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Grade 12 Evolution
Hildah Makori

Science and Technology framework:

Evolution and Biodiversity
5.3: Explain how evolution through natural selection can result in changes in biodiversity through the increase
or decrease of genetic diversity within a population.
15.2.4 Mechanisms of evolution

Lamarcks theory

Evolution by natural selection , Natural selection in action e.g. peppered moth (industrial
melanism),Resistance to drugs, pesticides and antibiotics
Mathematics: statistics and probability

Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population.

1. Understand that statistics can be used to gain information about a population by examining a sample of
the population; generalizations about a population from a sample are valid only if the sample is
representative of that population. Understand that random sampling tends to produce representative
samples and support valid inferences.

Worksheet 4.1: Establishing

Curricular Priorities

Worksheet 5.1:
Identifying Overarching and Topical Understandings

Worksheet 5.3
From a Skill or Process to Understanding
Skill or Process
understand that evolution is still taking place in some organisms and be
able to use this knowledge in solving daily problems such as drug
To overcome religious hindrance to evolution and look at this topic in a
more scientific way.
Underlying Concepts
Speciation, Natural selection, Survival, Evolution, Acquired Traits,
Adaptation, Lamarckism, mutation.
Specific Generalization
Evolution is necessary for survival and when a species evolves it eliminates
those traits that predisposes it hence, speciation. Lamarcks theory
explains why pathogens become resistant to drugs and how a new species
is formed

Worksheet 6.1
Brainstorming Essential Questions

Why do you think malaria drugs keep changing from time to time?

What is the importance of having white and black moths in terms of survival of the peppered

How do scientists come up with theories?

What connects present life on earth to that of single celled organisms that evolved billions of
years ago?

Worksheet 7.1
Considering a Range of Evidence
Formal Observations
or Interviews:
A pre-unit quiz and
Peer discussions

Written, oral, or
visual products:
Students will write
about the differences of
the organisms we will
see in the museum, on
the school farm project
on pesticide resistance.
Student exhibits or
Students will use the
farm crops to
demonstrate pesticide
resistant and explain
why some pests do not
die in order to
understand natural

Understand that
scientific enquiry is
different from religion.
Core Performance
Students will develop a
theory of their own on a
topic of their choice to
be able to understand
how scientists come up
with theories.

Present their
theories to their
peers and science
club members.
Student selfassessments, logs
and peer reviews:
Students will keep a
notebook of
observations made
during exploratory
quizzes and tests:
An end of the unit

Worksheet 9.3
Planning Matrix For a Performance Task Scenario

Worksheet 10.3 an analytic


Worksheet 12.3
Engaging and Effective Design

Real Life
Solving in

Worksheet 14.3
Uncovering Misunderstanding

Worksheet 15.1
Unit Design Considerations Using WHERE

Lesson Plan - Day1

Lesson Plan Day1continued

Lesson Plan Continued - Day 2

Lesson 2 Continued - Day 2


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