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BAC002 Data Mining and Management Strategies

Lecture #:
Lecture Title:

25 (Week 4.1)

Original File Name(s):

How the Web Works

Outline Created By:

Patty David

------- MICROSITE OUTLINE ------Note: All times are approximate and based on the start time in Axle.
Time Codes


Headers/Section Titles

Main Idea


Comments/Slide #

Note: I dont have time codes, because Im working from the PPT and transcription. I DID NOT EDIT THE ON-SCREEN TEXT FROM THE
TRANSCRIPTS. One of our technical writers will need to put the bulk of the text into an article format. I added headers where appropriate (in
bold) based on how I see the lecture broken down. Graphic element placement on the microsite is highlighted in yellow in the midst of the text
that should be included or condensed.
Make audio

The Virtual and Actual


When we think about the
Internet, we typically think of
what we would call the virtual
Internet. It is what you
experience through your
browser. If you use your
browser and you click on
links, you get to pages. And
its all these pages that you
experience, and through links
on these pages, you can sort

Use Thinkstock #

Transcript found here:

g\Michigan State
4.1 PPT found here:
higan State\Business Analytics
Certificates\BAC002 Strategic Data Mining and
Management, Cheri SpeierPero and Arend Hintze\PPTs

of go through the network

from one page to the next, or
you can go to other map sites
like search engines, which
give you access to other sites,
and so forth. So what you are
really experiencing is
websites. At the same time,
theres also an existing
underlying hardware that
underlies all of these virtual
websites. And that is what we
typically call the actual
Use Thinkstock #

Please put a YouTube link to

this 5-minute video that gives
a very good representation of
how the Internet works:
Place this video to the right of
the text as an additional

This is a network out of

computational devices web
servers, cell phones,
computers, all these kind of
things that need to talk with
each other and need to hand
over websites for you to
consume. In order for these
computers to address and
find each other, they use
something thats called the
Internet protocol, and in this
Internet protocol, you have
addresses defined. Also
called IP addresses you
might have heard that term.

Create large image of

an IP address, for
IP addresses are sets of four
numbers, and each of these
four numbers can be between
zero and 2055. That is called
an IP4 web address. These
numbers are made, I think, in
the 60s, when we didnt have
that many computational
devices, and it seems
sufficient to have only a
couple of possible
combinations of these
numbers. However, we have
now way more computational
devices than the IPv4 protocol
would allow to address. So,
currently we are moving to
whats called the IPv6
addressing scheme. And that
is a series of six numbers
made out of numbers
between zero and 65,000.
The joke is that at some point
even the point, the button on
your clock has its own IP
address. That many IP
addresses can be allowed in
your IPv6 protocol. More than
sufficient. If now a computer
wants to talk to different
computer, in order to do so, it
has to know this IP address.

Uniform Resource
Locator (URL)

However, youre not dealing
with IP addresses when you
use your browser. Youre
actually looking at something
thats a URL, or Uniform
Resource Locator. A URL is
typically made up out of the
precursor sequence HTTP,
which says that its the
hypertext transfer protocol.
Sometimes you also see FTP
there. That is the file transfer
protocol. However, on a
typical website, you use the
hypertext transfer protocol
followed by a colon and two
slash. Then you have the
subdomain, the second level,
and the top level domain. In
this case, WW web address
and then the trailing name
com. Com means its a
commercial one. Org means
its organization. Gov G-O-V
would be something
government. All of that is
called the host name. Now,
there are other service that
translate IP addresses into
host names and vice versa.
So if you write your web
address, youre actual
actually translated to an IP
address. After that, you have
folders and file and file

Please create a graphic

similar to the one below,
but add .htm to myexample-webpage (at
the end)

[The instructor provided

this, but it is surely
copyrighted, so you
would need to create
something similar, but
without the cartoon]

extensions. So for example,

you have slash folder, slash
file dot HTM. Sometimes you
also see HTML, the L is
occasionally lost there. It
doesnt matter so much. This
URL describes the following
three things: it defines what
protocol the browser should
use to call or communicate
with the server. That is the
HTTP protocol in this case.
Then it addresses a
computer, thats the host
name translated in an IP
address. And then on that
server, you have a folder and
a file, very much like in your
file system.
Serving Websites

And really, in the most basic
form, this is exactly what a
server that serves websites
as files does. In our case,
here we have www and then slash
folder1, file1 dot HTML. If you
enter this address, the server
behind the IP
address and web address
would look on its hard drive in
the folder called folder1,
would retrieve file1, which is

Create a graphic to
portray what hes talking
about. This is from his

an HTML file, and send that

back to the user. And if you
browse around on this
website and you maybe click
on a link that links to file2, it
would again go back on its
hard drive, get this file and
send this file over the Internet
to the browser. This is the
classic way of doing this, and
in the beginning, we had
mostly websites that are socalled static, where you
indeed have, for each site that
you are browsing, one
corresponding file. Also, you
can have other data there.
For example, picture dot jpeg
is a picture that is enfolded to
and that would be embedded
in this website. It would still be
an actual representation on
the hard drive of that
particular server. So in older
times, or in the beginning of
the Internet, we had folders
and files structured that
reflected the folder and file
structure on the server.

Website Searches


NOTE: Take this portion and

create video with voiceover. I
would put only the URL
(graphic text) listed for this
section on the screen and

However, if you now browse

modern websites, you very
often see that theres more
stuff going on.
For example, I showed here
I show you here the website
for the
homepage when you enter
the big data search, and you
also see that I used the
Chrome browser, because
that is also encapsulated in
there. And what youll find is
that the address looks much
more complicated. You have
HTTPS which is a security
add-on for the HTML protocol
or HTTP protocol. Then you
have So
far so good. But then instead
of having a file, you have
something thats called
search. Search is the actual
search program of Google,
and then you have a question
mark, and that question mark
specifies what type of
parameters you hand over. In
this case, the search term, so
Q equals big plus data is the
search term, and as I said,
AQS is the Chrome browser,

highlight each portion as he

describes it. Ive highlighted
each of the portions in the text
and on the link so you would
know how to sink it.
Large bold text to
include on screen and
highlight as addressed
in the audio:

and theres lots and lots and

so other things. For example,
the last one UTF minus 8
is the encoding of the data
that I want to have when
Google sends me that web
page. Now, all of this trailing
parameters are not specifying
a folder or file structure. It is
an argument that is handed
over to the search program.
So, Google doesnt provide
one file for every possible
search term. Instead, it routes
your search into a program
called search, which returns a
website that Google makes
up on the fly in this particular
case. And lots of other
servers also make up these
websites on the fly no actual
correspondence to real files.
Typically, that means that you
as the user, through your
browser, interact with the
server. The server interacts
with its database and creates
files on the fly. Very different
than having actual files there.



So, lets summarize that. We

discussed that the Internet is
a network of web pages that
you typically experience
through your browser. And at
the same time, the Internet
runs on a network of devices.
Each of these devices has
their own IP addresses. And
these devices can now do two
different things. They either
serve websites from their file
system, or they create
websites on the fly given their
databases. So, you should
now know that we have IP
addresses specifying these
web addresses. I explained to
you what servers are, and you
should have a basic
comprehension of what the
two of the two different
things they can create: either
fixed files or dynamically
creating files.

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