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Thank you all for an interesting and lively discussion on Monday and today!

note that we will begin next Monday with some details about the course and some 3minute papers. Accordingly, I will add the slides and mark-up's in the folder for
week/class 1 by next Tuesday.

Also, for the early starters, here is assignment No. 2.

Team 7/Saphire (Madeline, Zachary, Kristen, Vandana and Kwan)

In addition to your synopsis of the case setting (e.g. main characteristics of the
industry, main players in the industry, typical business model, typical firm
performance [profitability & valuation/stock]) and Rothaermel, chapter 3, please
focus on the following questions:


Is the restaurant industry (in general) 'attractive'? Would you enter the
industry as an entrepreneur? Why or why not?


In which way do Chipotles capabilities support the companys competitive


The other teams, please prepare to address the following questions during class
(please note that you may be 'invited' to present adhoc).


Suppose you have decided to enter the restaurant industry as an owner of a

start-up. How would you position your company to protect it from those forces
that might diminish profitability and simultaneously exploit the forces that
allow for superior profitability?
Good luck!
Prof. DJP

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