2ndsemesterself Assessment

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2nd Semester Self-Assessment

Name ___________________

What is something you feel you improved or did really well on from English class last semester? (this
could be a specific assignment, or a more general skill related to English class)

Please explain why you chose this:

What is something specific that you want to improve/work on this semester

related to reading
(e.g. reading strategies for challenging texts, understanding symbolism, analyzing poetry, etc)

How would you like to work on this?

What is something specific that you want to improve/work on this semester

related to writing
(e.g. writing a strong thesis, intro/conclusions, grammar, revision, etc)

How would you like to work on this?

What is something specific that you want to improve/work on this semester

related to
(e.g. presentation skills, small group discussion, debate, etc)

How would you like to work on this?

Is there a specific assignment or type of activity that you would really like to try in this class? Please
explain it briefly

Is there a specific type of text that you want incorporated into English class this semester? (e.g. slam
poems, current events/news articles, blogs, short stories, TedTalks, etc.)

Please list 2 specific goals you have for this semester:

What is something I can do/improve/do more of to help you reach your goals in English class?

Any other thoughts you want to share?

Thank you!

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