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Running head: FLE

Family Life Education

Breonna Alexander
Western Michigan University

Running head: FLE

Family Life Education (FLE) is centered on the idea of a healthy family. FLEs main goal
is to identify what aspects of a family are healthy. It also seeks to use a preventative approach to
constructing these healthy families. The profession drew its roots from the church and states
relationship. In the past, the state wanted to ensure that children were raised using the standards
set forth by the bible. Later on self-help books were developed. Then other organizations
followed. Family Life Educators are involved in efforts to assist in legislation and in the courts.
They do so by teaching classes by assuming the role of parenthood coordinators.
The Field
The primary function of Family Life Education (FLE) is understanding what healthy
families looks like from a family system perspective and uses a primarily preventive approach.
(What is Family life Education?, n.d.). Strong communication skills, knowledge of typical
human development, good decision-making skills, positive self-esteem, and healthy interpersonal
relationships are needed for healthy functioning. The objective of FLE is to educate and enrich
the understanding of these skills to allow individuals and families to operate optimally. Societal
issues such as economics, education, work-family issues, parenting, sexuality and gender are
highly considered by FLE professionals. These societal problems can be more sufficiently
addressed from a view point that sees the individual and family as part of a larger community. An
educational approach is provided through FLE which gives information on how families function
positively. However, the field didnt always look like this.

Running head: FLE

The field of FLE has come a long way. According to Duncan (2011), there are many
things that made a difference in Family Life Education (FLE) history. For example the bringing
together of church and government is what made sure children were reared to Christian standards
(Duncan,2011). Self-help, how-to books, and child and mother study groups helped play an
important part in FLE moving forward. The American Land Grant University system donated
land so each state could have its own university. Home economics programs were established
and enhanced for the family through the Morrill Act. University based outreach involves
improving learning options, providing personal experience, and connecting students to the
community through things like internships. An outcome of this is getting experience outside the
classroom which can help the student and the community. It also provides an alternate learning
environment. Community movements helped FLE by establishing parenting educating and early
childhood intervention. Community movements also helped strengthen and empower family
communities. Web-based FLE is also important because more and more people are using the
internet; its changing the way people are learning. It is imperative for FLE educators to make
websites so the right information is available. Its important to realize that growth hasnt stopped;
the field is ever changing.
The Growth
In the field of FLE, marriage education is growing (Cassidy, 2011), incentives are being
offered to those who take marriage classes, and parenthood classes are being offered as well.
Some states are mandating both. Providers chosen by state, local and federal government arent
always very qualified. This lack of qualification has allowed for bills to be shorter. Divorcing
parents are often told or mandated to meet parenthood coordinators. These coordinators can be
clergy, therapists, or social workers. Family Life Educators are more qualified to fulfill that role.

Running head: FLE

The goal of FLE is to create a positively functioning family system. This is done by
educating people on communication, decision making, and interpersonal relationships. FLEs
history is based off of religions influence on the government. However, it has grown
tremendously since then. This is due to the fact that the qualifications of the Family Life
Educators exceed the standards that the government has for its employees. FLE is important
because without it there would be no education on how families should operate.

Running head: FLE

Cassidy, D. (2009). Challenges in family life education: Defining and promoting the profession In D.
Bredehoft & M. J. Walcheski (Eds.), Family life education: Integrating theory and practice (pg.
16). Minneapolis, MN: National Council and Family Relations.
Duncan, S. F., & Goddard, W. H. (2011). Historical and philosophical perspectives. Family life
education: Principles and practices for effective outreach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Publications INC
What Is Family Life Education?. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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