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Nicolette Alvandian

Megan Lackey
Philipp Verpukhovskiy
Kerr Gebreselassie

HUB Date 1555

Peace of Augsburg: Allowed rulers to pick the religion of the

region and the people in it, leading to absolute authority.
Ended the war between the Catholic Charles V (HRE)
and the protestant schmalkaldic league. Called the
schmalkaldic war
Schmalkaldic War
War between Charles V and german states
Fight for religious freedom
Ended with Peace of Augsburg
William of Orange unites the Dutch
Union of Utrecht
Creates the Dutch Republic
Use of tariffs to help your economy, government
intervention in markets, gold and silver are form of
Philip of Spains campaign on the Dutch
The assault on the Dutch caused Spain to run out of
Could not pay for his mercenaries
Joint Stock Company
Wealthy people banded together to invest in companies
for profit
Protestant Reformation
Much of Northern Europe had severed ties with the
Roman Catholic church; basically right in the middle of
the Protestant Reformation.
Peace of Augsburg (both political and religious):
allowed rulers to pick the religion of the region; catholic
church lost a lot of power
Counter Reformation:
Catholic movement to try and revive catholicism during
the reformation
Protestants were allowed to practice religion
Calvinist were not allowed to practice, they were not
given the same privileges

Anabaptists were persecuted by Lutherans and Catholics

Catholics were able to live under their own ruler

Religious philosophy
John Calvin and Calvinism
Economic philosophy
More literacy
Due to the printing press and vernacular literature

Mannerism (1520-1600)
Post renaissance
More movement and distortion of bodies
Humans are no longer painted as ideal
El Greco
Return to more religious paintings
Mannerist painter
Changed the style of art in italy from renaissance
style to post-renaissance style

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