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March 4, 2016

So this morning when I came to Hunterdon Preparatory School I was met with
some exceptionally grim news. Mr. Larson, the math teacher I had been working with
since October, needed to get open heart surgery and starting April 18 would be out the
rest of the school year. Mr. Larson is an exceptional teacher, as well as a wonderful
overall person, and everyone at the school was distraught to hear the news. In the wake
of this awful news, however, a wonderful opportunity opened up for myself. Mr. Loyd, the
Executive Director and Principle of the school, approached me and asked if I would like
to substitute for Mr. Larsons class. Words cannot express how flattered I was to be
invited to cover Mr. Larsons responsibilities. Fortunately for myself I am qualified to be a
substitute teacher, so of course I accepted his offer. This will be a tremendous
opportunity for me. It is unheard of for someone at my level to become a substitute
teacher, and it will be an exceptional opportunity for me to receive hands on experience
with teaching a classroom. The students were equally excited to find out I would be their
substitute teacher, which eased much of my stress. I just hope they do not try to take
advantage of having someone close to their age running their classroom, but I have faith
they will not do so and continue with their education as if Mr. Larson were still here. I will
begin to cover for Mr. Larson on April 18, and I greatly look forward to the challenge.

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