Technology in The Classroom

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LaDarius Doaks
Professor Graham
Composition II
Spring 2016

Technology in the Classroom

Education technology has increased so much since then that in 2014, 100% of public
schools have one or more instructional computers with Internet access (Education Week). The
use of technology in education was introduced in the late 80s. Since then, you would think
students who are currently in school have never seen a book in their life because several elearning platforms are being utilized such as Blackboard and Khan Academy. Several case
studies have proven that technology is a major factor in improving academic success, so
furthering the integration of technology will continue this academic success that students have
been showing. With this generation of students being tech savvy, students would be more
interested if we were to use more technology-based methods instead of the usual reading a book
and long hand methods of teaching. The world is also entering a technological age, so getting
students familiar with technology can be a good thing. Some people say that furthering
technology in education has flaws, money being an example. This may be true, but flaws such as
that can be handled. Bettering technology has been very consistent in being a positive factor in

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education, so why not take it further? Completely integrating technology in education will be a
benefit for students academically and change their outlook on education itself.
Technology has made a huge impact on children in society. In the classrooms, it has
changed how instructors teach and how the students learn. Furthering technology in education
will increase the academic success of students. Technology has allowed students to be actively
involved in their studies. With them being more involved, they actually think about the
information, imposed on making their own decisions, and they tend to execute skills that are not
triggered when listening to a teacher (Future Ready Learning). It has been proven that when
technology is involved in the teaching process the academic success of students increases (8
Ways Technology is Improving Education). The Higher Education Research Institute found that
time spent on social networking Web sites was correlated with indices of student engagement.
Bringing technology into the classroom will be an advantage to students and their futures.
According to a study by IT Trade Association Comp TIA, 75% of educators think that
technology has a positive impact in the education process. Educators also recognize the
importance of developing these technological skills in students so they will be prepared to enter
the workforce once they complete their schooling. Every school year, most teachers are
introduced to teaching with emerging technologies like iPads and Smart Boards. If you ask any
student, they would definitely agree that technology infused education is better than listening to a
teacher lecture for hours. There are many online-based educational websites that are utilized in
schools around the United States. Don Knezek is the CEO of the International Society for
Technology in Education and he did an interview with Mashable. Mashable is a multi-platform
media and entertainment company. In this interview, he gives other countries an insight to how

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the United States is incorporating technology into their classrooms. Better Simulations and
Models, Global Learning, and Virtual manipulatives are just a few of the things he mentioned.
For students, technology is more than using the Internet. With smart-phones, instant
messaging, music, videos, and social networking, personal and mobile technology is ingrained in
the youths culture (Future Ready Learning). It's important to young people, it is part of their
identity, and it's not going away. The students in this generation were raised on technology and
not furthering technology in education would be pointless and detrimental to the students future.
We can use technology to teach students a variety of things. For example, students would be able
to access information more quickly rather than spending hours trying to find it in a book (Heres
How We Can Reinvent the Classroom for the Digital Age). This would also give teachers the
advantage of quickly moving on with lessons. The process of communication would definitely
increase. The use of e-mailing would be an advantage to them. You could e-mail students
homework and lessons and have them send it back through an e-mail. Blackboard has a future
that shows how much a student has plagiarized in anything they submit (8 Ways Technology Is
Improving Education). Researchers Katherine Mackey and Michael Horn are the creators of
Florida Virtual School. This was a case study that started in 1997. They started this program to
help student who needs were not being met in regular, face-to-face school. The outcome of this
went as planned because the students prospered academically (8 Ways Technology Is Improving
One of the biggest concerns with furthering technology is money. Public schools spend
more than $3 billion year on digital content (Education Week). The federal government is
making a massive effort to make affordable high-speed internet and free online teaching
resources available to even the most rural and remote schools. With the advancement of

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technology in education becoming more and more popular, corporate titans and small startups
participate in giving $8 billion or more a year to help with hardware and software (Education
Week). Most of the money goes to schools who are classified as early adopters. Early adopters
are districts, schools, and teachers who have already been using technology for a number of
years and are showing effective uses for the technology they have at their disposal (Future Ready
Learning). Some have also brought the concern for the students not having the equal access to
technology outside the classroom for whatever personal reason. The simplest solution to this
problem are libraries. Every school has a library that have computers for the students to use free
of charge aside from the cost of printing. 91% of teens have used or own a cellular device.
Several e-learning platforms have mobile versions of their website solely because students do
everything on their cellular device (Mobile Access Shifts Social Media Use and Other Online
Integrating technology into education has proven to have more ups than downs. This
advancement of technology into the classroom sits differently with teachers everywhere, but they
cannot deny the fact that it opening doors for new experiences for both their selves and the

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Herold, Benjamin Technology in Education: An Overview Education Week

(Feb. 5, 2016) Website.

Kessler, Sarah 8 Ways Technology Is Improving Education

(Nov. 22, 2010) Website.

Lenhart, Amanda. "Mobile Access Shifts Social Media Use and Other Online Activities." Pew
Research Center Internet Science Tech RSS. 08 Apr. 2015. Web.

Mackey, Katherine and Horn, Michael Florida Virtual School

Innosight: Innovation Consulting Firm (October 2009). Education Case Study.

National Education Technology Future Ready Learning

Office of Educational Technology (2016). Book.

Wadhwa, Vivek Heres How We Can Reinvent the Classroom for the Digital Age
Huffington Post (2015) Website

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