Mortification of Sin - 1

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John Owen

Chapter 1


Romans 8:13
For if you live according to
the flesh you will die, but if
by the Spirit you put to death
the deeds of the body, you
will live.

What is mortification?

1. you

Who is meant by you

in Romans 8:13?

1. you

Why is it important to
know who is included in
the you?

1. you
The enforcement of this
duty on any other people is
a notable fruit of that
superstition and selfrighteousness that the world
is full of.

2. If you

Do we obtain salvation
lifeby mortifying our

3. the Spirit

Who is the Spirit


3. the Spirit

What are the various ways

the Spirit is described in
Romans 8 that better help
us understand his role in
the mortification of sin?

3. the Spirit

What is the result of

mortification apart from
the Holy Spirit?

3. the Spirit
Mortification from a selfstrength, carried on by ways of
self-invention, unto the end of
a self-righteousness, is the soul
and substance of all false
religion in the world.

4. put to death the

deeds of the body

What is the role of the

body in sin?

4. put to death the

deeds of the body

What are the deeds of

the body?

4. put to death the

deeds of the body

What does it mean to

mortify sin?

4. put to death the

deeds of the body
To kill a man, or any other living
thing, is to take away the
principle of all his strength, vigor,
and power, so that he cannot act
or exert, or put forth any proper
actings of his own.

4. put to death the

deeds of the body
If we are crucified with
Christ, as Romans 6:6
says, why do we still
struggle with sin every

5. you will live.

How would you

characterize this life
that is promised?


believer is expected to
kill sin at the root so that sin
does not have an unchecked
influence on your life, but is
actually growing weaker and
weaker in power.



is a fruit of the
Spirit, of believers with the
promise of eternal life.
This is an act of true
believers for whom there is
no condemnation.

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