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1st Grade Math Lesson Plan

Dates: Feb 29-Mar 4, 2016 Patrick Copeland Elementary School Teachers: A. Hildreth, M. Delerme, M. Cook, S.
Goshay, V. Rafey, K. Holland, R. Redling
Standard (SOL):
1.7b Money determining values
1.5 review doubles/combos of 10

Objective (from curriculum framework): 1.7b The students will determine the value of a collection of pennies,
nickels, and dimes, whose total value is 100 cents or less
1.5 The student will recall basic addition facts with sums to 18 or less and the corresponding subtraction facts

Essential Knowledge/Questions: The students will develop an

understanding of place value by skip counting a collection of coins by
ones, fives, and tens. Students will count by fives tens and ones to
determine the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, and dimes
whose total value is less than 100 cents. The students will
demonstrate fluency with basic number combinations for addition and

Essential Vocabulary: coins, penny,

nickel, dime, cents, addition, subtraction,



(for that day, the student

TSW identify the

value of a collection of
pennies, nickels
Calendar Flip chart,
The Coins Counting
Book, pot of coins
counting mat,
spinners, exit tickets

TTW review the

calendar flipchart
TTW read The Coin
Counting Book by
Rozanne Lanczak

Anticipatory Set:

Levels of understanding: Understand, identify, describe, investigate,

demonstrate, develop, read, sketch, construct, justify

Whole Group/Direct
(Strategy Instruction and
TTW will review the values of
TTW review the content of
pennies and nickels with students
the days lesson and explain
and give each student a collection of how to complete the exit
nickels and pennies. TTW use a
ticket. TTW distribute an
pre-created flip chart with a large
exit ticket to each student.
pot with nickels and dimes on it. Tell Upon completion of the exit
students you will put a few coins in
ticket students will share
the pot and need their help to count
their values and what they
them. TTW demonstrate strategies
noticed about them with a
for counting the coins by skip
partner. Students should
counting by 5s then counting on by
realize and justify that all of
ones. Repeat this activity a few
the values were the same,
times allowing for students to come
however, a different
up and display different coin
combination was used.
combinations for students to count.
Independent Practice: TTW divide
students into groups of 3-4.
Distribute the pot of coins activity
sheet. Give each group a paper bag
and a set of nickels and pennies.
Have students spin a spinner and
take that number of coins and place
on their mat. The student with the
greatest value wins that round.


Check for Understanding:

) Assessment
Success Criteria

Upon completion of the lesson, at least 60% of

students will be able to communicate appropriate
responses from the closure activity. Provide
remediation if necessary.

1st Grade Math Lesson Plan

Dates: Feb 29-Mar 4, 2016 Patrick Copeland Elementary School Teachers: A. Hildreth, M. Delerme, M. Cook, S.
Goshay, V. Rafey, K. Holland, R. Redling
(This will become a math station
later on)
Differentiation: Guided Math (Teacher Group, Independent, Application, Computer)



(for that day, the
student will)
Calendar Flip Chart,
TSW identify and
count a collection of
dimes and pennies
Online math series,
play money

TSW will count a

collection of pennies,
nickels and dimes
whose total value is
less than 100 cents.
Calendar Flip Chart

Anticipatory Set:

Whole Group/Direct
Instruction/Independent Practice:
(Strategy Instruction and Modeling)


TTW review the

calendar flipchart
Have students review
counting nickels and
pennies by displaying
the starfish theater:
Pennies and Nickels
on the online math
series (7-3B)

TTW display an example problem

of a dime and a penny. Model
counting ten for the dime, and one
for the penny. Model writing the
total, 11 cents. Model several more
examples. TTW explain that when
counting dimes, we can skip count
by tens and then count on by ones to
figure out dime and penny
combinations. TTW roll a dice and
and have students take that number
of dimes fro the container and vice
versa for pennies. Have students
practice counting dime and penny
combinations and recording
amounts in their math notebooks.
Independent practice: Have students
participate in mat h stations and
small groups. (Students may play
the pot of coins game in a math
TTW read the poem SMART by
Shel Silverstein. Students map the
poem as the teacher reads. TTW
distribute a blank piece of white
paper to each student. Have the
students fold the paper into 8ths.
Follow the attached plan for this
activity. At the conclusion of this
activity, TSW write a letter to the
boy in the poem kindly explaining
why he ended up with less money.

TTW have students answer

the following questions in
their math notebooks:
What is a quick way to count
How do we count pennies
and dimes?
How can we differentiate
between a dime and a

Upon completion of the lesson, all students will demonstrate and

appropriate responses.

Have a few students share

their letters. Have students
participate in a think-pairshare activity and reflect on
the days lesson and what the
most important thing that
they learned.

Upon completion of this lesson, TTW use the students letters as a

form and explain to the boy why he ended up with less money.

TTW review the

calendar flipchart
TSW watch BPJR
Counting Coins
Counting Coins


1st Grade Math Lesson Plan

Dates: Feb 29-Mar 4, 2016 Patrick Copeland Elementary School Teachers: A. Hildreth, M. Delerme, M. Cook, S.
Goshay, V. Rafey, K. Holland, R. Redling


(for that day, the
student will

TSW determine how

money is used in real
life situations
Calendar Flip Chart,
index cards, play

Anticipatory Set:

Whole Group/Direct
Instruction/Independent Practice:
(Strategy Instruction and Modeling)



Review calendar
TTW read Bunny
Money to students
TTW explain the
hairy money
strategy for counting a
mixed collection of
pennies, nickels and

TTW will explain to students that

they will be opening a classroom
stores. The teacher will give each
child 3 notecards. On each card,
students draw a picture of an item
that they sell at the class store and
label it with the price that it costs.
(under $1.00)
Pair up the students, and they can
practice counting out coins in order
to buy the objects in the store.
Have students switch partners and
continue until students run
completely out of money.

Have a discussion about how

many items were they able to
buy and why werent they
able to buy what they
wanted. Have students share
what they were able to buy
from the store and how
important it is to save money
in order to get the things that
we really want.

Upon completion of this lesson, the objective will be met if at lea

TTW have students show 45

cents in two different ways.

Upon completion of this lesson, the objective will be met if all stu
remediation if necessary.

Independent Practice: Have students

participate in math stations and
small groups


TSW will count a

collection of pennies,
nickels and dimes
whose total value is
less than 100 cents.
Calendar Flipchart,
online math series

TTW review the

calendar flipchart
TSW complete a
kidspiration activity to
review counting
different values

TTW call out various amount sand

students will make that amount at
their desk using pennies, nickels,
and dimes
Independent Practice: Have students
participate in math stations and
small groups

1st Grade Math Lesson Plan

Dates: Feb 29-Mar 4, 2016 Patrick Copeland Elementary School Teachers: A. Hildreth, M. Delerme, M. Cook, S.
Goshay, V. Rafey, K. Holland, R. Redling


Objective: TSW will count a collection of pennies,
nickels and dimes whose total value is less than
100 cents
Warm Up: Have students write down two ways to
make 10 and the corresponding related facts
Lesson: TTW explain that when we count money
we always start with the coin that has the largest
Activity: Show students a collection of pennies,
nickels, and dimes. Have students practice
counting starting with the largest coin, using the
hairy money method.
Assessment: Upon completion of this lesson, all
students should be able to independently count a
mixed collection of coins with minimal assistance

Objective: TSW will count a collection of pennies,
nickels and dimes whose total value is less than 100 cents
Warm up: Have students write down 4 different ways to
make ten and the corresponding related fact.
Lesson: TTW explain that when we count money we
always start with the coin that has the largest value.
Activity: SW play money war
Assessment: Upon completion of this lesson, all students
should be able to independently count a mixed collection
of coins with minimal assistance

Objective: TSW will count a collection of pennies, nickels an

Warm up: Have students verbally tell the 11 different ways to
Lesson: TTW explain that when we count money we always
Activity: TSW play Put it in the Piggy game
Assessment: Upon completion of this lesson, all students sho

*Teacher Led Group
TA, Math Lead, or Sped Teacher Group
Include materials, strategies, and technology resources in the plans. The common formative and summative assessments to be used by team members will be filed as
resources at the beginning of each unit. This includes rubrics that will assist teachers in determining whether students have met the objectives.
Implementation Days for Whole Group and Guided Math Groups will vary by topic and teacher.

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