) State the 6Ridation UMbEr Of bromine in bromine water. [1M] 0 (iii) What is the function of bromine water? [1M] oxidising agent (iv) Name another reagent that can replace bromine water. [1M] chlorine water Page | 52 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 "4 wore! calculation involved Thermochemistry 1. Heat released or absorb by experiment or heat change can be calculate by using the formula, Q= med Q = heat released or absorbed by experiment m = mass of solution c 6 specific heat capacity of water change of temperature 2. The mole of the substance, n Mole, n = _MV @ Mole,n= _mass 1000 molar mass M = molarity volume of solution in em? Heat of Heat of COMBUSTION a. PRECIPITATION b. DISPLACEMENT ¢. NEUTRALISATION 3. Heat of reaction, AH can be calculated by using the formula, AH =Q/n Q = heat released or absorb by experiment n = number of mole 4. “Heat of ...” heat for 1 mole of reactants used or product produce. [SPM09-06] Diagram 6 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the heat of neutralisation between nitric acid and sodium hydroxide solution. Polystyrene cup Cawan polistirena Bercampur dan bertindak balas 25 em? of 1-0 mol dm? 25 em? of 1-0 mol dm? Mixture of nitrie acid nitric acid of sodium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide 25em' 1-0 mol dm? 25 em? 1-0 mol dm? Campuran asid nitrik casid nitrik atrium hidroksida dan natrium hidroksida Diagram 6 ‘Table 6 shows the result of this experiment. Description ‘Temperature (°C) Initial temperature of nitric acid 30.0 Initial temperature of sodium hydroxide 30.0 Highest temperature of the mixture 36.8 Table 6 Page | 53 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 (a) What is the meaning of heat of neutralisation? [1M] Heat change when 1 mole of hydrogen ion react with 1 mole of hydroxide ion to formed 1 mole of water (b) calculate (i) The heat released during the reaction. [1M] [Specific heat capacity of solution, ¢ = 4.2 J g °C, Density of solutior gem] Q=mco = [25+25] x 4.2.x 6.8 1428 J = 1.428 kJ (ii) The number of moles of nitric acid reacting. [1M] mol = MV/1000 = 1.0 X 25/1000 = 0.025 mol (iii) The heat of neutralisation. [1M] AH = Q/mol = 1.428/0.025 = 57.12 kJ mol+ (c) Draw an energy level diagram for this reaction.[3M] Energy Ht + OH: // HNOs + NaOH AH = - 57.12 kJ mol HO // NaNOz + H20 (d) The experiment is repeated using 25 cm? of 1.0 mol dm- ethanoic acid to replace the nitric acid. The heat of neutralisation using ethanoic acid is 55.0 kJ mol. Explain the difference of the heat of neutralisation. [3M] 1, Nitric acid is strong acid and ethanoic acid is weak acid. 2. Ethanoic acid ionise partially in water and some is not ionise 2. Heat energy is released by ethanoic acid was absorb back to completely ionise of ethanoic acid (e) Give one reason why a copper container cannot replace the polystyrene cup in this experiment. Copper container also absorb the heat released and the reading of thermometer will be not accurate Page | 54 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 "4 note - REDOX HALF EQUATION FOR: (i) ACIDIFIED POTASSIUM MANGANATE (VII) solution 8H* + MnO. + 5e > Mn?*+ 4H20 Colour: Purple to colourless (i) ACIDIFIED POTASSIUM DICHROMATE (VI) solution 14H* + Cr207* + 6e > 2Cr**+ 7H20 Colour: orange to green [SPM11-06] Diagram 6 shows the apparatus set-up for an experiment to investigate electron transfer at a distance in redox reactions. Carbon Karbon -| Acidified potassium dichromate(V1) solution Larutan kalium dikromat(V) berasid Iron({l) sulphate solution Larutan ferum(1) sulfat Dilute sulphuric acid Asid sulfurik cair (a). State the colour of iron(II) sulphate solution. [1M] Green (b) When the circuit is completed, the galvanometer shows a deflection. (i). Write the half-equation for the reaction at X. [1M] Page | 55 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 Fe > Fest + 3e (ii). State the type of reaction in 6(b)(1). [1M] Oxidation (d) Table 6 shows a list of apparatus and materials. Apparatus and Materials + Porous pot * Carbon electrodes + Beaker + Bromine water + Connecting wires [+ Potassium iodide solution * Galvanometer Table 6 Draw one labelled diagram to show the apparatus set-up to investigate electron transfer at a distance. The diagram must include the apparatus and materials given in Table 6. Mark in the diagram the positive and negative terminals ofthe cll |3] voltmeter (positive termina}carbon [carbon (negative termina) 1 Porous Pot Bromine water Potassium iodide solution [SPM07-01] The following equation shows how soap can be prepared. Palm oil + sodium hydroxide —- substance X + Soap (a)(i) What is the name of this process? [1M] Saponification (ii) Stated the name of substance X. [1M] Glycerol (iii) Sodium chloride solid added to the soap mixture to complete this process. Explain why. [1M] To reduce the solubility of soap in water // to precipitate the soap (b) Two cleaning agents, J and K are used to wash clothes in sea water and river water. ‘Table 1 show the result obtained. Cleaning agent ‘Sea water River water J I Forms scum Does not form scum K Does not form scum | Does not form scum, Table 1 Page | 56 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 — Paper 2 {i) State the type of cleaning agents J and K. [2M] J: Soap K:, Detergent (ii) What is the meaning of scum? [1M] ‘The insoluble precipitate formed when soap react with magnesium and calcium ions (hard water) (iii) What are the two ions in sea water that causes the formation of scum? [2M] 1. Magnesium ion 2. Calcium ion (iv) State one advantage of cleaning agent J compared to K? [1M] J is biodegradable Page | 57 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014 Fokus KIMIA SPM 2014 ~ Paper 2 [sPM06-01] (a) Diagram 1.1 shows a ginger plant. Ginger can be used as a traditional medicine. (i) Which of the parts P, Q, R or S is used as the main source of medicine? Mark (vj for your answer in the box provided in Diagram 1.1. [1M] (ii) What illness can be cured by using ginger? [1M] Stomach pain due to wind in stomach (iii) How is ginger used to treat the illness in 1(a)(ii)? [1M] Extract the juice from the rhizome and drink (b) Table 1.1 shows the functions of three types of medici Function “Type of medicine Prevents pain X: Analgesic Kills or prevents the reproduction of bacteria ¥: Antibiotics .. Changes the emotions and behaviour of the patient Z: Psychotherapeutic medicine (i) Complete Table 1.1 to show which medicines have the functions given in the table. [3M] (ii) What is the side effect of medicine of type X if it is used by a child of less than 2 years old? [1M] Can cause bleeding in the stomach (iii) A patient treated by medicine of type Y must complete all the supply given by the doctor in order to make sure all the bacteria are killed. What will happen if NOT all the bacteria are killed? [1M] ‘The bacteria becomes immune to medicine (iv) Tranquilizer is an example of medicine of type Z. Give ONE change that might happen to a patient’s emotion when treated using this medicine. [1M] Page | 58 http:/ /cikguadura | October 2014

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