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What has become the problem?

Philippines is one of the most blessed country in natural resources in the world. It is
recognized by different organizations but behind the beauty is a sad TRUTH it is
the most corrupt country. Lifting its people from the rocks of life has become its
battle cry for decades but despite of the effort of alleviating poverty, the country is
still under the spell of graft and corruption. What happened to the country who
ones rivaled with Singapore in the 1 st world country? Are we gonna just settle for a
third world country? What could be done? What can we do? What has become the
Ive been wondering why issues in politics keeps on popping out like mushrooms.
Theyre like demons ramping out. Showing their rage in a country whos already
suffering. I couldnt think of any valid reason of WHY DO THEY FOCUS ON POLITICS.
They were elected and appointed to serve the Filipino people. Despite of their
weaknesses, why not develop their strength in helping Filipino lives prosper.
As an example, Bureau of Customs (BOC) has a very crucial part in making the
countrys economic side boom. We know for a fact that a large percentage of the
economic growth comes from the remittances and other income sent by our
overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). In one of the articles I have read, It has been by
the declaration of our Former President Ferdinand Marcos that balikbayan boxes
shouldnt be

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