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Night Pre-reading Activity

The History of Hitler, The War, and the persecution of the Jews

Adolf Hitler
Born April 20, 1889 in Austria
Joined the German Workers Party in 1919, became leader
in 1921
Was thrown in prison for attempting to stage a coup in 1923
Released in 1924, Hitler began to generate massive support
through well-crafted speeches.
Speeches included blaming the League of Nations and
Jewish-Capitalist conspiracy for the depression occurring in
Germany after the Treaty of Versailles

The Nazi Party

The largest elected party in 1933, led by Hitler, who was appointed
Gradually changed Germany to a totalitarian state, backed by military
In the first six years of Hitlers regime, Germany was pulled out of the
Great Depression
A national referendum solidified Hitler as the sole Fhrer in 1934
Antisemitism, racism and sexism became a way of life. Those considered
Aryan were seen as most valuable. Hitler sought to eliminate
undesirables from his New Order

Hitlers list of undesirables included not only Jews, but:
Romani gypsies
The mentally and physically handicapped
The poor
Social misfits
Jehovahs Witnesses
Social misfits
Hitlers government, through a series of law changes, began to create a
hostile and terrifying environment for anyone considered undesirable, while

Liquidation of a Jewish Ghetto

Ghettos were walled-off areas, common in certain European countries.
Under Hitlers regime, ghettos became increasingly more impoverished
and cramped.
After Hitlers invasion of Poland in 1940, the Warsaw Ghetto, perhaps
one of the worst, was created.
These spaces would eventually be liquidated (emptied out), and citizens
who lived there were sent to Concentration Camps and Death Camps

How did this Happen?

Hitlers Nazi leadership did not directly target Jews
Instead, through a series of unjust laws, and through
military force and Propaganda, the Nazis marginalized
the Jews, turning the general populace against them
These laws would build gradually, but eventually Jewish
and undesirable people were left with little to no legal
rights, property, or basic necessities

For this Activity:

Star of David (six-pointed star) holders are Jews
Swastika holders are Aryan
German flag holders are ordinary German Citizens
Scarf holders are Gypsies, Homosexuals, or some other
group deemed undesirable

Begin by
Decorating the card you have, however you wish, be sure to write
your name, and choose an occupation from the following list:

Business Owner
Government Worker
Tax consultant

April 7, 1933
Law for the Reestablishment of the Professional Civil Service
removes Jews from government service.
Jews who chose the government occupation, cross out your
occupation and all Jews stamp your card
German Citizens do nothing
Undesirables do nothing
Aryans Do nothing

Also on April 7, 1933

Law on the Admission to the Legal Profession forbids the admission
of Jews to the bar.
Jews who chose the Lawyer profession, you must now cross out
your job and all Jews stamp your card
Undesirables do nothing
German Citizens do nothing
Aryans do nothing

July 14, 1933

De-Naturalization Law revokes the citizenship of naturalized Jews
and undesirables.
Jews and undesirables Stamp your page twice, you can no longer
leave your desk for the rest of this game
German citizens do nothing
Aryans do nothing

May 21, 1935

Army Law expels Jewish officers from the army
Jews who chose the military occupation, you must now cross out
your occupation and all Jews Stamp your card
Undesirables do nothing
German Citizens do nothing
Aryans do nothing

November 26, 1935

Jews and undesirables lose their status as German Citizens. All
Jews and Undesirables are now considered state subjects with
no legal citizenship rights
Jews and undesirables crumple your cards into a ball, un-crumple
them, and stamp them again
German citizens and Aryans do nothing

Reich Tax Law, Veterinarians Law and Education laws are
All Jewish tax consultants, veterinarians and teachers must cross
out their occupations, and Jews Stamp your cards
Undesirables, Germans and Aryans do nothing

August 17, 1938

Executive Order on the Law on the Alteration of Family and
Personal Names requires Jews to adopt an additional name
Jewish men: add the name Israel to the back of your card
Jewish women: add the name Sara to the back of your card
Undesirables, Germans and Aryans, once again, do nothing.

October 3, 1938
Decree on the Confiscation of Jewish Property regulates the
transfer of assets from Jews to non-Jewish Germans
All Jews tear your cards in half, and give half to the nearest
German citizen or Aryan
Remember, Undesirables are not citizens! do nothing

What are your thoughts right now?
German Citizens?
What might contribute to how you feel right now?
What sort of things can allow these unjust laws to come about?
Those who spent the game doing nothing, why didnt you help the Jews

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