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Digestive Exam Review

Concept Covered: The digestive processes can be summed up in story format.

Grade Level: 11-12
Standards Covered: All Standards from unit
Learning Objectives:

In addition to reviewing all objectives from the unit

SWBAT: draw a diagram depicting what occurs in the digestive

system when a person eats a doughnut.

For Each Group
Large pieces of butcher paper
Colored Pencils
For Each Person
At least one mini doughnut
o Ask students what happens during the cephalic phase of digestion and
what stimulates the cephalic phase of digestion.
o Place the doughnuts on the table up front and ask if their cephalic phase of
digestion is being stimulated.
1. Students will draw a poster of what happens to a doughnut through each
phase of digestion
2. During this time the students should be focusing on the following
What macromolecules are present in the doughnut? (Look at the
nutrition facts if unsure.)
What enzymes are present in this portion?
Is this a bolus or chime?
What macromolecule(s) is/are being broken down at this point?
What are the products?
Is anything else being secreted at this point?
3. Be specific and creative while drawing this poster
o Students will present their posters and the posters will be hung on the wall
after the digestion exam.

Allow students to choose their own groups.

Anticipated misconceptions: Students may have difficulty being specific about what is
occurring at each stage of the digestive process.
Asking students questions during their drawing of the poster
Unit exam

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