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Name: Marquita Hall

Date: 2/5/16
Lesson Title: Perspective Taking
Grade Level(s): 4th

Time Allotted: 60 mins

Subject Area(s)/Subject Content Explanation: Students will use the three

different text strategies in order to comprehend texts across genres.
Essential Question(s): Can students accurately describe an item in each
person (1st, 2nd, 3rd)?
Instructional Objective(s): Students will accurately describe an item using
each person perspective.
Formative Assessment: A review of the previous lesson in perspectives.
Summative Assessment: Exit Slip
INTRODUCTION: Review what each perspective is and what text clues give
away who is speaking.
1. Students will work as a group to write using either first, second, or third
person (you can do it by rounds in order to give students practice in each
2. Each group will have one item inside of a brown paper bag. The students
should not take the item out of the bag because the idea is that the
students will talk about the item in whichever perspective and their
classmates try to guess what it is.
3. Have the students look at the item and begin to write in 1st person, when
the groups are called on each person from the group will read one
sentence that they wrote. They should all talk about a different trait or
characteristic the item has.
4. Then go around the room asking each group what they think the first
groups item was. If the students guess the item the group has, the group
that guessed correctly gets a point. If no one is able to guess the item the
group has then the home table gets the point.

5. Students should not make it too easy, but not too hard for others to guess.
In order for a healthy amount of competition the team should work on
writing well.
6. Before the group guesses anothers they should point out what words let
them know what perspective it was written in (formative assessment, brain
based learning).
7. The team that has the most points will win something of the teachers
choice, the team that wrote very well and had few guesses at their item
will win something of the teachers choice.
CLOSURE: Review with the students the activity that was done and how they
can identify the person speaking using text clues.
DIFFERENTIATED LEARNING ACTIVITIES: For ELL have instructions translated
for them to use in order to participate fully.

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