Lesson Plan Curriculum

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ED 3601


KR 2011

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject:Mathematics k-12 Unit: Curriculum Lesson Duration: 20 minutes
1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the different strands of mathematics fro K-9
2. Students will classify and compare the different mathematics classes for grades 10-12
3. Students will create curriculum based learning activities using the achievement indicators.
Key Questions:
-Discussion surrounding achievement
What are the four strands of mathematics?
indicators in activity 3, as well as the
What are the different purposes of the 10-12 classes?
learning activities they come up with.
How can you use achievement indicators?
-Organized products on table for activity
-Discussion surrounding high school
classes in activity #2.
-Look specifically for an understanding
of the way the math curriculum is
-Organized SLO's/GLO's according to mathematical strands on white board
-Worksheet for grades 10-12.
Resource #1: http://education.alberta.ca/media/8775377/k_to_9_math_pos.pdf
Resource #2: http://education.alberta.ca/media/655889/math10to12.pdf
Resource #3: education.alberta.ca/teachers/program/math/educator/materials.aspx
* 10-12 levels Worksheet
* Curriculum overview
* Printed SLO's and GLO's
* Printed out Mathematical strand headers
Introduction (2.5min.):
Attention Grabber:
My chicken shirt.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge:
Would you feel comfortable teaching mathematics as is?
(The general answer should be no)
Why teach math in schools?
(let them develop ideas, this is a lead in question)
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour:
Students will behave appropriately, participating in class, and not disputing the learning of others.
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
Program goals and mathematical process.
Talk about K-9
Do activity #1
Teach 10-12

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KR 2011

Do activity #2
Do activity #3
Transition to Body:
Lead from why teach math to program goals.
Program goals:
Students will...
Use math to solve problems
Communicate and reason mathematically
Appreciate and value mathematics
Make connections between mathematics and its applications
Using mathematics to contribute to society
Body (15min.):
Learning Activity #1:
Students will be provided with SLO's and GLO's from K-9 and will be asked to in a group put
them in there appropriate strands of mathematics (Number, Patterns and Relations, Statistics and
Probability, Shapes and Space). The SLO's/GLO's are cut out pieces of paper which should be
shuffled and put on the table. The strands of mathematics are also on cut out pieces of paper,
except they have a larger font. The strands should be place on one end of the table side by side as
title headers. Students will then be asked to place the SLO's/GLO's in their appropriate collums.
The final organized product on the table will be served to assess understanding. I have provided
an answer key which has each strand with the appropriate SLO's/GLO's under them.
Key Questions:
Why are k-9 mathematics organized in this fashion?
To simplify teaching
To provide units and themes for students
Are the strands exclusive?
Although some of the SLO's are harder to place, yes.
Note that: some topics can be used to reinforce ideas in multiple strands.
Learning Activity #2:
Organize the high school classes in proper order on the Grades 10-12 worksheet. Guide them
through the class map, basing your information on the map in page 3 of the curriculum overview.
Once this is done ask them the questions below, letting them develop ideas on all three and
mentioning the answer provided below for the second question. Ask students to fill in the
questions as they are discussing them.
The worksheet (see attachment) will be the the assessment. As well as watch for a demonstration
of understanding during the discussion.
Key Questions:
Why do you think high school is organized this way?
What do you think are the differences between the levels of high school classes?
-1 = pre-calculus
-2 = Preparation for post secondary mathematics not involving calculus.
-3 = Preperation for mathematics involved in trades.
Do you prefer this over what was present in school?
Note that before it was pure and applied mathematics.
Learning Activity #3:
Use achievement indicators to create a curriculum based learning activity. Make students go to

ED 3601


KR 2011

http://education.alberta.ca/teachers/program/math/educator.aspx and guide them to the

achievement indicators for k-6. From there ask student to choose an SLO and create a learning
activity based on the SLO and the achievement indicator provided with the SLO.
Assessment will take place during the discussion after the activity. This will include discussion
about the specific activities they came up with, as well as the usefulness of the achievement
Key Questions:
Can achievement indicators replace learning activities?
No, they are methods of assessment.
How are achievement indicators useful?
To give assessment or evaluation methods
To provide a starting point on which to base learning activities.
Do you think you would use achievement indicators if you had to teach mathematics?
Ask why after receiving an answer or two.
Closure ( 2.5 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:
Briefly review k-9, and high school mathematics, as well as the use of achievement indicators.
Feedback From Students:
Who feels more comfortable with the mathematics curriculum?
Who feels like they would know where to start if they had to teach a mathematics class from k-12?
Feedback To Students:
Comment on understanding of k-9 strands.
Comment on discussion around high school classes.
Give feedback on effectiveness of learning activities made in activity number 3.
Transition To Next Lesson:
Tell students to keep learning activity in mind because next class we are making a lesson in

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