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Grade 9 Religion Test Gospels, St.

Anne, Types of Prayer, and Abstinence

Section 1: Multiple Choice 15 Marks KU
1. Which of the Gospels are considered synoptic?
a) John and Luke
b) Luke and Matthew
c) Matthew, Mark and John
d) Matthew, Mark and Luke
2. When Christ gets angry at the temple, he goes on a rampage to chase out who?
a) The money-changers
b) The prostitutes
c) The Pharisees
d) The Samaritans
3. The Original Sin of humanity was:
a) When the Israelites mocked and crucified Jesus
b) When Adam and Eve disobeyed God
c) When Adam and Eve first had sex
4. A prayer that acknowledges that God is God, giving him glory for his own sake is:
a) Thanksgiving
b) Praise
c) Petition
d) Intercession
5. St Anne is the patron Saint of:
a) Travellers, students and nuns
b) Children and fun
c) Women in labour and grandmothers
d) People who have died in the desert
6. Jesus uses five loaves and two fish to feed this many people:
a) More than five thousand
b) More than one thousand
c) One thousand
d) Five thousand
7. The robbers in the Parable of the Good Samaritan represent:
a) Evildoers and sinners
b) Robbers
c) Famine
d) Times of difficulty and pain
8. In the prodigal son parable, the younger son spend his money on riotous living
which means what?
a) Partying and Gambling
b) Buying livestock and investing his savings
c) Travelling and exploring
d) Gifts for his family
9. St. Annes story appears in which Gospel?
a) The apocryphal Gospel of St. Joachim
b) The Gospel of John
c) The Gospel of Luke
d) The apocryphal Gospel of James
10. The author of the Gospel of Luke also wrote:

a) The book of Revelations

b) The Acts of the Apostles
c) Exodus
d) The Gospel of Mark
11. When Christ was separated from his parents, it took them this many days to
realize he was missing:
a) 40
b) 3
c) One and a half
d) One
12. Matthews Gospel uses a lot of the same content as Marks, but what does he do
a) He tells the stories in a more realistic way
b) He explains more about Jewish customs and traditions
c) He writes in symbolism
d) He focuses on the miraculous parts of the stories
13. St. Annes husband Joachim is said to have been in the desert for
a) One year
b) One month
c) Three weeks
d) Forty days and forty nights
14. Before she was known as Anne, St. Annes name would have been written as
a) Hannah
b) Anna
c) All of the Above
d) None of the above
15. In the parable of the Talents, the master gives his first slave how many talents?
a) Two
b) Ten
c) Seven
d) Five
True or False 10 marks 10 KU
1. T F Pornography can give you information and experience with sex
2. T F When sex is portrayed in the media, it is portrayed as no big deal even
though it is
3. T F Protected sex is 100% safe sex, while unprotected sex is a high risk
4. T F All STIs are incurable
5. T F Oral sex involves little to no risk of STIs
6. T F Abortion is a quick and risk-free procedure with no adverse effects
7. T F Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis are bacterial infections
8. T F Condoms are very safe for stopping skin-to-skin infections
9. T F Abstinence is not the only form of risk-free sex
10. T F Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can lead to infertility if not treated quickly

Matching: Place the letter from the right side into the box with the corresponding
number. 10 Marks T
1. Veneration
2. Petition
3. Samaritan
4. Gospel
5. Older Brother
6. John
7. Mary
8. Intercession
9. Mark
10. Gentile

a) This type of Prayer asks God to intervene on anothers

b) First of the Gospels to be written
c) Represents those who are pious and judgmental
d) The worship and recognition of Saints
e) This type of prayer asks God to intervene on our behalf
f) Term for a non-Jewish person
g) Represents those who help people in need
h) Last Gospel to be written, emphasizes symbolism
i) Child of St. Anne
j) Comes from the words for Good News

Fill in the Blank: 15 Marks C

I believe in ___, the Father Almighty,

Creator of _______ and earth.
I believe in ________________, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the power of the ___________,
born of the _____________,
suffered under Pontius ________,
was _________, died and was buried.
He ______________ into hell.
On the third day He rose again
He ascended into ___________
and is seated at the _________ hand of God the Father
He will come again to _______ the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy ____________ Church,
the communion of __________,
the ___________ of sins,
the ___________ of the body,
and the life everlasting.

Cite Passage: 5 Marks 5A

Read the following Parable and answer the questions:
The Story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Jesus told a story to some people who were sure they were right with God. They
looked down on everyone else. 10 He said to them, Two men went up to the temple
to pray. One was a Pharisee. The other was a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by
himself and prayed. God, I thank you that I am not like other people, he said. I am
not like robbers or those who do other evil things. I am not like those who commit
adultery. I am not even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week. And I give a
tenth of all I get. 13 But the tax collector stood farther away than the Pharisee. He
would not even look up to heaven. He brought his hand to his heart and prayed. He
said, God, have mercy on me. I am a sinner.
I tell you, the tax collector went home accepted by God. But not the Pharisee. All
those who lift themselves up will be made humble. And those who make themselves
humble will be lifted up.
1. What does the Pharisee in this parable represent? (1)
2. What does the Tax Collector represent? (1)
3. Which type of prayer is the Pharisee offering? Why is he offering this type of
prayer? (2)
4. What is the moral (or lesson) of this parable? (1)

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