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Unit Plan

Understanding by Design (UBD)

Genetic Technology
Unit Title: Genetic Technology

Grade Level: 9th/10th Grade

Subject/Topic Areas: Biology I

Key Words: pedigree, punnett square, genes, mutations, gene mutations,
chromosome mutations, nondisjunction, karyotype, DNA Fingerprinting,
gel electrophoresis, recessive, dominant
Designed By: Ms. Michelle Frenssen
Length of Unit: 7 Lessons
School District: Okolona Municipal Separate School District
School: Okolona High School
Brief Summary of Unit:

The teacher will introduce students to various forms of genetic technology. Students
will already have a solid foundation in genetics, but will expand upon this by applying
their understanding to interpreting pedigree charts, karyotypes, and DNA fingerprints.
The teacher will introduce the students to errors that can occur during processes such as
mitosis and meiosis that negatively impact the individual. Students will also learn about
environmental factors that can act as mutagens. Students will research and then present
about chromosomal disorders. Students will apply knowledge previously acquired
during cell division and earlier genetics units to making connections to these genetic
disorders. Students will also be able to differentiate between different types of DNA
fingerprinting and identify DNA matches. Overall, students will use different
technology techniques available to expand their understanding of genetics.

List and attach Print Materials/Resources

Day 1: Pedigree I GN
Pedigree I IP
Pedigree I KN
Day 2: Pedigree 2 KN
Pedigree 2 IP
Pedigree Quiz
Leopolds Family Differentiation Worksheet
Day 3: Gene Mutations KN
Gene Mutations IP
Day 4: Chromosome Mutations KN
Chromosome Mutations IP
Day 5: Karyotype GN
Chromosomal Disorder Rubric
Karyotype IP
Day 6: DNA Fingerprinting GN
DNA Fingerprinting KN
DNA Fingerprinting IP
DNA Fingerprinting Exit Ticket
Day 7: Genetic Technology Test
Internet Resources/Links (2:52)
Cri du Chat!overview/ctzx!fact-or-myth/c1bqb
p=1 - DNA Fingerprinting Video
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science - Hemophilia: The Royal Disease

Rubric Made Using: RubiStar ( ) - DNA
Fingerprinting Activity
SATP2 Biology Review Book
MTC Biology Teaching Resources (Heit, Diltz, and McCarthy)

Stage 1 Identify Desired Results

Biology I
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the molecular basis of heredity.
c. Examine inheritance patterns using current technology (e.g., pedigrees,
karyotypes, gel electrophoresis). (DOK 2)
d. Discuss the characteristics and implications of both chromosomal and gene
mutations. (DOK 2)
Significance of nondisjunction, deletion, substitutions, translocation, and frame
shift mutation in animals
Occurrence and significance of genetic disorders such as sickle cell anemia, TaySachs disorder, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, Downs Syndrome, color blindness

Daily objectives:
Day 1: TSW examine inheritance patterns using pedigrees (DOK 2, Biology I 5.c)
Day 2: TSW investigate inheritance patterns using pedigrees (DOK 3, Biology I 5.c)
Day 3: TSW examine and describe the different types of gene mutations and their
effects (DOK 2, Biology I 5.d)
Day 4: TSW examine and describe the different types of chromosome mutations and
their effects (DOK 2, Biology I 5.d)
Day 5: TSW investigate genetic disorders and the karyotypes and mutations that cause
them. (DOK 3, Biology I 5.d)
Day 6: TSW utilize gel electrophoresis to determine the genetic similarity between
individuals (DOK 2, Biology I 5.c)
Day 7: TSW demonstrate their understanding of genetic technology including ability to
examine inheritance patterns using pedigrees, create pedigrees, distinguish between the
different types of gene mutations and their effect, identify chromosome mutations and
their effects, describe and interpret genetic disorders based on karyotypes and
mutations, and use gel electrophoresis to interpret genetic similarity (DOK 3, Biology I
5.c and 5.d)

Stage 2 Planning Assessment

(Stage 2 completed once for the unit)

Performance Task:
Chromosomal Disorder Project - Group project researching chromosomal disorders.
Three components to the project all incorporated into one uniform rubric. Students must
create a poster as a group, give an oral presentation on their disorder as a group.

Test/Quiz Item(s):
Day 2 - Pedigree Exit Ticket Quiz
Day 6 - DNA Fingerprinting Exit Ticket
Day 8 - Genetic Technology Test

Informal Check(s):
Day 1: Students will use whiteboard to answer questions relating to identifying various
parts of pedigree charts and making interpretations from those charts.
Students will complete a pedigree review worksheet.
Day 2: Students will complete a case study question on hemophilia and the royal family
and share their answers using whiteboard paddles.
Students will complete a station review where they will practice interpreting pedigree
Day 3: Students will perform a whiteboard check to answer questions about gene
Students will complete a gene mutations practice worksheet
Day 4: Students will use whiteboards to answer review questions about chromosome
Students will complete a chromosome mutation review worksheet.
Day 5: Students will use whiteboard paddles to demonstrate the ability to interpret a
karyotype. Students will present about Downs Syndrome, Turner Syndrome,
Klinefelters Syndrome, and Cri-du-chat.
Students will complete group work projects researching chromosomal disorders.
Day 6: Students will complete a whiteboard check to demonstrate the ability to identify
and distinguish between various DNA fingerprints using gel electrophoresis.
Students will complete a DNA Fingerprint review worksheet.
Day 7: N/A - test day

Academic Prompt(s):
Writing Prompt- Thinking further: Predict what would happen to the amino acid
sequence and proteins as a result of substitutions, deletions, and insertions.
Hint: Reference your codon chart! (DOK 3)
Write at least five observations you have made about the karyotype pictured below.
Make at least three connections about the appearance of the chromosomes to your prior
knowledge of chromosomes. Consider the number and the order in which they are
arranged. (DOK 4)
Although calico cats are typically female because the color gene that codes for calico
cats is located on an X chromosome and results from two X chromosomes with
different colors, there have been instances when male cats have also been calico cats.
Using your background knowledge of chromosome mutations and chromosomal
disorders, hypothesize how you think male cats can also be calico. (DOK 3)
Predict what the different shapes and organization of the symbols might tell us about
the relationship between the individuals. (DOK 3)

Stage 3 Daily Lesson Plans

STAGE 3: Daily Plans

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

TSW examine
patterns using
pedigrees (DOK
2, Biology I 5.c)

TSW investigate
patterns using
pedigrees (DOK
3, Biology I 5.c)

Bell Ringer
Set: Family Tree
vs. Pedigree
Pedigree Notes
White Board
Pedigree I IP

Bell Ringer
Set: Hemophilia
Royal Family
Case Study
Pedigree 2
Pedigree 2 IP
Pedigree Exit
Ticket Quiz

TSW examine
and describe the
different types of
gene mutations
and their effects
(DOK 2, Biology I

TSW examine
and describe the
different types of
mutations and
their effects (DOK
2, Biology I 5.d)

TSW investigate
disorders and
the karyotypes
and mutations
that cause them.
(DOK 3, Biology
I 5.d)

Bell Ringer
Gene Mutations
White Board
Gene Mutation IP

Bell Ringer
Mutations Notes
White Board
Mutation IP

Bell Ringer:
Set: Sam Berns
White Board
check with
karyotype review

Day 6

Day 7

TSW utilize gel

to determine the
genetic similarity
individuals (DOK
2, Biology I 5.c)

understanding of
including ability
to examine
patterns using
between the
different types of
gene mutations
and their effect,
mutations and
their effects,
describe and
interpret genetic
disorders based
on karyotypes
and mutations,
and use gel
to interpret
genetic similarity
(DOK 3, Biology
I 5.c and 5.d)

Bell Ringer
Video on DNA
Notes on Gel
Fingerprinting IP
Exit Ticket

Bell Ringer
Set: Kid
President Pep
Talk Video

Name: Ms. Michelle Frenssen

Subject: Biology I
Period: 3 (9:43 - 10:38 - 55 minutes)
Date: 1/22/16

Pedigrees - Day 1

TSW examine inheritance patterns using pedigrees (DOK 2, Biology I 5.c)
keynote presentation, white boards, smart board, Pedigree 1 Notes, Pedigree 1 IP
Bell Ringer (3 minutes to do, 2 minutes to go over):
TTW project a question on the board reviewing a concept from the previous unit on
mendelian genetics. TSW answer the question using the standard weekly bell ringer paper.
TTW take attendance while TS answer the bell ringer. The bell ringer question is chosen
from the CASE 21 question bank.
Carefully read and answer the following question. Justify all incorrect answer choices then
choose the correct answer and explain why its correct. Use complete sentences!

TTW ask students to first choose and explain the incorrect answers. TSW then identify the correct
answer and explain why it is the correct option.
<running time: 5 minutes>
Set (4 minutes):
TTW show the students a picture of a family tree. TTW have students raise their hands if they
recognize the image. TTW then have a student volunteer to tell the class what the image is of.
TSW inform the class that the image is of a family tree. TTW have another student volunteer
explain what a family tree is. TTW reveal the definition of a family tree as a diagram showing the
relationships between people in several generations of a family. TTW explain that a family tree
can show the relationships that relatives have within a family and how they are related to one
another. TTW share that these relationships are also incredibly important in science and that in
biology we create a special family tree that also shows important relationships, but the biological
family tree is more advanced than our everyday family tree. The biological family tree, also known
as a pedigree, shows the genetic relationship between relatives. TTW then show students an

image of a pedigree chart. TSW describe some similarities and differences that they see between
a typical family tree and a pedigree.
<running time: 9 minutes>
A. (2 minute) TTW have a student read the agenda for the class today. TSW create todays entry
in their interactive science notebooks.
<running time: 11 minutes>
B. (3 minutes) TTW provide students with a definition for pedigree
Pedigree - a diagram used to show genetic inheritance
TTW show students a series of symbols and ask students if they recognize the symbols from
somewhere. TSW tell the teacher that they recognize the symbols from the pedigree chart.
TTW ask students to make predictions about what the different shapes and organization of
the symbols might tell us about the relationship between the individuals. TTW lead students
to the discovery that the different shapes (square and circle) represent the two different
sexes. TTW lead students to hypothesize that the different shading may have something to
do with genetics, since that is what the primary purpose of the pedigree chart is.
<running time: 14 minutes>
C. (5 minute) TSW write definitions for the symbols and the lines into their notes using guided
notes. TTW explain that the pedigree is organized so that the youngest generation is at the
bottom and the oldest is at the top. The parents of a generation are represented by a
horizontal line between a circle (mother) and a square (father). The vertical line that leads to
the resulting generation illustrates the children. The children of that generation will then be
represented by a horizontal line that is attached to the vertical line that resulted between the
parents. TTW also explain that although there are symbols to illustrate individuals who are
carriers (the symbols who have half of the symbol shaded in) many times these carriers are
not depicted on the pedigree and part of the purpose of the pedigree is actually to determine
who the carriers are.
<running time: 19 minutes>
D. (4 minutes) TTW provide the students with additional information about how to read a
pedigree chart.
TSW take notes on the meaning of the roman numerals (generations) and the meaning of
the numbers (individuals) on the pedigree chart.
TTW provide an example of how to read the pedigree chart by using the individual of the
third generation who is individual number 6.
TSW then together practice determining the generation and number of the highlighted
individual on the chart. TTW call on a cold call students to correctly identify individuals.
<running time: 23 minutes>
E. (3 minutes) TSW complete a series of questions about a pedigree chart. They may work with
their partners. TSW then review these using whiteboard paddles.
<running time: 26 minutes>
F. (3 minutes) TTW provide students with notes about the two types of chromosomes that exist sex chromosomes and autosomal chromosomes.TTW explain that it is important to remember
this distinction, because when reading a pedigree chart traits that are inherited on sex
chromosomes as opposed to autosomal chromosomes will be inherited differently and also
result in a different pedigree pattern.
<running time: 29 minutes>
G. (2 minutes) TTW have a student read the heading on the pedigree chart. TSW then recall any
information that they know about color blindness from their previous unit on genetics. TSW

recall that color blindness is an X-linked recessive gene, which means that it is only passed
on the X gene. TSW also recall that this means that if a male receives a recessive copy of this
particular gene, the trait will be expressed.
<running time: 31 minutes>
H. (5 minutes) TTW model how to determine the genotype of the male parent. TTW explain that
since we know that squares represent males, the shaded black square must be male. We
also know that if a symbol is shaded, the individual is affected by the trait. Since the square is
shaded, that must mean that the male parent is affected by the color blindness trait. TTW
have a student remind the class how to correctly write the genotype of a male XY. TTW then
have a student remind the class that the recessive trait will be written as lowercase b. TTW
then show that the genotype of the male would be written as XbY. TTW then guide students
to determine the genotype of the female.
<running time: 36 minutes>

(3 minutes) TTW then instruct the students to create a punnett square to illustrate the cross
between the genotypes of the male and female parents. TTW have a student remind the class
of the steps to creating a punnett square. TSW complete the punnett square and the class will
review the correct answers as a whole.
<running time: 39 minutes>
J. (3 minutes) TSW then review properly reading a punnett square and use this information to
correctly answer a series of questions:
A. What is the chance of another son having this disorder?
B. What is the chance of a daughter having this disorder?
C. What is the chance of another daughter being a carrier?
<running time: 42 minutes>
K. (7 minutes) TSW complete two additional practice questions, stopping to review each after 4
minutes. Answers will be displayed on whiteboard paddles. TS may work with their partners to
complete them.
<running time: 49 minutes>
N. (3 minutes) TSW begin to complete an independent practice worksheet that requires them to
determine if traits are sex linked or autosomal. TSW then answer a series of additional questions
about each pedigree chart. Completing the IP will be assigned for homework.
<running time: 52 minutes>
Closure (3 minutes):
TTW restate the objective that during this period we examined pedigree charts. TTW explain that
while we learned the basics for reading a pedigree chart today, we will be expanding upon these
skills and applying them to more questions tomorrow. TTW review through cold call with students
1. What is a pedigree?
2. Where is the youngest generation located?
3. What does a square stand for?
4. What does a circle stand for?
5. How can you tell if an individual is affected by a trait?
6. What does a horizontal line between a circle and s square with a vertical line in the middle
indicated about the circle and the square?
TTW remind students to complete the assigned homework. TTW also inform students that they
will be taking a quiz on pedigrees the following day. TTW then dismiss the students by paired
<running time: 55 minutes>

Objectives: TSW examine inheritance patterns using pedigrees (DOK 2, Biology I 5.c)
Informal: TSW use white board paddles (M) to display their answers to a series of questions
about pedigree charts. TTW observe as students complete an independent practice homework
worksheet (M) reviewing the material covered about pedigree charts (C).
Formal: TSW complete an assessment (M) to assess their ability to examine inheritance patterns
using pedigrees, distinguish between the different types of gene mutations and their effect,
identify chromosome mutations and their effects, describe and interpret genetic disorders based
on karyotypes and mutations, and use gel electrophoresis to interpret genetic similarity (C). The
grade from this test will be recorded in the grade book (D).

Name: Ms. Michelle Frenssen

Subject: Biology I
Period: 3 (9:43 - 10:38 - 55 minutes)
Date: 1/25/16

Pedigrees - Day 2

TSW investigate inheritance patterns using pedigrees (DOK 3, Biology I 5.c)
keynote presentation, white boards, smart board, Pedigree 2 IP, Pedigree Exit Ticket Quiz
Bell Ringer (3 minutes to do, 2 minutes to go over):
TTW project a question on the board reviewing a concept from the previous days lesson
on interpreting pedigree charts. TSW answer the question using the standard weekly bell
ringer paper. TTW take attendance while TS answer the bell ringer. The bell ringer question
is chosen from the CASE 21 question bank. TTW also collect the previous days homework
while checking the bell ringer.
Carefully read and answer the following question. Explain why all incorrect answer choices are
incorrect; then choose the correct answer and explain why its correct. Use complete

TTW ask students to first choose and explain the incorrect answers. TSW then identify the correct
answer and explain why it is the correct option.
<running time: 5 minutes>
Set (3 minutes):
TTW first warn students that the images they are about to view are graphic and that if they do not
like blood they may choose not to view the images. TTW show an image of a dramatic bruise and
of a cut wound. TTW ask students to hypothesize what might have happened to create these
types of wounds. TSW predict that the cut wound was created by a serious cut and the bruise a
result of serious impact. TTW explain that although for an average person it would take a
scenario as those they predicted to inflict such a wound, there are some people who suffer from a

genetic disease where a simple cut or bruise could result in death. TTW explain that this condition
is known most commonly as hemophilia, but can also be referred to as the royal disease. TTW
explain that we will continue to examine pedigrees by interpreting the pedigree of a royal family
that is affected and was even the origination of this potentially fatal disease.
<running time: 8 minutes>
A. (1 minute) TTW have a student read the agenda for the class today. TTW remind students
that they will be taking a quiz on pedigree at the end of the period.
<running time: 9 minutes>
B. (2 minutes) TTW first provide students with background information about hemophilia. TTW
explain that hemophilia is a genetic disorder that is a X linked recessive disorder. TTW have
students recall on which chromosome an X linked recessive disorder is located and what it
means if a disorder is recessive. TTW explain that hemophilia is a disorder where individuals
are unable to properly clot blood which results in serious bleeding and bruising from even
minor cuts and bruises. In the past, this caused the disease to be fatal for those who were
affected; however, with advances of modern medicine, todays hemophiliacs are not
necessarily condemned by the disease. Those affected by the disorder can now receive
transfusions that can help with blood clotting. TTW also point out that hemophilia is far more
likely to affect males than it is females, TTW have students recall why this would be the case.
TTW then review that males are more affected by X linked recessive disorders because if
they inherit an X chromosome with the recessive disorder they are unable to be carriers and
will automatically express the gene.
<running time: 11 minutes>
C. (2 minute) TTW provide students with a brief history of the disease and background that
explains the disorders other common name of the royal disease. TTW explain that the
disease was first observed in the royal family of Queen Victoria of Great Britain. The disease
first appeared in her son who then later died at the age of 31 after a fall. TTW explain that
Prince Leopold was always described as fragile, a description that likely resulted from his
disorder. TTW explain that because of the many arranged marriages between royal families,
this genetic disorder spread throughout royal families across Europe. The mutation is believed
to have occurred either in Queen Victoria herself or in a sperm cell of her father.
<running time: 13 minutes>
D. (6 minutes) TSW take notes on steps for solving pedigree charts to review. TTW then provide
TS with a pedigree chart of Leopolds family. TSW independently work to answer the following
What is the probability that Alice of Athlones other son was hemophilic?
What is the probability that her daughter was a carrier?
What is the probability that her daughter was a hemophiliac?
TTW provide differentiated worksheets to students who are struggling. Differentiated worksheets
will provide students with a template for the punnett square and set-up the punnett square with
the correct genotypes. The differentiated worksheet then will provide step-by-step instructions for
how to solve the questions that pertain to Leopolds family pedigree. TSW then review the correct
answers to the above listed questions as a class. TSW be instructed to study for their exit ticket
quiz if they finish early.
<running time: 19 minutes>
E. (1 minute) TTW then explain that students will be completing additional pedigree practice
questions in partnered groups. These groups be strategically crafted by the teacher to create
a combination of students who are at an advanced, proficient, basic, and minimal level, so
that students can support each other in determining the correct answers for each question.
<running time: 20 minutes>

F. (20 minutes) TSW then begin to work on the first problem. TSW have five minutes to
complete each problem and the questions associated with each pedigree chart with their
partner. TTW stop to review the correct answers for each problem after the allowed five
minutes. TSW volunteer the answers for each problem set. TTW circulate the room and assist
groups while they work.
<running time: 48 minutes>
G. (5 minutes) TSW take a quiz on pedigree charts. This will provide students with an opportunity
to demonstrate their understanding of the material. TT will review the quiz procedure before
administering the quiz.
<running time: 53 minutes>
Closure (2 minutes):
TTW restate the objective that during this period we continued to examine pedigree charts. TTW
inform students that they will begin a new topic on gene mutations tomorrow. TTW explain that
pedigree charts can at times be useful for detecting and tracking these gene mutations. TTW
review through cold call.
1. How can you distinguish between a male and a female on a pedigree chart?
2. What does a shaded symbol indicate?
3. How can you tell if an individual is a carrier if recessive traits are not shaded in?
4. Which generation is the top generation of a pedigree chart?
TTW remind students to continue to work on their study island assignment. TTW then dismiss the
students by pairs.
<running time: 55 minutes>
Objectives: TSW investigate inheritance patterns using pedigrees (DOK 3, Biology I 5.c)
Informal: TSW use a practice pedigree problem (M) to assess students ability to interpret
pedigree charts (C). TTW circulate the room while students complete the practice problems with
their partners.
Formal: TSW complete a quiz assessment (M) to test their ability to interpret pedigree charts (C).
The grade from this test will be recorded in the grade book (D). On 2/1 TSW complete an
assessment (M) to assess their ability to examine inheritance patterns using pedigrees,
distinguish between the different types of gene mutations and their effect, identify chromosome
mutations and their effects, describe and interpret genetic disorders based on karyotypes and
mutations, and use gel electrophoresis to interpret genetic similarity (C). The grade from this test
will be recorded in the grade book (D).

Name: Ms. Michelle Frenssen

Subject: Biology I
Period: 3 (9:43 - 10:38 - 55 minutes)
Date: 1/26/16

Gene Mutations

TSW examine and describe the different types of gene mutations and their effects (DOK 2,
Biology I 5.d)
keynote presentation, white boards, smart board, Gene Mutations IP
Bell Ringer (3 minutes to do, 2 minutes to go over):
TTW project a question on the board reviewing a concept from the previous unit on
mendelian genetics. TSW answer the question using the standard weekly bell ringer paper.
TTW take attendance while TS answer the bell ringer. The bell ringer question is chosen
from the CASE 21 question bank.
Carefully read and answer the following question. Justify why each incorrect answer is incorrect;
then choose the correct answer and explain why its correct. Use complete sentences!

TTW ask students to first choose and explain the incorrect answers. TSW then identify the correct
answer and explain why it is the correct option.
<running time: 5 minutes>
Set (3 minutes):
TTW preface the next slide by telling students that they are about to take either the easiest or the
hardest test of their lives and that whether or not the test is easy or hard for them is something

that was already determined before their birth. TTW then show a slide with a color-blindness test
on it. TTW instruct students to write down a description of what they see. TTW then ask a student
volunteer to share their description of the images. TTW ask students to share if they recognize
and can name this test. TTW then inform the class that they just took a color-blindness test.
Color-blindness is condition that is genetically determined. It is recessive and located on the X
chromosome. Males are far more likely to be colorblind for this reason. TTW then explain that the
condition is caused by a mutation in the gene and since it located on an X chromosome it can be
genetically inherited. TTW explain that today we will be discussing various gene mutations and
the effects that they can have on individuals.
<running time: 8 minutes>
A. (2 minute) TTW have a student read the agenda for the class today. TSW add the entry to
their ISN table of contents.
<running time: 10 minutes>
B. (2 minutes) TTW have students recall the definition of a gene.
a section of DNA that carries the information on how to make one protein
<running time: 12 minutes>
C. (5 minutes) TTW have students recall the process for making proteins. TTW first focus on
names of the processes that take place and remind students of the central dogma of
molecular biology. TTW remind students that the process begins with DNA and results in
proteins. TSW recall that this is accomplished through DNA transcription and RNA translation.
TSW then recall the products of DNA transcription and RNA translation that create the
resulting protein. TTW have students recall how this information was translated into proteins.
TTW explain that all of this background information is important for understanding how
changes can affect the expression of genes in proteins.
<running time: 17 minutes>
D. (2 minutes) TTW have students define the word mutation and then hypothesize what a gene
mutation would be if a mutation is a change. TTW then provide students with a definition for a
gene mutation. TSW write this in their notes.
<running time: 19 minutes>
E. (3 minute) TTW explain that there are three different types of gene mutations that we will be
studying. TTW will then present the students with a series of nucleotides (CATGCT
CAGGCT) and bring their attention to an original and a mutated strand. TTW challenge
students to observe the difference between the two strands and call on a student to share the
difference they observe. TTW explain that the observed different nucleotide is a result of a
gene mutation known as a substitution. The students will write the nucleotide sequence and
definition for substitution in their notes.
<running time: 21 minutes>
F. (3 minutes) TTW will then present the students with a second series of nucleotides ( CATGCT
CAGCT) and bring their attention to an original and a mutated strand. TTW challenge
students to observe the difference between the two strands and call on a student to share the
difference they observe. TTW explain the the observed missing nucleotide is a result of a
gene mutation known as a deletion. The students will write the nucleotide sequence and
definition for deletions in their notes.
<running time: 24 minutes>
G. (3 minutes) TTW will then present the students with a third series of nucleotides (CATGCT
CATTGCT) and bring their attention to an original and a mutated strand. TTW challenge
students to observe the difference between the two strands and call on a student to share the
difference they observe. TTW explain the the observed additional nucleotide is a result of a
gene mutation known as an insertion. The students will write the nucleotide sequence and
definition for insertions in their notes.
<running time: 27 minutes>

H. (3 minutes) TSW perform an informal white board check to assess their ability to distinguish
between the three types of gene mutations. Students will be shown a series of gene
mutations and be asked to identify the type of mutation they are shown.
<running time: 30 minutes>
(6 minutes) TSW answer a thinking further writing prompt. This prompt is intended to have
students make predictions about the effect that gene mutations have on the creation of
proteins. TSW use their codon charts and sequences of nucleotides to make predictions.
Struggling students will receive additional support by being provided with examples of
nucleotide strands and steps to code those strands into amino acids. This will aid
these students in making their predictions. TTW discretely provide this codon
sequence while other students work on the writing prompt. TSW answer the following
writing prompt: Thinking further: Predict what would happen to the amino acid
sequence and proteins as a result of substitutions, deletions, and insertions. TSW
then share their predictions with the class.
<running time: 36 minutes>

J. (4 minutes) TSW then take notes on point mutations and frameshift mutations and the effects
that point mutations and frameshift mutations have on the production of proteins. TTW define
frameshift mutations as mutations that affect a single point; occurs if a nucleotide is changed
in a nucleotide sequence. TTW provide students with an example of a sentence written in
codon length (3 letters per word) and demonstrate how a single substitution will affect the
production of proteins, but typically only one amino acid in the protein chain rather than
multiple amino acids.
<running time: 40 minutes>
K. (4 minutes) TTW then tell students that the second type of mutation is known as a frameshift
mutation and have students make predictions about what a frameshift mutation might be.
TTW then define a frameshift mutation as deletions and insertions that shift the codon reading
frame. TTW provide students with the same sentence example as that used in substitution
THE CAT CAN EAT ALL DAY but instead once with a deletion and once with an insertion.
TTW demonstrate that by deleting or inserting a nucleotide, especially towards the beginning
of the amino acid chain, the chain will change the location of the nucleotides and can change
all of the amino acids that follow the change. TTW explain that a frameshift mutation has a
much greater impact than a point mutation because a frameshift mutation will change all
amino acids after the change whereas the point mutation will only change the amino acid in
which the substitution occurs.
<running time: 44 minutes>
L. (4 minutes) TSW then practice transcribing DNA into RNA and translating RNA into amino
acids once with an original sequence and then using the same sequence with a substitution,
deletion, and insertion. TSW copy original DNA sequence and all of the steps for the
transcription and translation into their notes. They will use their own codon chart or the codon
chart projected on the board to translate the RNA into amino acids. TTW then review the
correct answer for each translation.
<running time: 48 minutes>
M. (4 minutes) TSW take notes on the cause of gene mutations. TTW have students hypothesize
where gene mutations could take place. TTW lead the students to the processes of DNA
replication, mitosis, and meiosis. TTW explain that the gene mutations can either be
contained to just the individual in which they occurred or be passed on to further generations.
TTW tell students that whether or not mutations are passed on depends on if the mutations
occurs during meiosis or mitosis. TSW take notes on mistakes during mitosis that are not
passed on to subsequent generations. These are often caused by an error during DNA
replication or a mutagen such as exposure to radiation or chemicals. TSW then take notes on
errors caused during meiosis and genetic diseases that commonly result such as sickle-cell
disease, tay-sachs, and cystic fibrosis. TTW connect this back to the set since colorblindness
is also among the meiosis error caused gene mutations.
<running time: 52 minutes>
N. (1 minutes) TSW assign an independent practice worksheet that reviews main concepts about
genes and gene mutations focusing on the difference between substitutions, deletions,
insertions and the impact they have on protein creation for homework.
<running time: 53 minutes>

Closure (2 minutes):
TTW restate the objective that during this period we examined three different types of gene
mutations, substitutions, deletions, and insertions. TTW explain that we explored how these
mutations impact the production of proteins. TTW inform students that we will continue to talk
about mutations tomorrow, however we will be focusing on chromosome mutations, rather than
single gene mutations. TTW review through cold call with students
1. What is the difference between an insertion and a deletion?
2. Which types of mutations are considered frameshift mutations?
3. Which mutations are considered point mutations?
4. What is the difference in impact on a protein between a point mutation and a frameshift
TTW remind students to complete the assigned homework.
<running time: 55 minutes>
Objectives: TSW examine and describe the different types of gene mutations and their effects
(DOK 2, Biology I 5.d)
Informal: TSW use white board paddles (M) to display their answers to a series of questions
about substitutions, deletions, and insertions. TSW complete an independent practice homework
worksheet (M) reviewing the material covered about pedigree charts (C). TSW complete a writing
prompt (M) to make predictions about the impact of gene mutations on protein production (M).
Formal: TSW complete an assessment (M) to assess their ability to examine inheritance patterns
using pedigrees, distinguish between the different types of gene mutations and their effect,
identify chromosome mutations and their effects, describe and interpret genetic disorders based
on karyotypes and mutations, and use gel electrophoresis to interpret genetic similarity (C). The
grade from this test will be recorded in the grade book (D).

Chromosome Mutations
Name: Ms. Michelle Frenssen
Subject: Biology I
Period: 3 (9:43 - 10:38 - 55 minutes)
Date: 1/27/16
TSW examine and describe the different types of chromosome mutations and their effects (DOK
2, Biology I 5.d)
keynote presentation, white boards, smart board, Chromosome Mutation IP
Bell Ringer (3 minutes to do, 2 minutes to go over):
TTW project a question on the board reviewing a concept from the previous unit on
mendelian genetics. TSW answer the question using the standard weekly bell ringer paper.
TTW take attendance while TS answer the bell ringer. The bell ringer question is chosen
from the CASE 21 question bank.
Carefully read and answer the following question. Justify all incorrect answer choices, then
choose the correct answer and explain why its correct. Use complete sentences.

TTW ask students to first choose and explain the incorrect answers. TSW then identify the correct
answer and explain why it is the correct option.
<running time: 5 minutes>
Set (2 minutes):
TTW show students an image of the teenage mutant ninja turtles and ask the students to raise
their hands if they are familiar with the show. TTW then ask students to share the background for
how the turtles became ninja turtles. TSW share that the turtles underwent a change, or mutation,
that allowed them to become teenage mutant ninja turtles. Today, we are going to continue to talk
about mutations and changes that can very greatly impact how organisms function. Yesterday we
talked about gene mutations. TTW then ask students to recall where genes are located. TSW
answer chromosomes and the TTW tell the class that they will be focusing on chromosomal
mutations today.
<running time: 7 minutes>

A. (1 minute) TTW have a student read the agenda for the class today. TSW add the entry to
their ISNs.
<running time: 8 minutes>
B. (2 minutes) TTW have students recall the lesson from the previous day on gene mutations.
TSW recall that a gene mutation was a change in the nucleotides of a gene. TSW recall that
mutation meant a change. TTW have students hypothesize what a chromosome mutation is.
TSW then take notes on the definition of a chromosome mutation.
a change in the structure or the number of the chromosomes
<running time: 10 minutes>
C. (3 minutes) TTW explain that chromosome mutations can occur during mitosis and meiosis as
changes to the chromosome or errors in mitosis and meiosis affecting the number of
chromosomes. TTW then explain that there are four different types of chromosome mutations
that we will be discussing today. TSW take notes on this and copy an image of a normal
chromosome into their notes. They will label the genes of the chromosome.
<running time: 13 minutes>
D. (4 minutes) TSW take notes on the first type of chromosome mutation - deletions. TSW recall
what a deletion was for a gene mutation and hypothesize what a deletion might be to a
chromosome. TSW then write down in their notes that a deletion is when part of the
chromosome breaks off. The information that is broken off can be lost and no longer part of
the chromosomes or can then reattach to another chromosome. TSW copy the image of a
chromosome deletion into their notes.
<running time: 17 minutes>
E. (4 minute) TTW show students an image of a second chromosome mutation and ask for
students to share their observations. TTW then explain that their observations are of an
inversion where a piece that was broken off of a chromosome reattaches but does so in a
backwards orientation instead of the original orientation. TSW copy the definition for an
inversion into their notes and draw a picture of an inverted chromosome.
<running time: 21 minutes>
F. (5 minutes) TTW show the students an image of a third chromosome and ask them to share
their observations. TSW note that certain genes appear multiple times. TTW explain that this
is called a duplication. TTW explain that a duplication is something that occurs between sister
chromatids. TSW recall what sister chromatids are. TTW have students predict what will
happen to the genes of the other sister chromatid if the one sister chromatid has gained
duplicate genes. TTW lead students to the conclusion that the other sister chromatid must
then be missing that genetic information. TSW copy notes on duplication into their notes and
create the image of a chromosome with duplication to accompany their notes on duplication.
<running time: 26 minutes>
G. (5 minutes) TTW show students a fourth image of a chromosome and have students make
observations about the genes on that chromosome. TTW then explain to students that the
fourth chromosome is the result of something known as translocation. During translocation a
broken piece from one chromosome will attach to another chromosome. Unlike in duplication,
the transfer is not within the same chromosome, but instead between chromosomes. TSW
draw the image of the chromosome and the process of chromosome translocation into their
<running time: 31 minutes>
H. (4 minutes) TSW take notes on nondisjunction. Although there are four types of chromosomal
mutations that affect the composition of the actual chromosomes, there is also an important
chromosomal mutation that impacts the number of chromosomes, this is known a
nondisjunction. Nondisjunction is when a chromosome does not separate correctly during
meiosis. This results in either too many or too few chromosomes in the gametes and
resulting, this is directly related to many genetic diseases that we will be discussing tomorrow
when we talk about karyotypes.
<running time: 35 minutes>


(5 minutes) TTW present the students with a definition of a karyotype and tell the students
that they will spend the next day exploring various karyotypes. TTW explain that a karyotype
is essentially a picture of the chromosomes that an organism has. A karyotype can be very
helpful for making discoveries about the genetic make-up of individuals. TTW present the
students with a writing prompt where they will be asked to make observations about the
karyotype image and connections to prior knowledge of chromosomes. TSW then share some
of these observations.
<running time: 40 minutes>
J. (6 minutes) TSW perform a whiteboard check to assess understanding of the differences
between the various chromosome mutations and karyotypes. TTW review any concepts that
TS appear to be struggling with before beginning independent practice.
<running time: 46 minutes>
K. (6 minutes) TSW complete an independent practice worksheet that reviews main concepts
about chromosome mutations. TSW complete what they do not finish in class as homework.
<running time: 52 minutes>

Closure (3 minutes):
TTW restate the objective that during this period we examined four different types of chromosome
mutations that affected the gene composition of chromosomes as well as another type of
chromosome mutation that affects the number of chromosomes.. TTW explain that we also
received an introduction to karyotypes. Tomorrow we will be further exploring karyotypes and
chromosome mutations while researching and presenting about different genetic diseases. TTW
review through cold call with students

What is deletion of a chromosome?

How is a deletion in a gene mutation different than a deletion in a chromosome mutation?
How are the genes arranged if a chromosome undergoes inversion?
What happens to the sister chromatids during a duplication?
How is a translocation different from a duplication?

TTW remind students to complete the assigned homework. TTW then dismiss the students by
quietest row after the bell rings.
<running time: 55 minutes>
Objectives: TSW examine and describe the different types of chromosome mutations and their
effects (DOK 2, Biology I 5.d)
Informal: TSW use white board paddles (M) to display their answers to a series of questions
about chromosome mutations (C). TSW complete an independent practice homework worksheet
(M) reviewing the material covered about chromosome mutations (C). TSW complete a practice
worksheet (M) to review chromosome mutations (C).
Formal: TSW complete an assessment (M) to assess their ability to examine inheritance patterns
using pedigrees, distinguish between the different types of gene mutations and their effect,
identify chromosome mutations and their effects, describe and interpret genetic disorders based
on karyotypes and mutations, and use gel electrophoresis to interpret genetic similarity (C). The
grade from this test will be recorded in the grade book (D).

Name: Ms. Michelle Frenssen
Subject: Biology I
Period: 3 (9:43 - 10:38 - 55 minutes)
Date: 1/28/16
TSW investigate genetic disorders and the karyotypes and mutations that cause them. (DOK 3,
Biology I 5.d)
keynote presentation, white boards, smart board, Karyotype GN, Karyotype IP, Karyotype
Rubric, netbooks
Bell Ringer (3 minutes to do, 2 minutes to go over):
TTW project a question on the board reviewing a concept from the previous days lesson
on karyotypes. TSW answer the question using the standard weekly bell ringer paper. TTW
take attendance while TS answer the bell ringer. The bell ringer question is chosen from the
CASE 21 question bank.
Carefully read and answer the following question. Justify all incorrect answer choices, then
choose the correct answer and explain why its correct. Use complete sentences!

TTW ask students to first choose and explain the incorrect answers. TSW then identify the correct
answer and explain why it is the correct option.
<running time: 5 minutes>
Set (3 minutes):
TTW show a video clip of Sam Berns, a 17 year-old-boy suffering from a genetic condition known
as progeria. Progeria is a condition that causes premature aging. In the video, the genetic
mutation is discussed. TTW connect this to the lessons of the previous days on gene mutations
and chromosomal mutations. TTW explain that just as they were informed about a dangerous
gene mutation that severely impacted the life of Sam Berns, they too will be informing their
classmates chromosome mutations that cause serious genetic disorders that impact the daily
functions and overall livelihood of the individuals impacted by them.
YouTube Link: (2:52)
<running time: 8 minutes>

A. (1 minute) TTW have a student read the agenda for the class today. TSW add the entry to the
table of contents of their ISN.
<running time: 9 minutes>
B. (2 minutes) TTW review the definition for a karyotype. TSW take notes on karyotypes using
guided notes.
<running time: 11 minutes>
C. (4 minutes) TSW use white board paddles to practice identifying aspects of a karyotype. They
will answer questions about the number of chromosomes, source of the chromosomes, name
of the chromosomes, and sex of the individual. TTW then show students an image of a
normal female and a normal male karyotype. TSW make observations and share them with
the class.
<running time: 15 minutes>
D. (2 minutes) TTW inform the class that they will be broken up into groups to work on a project
on chromosomal disorders. TTW then inform students of the four chromosomal disorders that
they will be researching: Down Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, Kleinefelters Syndrome, and
Cri-du-chat. TTW then provide the class with their group assignments.The students will not
yet move to their groups.
<running time: 17 minutes>
E. (4 minute) TTW review the group project guidelines. Each group will create a poster for their
disorder and present about their disorder to the class. TTW review the guidelines from the
rubric for the poster and presentation. TTW provide students with material for research and
access to netbooks. Students will have 20 minutes to work on their posters.
<running time: 21 minutes>
F. (20 minutes) TSW complete the research for their disorder and create posters to highlight key
points. These will then be presented to the class.
<running time: 41 minutes>
G. (12 minutes) TSW present their research findings and posters to the class. TSW take notes
using their graphic organizer. TTW add additional key points for each disorder depending on what
is provided by each group.
<running time: 53 minutes>
H. (1 minute) TSW receive an independent practice worksheet to complete for homework to
review identifying key information about karyotypes.
<running time: 54 minutes>
Closure (1 minute):
TTW review that we discussed chromosomal disorders and are now able to read karyotypes.
TTW remind students that they must now complete the Karyotypes IP for homework. TTW remind
students to continue to work on study island. TTW then dismiss the students by groups.
<running time: 55 minutes>
Objectives: TSW investigate genetic disorders and the karyotypes and mutations that cause
them. (DOK 3, Biology I 5.d)
Informal: TSW use white board paddles (M) to display their ability to correctly describe a
karyotype (C). TTW observe and assess TS working in groups (M) to research and create
presentations on chromosomal disorders (C).
Formal:TSW complete an assessment (M) to assess their ability to examine inheritance patterns
using pedigrees, distinguish between the different types of gene mutations and their effect,
identify chromosome mutations and their effects, describe and interpret genetic disorders based
on karyotypes and mutations, and use gel electrophoresis to interpret genetic similarity (C). The
grade from this test will be recorded in the grade book (D).

Name: Ms. Michelle Frenssen

Subject: Biology I
Period: 3 (9:43 - 10:38 - 55 minutes)
Date: 1/29/16

DNA Fingerprinting

TSW utilize gel electrophoresis to determine the genetic similarity between individuals (DOK 2,
Biology I 5.c)
keynote presentation, white boards, smart board, video, DNA Fingerprinting GN, DNA
Fingerprinting IP, DNA Fingerprinting Exit Ticket
Bell Ringer (3 minutes to do, 2 minutes to go over):
TTW project a question on the board reviewing a concept from the previous days lesson
on genetic disorders and karyotypes. TSW answer the question using the standard weekly
bell ringer paper. TTW take attendance while TS answer the bell ringer. The bell ringer
question is chosen from the CASE 21 question bank. This is a standard and mandatory
Carefully read and answer the following question. Justify all incorrect answer choices, then
choose the correct answer and explain why its correct. Use complete sentences!
The common housefly contains 12 chromosomes. An egg cell, a sperm cell, and the resulting zygote from
7 The common housefly contains 12 chromosomes. An egg cell, a sperm cell, and the resulting zygote from
a cross between two houseflies is shown below. The chromosomal
zygote can be traced to
a cross between two houseflies
are shown in the in
which of the following?
a. chromosome 3 in the egg
b. chromosome 6 in the egg
c. chromosome 3 in the sperm
d. chromosome 6 in the sperm
MS531981_BioPT3_MS5319181_BioPT3 9/9/11 2:33 PM Page 5


The chromosomal mutation in the zygote can be traced to which of the following?

TTW ask students to first choose and explain the incorrect

answers. TSW then identify the correct
A Chromosome 3 in the egg cell
answer and explain why it is the correct option.B Chromosome 6 in the egg cell
C Chromosome 3 in the sperm cell
<running time: 5 minutes>
D Chromosome 6 in the sperm cell
Set (4 minutes):
TTW show a video clip of a CSI show where detectives are in search of the killer of three people.
They ask a suspect for her DNA and fingerprint, but she refuses to surrender those items. Later,
one of the detectives is thinking about a picture that she had in her apartment and recognizes that
the picture is of her DNA. TTW then stop the video and ask students if they can hypothesize what
the detective is referring to. TTW then explain that the picture in the ladys apartment was
something known as a DNA fingerprint and that they will be spending the day learning how the
uses of DNA fingerprints as well as how to interpret those DNA fingerprints.
YouTube Link: (3:17)
<running time: 9 minutes>
A. (1 minute) TTW have a student read the agenda for the class today. TSW add the entry to
their ISN.

<running time: 10 minutes>

B. (2 minutes) TTW will first provide the students with a brief history of DNA Fingerprinting. TTW
inform students that this technique is still relatively new. It was first discovered by Professor
Alec Jeffreys in 1984 and then used in the courts in 1987 in the first criminal trials where
someone was convicted for two rapes and murders as a result of DNA that was identified
using DNA fingerprinting. TSW take notes on the history of DNA Fingerprinting.
<running time: 12 minutes>
C. (6 minutes) TSW then take notes on DNA Fingerprinting. TTW explain that DNA fingerprinting
is a type of DNA test. In order to perform a test several different steps must occur. First, DNA
must be isolated through a DNA extraction. A sample of blood or other body fluid is separated
so that only the DNA remains. The remaining DNA is long and must be cut into smaller
strands in order to be analyzed. This is accomplished through the use of restriction enzymes.
Here, TTW pause to have students recall that enzymes are a type of protein. TTW explain
that the actual fingerprinting is then accomplished through the use of a procedure known as
gel electrophoresis, a procedure that we will be watching a video clip about and investigating
more closely.
<running time: 16 minutes>
D. (3 minutes) TTW tell students that they will be watching a short video clip on DNA
fingerprinting. TSW copy down questions about the video leaving room for answers when they
watch the video. TTW then have students volunteer to read the questions.
1. What can DNA fingerprinting be used for?
2. How are fragments separated?
3. Which fragments travel the farthest?
4. If two samples match, what does that mean?
<running time: 19 minutes>
E. (3 minute) TTW show a a DNA fingerprinting video clip (YouTube Link: https:// - video time: 2:07. This video will inform about
DNA fingerprinting by highlighting how it can be used to solve crimes. The video provides a
detailed account of the necessary steps for Gel Electrophoresis.
<running time: 21 minutes>
F. (2 minutes) TTW have students volunteer their answers from the video questions to review
the correct answers.
<running time: 23 minutes>
G. (4 minutes) TTW then provide students with notes on electrophoresis that reinforces the
information they just acquired by watching the video clip. TSW take notes on gel
electrophoresis as a process that uses an electric current to move fragmented sections of
DNA through a special gel so that a pattern can be created to then be compared to other
samples. TSW also take notes on smaller samples traveling through the gel more quickly,
which is what results in the pattern that is then created by the gel electrophoresis. TTW also
review the basic parts of necessary for electrophoresis.
<running time: 27 minutes>
H. (4 minutes) TTW have students recall of scenarios in which they have heard of DNA
fingerprinting being put to use. So far, we have focused primarily on DNA fingerprinting as a
means of solving crimes; however, DNA fingerprinting is also commonly used to solve another
type of question, who the father of a child is.
<running time: 31 minutes>

(5 minutes) TSW take notes on the difference between DNA fingerprints of a crime suspect
and a paternity test. TTW emphasize how these two types of DNA fingerprints are compared
differently because a DNA fingerprint from a crime scene would match a suspect perfectly if it
is the correct match whereas the paternity test will only contain half of the DNA fingerprint of
the child. TTW first have the students hypothesize why the DNA fingerprint images are
different before revealing that with a child half of the genetic information will come from the
mother so only half can be the same as the fathers DNA.
<running time: 36 minutes>

J. (5 minutes) TSW then practice identifying different types of DNA fingerprints. First, TTW
provide the students with a slide of four DNA fingerprints from a crime scene, each with two
suspects. TTW then have students identify and share the suspect who actually committed the
crime using white board paddles. TTW then show the students a slide with four DNA
fingerprints that are of paternity tests where there are two fathers in consideration. TSW then
identify the correct father by using their whiteboard paddles. TTW review any areas where
students appear to be struggling before moving on to independent practice.
<running time: 41 minutes>
K. (9 minutes) TTW provide the students with an independent practice worksheet for DNA
fingerprinting. TSW work on completing the worksheet with their partner and reference their
notes to do so. TTW circulate the room and check answers and be available for any questions
that students might have.
<running time: 50 minutes>
L. (3 minutes) TSW complete an exit ticket where they must determine the paternity of a puppy.
<running time: 53 minutes>
Closure (2 minutes):
TTW have students recall what their ability to now interpret DNA fingerprints. TTW explain that
this was the last new topic that will be covered in this unit and that the the following day will be
take a test on the material. TTW remind students to be working towards completing their study
island assignment. TTW review through cold call with students
1. What is a DNA fingerprint?
2. What are common uses of a DNA fingerprint?
3. How is a DNA fingerprint interpreted?
4. How is the DNA fingerprint of a crime scene suspect typically different from that of a paternity
<running time: 55 minutes>
Objectives: TSW utilize gel electrophoresis to determine the genetic similarity between
individuals (DOK 2, Biology I 5.c)
Informal: TSW use white board paddles (M) to display their ability to correctly identify suspects
and fathers using DNA fingerprints from paternity tests and crime scenes (C). TSW complete an
independent practice worksheet (M) reviewing the material covered about DNA fingerprinting (C).
Formal:TSW complete an assessment (M) to assess their ability to examine inheritance patterns
using pedigrees, distinguish between the different types of gene mutations and their effect,
identify chromosome mutations and their effects, describe and interpret genetic disorders based
on karyotypes and mutations, and use gel electrophoresis to interpret genetic similarity (C). The
grade from this test will be recorded in the grade book (D).

Genetic Technology Test

Name: Ms. Michelle Frenssen
Subject: Biology I
Period: 3 (9:43 - 10:38 - 55 minutes)
Date: 2/1/16
TSW demonstrate their understanding of genetic technology including ability to examine
inheritance patterns using pedigrees, create pedigrees, distinguish between the different types of
gene mutations and their effect, identify chromosome mutations and their effects, describe and
interpret genetic disorders based on karyotypes and mutations, and use gel electrophoresis to
interpret genetic similarity (DOK 3, Biology I 5.c and 5.d)
keynote presentation, test, whiteboard
Bell Ringer (2 minutes to do, 2 minutes to go over):
TTW project a question on the board reviewing a concept from the previous lesson on
safety procedures. TSW answer the question using a bell ringer paper. TTW take
attendance while TS answer the bell ringer.
Carefully read and answer the following question. Justify all incorrect answers, then choose the
correct answer and explain why its correct. Use complete sentences!
Geneticists often study patterns of inheritance in families. They collect information about a
particular trait for each member of a family across several generations, compile the data, and
determine the pattern of inheritance. Which of the following do geneticists use in this type of
a. karyotypes
b. punnett squares

c. pedigree analysis
d. gel electrophoresis

TTW ask students to first choose and explain the incorrect answers. TSW then identify the correct
answer and explain why it is the correct option.
<running time: 4 minutes>
Set (4 minutes):
TSW watch a pep talk video from Kid President. This video is intended not only to inspire them to
try their hardest on this test but also to continue to exert their utmost effort in the upcoming weeks
in preparation for the rapidly approaching state test.
YouTube Link: (3:28)
<running time: 8 minutes>
A. (3 minutes) TTW have students review the test taking procedure.
B. (1 minute)TTW have a student pass out the test to all students. During this time, TTW ask if
there are any last minute questions. TTW instruct students when they may turn over their tests to
begin work.

C. (40 minutes) TSW have until the end of the period to complete the test. Students who finish
early have an option of completing practice questions on study island, doing make-up work, or
completing work for another class.
<running time: 52 minutes>
Closure (2 minutes):
TTW tell students that its time to pass tests to the front. TTW remind students to make sure that
their name is on their test and that they have completely answered all of the questions. TTW
preview the next unit on ecology.
<running time: 55 minutes>
Objectives: TSW demonstrate their understanding of genetic technology including ability to
examine inheritance patterns using pedigrees, create pedigrees, distinguish between the different
types of gene mutations and their effect, identify chromosome mutations and their effects,
describe and interpret genetic disorders based on karyotypes and mutations, and use gel
electrophoresis to interpret genetic similarity (DOK 3, Biology I 5.c and 5.d)
Informal: N/A
Formal: TSW complete an assessment (M) to assess their ability to examine inheritance patterns
using pedigrees, distinguish between the different types of gene mutations and their effect,
identify chromosome mutations and their effects, describe and interpret genetic disorders based
on karyotypes and mutations, and use gel electrophoresis to interpret genetic similarity (C). The
grade from this test will be recorded in the grade book (D).

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